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LukeFRC last won the day on December 17 2020

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  1. LukeFRC

    Envelope filters

    My mate who plays bass a bit but not a gear geek came around the other day and his only pedal was a mini Qtron in a wooden box - was really nice
  2. psss - lock washers on the switches go on the inside! how does it sound?
  3. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    oh prunes and custard coming from New Zealand... hence Aotearoa Intermodulator name and fern leaf graphics. My uncle is a kiwi so growing up rugby= all blacks
  4. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    You know the time you first solder a project together, and it works, and it sounds great, and it makes up for all the "oh crap why did I make it in such a small enclosure?" moments... Prunes and Custard in a Gorva M45 (5mm or so wider than 1590A) with top jacks. Printed by Gojira... I think I've missed the wire earthing the input when off, and the bass cut switch might actually be on in the down position... (but it's fairly subtle) But I'm pretty happy with that. Camera died before I could show what top jacks look like... It's also tiny. Got parts and enclosures for another 5 Oh and after 10+ years my solder sucker broke.
  5. I'm no graphic designer but that decal is.... ... no wait I am a graphic designer... 🫢
  6. My 55-94 classic has been wearing Ti flats for the last few years, treated it to some Sadowsky blue label nickels - meant to buy the steels but oh well Excited to try
  7. which is which for octave? Sounds good though
  8. It's the kinda tweak ability that's great.... till my daughters decide to play with my pedals and move all the knobs- and then something like a SA atlas with saveable presets comes into it's own!
  9. completely depends how they are modelling and capturing things. I don't really see much difference in an SVT amp capture/model made by Zoom and stuck in a £110 pedal vs a SVT amp capture/model made by Brian from Oxford and uploaded into a £130 pedal
  10. That would be nice
  11. My guess is he/she Gets by with a sansamp and tu-2
  12. Isn’t there a pixies song that explains it?
  13. thats a different song, but it's worse than that - don't they repeat the lion and the lamb bit? Doesn't that make it two lions and two lambs?
  14. I had someone the other week suggest I didn't know what half of them were doing the other week - considering I'ld built half of them myself I figured the best thing to do was a full on pedalboard rundown with him... Mind you I took my pedalboard appart on Friday .... forgetting I was playing this Sunday, so a simple tuner-octave-drive-chorus-colourbox setup this week.
  15. Gunna need a bigger board!
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