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Happy Jack

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Happy Jack last won the day on July 24 2024

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About Happy Jack

  • Birthday 29/12/1956

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    Glorious Sexy Harrow

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  1. I'm now intrigued ... why do you want a 1/4 DB? Obviously they're intended for young people and - I suppose - very small adults, which may be the explanation, but a 5-string DB with a 90cm scale length? Hmmmmmm.
  2. That's because the French are bad losers. In fairness, they don't call it The French Channel or something, they just call it La Manche ("the sleeve", because it's shaped like that). Growing up on Guernsey, I got used to telling people that I lived in Les Isles De La Manche rather than The Channel Islands.
  3. I thought it was going to be The Gulf Of Fentanyl? Oh well, now waiting for Trump to annexe the Sudetenland.
  4. Is there any piece of kit that you don't have lying around, Chris?
  5. When playing pub gigs on bass I always prefer a 3-piece. There's more room for expression in the music, more room for the band in whatever space we've been given by the door to the Gents' Toilet, and there's no need to discuss who's going to set up where - it's blindingly obvious where each of us is going to go. That's less of an issue at club gigs of course, since there's usually some sort of stage. When playing keys it's pretty much inevitable that I'll be playing in a 4- or 5-piece, but then my role is entirely different, plus I set up at the back alongside the drummer. I always assumed that it would be easier to get gigs for a 3-piece but in fact my 5-piece soul band seems to have no trouble bringing them in ... it's just that there's less money for each of us. Luckily enough, I don't do this for the money.
  6. Similar to this is the units made by Steve Whitehouse (originally of The Sharks) - you can find him on Facebook if you want to know about his stuff. His magnetic Pbass-alike sounds very similar to the Schaller, whilst looking wildly different.
  7. Keyboards. It's never too late to learn keyboards. Buy yourself something like a Yamaha CK61 or a first-version Korg Kross (pre-loved, natch) and you'll be in a world of fun, sitting down to play with your instrument resting on its own stand, and nobody saying "it's not very rock'n'roll, is it?".
  8. Whispering Bluegrass, the trees don't need to know ...
  9. If you're looking for reliable instruments that are rarely overpriced, then the two brands worth looking out for are Andreas Zeller and Stentor. I've had several Zellers and wouldn't hesitate to buy another if the need arose. Both manufacturers offer a range, but at the cheap end you should be looking at less than £1k for pretty much any of these. Bear in mind that's not money spent, it's money converted into another form and it can always be re-converted back again later.
  10. What's the starting point? How much did/does the original bass weigh?
  11. As a long time fan of Mike Lull basses, colour me interested. That said, what got me interested in them in the first place was the very light weight of these basses, as alerted to me by @chris_b. Do you plan to match that as well, or just the look of the bass?
  12. Last night's blues jam at [identity withheld to avoid upsetting people] was WAY too loud. Again. I tried arguing with the organiser (an old friend and long-time collaborator in bands) that this might conceivably be the reason for the on-going tail-off in numbers attending. Wouldn't have it. Just wouldn't have it. Even in a small, nearly-empty pub the volume level has to match the O2 or it's not a "proper" jam. 🙄 Lord save me from delusional musos.
  13. Personally, I'd like a 2nd guitar and someone doubling keys & sax, but our first gig is too close to think about trying to recruit someone in time. A dedicated harp player always feels like a luxury item unless he's also the lead vocalist. Sad to relate, our frontman is actually another bass player. 🤣
  14. Cheapest new price is actually £725 ... but I still agree with you. 🤣
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