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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/05/22 in all areas

  1. Disclaimer: This is NOT a Fender, despite the Fender logo. 😉 £295 Posted. SOLD!!! I built this bass a couple of years ago, it plays and sounds great, and the reason I'm selling it now is because I need to downsize my collection because I have far too many basses, and I hardly gig nowadays. The body is made from alder, and is a lovely olympic white that is starting to yellow a little, you would have to look very hard to find any marks on it. The pickup is a Kent Armstrong split-coil which is the exact same specs as the Fender Custom Shop 62 pickups, I have the Fender Custom Shop 62 in my other home built P bass which is also alder body and rosewood board, so I have compared them side by side and they sound identical to me. I purchased the neck from someone on Basschat, I can't remember what the make was, but its very nice and it came with the tuners which I was going to upgrade, but they work and stay in tune very well, so I kept them in the end, the frets are nicely finished, and the rosewood board is quite dark and looks lovely, its a joy to play. The bridge is exactly the same as a Gotoh 201 but without the Gotoh name stamped on it. There is a small dent/chip near the E string tuning peg (circled in photo 5), its not really that noticeable unless you already know its there. I have uploaded a couple videos where I've tried to show how versatile the bass is, from JJ Burnel to James Jameson, the only downside is that it is me playing and not the great men themselves, so please excuse my poor technique and playing, the bass you hear is the actual bass because the tracks have had the original bass removed. Nice n Sleazy was recorded into Reaper where I messed around a bit to try and get the JJ Burnel sound. My Girl was recorded into Reaper with no effects added at all. Probably best to listen through headphones to hear the bass properly. You are welcome to come and try the bass out at my home in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Nice n Sleazy Hi Res).mov My Girl.mov
    9 points
  2. Just thought I should share my great fortune/ honour in becoming the only the second custodian of an unmarked 73 jazz bass. Before I share the story, I know that the bass has the black scratch normally found from 74, but I've seen the original receipt from Carlsbro Sound in Mansfield clearly marked Sept 1973. So the bass is 100% original down to the case, original paperwork, inspection tag, owners manual and spare set of flatwounds ! Having saved his hard earned cash for years, the original owner, John B sadly passed away suddenly and his wife couldn't bring herself to part with the her husband's pride and joy, which has been sat under the bed until now. His wife decided to pass the bass on to someone else and I was recently invited to the family home to hear the story for myself. I have several photos of the John playing the bass in his band. I can't share them on here as they aren't mine to share but I can assure you the bass is visible clear as day, including John's initials on the lower horn, as was the trend in the 70's apparently and which are still on the bass now . . . . I promised I wouldn't remove them. Of course when I 1st saw the bass, apart from being floored by the stunning condition, I assumed JB stood for Jazz Bass! So an incredible, virtually show room condition beautiful jazz bass, preserved in time.
    7 points
  3. Cracking night at one of the more local venues. Good crowd and we played well. The van with PA, drums, lights and half the backline got stuck in a crash on the M25 so was really late - cue world record set up time. We normally need to get started at about 7.30 for an 8.30ish sound check and 9.30 gig. The van finally arrived at 8.30! We were sound checked at 9.05 and just about had all the lights set up for the 9.30 start.
    7 points
  4. Played my first gig since January 2015 last night. Was great to be back on stage. Few issues with my setup (posted here) but otherwise it wasn’t bad. Crowd seemed to enjoy - so that’s a plus. Got a few fun photos!
    7 points
  5. Absolutely yes! I’d definitely lend him your bass. I wouldn’t lend him mine though.
    7 points
  6. Ok, ok, you've dragged it out of me... I bought this... And NOT because I was a pathetic teenager who fancid Thereza Bazar, I actually quite liked some of their songs. Happy now? I've tried to keep that a secret you know? 😉
    7 points
  7. Just played in my first concert since 2019 due to Covid. Mix of Grieg - Peer Gynt- and Gershwin.
    6 points
  8. It’s much better to learn the floating thumb technique for muting than relying on a rest.
    6 points
  9. Played in a small venue (40-50 seats) last night. Went quite well, despite changing an arrangement (and having to practice it) 15 minutes before the doors opened. Apparently, mature Cotswold ladies like bass solos and want more volume.
    5 points
  10. This would be mine actually it is mine, for the past 32 years Only mods are the Schaller 3D bridge and scratchplate. New pots in 1991
    5 points
  11. Fun night at the New Cross Inn yesterday supporting Enquire Within and Call of Fenrir in an evening of viking metal and gonzo morris.
    4 points
  12. Papa’s got a brand new bagpuss. James B
    4 points
  13. Decent progress in a couple of hours I found spare this morning. First, I did the razor saw cut down to the neck line to protect the headstock veneer: Then heated the back of the board for 15-20 minutes, easing the razor blade in until I could feel the glue softening enough for me to push the edge of a thin sheet steel (actually an acoustic guitar side bending sheet)into the gap. Moving the iron up around an inch every 10 minutes or so, eased the sheet carefully up the board: Until an hour and a half or so later, it was off: The capping strip is still in place over the rod, but you can see that it does have a couple of carbon rods. Getting the capping strip off took some doing but, eventually: And yes, @Woodinblack is right - for some reason, best known to Maurszczyk, the rod is reverse to most. Fair enough if the user/care guides clearly state that is the case but, if not, isn't that just asking for trouble? And so the set bow, and the subsequent failure of the rod was because it was being inadvertently - but reasonably, in my view - being adjusted the wrong way. I will see if Maurszczyk will sell me a reasonably priced replacement and if not, on either count, then just fit a modern £15-ish 'righty tighty' two way rod. There is no damage to the timber edges of either the neck or the fretboard and so, once the board is reglued, it should be just a case of tidying up the finish at the join itself. Fingers crossed, it should be pretty well unnoticeable to the eye or playing hand.
    4 points
  14. No prizes for guessing here. My 1990 MiJ 60s reissue jazz bass. Ive owned it since around '92 and used it for thousands of gigs. The only original part these days are the body and three of the tuners. The rest is a wonky hodgepodge mishmash of parts. For a time it had an East preamp, EMG pickups and Status graphite neck and an 'Animal' sticker. The original neck was sold on here when it was bassworld. These days it has an allparts neck, badass ii bridge from about 1993, a custom 'signature' split Humbucker in single-coil sized casing. (Its a Wizard 'GAFfer') in a cream casing. The bridge has a Seymour Duncan quarter pounder in there. These are all hooked up to some fancy pots with some fancy wire and squished into a brass shielding doo-dah thingy similar to the one that got pulled out decades ago when the EMGs went in. Since the 90s its also had a vintage style hipshot de-tuner that goes the opposite way to all the others! The paint has been randomly splitting and chipping for years - add that to the gig wear and its looking pretty tired, but it sure has some stories to tell! If things had gone differently, this would definitely be the one I'd be asking Fender to make a signature. I've owned over 300 basses now and this will always be the one that's the most 'me'.
    4 points
  15. To someone I don't know? Nope. Plain and simple.
    4 points
  16. I'm not sure which I hate the most. Morris dancing, or Morissey dancing.
    4 points
  17. I don't disagree with you at all and I do appreciate the time, development and costs factored in when designing new products. IP is extremely important and to see it violated is never good. Perhaps the loophole that enables this to happen needs tightened? 20 years for IP but when a product is discontinued, the IP freed up and is then released into the public domain - that is major loophole. The links you put up were a great read. Re the Bugera Veyron: https://www.ravepubs.com/bugera-debuts-2000-watt-veyron-bass-amps/ https://www.pressebox.com/pressrelease/music-group-macao-commercial-offshore-limited-philippines-rohq/NAMM-2015-Bugera-Releases-2-000-Watt-VEYRON-Bass-Amps-and-New-Speaker-Cabinets/boxid/722708 The complex nature of IP: https://www.walkermorris.co.uk/publications/ip-issues-for-artists-and-authors-the-often-blurry-line-between-copying-and-inspiration/ Response from Behringer: https://cdm.link/2018/06/behringer-responds-to-reports-defends-reverse-engineering/
    4 points
  18. The Veyron was introduced long before 2015, I don't remember exactly when it started shipping, but the introduction, the pictures and the price swayed dealers not to buy an already successful product when there would be competition coming at less than 1/2 the price. This is one way that damage is done (and the basis of Mackie's claims for damage valuation). There is a difference between buying discontinued IP and simply taking current IP as their own. They did not buy anything, and there are numerous examples of this going back decades. For the most part, they appear to stay on the "legal" side of the line, though it doesn't make things any less painful for those of us who have seen our work used in ways we didn't intended. I was hoping that folks here might better appreciate the effort and cost that goes into developing new and innovative products and how appropriating work that was done by others does hurt those doing the work. The saddest part of this IMO is that they are fully capable of developing any level of technology and creativity in-house. They are a very capable, resourceful company, as capable as any company out there, yet their business model doesn't showcase their ability in that way. Some of their other business groups (like Midas, KT, TC) have in fact done considerable development (both creative and technological), and they seem to have avoided most of this. https://books.google.com/books?id=iQ4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA34&lpg=PA34&dq=behringer+copying+mackie&source=bl&ots=tjIVlmIe82&sig=ACfU3U24ffjkT8_3AXtgoR8EA9tCFUe0XQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw2uDsye_3AhX5lI4IHSVVDigQ6AF6BAgcEAM#v=onepage&q=behringer copying mackie&f=false https://cdm.link/2009/09/on-behringers-track-record-value-and-copies/ https://musictech.com/news/gear/behringer-swing-controversy/ https://macprovideo.com/article/audio-hardware/curtis-family-speaks-out-against-behringer-synth-clone-plans-using-cem3340 https://www.svconline.com/proav-today/behringer-launches-td-3-clone-of-roland-tb-303
    4 points
  19. If you had a signature bass, what would it be? I've always wanted a candy red P bass with a rosewood board, a jazz width nut and a white pickguard. I finally got one put together from parts. It's got a Precision Special neck and tuners, Nate Mendel body(not his actual body..... it's a bass body... anyway.....), Fender or Squier bridge(not sure where it originally came from) and a Dimarzio Model P. This comes very close to "my signature bass" if I was a somebody instead of Nobody.
    3 points
  20. Keys are very capable of putting out extreme frequencies at extreme levels, yet pass through many PA systems with no issues, when dealt with correctly. A bass causes no 'special' issues for any PA that can handle keys.
    3 points
  21. It’s just clueless nonsense. Any tech worth their salt would have a high-pass filter and a compressor/limiter on those channels to protect the system if they were concerned about what might be sent.
    3 points
  22. I don't get it - when we play they don't force the keyboard player to use an amp, just use a DI. What's the difference? TWO DIs? Is that the objection? Me = confused
    3 points
  23. After 15 years of playing wedding cheese I started a band with a great bunch of guys to play all my favourite music from my youth etc. We do about 1 gig a month but it is the most cathartic experience every time. Wish I had done it 10 years ago!
    3 points
  24. My kind of music..? Schubert etc, but not much call for drummers playing that repertoire in pubs'n'clubs.
    3 points
  25. No one touches my #1 bass let alone gets to play it. It also helps to have no friends. 😄
    3 points
  26. A very good friend yes and not being present. Probably to a friend of a friend or a newbie if I was present at the time. Unknown person - depending how charitable I am feeling they may get my worst bass at best. take his passport as insurance!
    3 points
  27. He liked the music do much he bought the burger.
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. My 10 string Bee Bass. In a fit of vanity I did have it made with my name in Abalone on the 4th fret and with 'R.S.N Signature Bee' on the headstock!
    3 points
  30. I'm quite a Hawkwind fan and have read a few Michael Moorcock books. When Chronicles came out we were well into it. Some great songs and well produced . H L-L guitar was outstanding. At the time our band partly modelled ourselves on Hawkwind and Needle Gun and Moonglum were in our set, along with some other HW songs. Unfortunately we had a poor female singer at the time and after seeing a video of a gig we realised it wasn't working with her and we packed it in. The guitarist and I moved on with an original project. I have fond memories of my late teens and early twenties listening to to Hawkwind and reading MM books. I live on Devon and Hawkwind were regularly playing some minor festival nearby, so got the chance to see them love indoors and our quite a few times.
    3 points
  31. Hand over day. Mark popped in today to collect his new baby. After quite some time I had to turn the amp off to stop him playing it, I think he would have done a full set given the chance. We both agreed it sounds like a "Wal" in a Zoot Boudica package.
    3 points
  32. NOW SOLD For sale is my 2016/2017 MIJ JB75 in excellent condition, come's in the deluxe moulded case in new condition with all case candy Upgraded Fender high mass bridge , original will also come with it and a white scratch plate as well. Unused Fender strap Nut width is 38 mm Weight is 4.5kg's white block inlays Good action and loaded with fresh strings A straight sale as I have another Jazz and price is firm I will include delivery to UK addresses Thanks for looking and any question fire away
    2 points
  33. 18 May 2007 - joined latest incarnation of Basschat (having been a Member of various short-lived predecessors). Post Count = NIL. Zero. Not a sausage. Bugger all. 18 May 2022 - older, greyer, happier. Post Count = 13,897 So that's 2.54 posts per day every day for 5479 days. I've got it under control. I can walk away any time I like.
    2 points
  34. Hi,this is my bands latest studio recording,almost live 😁 Drums done in one take Vocal in one take Bass & guitar took two takes. It's not perfect but only took a couple of hours from start to finish. We go out as a Black Sabbath covers band so don't try to fully mimic the original recordings,just have loads of fun playing them. Please have a listen & feel free to comment Jack Sabbath - NIB (Mix 02).mp3
    2 points
  35. The clean runs all the time. In my band, I perform the role of bassist and rhythm guitar technically. So that low end is needed to remain when heavy fuzz is used.
    2 points
  36. Pish. I'm no sound engineer but even I know they'd go into separate channels, each with their own gain and level controls. "Blow the PA", bwahahaha
    2 points
  37. As much as I don't really like to criticise the sound operators, this one sounds like they don't really know what they're doing. A pair of xlr's into the desk sounds ideal to me.
    2 points
  38. Small but powerful ... in keeping with my bass 😅 \
    2 points
  39. It couldn't be more appreciated here, I can assure you.
    2 points
  40. Agreed, once a product is discontinued that is different. One challenge is that in today’s modern world, an existing successful product’s future success can be severely hampered merely by a press release and renderings promising something “similar” for much lower cost. This is the premise for some companies releasing vapor ware products (a promise of a competing product with no intention of ever releasing it). I was hoping to stimulate some discussion and appreciation for what designers and companies developing new products often struggle with, and why pushing the state of the art can be so costly.
    2 points
  41. I bought this lovely bass from Ash a few months back, it was in need of some TLC as Ash decided to sell it off. Anyway when I got it the paintwork was cracking in various places and my first priority was to stop it from getting any worse, so all the components were removed right down to the bare guitar. Next I scraped out all the cracks (gently mind) to make way for the the black infill and then I levelled this all off as best I could but some lines can still be seen, I was not too concerned about that as my main priority was to stabilise it. I then sprayed black Acrylic, taping off the red binding was tricky and afterwards I had to gently remove any over spill and level out before applying the clear Lacquer all over, left for 10 days wet and dry to flatten and then a final buff, very pleased with the finish and it does show lines and little blemishes underneath but hey it adds to the character, who wants a perfect finish. Just noticed some areas were I didn't get al of the overspray off, poor eyesight unfortunately The bridge was sand blasted down to bare metal as some of the grub screws were seized but it all came out well after a respray. I fitted a complete new loom made for me by my good friend Craig Douglas, he does a very neat Job, CTS pots Vo,l Vol and a varitone I replaced the bridge pick up with a tone rider I picked up on the bay The Red knobs are cheap looking so they will be replaced when I find some good decent ones. After getting it all back together and having a good noodle I have to say the sound rocks, the stock P pickup is very good and Im really pleased with the tone rider, that coupled with the varitone is fantastic, cant leave it down. These basses are excellent value for money and the build quality is first class and I have to thank firstly Bassassin who inspired me to make the decision to buy it, his knowledge is invaluable and for Ash who made all the effort to get it to me. Brilliant stuff lads Oh and I kept the diamond on, shame to remove it Have a look at the pics and see the end result.
    2 points
  42. He's dreadful, not to mention thoroughly unpleasant. But I'm from Merseyside and not much of a Beatles fan, so what the flip do I know?
    2 points
  43. This, or something similar. Black Precision (in this case my JV Squier), maple neck, BWB scratchplate, passive, pickup on the aggressive side of vintage. 8lbs.
    2 points
  44. my first proper gigging band did play Needle Gun from this album. No one had heard of it but we enjoyed playing it.
    2 points
  45. You’re all philistines!!! 😂
    2 points
  46. 2 points
  47. You Took The Worms Right Out of My Mouth ~ Meatloaf
    2 points
  48. Yes a far superior writer than Tolkien. The Elric books alone make Lord Of The Rings look like a pizza leaflet.
    2 points
  49. Never had a full working board till today and I've been collecting these things for years, so got a couple new ones and threw them all together.
    2 points
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