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Al Krow

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Al Krow last won the day on November 21 2023

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About Al Krow

  • Birthday 24/11/1875

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    East London

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  1. Best not to read the above posts from @tauzero and @Chienmortbb, then, re use of UHF in the UK 😅
  2. So what proportion of the dull ones do you think: "would have given that one a miss if we'd known in advance?" I'm guessing ropey = sub par on the musicianship side and therefore actually quite useful in pointing out where things need to be tighter? Or is it the case you're glad you did them all cos it's an evening making music with a band who are also mates?
  3. What makes one gig truly memorable and another dull or ropey for you?
  4. Thanks gents. My current 9V are 1,300 mAh And I have found some on Amazon that look realistic at 1,500 mAh (ie 13,500 mWh) - I'll go with those.
  5. SSCYHT 9V Lithium Battery High Capacity 28000mAh Rechargeable 9 V Anyone come across these? No reviews and little online about them as far as I can see. But 28,000 mAh seems huge - it's 20x the capacity of my rechargeable 9V batteries
  6. Oh nice, that's high praise from you, indeed! There was some mention that only 15 each of the 4 and 5 string Premium editions were made available in the USA, so no idea what that number would have been in the UK? Guess I just struck lucky to find one, particularly in such good condition!
  7. If you like a broad strap - these 4" Minotaur bass straps were recommended to me by Mark at Talking Bass and I'd happily recommend them.
  8. I landed a replacement Ibanez SR Premium bass, which arrived today. I do remember not being able to get my old Smoothhound wireless transmitter into the recessed jack socket on my previous Ibby. The Nux however slots in a treat - that's an additional unexpected bonus!
  9. NBD - Ibanez 30TH5PE Just arrived via an ex band mate now living up in Edinburgh - was collection only from there, which would have ruled it out for me, but a stroke of luck that I had a former bandmate who has relocated to that same city, and is also often back down in London with work.
  10. Sure thing, here you go: NUX C-5RC Rechargeable Wireless Guitar Bug Set 5.8GHz (includes the recharge pack/case)
  11. Useful to know, thanks @ped Are you tempted to give the Nux with its ability to angle the transmitter/receiver a try?
  12. How old is your set up? Is it now out of warranty? (1 year or maybe up to 3 years?)
  13. Sadly its arrival is too soon for a function gig on Wed and then I've got a bit of annual leave coming up when I won't be gigging, so we will need to be sticking to the old analogue desk for a little while yet. You may have a bit more immediate joy from the chaps over on @warwickhunt's CQ desk thread 😊
  14. I get what you're saying, but you also then need a neutral venue to make it a fair comparison? A boomy venue/stage is not going to favour a set up with subs and a lack of bodies in the audience is also going to have a big impact, both of which @Dan Dare is correctly getting at needing to adjust for with his post above? So maybe it makes sense to correct for these factors and then simply share what adjustments have been made (and also remember your Zoom recorders too 😊?) But totally appreciate lack of time to get that all done on the day. I think the key takeaway for me is that all 3 set ups can potentially work really well, which is worth knowing in any event!
  15. Thanks Dave - are you panning just the IEM mix or are you also then having to pan FoH e.g. because of the limitations on your desk?
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