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  2. Son has Roto Tru Bass 65-115 on a G4M Fretless Acoustic... 'sposedly nearest you can get to a DB sound... Not Cheap Mind, £40... luckily the Bass came already strung with them!
  3. As far as these things go it's pretty straightforward 😊 - Knob closest to neck is Volume. - Centre stacked knobs are Treble cut/boost (upper) and Bass cut/boost (lower). - Stacked knobs closest to the bridge are Mid cut/boost (upper) and Mid Frequency sweep (lower). You can also pull up the Treble pot for an instant bright boost One of the great things about this preamp is that if 3 bands and sweepable mids all seems like a bit of an overcomplicated faff, then it can also essentially function just as a 2 band, simply by leaving the Mid boost pot on the centre detente. In this position, the effect on the mids is completely neutral so the Mid sweep knob has no effect on the sound, and you can then ignore the knobs closest to the bridge altogether if you wish.
  4. I was interested first by a set of Aquila Reds I told my wife to listen to some reviews. She said she preferred tapewound strings. "But what about bowing ?" I asked, she answered that whenever I play with the bow she wants to break it on my head. I forget to say I ordered the cheapest ones : Pyramid Black Tape. Maybe they can be bowed, who knows ? Life is full of surprise. I don't care about bow, I don't care about bow, I don't care about bow... I will try !
  5. To be fair, my ‘stereo’ is mainly delay and a bit of reverb. I don’t have much panned left and right as such, but the spuds change too much when using mono. We tend to play small venues, and mix for the dance floor. Most of the venues have a stage that spans the width of dance floor, and we position our speakers at each side. I’ve walked to the back of the room and the keys ( and rest of the band) sound really good, and while even i can’t tell the keys are in stereo, i know they sound as they should. The only one sound where panning is used in earnest is the Arp on Hungry like the wolf. I can tell that’s jumping around nicely from the dance floor if we sound check that one. It adds a nice bit of movement to the mix.
  6. I was interested first by a set of Aquila Reds I told my wife to listen to some reviews. She said she preferred tapewound strings. "But what about bowing ?" I asked, she answered that whenever I play with the bow she wants to break it on my head.
  7. That's the hardest pill for me to swallow. It's usually when we book gigs at venues that don't really have that live music loving clientle . Daryl
  8. It'd be worth looking at Noctua, they may make something small enough, though the Elf's are truly tiny, so it may just be the case that no-one is making quality fans that small. Noctua primarily have a reputation, amongst PC enthusiasts at least, for very quiet and very effective cooling solutions for PC's and servers, so I'd think they'd be the best bet, though enterprise focused companies may have a better product at that size.
  9. The guy is just fantastic. You might remember him from his incredible voice and live playing on a piano and his guitar with a loop pedal. A great multi instrumentalist. He reminds me of Ole Borud.
  10. Having a bit of a clear out one set Jokomo jazz bass block inlay stickers in white pearl one set jokomo side dots in abalone 1/8 inch one set of jokomo dots in abalone 1/4 inch
  11. Silver slaps are lovely. Very low tension. They are a little squeaky under the fingers (like wound guitar strings) but very satisfying to play. They don't work for arco at all.
  12. Adagio also do 45-100 flats, standard tension in Nickel... Olympia Strings (The Harley B Flats are re-bagged Olympia's, check out the packaging and save the £10 postage!) in Stainless Steel, handy(!) if you have a nickle allergy. Give Adagio as a try at £18 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/332636490116 👍Colin and Amy @ AdvMusic / Olympia Strings. Almost everything Guitar or Bass, Electric or Acoustic in the house.. 20ish! is strung with Flats or Wounds from Adagio or Olympia What Bass? Check your Bridge to Peg length... run a little close on my T'Bird at 37.5" Ideally 38" Min.
  13. Great isn't it! Really looks the part!
  14. Definitely equal to the JV series - made at the same time but were marketed as a more ‘contemporary’ design - as good as many a US bass of the era too. Fantastic value.
  15. Explain please. My finger spread is limited by my short fat fingers, don't understand why my thumb is limiting it. Think bloopdad means the thumb pad ( the squishy bit opposite the thumb nail) rather than what is called ( I just learned) the "Thenar Eminence".
  16. Guitarests who won't shut up noodling when others are trying to talk about parts/arrangements 🤬
  17. Reduced price 1400 euros
  18. Woolly boulevard Sam the sham and the pharoahs
  19. Today
  20. Check if he has small hands or short fingers relative to his peers
  21. I'm still in love with it, so it's been no holiday romance! 😍
  22. After he was on BBC4 last night? (The four-hander piano section was particularly excellent)
  23. The Olympia 45-100 ones are bloomin' fantastic. And only £18 last I looked.
  24. That said, if your monitoring solution works for you, all good. If your punters like your FoH mix, then great.
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