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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/21 in all areas

  1. Selling this gorgeous Ken Smith BSR5 elite. It sounds stunning.. used but in good condition, perfectly working. Serial number 5EG227002W. Original hard case included. Shipping everywhere (not included in the price). not looking for trades
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. This just arrived, such a nice colour and rather hot IMHO Better pics than mine in FS ad http://davidjpym.com/page295.html
    4 points
  4. It's been a hell of a weekend. It was my birthday Friday and I was offered a place at ACM to study musicianship with Bass, so my boyfriend bought me a new bass as a Happy Birthday/Congratulations present! My very first Fender! A Jazz 'American professional II'. I'm in love
    4 points
  5. First full band rehearsal for us last night since the start of lockdown. Could tell everyone was delighted to be making music together again!
    4 points
  6. All done, finally. Kept going with the oil, then finished with a few coats of renaissance wax. I added indicators to the wooden knobs with a bit of cocktail stick. The guitarist had given me some Seymour Duncans to install in place of the original PRS pickups, so had to re-jig the wiring, but that went OK - the single coil settings on the push/pull knob sound decent, and the volume is pretty even whichever pickup(s) are selected, so job done!
    4 points
  7. Late 70 s rare bass, very little signs of wear, in good working order, with original case. See specs amongst the pictures, there allso info on the net and a youtube video of one somewhere.
    3 points
  8. Babylon though is a great film, and great soundtrack.
    3 points
  9. On a different tack, the Alton Ellis track a bit earlier made me think of this one..
    3 points
  10. Dogs don’t like slap bass because they have no thumbs. It’s sour grapes more than musical differences.
    3 points
  11. There’s plenty to like about Rick Beato’s videos. No ‘fun’ graphics or visual puns, no pretence of cool. Just dense information and loads of enthusiasm.
    3 points
  12. It's a myth that no one hears the bass player. Try playing a song a semi tone flat. They'll all notice that in 2 seconds. If you sound bad, the phone stops ringing. If the phone keeps ringing it usually means you don't have a bad tone. Because other guys in the band don't comment doesn't mean they don't notice or don't care. Most good players will expect everyone in the band to sound good, as they will expect good timing and interesting ideas. That is a given and is not a source of interesting conversation so they talk about other stuff.
    3 points
  13. The more likely scenario is that they stick the Eden name plate on inexpensive Asian imports to make them appear legitimate. That's what GC did with Acoustic, not to be confused (though they endeavor to so so) with Acoustic Control Corporation.
    3 points
  14. Double bass Flat Back 4/4, long ago modified to 3/4, suitable for solo playing, jazz and improvised music. Made in the region of Europe (Tyrol, Germany or Bohemia). Nice golden - brown varnish. Recently restored and in top condition October 6 2020. This a very solid double bass and ready for playing. Body length 105 cm Rib depth 17 cm Upper bouts 53 cm Center bouts 40 cm Lower bouts 65 cm String length 103 cm Opened for offers. For serious buyer, I am willing to deliver in person in the UK and the Republic of Ireland (The price for transport depends on the distance). I have many more pics available on request. Sound recording here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3saAR65iszJVmWnM6
    2 points
  15. Gonna preface this by saying I'm a singer turned singer/rhythm guitar playing songwriter by trade. So, I know a great bass when I see one, but don't have need for a great one like many of you own. I owned a 2004-ish Ibanez GSR200 and was always wowed at how nice it was for a cheap bass. Had legit bass player friends play it and have get same reaction. Then, a few years ago I decided I needed a 5 string to accompany riffs written on 7 string guitars. So, I got a 1990 Fender HM from Guitar Center and was really excited as a buddy of mine who is a phenomenal bass player has had one since he bought it new and it's incredible. Well, the one from GC showed up and it was fairly well ruined. Took it to a buddy who builds high-end custom guitars and he messed with it for days, then advised me to sell it. So, away it went. Then I got an Ibanez SR305 I loved, but my brother passed away unexpectedly last October and I inherited his Ibanez EXB445, so I sold the SR305. After awhile of jamming on the 445, it's years of use & abuse made me year for another new bass, so that's where this story begins. After going down the entry-level bass rabbit hole, I kept finding people raving about the TRBX174 series. Bass players better than I could ever hope to be thinking it was as good, if not better than a lot of basses that cost 3, 4, 5x as much. I'd narrowed my search down to another GSR200, a Jackson Spectra or one of these. So I went down to one of the local Guitar Centers and played a GSR and a Spectra and since I couldn't find a TRBX anywhere, I settled on the Spectra. Well, GC had them on sale for Memorial Day weekend, but I was a day late on that deal. So, I called, figuring they would honor that price anyway cause they need to sell stuff. The guy who answered the phone was a giant customer service fail and made it out like I was lying about the thing being on sale... like, seriously, you work there and don't know what your sale that just ended was? And, instead of trying to find out you question a customer's honesty? fosters off. Then I googled Guitar Stores Near Me (we just moved to this area a few months ago) and found a cool mom & pop shop about 20 minutes away. And, they had six TRBX174s in stock. I hoped in the car on my lunch break, drove over, played all 6 of them and thankfully the blue one, which is what I wanted, was the nicest of the bunch. But, it wasn't like the Jackson entry-level stuff I'm used to, where there's a huge variation in quality control. If I'd bought any of the TRBXs, I'd have been happy. The body is heavy enough to feel good, but not so heavy as to wear you out playing it. Surprised me that it's definitely heavier than my 5-string Ibanez. It feels really solid. The Spectra felt very lightweight in comparison. Neck is fast, straight and smooth. The action was a bit high, so I lowered it ever so slightly. Not really loving the pickups, so I'm going to replace those pretty quickly. Most likely with a set of Entwistle neodymium P/Js thanks to several awesome peeps on these here forums. The bridge is just sad. Literally looks like someone bent a piece of chrome dipped sheet metal and slapped some saddles on it. But, I can get a Hipshot replacement for $50-60 so no big deal. Any recommendations for a better option are certainly welcome! Tuners are nice, but apparently Yamaha has adjustable tension ones on the TRBX304, so I might look at getting a set of those down the road when these ones start to wear. Same with the bridge, if you have a great recommendation, I'd love to hear it. Not sure I love the tone I dialed in at first, and probably need to knob fiddle a bit more with it, but the bass is so much fun to play I lost interest in tone chasing and just jammed.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. FFS. I'd type more than that if I was selling a no name bitsa 🙄.
    2 points
  18. FFS ... I thought that was Ken Livingstone.
    2 points
  19. I'm really missing live music....I love this.
    2 points
  20. I fitted a replacement pickguard on my P7 (the stock one was de-laminating), and I also changed the control knobs for chrome one’s. The pickguard was from Jack’s Instrument Services in Manchester, I’m really pleased with it and it looks a lot better than the original. (See photo). I wasn’t keen at all on the stock black plastic control knobs, did Marcus really sign off on those?? The only other thing I would change (at the moment) is the string tree, I like the look of the one’s you’ve fitted and shown on your photos. With regards to the tuners and bridge I think the stock items are fine, not 100% sure on the pickups, even though the bass has a “P” split pickup at the neck, to my ears it doesn’t quite capture that Precision Bass sound? Anyway I’m leaving those for the moment, but if ever EMG bring out a Geezer PJ set for 5 string basses I would get a set without hesitation! I’ve got some on my Precision Bass and they’re brilliant (IMHO).
    2 points
  21. The first one in the morning is hard to beat.....oh wait, I think I may have misunderstood the question...
    2 points
  22. This is one of my all time favourite rock bass tones.
    2 points
  23. I really like track, but I think Billie’s great anyway.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. My work in progress from Dave. Please remember he doesn’t like heavy relic finishes but he’s made an exception for me 😂 . I’ll post pics of finished bass next week after it’s had some time to settle.
    2 points
  27. It won’t, never an issue. When going close to the end on a build I cut the end slot to 0.6mm to ensure and file the tangs to ensure the fret does not apply much pressure. Glue holds it in place…. Hey presto! Done this multiple times successfully so no concerns there.
    2 points
  28. I don't think the Stomp does the best Filter or Synth sounds- which are the things the C4 does really well, so it is a good combination. Trouble with the C4 is look on the threads here or Talkbass and the majority of posts are people trying to figure them out or how to attach additional controllers - perhaps that's a good sign that it's potentially capable of so much, perhaps a bad sign that you need to spend extra time and money to usefully access all it can do.
    2 points
  29. You just can't go wrong with a Yamaha. Never played a bad one, always well made. @Chienmortbb brass saddles are the worst for sustain, because brass is a softer metal than your standard steel saddles, so absorbs vibrations more, meaning they deaden the sound. If you want sustain get a bone nut and high mass bridge. 😀
    2 points
  30. This might explain the difficulty I had in getting a WTP600 last year. Ordered it in March, then came lockdown and a year of chivvying by the local dealer who got nowhere with them. Managed to find one on Bass Direct in the end. It's a crying shame. I love the Eden sound.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. This thread has revived at an opportune time... My 80s band wants to start to audition keys players.... Wish me luck! Every keys player I've ever met has had a distinct serial killer vibe.
    2 points
  33. The guy gets to make a living doing what makes him happy. Can't say fairer than that
    2 points
  34. Hmm. Interesting question, as so far as I’m concerned I’ve never heard anything heavier than the end section of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. And I love SBS. Of course I’ve listened to loads of stuff that most people would think is much, much heavier, but for me it just isn’t. That quibble aside, I probably go about as heavy as the heaviest bits of Babymetal (say something like BxMxC) but it really does depend. And if your tastes are way beyond that, that’s absolutely fine by me.
    2 points
  35. I made the decision after lockdown to be in as many bands as I could feasibly manage, and enjoy all the experiences i could. All will turn out for the best for you in the end. Keep your options open.
    2 points
  36. We've just done our first gig back at a pub we've played before. An odd sort of do a kind of hybrid between a wedding party and a brewery mini festival. We'd had a couple of rehearsals but the rust was still present and we've immediately booked more rehearsals. the punters as ever didn't seem to notice. My goodness it was good to be back. We've got another 5 bookings this year with an apparently steady flow of enquiries. The pubs are largely absent at the moment so these are outdoor events mainly, and from previous bookers. Full marks to @skidder652003 @Happy Jack and @Silvia Bluejay for getting out there and working at it. I'm optimistic about next year, a lot of our regular pubs have closed/changed hands and a lot of bands have folded too. I suspect there is a generation of older musicians who will have retired from regular gigging, A lot of faces disappeared in the last few years before COVID and this will make up some people's minds to join them. Driving everything though will be the desire for people to go out and be at a live event. If I were a pub I'd be waiting and watching but I think when it happens there will be a rush and the bands that are prepared and ready will be in demand. I also agree that it's not the time to push prices, we need to give the venues a break and help build confidence. good luck all.
    2 points
  37. The Marshall VB & DBS ranges were great bass amps, ideal for rock etc, but yes, never really known as a bass amp company due to the huge guitar amp reputation. I was surprised when they took over Eden and am even more surprised at what they’ve don’t with it as it would have been an ideal opportunity to get properly into the bass amp market.
    2 points
  38. So. Brief recap The singer quit. In a huff. We never replied. And he admitted he was being a massive knob. And really missed it. Guitarist who “moved to Birmingham”, has messaged - the move didn’t go well…so much so he’s bought a place up the road In Didsbury (posh fecker). So all the reasons we jacked…gone. We meet on Monday. Either. We’ll ride off into the sunset. or…it’ll crash and burn. I’m genuinely unsure what this means for the current setup with Tom and Andy…🤨🙄🤦🏻‍♂️
    2 points
  39. That's a cool idea and the balance looks good in that pic. Love the chrome & maple. I wear my bass a little higher than you -- not too high, mind -- and I've found that it's very comfortable if I wear it like Entwistle's doing in this pic and rest my right forearm on the top edge of the body. It gets rid of all the dive but it still looks ok. If only I could play like him. Tweaks are done for now... black tuners, string tree & neck plate, the jack socket's been moved to body edge (I prefer them there) and everything's rewired with an added pickup toggle to go with the original V/V/T. It's still a cheap POC and still owes me next to nothing, but I rather like it.
    2 points
  40. Buy it online from somewhere else i.e. have it sent to your house. You then have the statutory right to return it for a full refund. You will have to pay the cost to return it (courier £15?), but that is still a lot less than 20% of its value.
    2 points
  41. Dreams, Fleetwood Mac. It sits on two chords for ever, then when it gets to the lovely little bass breakdown I've switched off and I miss it. Every time...
    2 points
  42. 1988/9 Sunburst Sabre 8.1 lbs
    2 points
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