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    1. How do I register?
    Use the orange box in the corner. Follow the steps and click the link in the email which will be sent to you. Once you're in, why not add some information to your profile, upload an avatar picture and say hello in our 'Introduce Yourself' forum?

    2. I didn't get my validation email and I feel left out, what now?
    Check your spam folder - if you're still having problems, contact us by email.

    3. Why can't I PM (Private Message) a member?
    You have to be a member yourself. Sign up for free and join in.

    4. I get an error/no permission notice when I try and post/view/PM. What gives?
    Your account is still validating. See question 1 and 2.

    5. How do I list something for sale?
    Easy - just head to the relevant forum and add your item. You'll need to add a price for the item(s) you are selling (A total value if you have more than one item in your post). You must have a valid subscription to post an advert - see FAQ 6!

    6. How do I buy a subscription and how much is it?
    Head to the 'Shop' using the tab at the top of the site. Here you can choose two options - either a £20 sub that will let you list as much as you like for a year, or a single use £7 voucher. Re-subscription prices are lower for returning members. See the shop for more details.


    7. How do I cancel a billing agreement?
    PayPal - You can manage purchases here if you have a PayPal billing agreement with us. If you used Stripe (card payment) - you can click 'manage' on your purchase here and then click 'cancel renewals' on the left hand side. Not sure/can'r remember how you paid? Try the first link and if it says you don't have one, then it's the second link! Just contact us if you have any questions.

    8. How do I attach photos to a post?
    At the bottom of the reply box there is a paperclip icon. You can drag files to this area to upload them, or click 'browse' to find the file on your system. If you'd like to post a picture from another site, for example a photo hosting site, click 'insert other media' then 'add image from URL'. Paste the link to your picture in here (the link should end in the filetype such as .jpg). If you know how to use 'Img' tags, you can use them too. Let us know if you need help.


    9. Can I edit the asking price of my item?

    The main price field cannot be changed once posted. This is to avoid people listing things for free then adding the price, or adding extra items to an existing advert. However, to reduce the price of a listed item, simply edit your first post and add some text to say the item is reduced. This can be at the top of the post for maximum visibility. You can also add it to the title of the thread. This way, users will see the original price but then also a reduced price in the post and/or thread title. The alternative, if you have a yearly subscription, is to post the ad again and tell us to delete the old one.

    10. I'm having trouble with a deal made through Basschat. What should I do?
    Legally we hold no responsibility but we can try to help - where we've had problems in the past it's usually a false alarm and gets sorted quickly. Send a PM with as much detail as you can to a moderator.

    11. I'm a dealer/manufacturer and I'd like to sell things to your members. Can I do this?
    Yes - currently we allow dealers to post in the 'Affiliates' forum. Head there and read the FAQ at the top of the forum. Please don't sell items in the other forums or you'll risk becoming flagged as spam!

    12. I'd like to advertise on your site. Who do I speak to?
    We have some limited ad space for advertisers and further options such as sponsored forums available. Please contact us and we can create a plan that works for you.

    13. Do you have any jobs?
    Several dedicated members help us run the forums by moderating. We don't currently need any extra helpers but we're always interested to hear from anyone who would like to help. Currently we're looking for experts in guitars, drums and synths, and social media managers. Drop us a line if you think you'd be the right person.

    14. What bass is best for metal?
    404 Error

    Enjoy the forum and ask if you want help with anything!
    The Basschat Team

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