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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/21 in all areas

  1. Well, first step taken - roughly sketched and wood picked! Was going to buy a kit to build originally but decided to take a risk. Opinions welcome on design - sticking with something relatively basic for now. The plan is 5 string, 34" scale, bolt on, ash body with spalted alder top (couldn't resist) and padauk neck (love the colour). Undecided on fretboard material yet. I wasn't sure whether to post this or not - I'm a long time lurker in the Build Diaries section, and am constantly amazed by the skills of the members in here. So any input is most welcome!
    9 points
  2. Oh, I love this bass. It feels like home, but my band is moving into the mod circuit (when things open up!) and I've had the good fortune to acquire a stonkin' Ric so sadly, Betsy and I must part ways. It was my gigging bass until lock down, so it shows some wear and tear (see photos) but not too bad. It comes strung with Fender flats. Also includes the fantastic bass centre gig bag, which is one of the best standard gig bags I've used. Tools and hang tags too. Also included is a signed copy of Guy Pratt's book as well! http://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/bbm-betsy.html £450 shipped mainland UK
    9 points
  3. 👍 Please, please, please do a YT video of why 5-string basses are an annoying distraction, and people who play them are '90s throwbacks! You could call it something like 'The 1990s called, and they want their stupid big toy ukuleles back'! Or 'Slap bass is for w***ers'! I would pay cold, hard cash to see the BassChat response to that!
    7 points
  4. Normally on a well-lit street corner. Thanks for asking.
    7 points
  5. Hello basschaters Have anyone experience with this bass ??? I m very close to buy one but I can't find any info 😕 Any infos are welcome Cheers Steve
    6 points
  6. I've got a cat, which is pretty much the same thing, only less subtle.
    6 points
  7. I doubt many here feel 'attacked' by the post. It's more that the poster has spectacularly misjudged his audience, and clearly hasn't spent enough time looking around BC to appreciate that a community largely comprised of middle aged & often highly experienced musicians, many with 30-40 years of regular gigs behind them, might not be very receptive to his somewhat condescending and judgemental post! As a result he's been on the receiving end of some suitably tongue-in-cheek ribbing & light-hearted p!sstaking, and interestingly, hasn't been back!
    6 points
  8. Or... it's a YouTuber who wants a few more hits on his video so signed up to Basschat just to plug it.
    6 points
  9. Mint condition Custom 5 string Aria ProII SB1500v5. 34" scale. Pretty sure it was the only one ever made but happy to be put straight- certificate of authenticity states made in Japan. Selling because I don't play 5s. Open to trades. Not sure what I want in its place but definitely a 4 of equivalent quality. Something like a precision american deluxe maybe? This is an amazing instrument. Just not being played. I'm not 100% sure about packing for shipping but happy to take buyers instruction to do so if needs be 20210216_111138.mp4 20210216_111138.mp4
    5 points
  10. These aren't new, but I'm new here and someone told me to post them up, so...enjoy The McNuggies (mn01ppg)
    5 points
  11. Someone's sleeping outside tonight..... ....... it's me, isn't it?
    5 points
  12. That's not a parasite! That is your Lord and Master!
    5 points
  13. Wow,awesome! Just putting on a white gown then off to sacrifice a goat on a stone table. Totally unique, Glwts matey
    5 points
  14. I remember this one time at a rehearsal, the drummer says to me "Woah, during that last song, it was cool when you did that JJ Burnel style slow-motion karate kick". I corrected him immediately, by pointing out that I was simply stepping over a guitar cable that was dangerously stretched out 2 feet above the floor. I then convened what was the first ever health & safety meeting - which I am rather proud of.
    5 points
  15. It seems it’s time to throw out a huge shout out to Mark, Ash, and Will, at Bass Direct. They’ve been looking after me so well (as always) over the past 2 weeks, and I just wanted to thank them SO much for their A1 service, their care, their time and especially their friendship. These guys ROCK!! I’ve been going to BD for over 10 years now, for everything bass related. I felt it was time that I shared my experience, and especially like so many companies, working under very difficult circumstances. They never get flustered, always listen, talk, understand, and help. Efficient, friendly, and caring. I know it sounds like a “love in”, but I just wanted to share something positive in this weir, and dark time. They deserve much recognition in my humble opinion. Anyway, pictures of my 2 new Spector purchases, soon. Stay safe. Cheers ☺️
    4 points
  16. Hi everyone, I’ve decided to list my old P Bass in favour of something a little more traditional, perhaps with a sunburst and rosewood flavour. Not a desperate sale by any means, but I have a strict 1 in 1 out policy. As you can see, it’s a great example of an old school ash-body, maple-board P Bass. Ready for punk and indie, but can handle soulful RnB all the same. A player’s instrument with the following mods: Nordstrand NP4 pickup - Arguably the best pickup for a P Bass.. BadassII bridge installed at some point - Just the badass-est bridge ever! CTS pots - The originals probably wore out. For me, this just ensures the bass works. In 2020 (amidst all the chaos) I had the bass refretted, and as a result it plays like a dream. I have used Daddario Chromes solidly, meaning there is no wear whatsoever. The body has some wear where a previous owner had fitted and removed a thumb rest, and the neck has some areas where the finish has come away, but this is no way affects playability. I know the important question with basses from the era is the weight, which in this case is a healthy 5.3Kg. I am looking for a sale at this point, but if there is a nice sunburst P Bass out there, I am prepared to exchange with cash your way if needed. And I'm sure it goes without saying, please feel free to get in touch for more pics or info. All the best, Ad
    4 points
  17. I’ve just bought 2 simply wonderful, Spector basses. I decided upon a Euro Bolt 4, and a Euro LX 4. Both have Aguilar pickups, one with the OPB-2 preamp and one with a Tone Pump preamp. I’m completely and utterly enamoured with them both. They’ve had a basic set up, and need my preferred strings put on them, plus a small nut adjustment, but I’ve recorded with them, and they have blown me away. Stunning to play, and I just can’t believe I’ve not been down this route before. So happy, and Bass Direct have been fantastic helping me to get these incredible instruments ☺️
    4 points
  18. Zappa - An Alex Winter Film They've just been talking about it on 6music. Interestingly, Alec Winter is the actor from Bill and Ted's adventures... the one who WASN'T in The Matrix. So. Bonus.
    4 points
  19. That's classed as a standard workshop on here 😁 you are in good company 👍🏼 and will never be short of brilliant advice or opinion 👌🏼
    4 points
  20. Now this is a bass you don't get your hands on everyday! An original Ibanez Affirma A204, built in 1991. The serial number is 0035, there were made around 1000 of these. These basses feature a piezo bridge, with built in and very accurate D-tuner. The bass is in a mint condition and are hardly ever being sold. The original case is included. This is your chance to get your hands on something truly unique!
    4 points
  21. Finally made a decision, yes, I would buy the squier mustang. Or the bronco. So I bought the TMB35
    4 points
  22. Deal. What could possibly go wrong!
    4 points
  23. Okay this is real feedback and something I can get behind. Also something that should have been obvious from the start. Condescending tone is something I truly don't get from the video (or light-hearted in the thread for that matter). And I do like that it seems to be intentionally avoiding anything actually related to music theory. I think everyone can find enough lessons about playing differently to make things interesting. There is a difference in being a relaxed and casual and being passive and boring. Not a problem for experienced players, that is true. I did check the profile and agree that signing up only to promote is a bit fishy.
    4 points
  24. The video comes across as "I'm more clever than you" but then discusses something incredibly basic. What's funny is it is boring presentation, taking over 7 minutes to tell someone else how not to be boring with only one major point being made which let's face it is very weak, not interesting or insightful. Contrast his video with Scott Devine's and its worlds away in terms of engaging presentation. There's also a million ways you can talk about being "more interesting" in terms of what you play on your instrument, not how you look, and if the content were like that there may only be two pages of scoffing and not four.
    4 points
  25. Love the look of this already, that wood combinbation is going to be a stunner. padauk and wenge are a cracking combo colour wise id say. beyond pickups any idea on electronics/controls? looking forward to seeing this come together! and +1 on working on the dining table/a workmate, a proper workshop only makes things faster, not easier do you think there's a woodworkers WAG's forum somewhere where they all meet up to complain?
    4 points
  26. That is simultaneously the best and worst thing I have ever seen!
    4 points
  27. As Ronnie Corbett said....”I know my place”
    4 points
  28. Y'see, the problem with this YT vid is that it would probably go down well with an audience composed in the main of peppy, young tyros, e.g. little Beppo gasps, mops brow: 'Must remember to move around, make eye contact, where's Eb on the board?' Trouble is, the average BassChatter is about 58 years-old and has either (i) played every toilet gig from Penzance to Aberdeen or (ii) never got out of the bedroom (which is fine, btw). Thusly, exhortations to wiggle around and / or wave to the audience between songs must gain little traction among those who already know it and already do it, or by predisposition won't do it, or don't need to do it because they'll never play out, or through infirmity can't do it.
    4 points
  29. So you all likely know my propensity to modify or tweak what I buy. This thread follows my tendency in that... I recent years, I have found that a lot more is about the player than the instrument (to a large degree, anyway), so I might as well buy a cheaper instrument and tweak it to my liking than hack up an expensive bass. Though I do own expensive instruments, increasingly I am getting a lot of joy from cheaper ones. Now. I became quite entranced with the sound of the Stingray in my youth, but always found they sounded worse in my hands than in someone else's. At least, until I spent about 6 months working on my right hand technique a while back. I bought and sold 5-6 Stingrays for this reason. Now, I am happy with how they sound when I play them, but it turns out I really dislike the 3EQ versions, and eventually I realised the sounds I liked best were 'older' Stingrays. I also favour Jazz width necks over Stingray or Precision necks; getting an SLO Special Stingray looks a very expensive affair. Not to be mean, but I happen to think Stingrays are mostly a one trick pony, and I can't face stumping up huge amounts of money for that, much as I like them now. So the goal became getting 'the sound' without forking out for a Stingray Classic or a vintage Stingray. So, in many ways, a Ray4 fit the bill. I bought a Ray4 a year and a half ago - the videos by JuliaPlaysBass on Youtube giving me confidence in doing so. It got about 80-90% of the way to the sound I wanted, and I played it stock for about a year. Good value for money, although I did get the frets levelled and get a new nut installed. (The original nut needed filing down to be properly playable, which I did at home, but a proper fret level by a luthier made the instrument feel just great to play). Eventually, I replaced the tuners with an old set of Hipshot Licensed Ultralites I had lying around, because the original tuners were not that great, and it felt like I was invested in the instrument after a while. That was a nice upgrade. I had to shim the Ultralite tuners to fit the holes, but it was worthwhile. I just used electrical tape, worked fine. I quite like the very practical ethic of not filling the old tuner screw holes, gives a kind of industrial look. So. As I continued to play the instrument, I realised I wouldn't mind putting more into it, as it had taken on something more personal to me. I did a lot of research using Low End Lobsters series on modding his Ray4s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrGKPGOKp9M and the Mold Smoothie Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRkzMzjkD58) and ended up purchasing the John East 2 band MMSR EQ (without plate to make it cheaper) and the Aguilar AG4M. That got me 'the sound' plus a bit more, as the EQ has a slightly bigger range than the original. The install was easy - John's products are brilliant in my opinion - but I got a bit of hum out of the Aguilar, which I did not expect. I ended up shielding the pickup cavity, which seemed to do the trick. I do have a fairly electrically noisy household, so it's good at picking up issues like this. The Aguilar is a 'vintage style' Stingray pickup, so perhaps it wasn't surprising to get some vintage aspects to it, lol. So, now I had the sound. However.....the bridge had been a subtle annoyance to me that I tolerated for a long time, because the instrument was inexpensive, but replacing the bridge felt a bit wasteful to me. It's a perfectly good bridge, and I have never found the magic in a bridge change that many people talk about, though I have swapped plenty in my time. Eventually, I realised that I could try to fit an old Stingray mute set on there, which would allow some flexibility if I desired it, and also look a lot better. Bass Direct sells them for £28 shipped...so, I bought a set. Turns out, the long metal plates of the mutes fit perfectly under the existing Ray4 bridge without having to modify the bridge or bass in any way. Sweet. I spent a long time looking for inserts to put into the wood under the bridge for the mute screws to fit into, but I could not find a supplier here or in the USA for the right size. Strange, but there it is. I bought a few of different sizes just to try them, but the screws never worked right in them - either too small or too large. I dug out old pics of vintage Stingrays with the bridges and hardware removed, and it turned out that it looked like those screws simply went directly into the wood, not an insert. I also messaged Low End Lobster to ask him if that is what he had done with his bass, and he said he simply screwed them directly into the wood as well, and it worked fine. So, one 4mm drill bit and a lot of measuring later, this is how it ended up... It's not perfect - the hole I drilled for the screw through the bridge under the G string was 1mm off where I wanted it to go, even though I used a centre punch - but it looks right, and furthermore, the mutes are totally useable and the sound is very cool. Even with some candle wax to lubricate the screws when I screwed them in to the bass, they are a slow turn, so it's not instant adjustability, but a minute or two will allow me to return it to the 'non-muted' sound. The finished article. I need no more mods. This has been a real labour of love, over a long period of time, and I am really happy with it. It's cheaper than any of the options I might otherwise have had to consider given my requisites, but it's difficult to recommend it if you're not as picky about necks/EQ etc as I am. A secondhand SBMM Ray34 or similar is better value, though those don't have the forearm contour that I think is critical either. But you get the gist. I think I spent around £600 all together, and it looks and sounds great. This is now, finally, my 'Stingray'. Pete
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. OK Well i have spent the last three days making a 1/2 scale bass out of none tone woods, well woods i personally wouldn't choose to have a bass made out of. pictures attached. Looks quite nice but sounds stinky poo. some of you may point out, but it has no pick up or E.Q. So this just goes to prove If you use none Tone woods you had better concentrate on getting a good Pick up and pre-amp in the thing. otherwise ya lost. This is for my two year old grand daughter as she destroys Kiddie acoustic guitars by standing on them. Here is the sales pitch. Lime body ( basswood ) to you. actually an old chopping board. Nice English aged Oak top , from my Fathers wood collection Pine neck, with Light flamed Oak board and matching head stock. Padauk bridge and bone nut, left overs from a Shuker build course. Only had three old machine heads so its a 3 string bass. So that's it, If you want a real bass get someone who knows what he is doing and ask for some nice tone wood.
    3 points
  32. You're getting nothing until you apologise for throwing up in my walking boots this morning.
    3 points
  33. Really like the look of these basses. Great colour! I already have enough Jazz basses, or I'd be sorely tempted by this. If you haven't read Guy Pratt's book BTW (as pictured above) - I would highly recommend it, in fact, It's my fave book by a bass player, and lots of fun GLWTS
    3 points
  34. I don’t think Bill Wyman did too badly out of just standing there and not smiling..... (saved his energy for “off the stage”, maybe?)
    3 points
  35. I got slightly damp just reading that 😁
    3 points
  36. I'm sure the real blame resides beyond our esteemed luthier and purveyor of riveting build threads, rather a certain client who will remain untagged. The Superquad is a no brainer for a single pickup bass, as it's not actually a 'single pickup' bass.
    3 points
  37. Like most advertising, it seeks to create insecurity and then offers a cure. Do you welcome parasites into your home?
    3 points
  38. I blame @Andyjr1515 for my sudden compulsion to use a single SIMS Superquad 🙂
    3 points
  39. Cruising through Romford listening to the cool ruler
    3 points
  40. Yes, it was in the east wing which I only use in the summer months..... honest. It’s only a cheap copy that I was given a couple of years ago that has been at the back of a cupboard behind other stuff since we moved. If I’d remembered about it then I would have used it as a template for the short scale Tele bass I’m making rather than have hunted round the web for a plan!!! Doh! Should have the Telebass ready for this bash.
    3 points
  41. The majority of you preferred the fingerboard extending to the pickup. So that’s what I did! Also did the fret positions markers
    3 points
  42. I would have to say, on the one hand, they do, and on the other, they don't. If he'd come on here with a vid about using a particle accelerator to analyse the sonic properties of a slab body Precision we'd have been all 'That's so amazing, like' and sending him boxes of chocolates.
    3 points
  43. Still annoyed I bought the wrong URL for this site and now there’s tons of bass players here 😖
    3 points
  44. Spector fans! Hope you are all fine and staying safe. This showed up in my YT feed today. Cool limited run Spectors with Ziricote tops. I have never heard of that wood but I think it looks great. I really like what the Ish guys are doing. In the video, Jesse is playing a NS-5. However, I really dig the the Spectorbird with the pale moon ebony FB. 😍 Hope they'll make a video featuring that one too.
    3 points
  45. That was just one word away from totally changing the meaning of that reply.
    3 points
  46. I am a Jazz musician. I never play on a stage big enough to move around on. And nobody notices the bass player unless s/she catches fire. Well known fact. Also, eye contact doesn't matter when the whole audience is wearing varifocals.
    3 points
  47. I don't think that jigging around makes you an interesting bass player, and standing still doesn't make you boring. What does make a boring bass player is tedious note and rhythm choices, and perhaps more importantly, not Looking Like You Mean It. Any fool can bounce about uncoolly dad-dancing, but not every fool can stand stock still and absolutely kill it, like say Ron Mael or Kraftwerk! And any fool can move all over the stage wearing exactly the same clothes as they wear every other day (i.e. tshirt and jeans), but not every fool actually Looks The Part, like Bootsy!
    3 points
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