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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/21 in all areas

  1. It was one of those underwater data centers... and somebody made the mistake of opening Windows.
    10 points
  2. Guys come on - I think the point has been made with civility early on, but watching this descend into a pack of trolling BC'ers is frankly very unpleasant. We're better than that. Greg - I've now watched your video and checked your YT channel. Great job for the time and effort you've put into spreading the word about bass to a wider audience and fantastic that you're up to nearly 4K subscribers. I hope that you and all the musicians on this thread, who've had a torrid time financially over this past 12 months, get to see some light at the end of the tunnel really soon.
    8 points
  3. The fire fighters may have been guitarists?
    7 points
  4. I am rapidly falling in love with the Blade B4 I picked up last year. Instantly, it felt right in hand and the build quality is superb but the somewhat quirky electronics took some getting used to. After living with it for many months, I recently popped a Sadowsky preamp in there instead and... yeah, this is really bang on now. I am very much smitten.
    7 points
  5. My Mesa Subway 210 & 115 cabs just arrived today within an hour of each other from 2 different shops. 210 from Andertons and the 115 from Guitar Guitar. Using my Mesa Mpulse 600 amp. Played them individually first to see how they sounded on their own. The 210 is deep, warm and crystal clear mids and Hi's. The 115 again is deep but a bit more Lo & Hi sounding whereas the 210 has that mid punch. Put the 2 together and this is one heck of a bass rig. It has the same warm depth of tone that my PH212 cab has. I'd say the 115 cab sounds a lot like my PH212. Both a one hand lift altho you can feel the extra weight in the 210 cab. The 115 is unbelievably light. I was very surprised. So far i think i've made the right choice of cabs for what i'm looking for. I think the 215 cab might have lacked a bit of that mid punch for me. Only playing in the house at moment but its a detached house in countryside so its reasonable volume without things falling off the walls. Just the TT800 amp to arrive in June and i'm back to fully lightweight again. Have to say that these cabs are tonally night and day compared to the Bergantino AE112 lightweight cabs i had few yrs ago and same with Markbass rig. These cabs dont appear to have anything "lacking" in them. Compared to my PH212 i would never have guessed they were lightweight based on the sound alone. Anyway i'm so excited and looking forward to rehearsing in May hopefully. Dave
    6 points
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/apr/06/pino-palladino-pop-greatest-bassist-adele-elton-the-who
    6 points
  7. Spent the last few days tweaking the JE pre. Starting to come good. Struggled with the E string, A was far too prominent but getting there and loving the tone. Feels good to make progress.
    6 points
  8. Hooray....Mafeking has been relieved....the wood's arrived! And the gluing of the sections will start this very day This is how it should look when it's all together: Purple heart in the middle, walnut stringers either side, maple everywhere else So by the weekend, we should have a neck glued and cut and the top demarcation purpleheart bonded, ready for the top to be glued to the neck
    6 points
  9. What a way to start the week! (I know it's already Tuesday, no wise-cracks necessary) What @Cat Burrito said (three posts above) – this thread has shown a hint of 'angry mob with pitchforks' – chill the feck out people Mods: Maybe we need a sticky or whatever to lay down some rules about self-promotion via Youtube etc so we can avoid hurting people's feelings
    6 points
  10. Pictures just in from outside Talkbass HQ.
    6 points
  11. I love this bit... There are still sessions to attend to in LA, with Covid tests in the car park for anyone taking part. “Film and music studios are considered essential to the economy here – you’ve got to love that, right?” he laughs. “Mind you,” he says, “that’s better than Britain telling you if you’re a musician or an artist you might have to look for a new job.”
    6 points
  12. I subscribed to @greghagger 's free email service, which I've found mainly useful (I didn't expect everything to be relevant to me). I appreciate the effort that people like Greg put into getting this material together, and although I'm no fan of YouTube, still find ot useful on occasion. I block YouTube videos on this site by default, and only unblock them if they're of interest. I suggest those offended by this sort of thing do the same. 'YouTube Culture' is a thing, but so is going out of the way to be offended/outraged/appalled by other people's posts. Man up. I still sadly remember how Scott from SBL was hounded by some BC people - not a good look. Live & let live.
    6 points
  13. As per @Al Krow's post. This is a very friendly and inclusive forum, and reading this thread doesn't show Basschat at it's finest. People are struggling with lockdown but just prior to that we had the whole #BeKind movement which doesn't seem to have fully extended to this thread. If you don't like a thread, opinion or video, go find something else on Basschat that you do like. @greghagger, please do get involved in the rest of the site too. Your videos obviously show you to have a certain level of experience and something to offer so please help by supporting the rest of the site too. It's a great community. It'd be a shame to lock the thread which has developed some interesting discussion because of a few silly comments that drag it down for everybody else.
    6 points
  14. Long overdue update on this thread. Indeed, David Gaffrey helped me out and did the conversion from US to UK voltages without any issues and for an incredibly reasonable price. Now I no longer need to do this with the step-down transformer...
    5 points
  15. True that - Hondo tried to position itself upmarket in the early 80s, as Japanese brands like Ibanez & Aria Pro were transitioning to original designs with pro endorsements. I've read about this idea of Tokai Gakki in Hamamatsu building Hondos but there's no evidence for it - Tokai was a small concern that had to outsource its own production to the likes of Kasuga Gakki so it's doubtful they'd have taken on high-volume OEM mainstream brand production. However there are Matsumoku-stamped Hondos, & very high quality stuff came from Samick in Korea, who built the majority of the brand's output. Don't know which manufacturer this came from - but I want one:
    5 points
  16. Here's my current pedalboard. I need to update my "under croft" image...it's a bit neater down there since this shot. The Mastotron isn't plumbed in anymore, since getting the SA Ultrawave, I can get similar sounds. Maybe next month, I'll be sliding in a SA Spectrum in there, although I'm still getting a lot of filter use out of my C4.But it'll be nice to be able to add an additional filter anywhere in my chain as well as the C4 options. I'd love to cram in a Deep Impact in there somewhere...but it's pretty maxxed out space wise.
    5 points
  17. Sounds was a great paper. I miss that. Then again we didn't have the internet then so that was how we heard about bands. I remember when Brian Johnston joined AC/DC, I bought Back in Black and it wasn't until I got home and stuck it onto my record player that I heard him for the first time. You don't get that kind of magic anymore.
    5 points
  18. There aren't many musicians out there playing bass, keys, guitar, bass pedals and singing tho. And some of that at same time. In my book that classes him as a musicial genius. Then again i've been a Rush fan since 76 when i bought 2112 so i'm biased. Dave
    5 points
  19. Xotic XJ-1T 5 Natural, like brand new really, used in studio only few hours and only 1 live! To be honest, there is a microscopic scratch on the blade, visible in the last photo! I sell because I don't use it and because I have too many basses. Comes with original case and documents info http://www.bassline.it/store/it/bassi/2543-xotic-xj1t-5-sonic-blue-wbag.html
    4 points
  20. Hi, I'm hanging in there. I'm scheduled for my second procedure on 4/30. Hopefully it will be my last one. Work on my new teeth starts on 4/ 12. Everything should be fine by June. I'm booked for the whole summer. YAY! How are you guys doing? I have attached a clip from a virtual NYE acoustic gig. Our set starts at 38:40.All originals Headphones or speakers recommended. Cheers Blue
    4 points
  21. I think we sometimes forget that music isn’t a science, it’s an art. It’s not about whether the science says they should work together, it’s about using our skill - and some nice cabs of course - to make them work together
    4 points
  22. 4 points
  23. What do we want..? The end of acronyms..! When do we want it..? ASAP..!
    4 points
  24. A clearer pic of my upgraded mex jazz, it’s had the adagio flats on it for about 7 years now, nice deep thump
    4 points
  25. Fantastic! I'm ordering. Only question is whether it will fit in my car.
    4 points
  26. "Let's do a weak-assed version of Enter Sandman. People will LOVE it."
    4 points
  27. The very definition of multi tasking. I’m a late comer to Rush, Geddy’s voice always putting me off previously. Nowadays, having come to terms with Dirk’s vocal delivery, my day is always so much better when Rush are played on the radio. The era from Permanent Waves to Counterparts contains my favourite work (I’m odd for really liking Presto and Bones). All three of them are musical geniuses IMO, Neil Peart was just amazing and Lerxt is one of the finest rhythm guitarists in the World, even before you get to his lead work.
    4 points
  28. Not without precedent though - in the early 80s Hondo - which was definitively far more in the bargain-basement low-end cheap copy arena than Ibanez ever was - started having DiMarzios fitted as standard on a lot of models. For a while used ones were a good source of bargain pickups! They also featured on cheaper (while not cheapo) instruments like Westbury & MIJ Vox. Yeah I know it's OT but I like to think I'm contributing to the thread not getting locked!
    4 points
  29. sorry, couldn't hear you speaking. someone seems to be playing bass really loudly somewhere in the UK and it's drowing everything else out
    4 points
  30. No bites? Disappointing! Well, I present you 2x FR800 and a LF1400.
    4 points
  31. I thought I couldn't like Pino more... I was wrong
    4 points
  32. Every Sandberg I've tried has felt miles better than a Maruszcyk. YMMV.
    4 points
  33. When younger i had no issues being a bass player. Worked ok for me. Now i'm older i dont think it matters anymore. 😁 Dave
    4 points
  34. Same. I was the bassist and the lead singer and I got more female attention when we played than I bargained for. Sometimes it was a pain in the bottom.Its hard to break to some people that they might be swimming in a different pool to you without sounding like a twatt.
    4 points
  35. I called off my wedding because the synths had too much attack
    4 points
  36. I have found that the spectacle of me playing bass on stage can have an excilerarting effect on gentleman of a certain age. My cat on the other hand hates my bass playing and demands to be let out as soon as I start! 😁
    4 points
  37. Flushed with the success of my Jazz Bass Build, I thought I would set about trying to put a Precision together. I have a chequered history with Precisions. I love the sound, but typically don't like the necks. I do have one P bass that has a jazz neck, but it has a single coil rather than a split. After a lot of internet trawling for the elements required, I became a bit weary of finding the exact pieces for the puzzle and kind of drifted off looking at off the shelf P's with J necks, then on to custom builds - as you do 🙄. Again, lots of reading and watching videos and after chatting with @Dood and then Jon Shuker himself, I decided that was the way I wanted to go. Jon and I have been bouncing ideas back and forth for a couple of weeks and we've now settled on the spec. In fact, I've just paid the deposit, so now the wait begins! The estimated completion date is around 6 months, so I'll be looking at late September/early October for delivery. It's only the second bass I've ever had built to my spec and I had a quite narrow set of options with the first one. All very exciting. There will be updates aplenty in due course.
    3 points
  38. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/apr/06/pino-palladino-pop-greatest-bassist-adele-elton-the-who?fbclid=IwAR06F0gaXCrwWcK_d9ANJ7tS8RDFM8j0clKmynRCNkFjy9rRBsCNC0lqMtQ
    3 points
  39. I just realised I should have probably listed the spec. D'oh! It's going to be a variation on the existing 'JJ Burnel Lite' model. The top of the range 'Carbonlite' models were a limited run and are all spoken for now anyway as I understand it. So, this is what Jon and I have agreed:
    3 points
  40. I have decided to part with my Barefaced One10 cab. Purchased in September 2019, never gigged used only in a smoke free home. Excellent spec and fantastic performance, 250w RMS but capable of up to 500w with clean signal, renowned by many as one of the best compact 10ins cabs available. Full spec at the Barefaced site. No Tolex issues in absolute perfect condition, comes with a Roqsolid cover. Shipping at buyers cost and risk. I have sufficient packaging to securely pack but also available to Covid Securely meet up within 80 miles from Tenby. Thanks for your consideration.
    3 points
  41. This comment should win the day if basschat has any soul... But you don't have to be a soldier
    3 points
  42. Yes - it's a Hondo. There was one on Reverb, in Italy. Not my idea of Hondo money, tbh! https://reverb.com/uk/item/32293146-hondo-professional-bass-hp1216-vintage-year-1981-made-in-japan-matsumoku-factory FWIW I don't think it's Matsumoku - that's a Chushin bridge used on MIJ Washburns & other Chushin-made basses, never seen one on a Matsumoku.
    3 points
  43. Picture the scene, you're playing The Chain at the start of your village's Formula 1 Appreciation Society weekly meeting and you get to the big breakdown. You're playing a regular acoustic, what happens next? Nothing, other than you bringing shame upon the entire village and the meeting starts on a massive downer. That's what. With this, you flip it over and it's GO GO GO! Not all heroes wear capes.
    3 points
  44. I ran disaster recovery or business continuance for several large firms. We had to be restored to the last backup point and back up and running within 12 hours of any data centre failure. That service probably cost many times more than TB's budget. I wonder why the "servers suffered from water damage"? Why was the fire service spraying water into a computer room? CO2 is always the only fire retardant allowed in data centres!
    3 points
  45. 3 points
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