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neepheid last won the day on October 14

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  1. Show's over - DHL picked up the bass this afternoon. I really don't understand why Thomann couldn't have let me keep the bass for like £100 or something - it's barely worth that now. It must have cost them to send DHL to my door. There's an invoice in there for around £30 for my time, mileage and packing materials I had to buy to make up for their utter lack of them in the original packaging. Oh well. Hopefully get my refund in the next couple of weeks.
  2. Bought a Digitech Bass Synth Wah from Mike. Smooth transaction with good, clear comms. Pedal nicely packaged and arrived promptly. It's a yes from me!
  3. Not any more - moved to Newcastle. Which I'll accept - has been Scottish a few times over the course of history... I just ordered a guard from Brian for my Jaguar H, and he did a pickguard for my G&L Tribute LB-100 a while back - top notch stuff.
  4. I reamed out the holes and fit standard 1/2" tuners. Absolutely no help to you whatsoever, but have some free Bronco pron.
  5. A half hour of fettling with files and sandpaper and the original pickguard can now fit over the new pickup... I couldn't find my round file so had to improvise in the corners - they're maybe a tad square but TL:DR, it's on.
  6. Random Reddit image, I'm bringing it here second hand, sorry I've got nothing else.
  7. I'm still on the same roll of solder I had when I was a kid, I think I'll be fine, frequency-wise
  8. Once bitten, twice shy. I'll just keep using my cored leaded solder, I'm happy with my soldering life.
  9. You don't have to understand it. If it's working great for you then happy days. I didn't find it easy at all, I found lead free solder useless - it just balled up and fell off my tip, couldn't even tin with it. Leaded solder all the way for me.
  10. Any ideas, BC hive mind? (the middle, amber coloured one)
  11. Nah, I've been looking at it sans pickguard and it looks wrong. Control plate in isolation looks so lonely and a bit bereft.
  12. Some early adopter blues, it seems
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