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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/20 in all areas

  1. He answered, and what a nice guy!! It was the 59 P bass through the Basing street Ampeg amp. Yay!
    9 points
  2. I'll start. Thank you BC for introducing me to James Jamerson, Joe Dart and Geddy Lee. Thank you for helping me to find out which basses I really like. Thank you for telling me about Ashdown. Thank you for helping me to read and write music. Thank you for supportive words when my private life went through the mincer. Thank you for introducing me to new swear words. I no longer use the words flip, nasty pasty and pink torpedo in public. Instead I replace them wherever possible with flip, nasty pasty and pink torpedo.
    6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. OH! Chuffin 2015 advert ! 🙄
    6 points
  5. It has taught me that tort is good / is not good for a pickguard. It has taught me that a PA is compulsory for pub gigs, apart from when it is not. It has taught me that 4 is the correct number of strings for a bass guitar, unless you have 5 or more. It has taught me that 8ms of lag is too much, except when it is not. It has taught me that the best compressor pedal is always the one I do not have. It has taught me that reading music is the only way to get on, unless you already have gotten on without reading. It has taught me that a p bass is the go to instrument, unless one prefers something else. It has taught me that jokes I think are good are bad and that all retailers are not good unless you have had a good experience of them. Finally; it has taught me most people on here are good people. One thing it has not taught me is what is the best guitar for metal. Thank you BC - I am / I am not a better person thanks to you.
    5 points
  6. I started off as I has spent a silly amount on a fuzz pedal that I didn't ever use and wanted to sell it. Figured that I should post a few time for politeness sake... Then I realised that if I sold my spare bass for £X and added a little more money to it I could afford @warwickhunt's blue Streamer.... years and dozens of basses later I guess thanks basschat for the journey and the great people who I could trust to buy and sell too... I guess I did the thing most of us have done, where we go down a rabbit hole of GAS and wanting the latest shiny thing, and then back out again to the point you realise you're just happy with what you've got, and gear the player does not make. Shout outs to: @stevie for designing an amazing bass cab, @EBS_freak for helping me find some IEM that work, @Rick's Fine '52 for the JV Squier chat years back, @Bassassin for his japanese bass knowledge @owen for his love of intricate differences between preamps that you can defiantly tell in the mix, and probably a load more folk that I've enjoyed talking to that I can't think of right now.
    5 points
  7. Probably should have posted this a while back, but it is a fantastic bass and i have @Wolverinebass to thank for giving m the final nudge, he knew i wanted it and needed it when it came up second hand! Stealth, upgrade to 302 preamp whoever had it made first - only gripe - I want wrap around LED’s!
    5 points
  8. Well obviously the GAS, clean sanitation, and the aqueducts.
    5 points
  9. New (to me) 1996 Sadowsky NYC Modern 5! Currently outfitted with Seymour Duncan / Fodera ‘NYC’ pickups and a Glockenklang 2-band pre. Run passive here, outer coils selected, blended towards neck, tone flat. It also came with the original EMG 40Js. Going to live with it a while, but I really love it.
    5 points
  10. My three, The S2 Classic arrived this week, the Energy Matrix arrived a few months back and is off to @Andyjr1515 for a face lift as soon as this darned lock down thing is lifted. The S3000 was sold a few years back, it was not a good Status it was extremely heavy, rather battered and I found it didn't sit in a mix very well, not sure why, it may have had the electrics messed about with I guess because the Energy Matrix has the same JJ pickups and I assume the same pre amp. The blue carpet has also long since been disposed of!!
    4 points
  11. Basschat has saved my marriage! Had I not spent all my disposable income funding GAS, I'd have had blown it all on expensive alcohol, mediocre drugs and cheap women. Thanks BASSCHAT... I think.
    4 points
  12. My GAS rule of thumb: give it 3 months - if I still want it after that I'll usually get it, but often I've lost interest and started GASsing for something different by then.
    4 points
  13. New (to me) 1996 Sadowsky NYC Modern 5! Currently outfitted with Seymour Duncan / Fodera ‘NYC’ pickups and a Glockenklang 2-band pre. There was some discolouration and screw hole repair damage from a previous pickguard, so I made and installed a pickguard to cover it up and I think it looks way better (before and after photos in the post). Run passive here, outer coils selected, blended towards neck, tone flat. It also came with the original EMG 40Js and the Sadowsky pre, which might find its way in again at some point. I have to say it already sounds great as it is.
    4 points
  14. But still - extra views to screw over a business. Not a good look.
    4 points
  15. Evening all, My Kate Bush tribute band Moments Of Pleasure recorded this recently in lockdown - not easy to play remotely. Excuse the fretless playing, I’m still trying to master it!
    3 points
  16. Hi from Luxembourg.. attached a few pictures of my jast build ... EVO-FX5
    3 points
  17. The concave body design was a real eye opener when it came in..seemed so obvious. Still one of my favourite design concepts so much so I asked @Andyjr1515 to use them on both my Psilos and Silk Basses.
    3 points
  18. This might be of interest during our lockdown days.
    3 points
  19. BassChat has done many things for all of us, as attested to here. But it still hasn’t told me which bass is best for metal. Pah!
    3 points
  20. Another two jobs off the list - fret levelling/recrowning ; fretboard tidy-up. And another shout here for Chris Alsop Guitars - after levelling with my 1m aluminium beam, I used one of his whole raft of really usable and practical tools - this fret recrowning file: It is a good radiused diamond file housed in such a usable handle! Easiest re-crown to date. I did the normal marking the flats on the frets with a sharpie and then used Chris's file first on its own, then with 320 grit sandpaper wrapped over the file, then with 800 grit sandpaper, and finally with 3200; 6000 & 12000 microweb cloth, again using the file as a radiused sanding block: Then used a single-edged razor as a scraper to tidy up the fretboard. It's come up nice:
    3 points
  21. At one gig we were asked to do something Irish. So in the break we went out and dug up the car park.
    3 points
  22. They were selling the guitars as unbranded for a really cheap price. Whats the problem? No one is getting conned just because it says Gibson on it unless they are pretty thick.
    3 points
  23. I haven't bought anythng more than strings for probably the last two years and previous to that it was an amp to replace the one that died on me. I honestly thought I was cured of GAS until this lockdown, now I find myself thinking about it again but don't really have the funds to do anything about it, and I'm a bit stronger willed than I used to be 🙂 Hopefully we'll be able to have rehearsals again in the not tooooo distant future and that will take my mind of it. But as someone else said, it just takes one ad!
    3 points
  24. There's no handbags, I just hate people not reading a request for help post correctly and then dismissing any contrasting information if it doesn't suit them. There's a lot of ways to gig and a lot of ways to streamline setups to make them easier to manage. The OP isn't running the PA or starting a band, he's joining one where that will be done for him. All he has to do is determine how they already work and go from there.
    3 points
  25. I tried to watch it, but the guy presenting makes me want to scoop my eyes out with a spoon. Thoughts based on what I saw: 1. It’s not that big a deal. No need to run and tell teacher. Or even make a video. 2. If you actually have to ask yourself if the right thing to do is to approach the shop first, then I question your judgement.
    3 points
  26. None, provided the rear ports aren't blocked. However, the usual reason for rear porting is that the cab is too small to fit them on the front. The smaller the cab the more likely that it will boom in the upper bass and be shy in the lower bass, so for that reason rear ported cabs may sound different than front ported.
    3 points
  27. Couldn’t resist mocking it up to get a feel for it. Still deciding between chrome or black bridge and tuners
    3 points
  28. Excelent.. so you won't be needing those 23" basses any more then?
    3 points
  29. I saw this on Youtube and i think it was slightly over the top,saying a Gibson dealer was selling fake Gibsons when in reality they were never advertising them as Gibson guitars,i suspect they get alot of guitars traded in Its the people who try to pass them off as the real deal that need to brought to task.
    3 points
  30. Why try and screw over a genuine music shop via Youtube? Why not contact them privately? Real classy...
    3 points
  31. My pride and joy: Six Vantage VP710B'S that i collected over the years. It all started in the early 80's with buying my first, which got stolen in 91. Then i had to buy a new, but ut was in bad shape and wrong color. So i kept buying better and better basses as i found them. Now i have enough to last the rest of my life! 😀
    2 points
  32. Gotta get me one of these.
    2 points
  33. Seriously? I thought the stop reading other posts was a separate thread.
    2 points
  34. Taught me that anything weighing over 8lbs is to heavy to hang from a strap and if I want to sell musical related products bathroom scales are essential.
    2 points
  35. Basschat gave us the last critical mass before the final dissoluton of the instrument to a historic footnote as a guitar variant played in the lower register by the tall friend of the singer.
    2 points
  36. Hello, fellow bass players! I'm so happy I found this board. My story is probably quite typical. In short, I started playing the bass guitar during high school (around 16 yo), played in cover and originals bands until around 28 and then sold everything because of... well life (marriage, work, a divorce, another marriage, my first house purchase etc.). In between I was involved in studio recordings and extensive gigging, mostly pubs and clubs, ranging from pop-rock, alternative rock, 80s hard-rock, disco and jazz fusion. At the "peak" of my previous musician life my go-to instrument was a Yamaha TRB6P and I used MarkBass amplifiers. Now all I have is a PJ 75 Harley Benton and a small Ashdown home combo. (By the way, I must say that I'm actually impressed with the HB. When I started playing, it would have been impossible to find this kind of well built, quality components bass at such a price.) After such a long hiatus, I needed to go back to shape so I'm practicing every day in a structured way: technique, reading, harmony-chords-scales and improvising, ear training / repertoire building. My goal is going back to playing in a band, among my favourite artists I'd mention Incognito, The New Brand Heavies, Brooklyn Funk Essentials, AWB, early Jamiroquai and so on. I also appreciate some good ol' disco (Chic etc.). Cheers!
    2 points
  37. Happy to oblige...
    2 points
  38. Woah! That didn't go how I thought it would.
    2 points
  39. I wouldn't touch this. The nut looks like it was put in place by a squirrell, very dodgy machine heads and glue and filth in the sound hole. Just no. And I laughed when you used the excuse that the expensive ones are well made but the cheaper one is improveable! No self respecting Luther would put their hands to such a piece of junk.Hahaha! Pull the other one, it's got bells on!
    2 points
  40. You can have mine if you want.
    2 points
  41. Here's something to cure your GAS. Say you get furloughed or let go. The wages stop coming in. Can't eat a bass, can you?
    2 points
  42. I remember every bass I played on every record I played on and I had no success at all. That was their first hit. They went from starving in a flat in SE London to total success. I'd remember every second if that were me.
    2 points
  43. Buy 2nd hand. Then when you come to change you get nearly all your money back and sink it into the next one. The "ONE" there is not. Only the chase there is.
    2 points
  44. My two all naturals...
    2 points
  45. Thought I’d break down my gear story as it may help and I reckon others have similar experience: started when I was around 12-13 and had a Jim Deacon starter kit. Good standard bass but had it in my head it was cheap so must be rubbish. Next up was an epiphone Thunderbird because I liked rock - it was an awful bass that played and sounded terrible. Then I saw a bass player use a 5 string Warwick on an old Ozzy DVD. So I got an active 5 string Rockbass - Good bass but I didn’t know how to get the best out of it. Around 16 I tried a Mexican Fender precision in a shop and loved it - I still have this bass 14 years later but with upgraded pickups. I think it was after the precision I wanted a more rock look so bought a Jackson bass off eBay - an ok sounding bass but nothing incredible. Around 17 I was into the chilli peppers and so wanted a stingray. Loved the USA SUB basses but they had just been discontinued so was very fortunate to get a USA 3EQ stingray - gorgeous bass but didn’t sound as good as it looked. I also wanted to upgrade my 5 string and saw a used American Deluxe Precision on eBay going cheep so I bought that - again looked gorgeous but the preamp was rubbish. Roll on the uni years and I joined basschat - I traded most of my basses with other members and ended up with a Tokai jazz bass, Warwick thumb fretless, Overwater custom Jazz 5 string. I no longer have any of these following struggle for work after uni so they were all sold. But the point of this post, is to illustrate that gear really is a journey and you have to learn what works for you and doesn’t. My early motivation was aesthetics and gear snobbery which meant a lot of money was spent. Now I know exactly what works for me and I haven’t bought another bass in the last 5 years. All the while I have tried out gear in shops including stuff at the time I couldn’t afford and even some stuff I’ll never be able to afford. But this has all helped me know what is what. I wouldn’t be surprised if quite a few basschatters have been on a similar gear journey. Embrace it and enjoy it, it’s part of the fun 😁
    2 points
  46. The scratches are terrible. I gave it a go over with 800 through to 3000 grit and then compounded and polished, and although they've gone it looks horrible now. It's lost it's crisp edges and because I had to go in so deep to remove the scratches it's lost depth and just looks odd. It only ended up costing me about £1.50 and it served its purpose as a guide so it's no big deal. I've got a new one on it's way (from China though) for all of four pound something. I did consider cream pearl but looking at the pictures I think it needs to be black to go with the fretboard and the black shadow in the paint. Yes it's just going to be passive for now. Controls will be volume tone and a rotary switch is on it's way from @KiOgon which will select rear single coil/series/parallel/front single coil so should have a few sounds and it'll look like another standard knob. 🙂
    2 points
  47. The self-styled 'investigative reporter' is indeed a smug git, and I say that with some authority having working with plenty of smug gits in real television. At least most of them had something to be smug about, even if it was only that they were getting paid to do this sort of rubbish.
    2 points
  48. Cardiacs? Yep, we know, they were like Marmite, love 'em or hate 'em. Ludicrously complex music, and very few covers done of their material for this very reason. And the few that are about are generally well meant but pretty poor. But here's Joey Frevola and a few mates doing an excellent cover of 'It's a Lovely Day' I bet they didn't learn this in a couple of hours. Enjoy.
    2 points
  49. I have asked sellers to slacken TR tension before sending a bass to me, if the neck wasn’t able to be removed. Probably over cautious, but in my head I feel happier that neck tension is one less stress on the bass in transit. No science to back it up, just my anxiety levels.
    2 points
  50. Here's some Green (& Silver) Tracey goodness. Always loved the Trace tone since early 80s, when I could not afford one. I have now overcompensated these last couple of years as part if my mission (obsession?) To rescue and rehouse some classic heads. The AH300-12 and Silver Valve preamp are my joint favourites, followed closely by the GP12 SMX. On the lookout for a AH500-12!
    2 points
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