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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/02/18 in all areas

  1. You need time for your ears to adjust. It's like drinking tea without sugar for the first tiime. At first, it's like.. 'WTF? I need sugar' After a while, it's... 'mmm... tea is lovely. Sugar just spoiled the taste.'
    7 points
  2. So long story short. My band (State of Ember) entered a competition last year as an easy way to gain more fans. The prize was top 10 bands end up on Wreckfest by THQNORDIC. We only went and finished 2nd and now we're being featured on their official trailer! Oh and they are giving us 1000 Dollars. Madness Facebook link below should work! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=617813701889412&id=369063106512335
    5 points
  3. My old local music shop (sadly missed now) used to have a little sign up in their guitar room, which read: "GUITARISTS: PLEASE DO NOT PLAY ANY NIRVANA ANY OASIS STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN" One day, while trying out a bass, I did furtively play the riff from Come As You Are to see if any of the staff would turn on me, but I think I got away with it...
    3 points
  4. This state of the art factory on the Thames Estuary is in tip-top condition thanks to our lucrative deregulated service economy. And the steel mill at top elite property hotspot, the Isle of Sheppey - a.k.a Kent's own Monte Carlo - is running at full steam, bringing jobs and money to the community thanks to our lucrative trade deals with China. Here is a picture of Sheppey's high-rolling and glamorous community, reaping the benefits of our lucrative trade deals, and celebrating their booming local economy. (This photo is an accurate representation of all of England about 2 years from now).
    3 points
  5. It will be all right when we do a trade deal with the USA. Don't worry.
    3 points
  6. For the first time ever I went to the dentist with a skip and a jump this morning (so to speak). I discovered an independent music shop about 100 yards from the dentist, so after I'd had me teeth riddled by the hygienist I went there for a look and bought a Squier Jaguar SS bass. Had my eyes on these for a while... I love CAR with a black scratchplate and "rosewood-type" fingerboard. I wanted a short scale as I only plan to play at home now (as much as you can ever be sure about these things. I was also glad to get my hands on one at a proper shop... no sharp fret ends, no buzzes and farts. In fact, I was quite impressed by the overall playability and quality... crazy for £186. I will probably put a more chunky bridge on (gotoh) if it drops in without surgery, but that's just me having a thing about chunky bridges. Thought I might change the pups and loom, but frankly don't see the point... I'd happily gig this as is TBH. Now, I was planning on selling my US Jazz after buying this... but I might just keep it as a spare (heh! heh!) Now I'm off to play my spanky new bass.
    2 points
  7. Well, it's got the nod over the R-400 for this weekend...
    2 points
  8. Realised that when I had my 55-94 refinished by Jaydee that I haven't posted a photo yet. So here it is now.
    2 points
  9. Be EXTREMELY careful buying anything proclaiming to be a JV. Counterfeit parts/logos/plates etc are easily available. You MUST (imo) see the bass stripped down.
    2 points
  10. I was there too and the world was immensely changed and immensely changing but you don’t need to have been there to understand that. It’s quite possible to grasp the enormity of the changes and something of The Beatles role if it’s approached with an open mind - it has very little to do with what one personally likes. There are people who were there who didn’t or don’t get it; being there is neither necessary nor sufficent. They did many things but The Beatles didn’t invent the electric bass guitar.
    2 points
  11. I recall getting asked..well the singer... getting asked if we did Call me Al by Paul Simon.The same woman asked after every song for a bout 6 songs in a row. Every time she asked I played the bass line and she never once noticed what I was playing. I was very tickled indeed! So in conclusion, and my final contribution to this thread... Sometimes the punter doesn't even recognise the SONG they have just requested let alone our tone! We've had people request a song, then play it only to have them come back and ask for it! Drunks eh! Now to start a new thread Do punters even know what music is?
    2 points
  12. Are you still with that band? Sounds to me like they weren't paying any attention to what you were doing. Tools.
    2 points
  13. As the OP I kinda feel I should contribute again! Took it to a guitar jam day where I was bassing - range of rehearsal rooms, and a range of guitars/amps and all with drums. As expected it performed flawlessly.. loads of headroom and plenty of lower frequencies. Fitted in beautifully with some high end boutique guitar amps and some big monsters too
    2 points
  14. Well surely it's an improvement on you waking around with a 'Pocket Rockit'
    2 points
  15. For a while it was a rare gig the vocalist didn't get naked and run around the venue.
    2 points
  16. Hi Paul, as long as the voltage (12V) is the same, and the output is the same i.e. AC current or DC current, and the current rating of the replacement PSU is the same or greater than 300mA, you should be fine. The other thing to check would be the connector - obviously that it is the same type/size as your unit, but also that the polarity is the same, - for example - positive goes to tip, negative to ring (I haven't looked up your unit, this is just an example).
    2 points
  17. Is it the sound or the feel? Obviously a PB has a different neck profile and width to a jazz. I had to force myself to adjust because I wanted the sound.
    2 points
  18. If you're happy with the basses you like to play, why force yourself to play a Precision? Play what feels and sounds right to you. For me, that's a Precision, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I preferred something else. The music you play is what matters, the instrument is simply a tool to enable you to produce that.
    2 points
  19. This is another one my little band plays - I see a trend - simple basslines that I can't f#ck up....
    2 points
  20. I'm not too sure about the ethics of this. I mean dragons are quite rare aren't they?
    2 points
  21. Yes you may moan that EU imports may become unaffordable soon, but looking on the bright side, the lucrative trade deal with India is almost in the bag. Who needs Nordstrands when you can take your pick of the best indian sweatshop-produced pickups made by 9 year old slaves instead? Tone for days.
    2 points
  22. Vox Amplug - not nearly as bad as folk are implying! As mine is just about to be sold on eBay, I thought I'd best put it through its paces to make sure it is 100% before moving it on. Interesting - having just given it a proper workout, I'd say that some of the negative comments above have been overdone. So for the sake of providing some balance, here's what I found: 1) Good power output and clear bass coming through my (albeit very good) headphones; 2) The hiss that everyone's being moaning about - well the bass tone coming through is much more sensitive to the tone control on the bass than it is to the tone control on this little headphone amp; so a pretty simple solution for eliminating 90% of the hiss - just turn the tone dial on the Amplug right down and you still get a very adjustable tone control via the bass itself without noticeable hiss when you're playing; 3) It's very compact / and allows you the freedom to move about without having to be either tied down to a large pedal with headphone out (e.g. my B3n) or having to lug around a headphone amp (even the size of the B1on is much less convenient for portability); 4) It has an aux in; 5) It's a little pricey but not outlandish; 6) You won't have a problem selling it on eBay
    2 points
  23. Downsizing my collection, part 2: (BETTER PICS IN FEW DAYS, SORRY!) 1974 Ampeg V4 100W head with reverb and matching V4 4x12" cab. VERY LOUD... Story: this set came from US studio where Ramones were recording in late 1970s and 1980s. Studio does not function anymore and guy who has sold me this amp bought from them a enormous mixing console (Studer, Neve? Don't remember well), some outboard and this Ampeg head and cab. He was told that this particular set was used for guitar on few Ramones recordings. I have no certificate to show you that's true and what were those recordings. Maybe there are some sites/photos to proove that. I don't know. Take it more as "interesting fact"... The amp came with pretty bad power tubes (old, emission less than 30%) so they went to trash after seeing my tech (risking a tube fail with burning components was too high). Amp has gone general cleaning outside/inside and "Death cap" removed. Still is wired for 120V with 2-prong cord and will need stepdown transformer to play on EU/UK voltages (750W minimum, 1000W recommended). It's original condition with 2-prong cord. It plays great, everything works, no problems, sounds awesome on bass and guitar. For that one I have bought a matched set of slightly used but tested good vintage Sylvania 7027As. I put them into amp and everything sounds great but you may check bias before serious playing (these are fixed bias amps, without a pot to adjust, so if you put a set inside it needs to be checked and resistor must be changed for correct value/voltage). Amp and cab takes well guitar and bass. I mean, it takes both GREAT. But beware of loud bass tones or bass-octave-fuzz --- cab is rated at 100W, head 100W+. You will be safer pulling 2 power tubes out, changing impredance switch to 4ohm (instead of 8) so you'll get 70W then. I did it on two shows when playing bass on this set (on that older tubes). Payment: bank transfer or PayPal (add 4,3%) I'm located in Poland. Shipping: too heavy, too big... Two ways to deliver: 1) My "backline" friend is going on tour in UK early March. He drives thru Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and north France, then from south UK to Liverpool (I think near London / Birmingham). Can bring it to his bus on that trip for I think less than £100 2) Find a delivery company which does EU flat/houses relocation services and it can be done also that way. Maybe similar price, maybe higher... If you want my tech to install bias pot, 3-prong cord or me to find you and buy you stepdown transformer, I can do that. PM me. There's no way to internally change it to 240V (like on SVTs) without modyfying transformer windings or replacing it to new one, so keeping it in oirignal state you musyt use stepdown transformer.
    1 point
  24. Nice one mate, respect. We love the Sammy shows but couldn't get tickets for this one. Sad that Brendan Healy wont be there, he was a very talented man. RIP Brendan and Sammy. Cant wait for the DVD.
    1 point
  25. Definition: Bass Bash is a term used for a day hiding from your so-called loved ones (family) to spend with your true love ones (instruments) and other like minded individuals in a secret location known only to those who play the aforementioned gear and frequent these forums. There are the odd exceptions, Happy Jack/ Bluejay, Grangur and Mrs Grangur, and Silverfoxnik & Hamster whose lovely wives (only one each) support these events with copious cups of tea and cakes. However, normally they are populated by sad old gits who want to talk about a subject (The Bass guitar and equipment) that no other band member or "normal" member of society can even bear to. Along with the attendees, you will find some beautiful examples of the luthiers' art which are available for the aforementioned sad old gits to try and discuss at their leisure. Other features of Bass Bashes are seminars and gear trials, (seemingly) never ending Raffles, and of course a great review by our own Bluejay which is generally better than the event itself. Stay tuned to the "Events" thread for details of your next/nearest one.
    1 point
  26. Every variation of pickup position will give a different sound, and will only partially be able to be altered by equalisation (you can't boost what isn't there etc). If you're unsure about where to place the pickup, then personally I'd copy some well-known location eg if 1 pickup, Precision or Musicman (since its a humbucker), because there's (apparently) a few "sweet spots" which seem to be the best, when you ask a number of people, over an amount of time. I am not sure how accurate you'd need to be before you missed that sweet spot and it was basically "not right" - but I'd imagine within 10mm or so would be okay. Of course, 2 is better than one, BUT with a caveat (which doesn't apply in your case, because you're using humbuckers). The Jazz pickup arrangement noise-cancels with both pickups on; and the PJ configuration (a split coil and a J-type single coil) DOESN'T noise cancel with both pickups on - the split coil noice-cancels, but add a J pickup into that and you'll get noise.
    1 point
  27. You could always try it. The pickup will work just as well temporarily suspended over the top of the strings. If you solder the cable direct to your jack socket you'll be able to plug it in and hear how it sounds. Plucking the strings may be a little more awkward but you should get an idea of the sound in various positions. I'd use masking tape to attach a couple of blocks to hold it away from the strings then place it on the bass laid down
    1 point
  28. The last one, with another humbucker in the middle. Just to cover all bases...
    1 point
  29. Cheap as chips this. I had a Sire 5 string for a bit and they punch well above their weight for quality and the upgrades on this add a lot for the asking price
    1 point
  30. Not to mention that if the OP ordered from Bestbassgear instead they do FREE international shipping for orders over $100
    1 point
  31. Unfortunately, I can attest to a lot of other musicians not really giving a toss: I took a 12-string Dean Rhapsody to a rehearsal of our originals band once, played it on a couple of songs, and when we had a break, the conversation went exactly as follows: "What did you all think?" "About what?" "The 12-string I was playing? I used it on *song name* and *song name*" "Errr, did you? Oh. It was...OK. It's that black one, yeah?" I didn't persevere. Having said that, I use the Zoom B3's Octave Up preset on a couple of our trio songs these days, and it fills the sound out...it's good enough for me.
    1 point
  32. It does raise some interesting questions tho...
    1 point
  33. Fortunately I don't have any! But here's one early on at a gig. With his assless chaps and an elephant pouch... It may appear as though he has shorts on under the chaps. But those were assless too.... and crotchless...
    1 point
  34. We have a badger suit, but we make someone in the audience wear it.
    1 point
  35. I can see the baseball caps now... Make Blighty Great Again!
    1 point
  36. No, they changed the world. You had to be there. Blue
    1 point
  37. A Semi-quaver is a half eaten one
    1 point
  38. I think you’ll find that quavers in the real world are a processed food snack flavoured with cheese.
    1 point
  39. This is all now farting about and pontificating on a theme, pedals to maybe get there, most of the audience won’t realise blah blah blah......! If you want Coca Cola, you don’t buy a Pepsi, If you want a glass of red, you don’t say rosé will do as the colour is nearly there, If you want to see your favourite band then no matter how good musicians they are, seeing a tribute act will not be the same, and if you want to do some rude things, watching it on telly is not the same! whats important? Is it neck through or will a well constructed 6 bolt do you? Are you happy with basswood as a tone wood, or must it be something else? What bridge do you like, is a TOM good? If each string cannot have intonation changed individually, does that matter to you? What timers and gear ratio do you like? If it’s not stock is it easily changeable? You galvanise these thoughts on components and then the bass or basses for you reveal themselves. Quite simple really
    1 point
  40. I’m hoping to see the new Spector Bantam shorty too.....
    1 point
  41. On keys. She likes her synths. & slapping together 2 bits of wood.
    1 point
  42. No mention yet for John McVie and his simple but effective two note bass line on this track.
    1 point
  43. Ha ha, we supported Slade quite a few times, I know where you’re coming from
    1 point
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