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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/11/22 in all areas

  1. So this weekend I got my third ever bass (first one for 19 years!). I've been oggling reverends for a few years now and felt the split coil /bridge humbucker combo to be the best option for me (I've never enjoyed the bridge single coil sound much). Every single sound is useable both pickups sound great, I genuinely can't believe how much of a difference this has made to my sound. I was always of the opinion that amps and pedals had a bigger overall influence on your tone but I'm very happy to be proven wrong. Even my amp sounds ten times better, which I have never been fully happy with. Overall very chuffed 😁
    11 points
  2. Do they do a Corbett Short Scale too? 😂
    10 points
  3. Our guitarist booked me one of these for tonight's rehearsal as a special treat. I have now popped my SVT cherry. 300W is plenty.
    9 points
  4. well im sure Lemmy stole his identity from the mayor in trumpton town, shocking 🙂 are there any more ? ?
    7 points
  5. I have for sale my 2004 Overwater Jazz bass , the bass would have been without the scratch-plate as there is the access at the back for the wiring loom, the previous owner said that a Sadowsky preamp was fitted hence the front plate Controls are Vol/Pan/ 3 band EQ with the lower knob as push/pull for active and passive options weight is 4.2 Kg's nut width 39mm Fitted with Bartolini candy bar pickups frets are in good shape with little wear some buckle rash to the back with a few dings on the lower bottom of the bass but nothing nasty for some reason the plate at the back with the serial and date has it as a 5 string, possible mistake I dont really know I have spoken to Chris May about it and he said it was a customer order as they dont normally do Bart pickups Lovely well made basses from Overwater and today this would cost over £3000 to order Any question please fire away No trades please as its a cash sale only
    7 points
  6. Frets are in the 10” to 14” radius fingerboard.
    6 points
  7. haha grow them, you know you want to 🙂 Another Identity thief, prince defo modled himself on Jafar from aladdin 😆
    5 points
  8. I bet you’ve never seen these two together in the same room. Uncle Albert from Only Fools and Repeats Rob Halford out of Judas Priest
    4 points
  9. there is a third part to this equation...
    4 points
  10. Have been working on the headstock shape and blending in the volute today. The front has a small reveal of the mahogany. Also done fingernail access for the truss rod cover, just need to put some magnets in to hold it in place. Very pleased with how it is coming along.
    4 points
  11. The sample settings for the Bass Driver DI were done with a vintage Fender bass directly into a mixer and near field monitors. The Blend is usually set to 100% since the SansAmp emulates vintage tube amps that have no blend control. What you are plugging the Bass Driver into will have an impact on the final sound. It's best to use the Bass Driver into a flat response platform when you first use it so you can hear and understand how it works. Running through other effects or a bass amp with its own EQ curve will negate the sample settings and the way the pedal is supposed to work. The unit does have a midrange scoop by design and backing off the Blend or increasing the midrange can help if you require more mids. We also offer the ParaDriver and VT Bass DI's for players that want more control over the midrange content.
    4 points
  12. A Load/ReLoad single album with the fat trimmed off would have been great back in the day, although I quite liked Load as an album in its own right. Still think that era is the best they've ever sounded in the studio and live.
    4 points
  13. The good news is that I've got to the 'make a list of the final jobs' stage. The bad news is that I've only ticked off half of one of them in a morning's work. But that's better than going backwards I've tidied up the bridge pickup chamber, copper-foil shielded and earthed it, fitted it and modded the trial pickup ring to as thin as the chamber allows. Here's the shielded chamber, ready for sorting the fixing holes. I confess I am a little nervous of the un-supported outlet cable coming from the Gemini pickup. It's a heavy cable and those three teeny coil attachment wires are pretty fragile. It's a pity that there isn't any sort of cable secure - I would have thought a simple lacing through a couple of drilled holes in the base plate would have been possible. Still, it seems OK - I just won't take it out again! Also here is the slimmed down trial guard for @ped to see what he thinks. The final version - whatever shape @ped decides on - will have two small pickguard screws holding it in place, one either side of the pickup.
    4 points
  14. It was a serious reply - there's absolutely no money in it. We're far too old and far too ugly to "make it" so we just make some tunes, record them and send them out into the ether to absolutely zero plaudits because we must suffer for our art - and we're terrible at convincing other people to suffer our art...
    4 points
  15. Swingin' ~ Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
    4 points
  16. Back in the mid 80's you could pick up a 60's 500/1 for, less than a new Squier or Tokai bass. I picked up 2 during this time a 1964 Violin bass which cost £175 which, I sill have to this day, & a 1964 Senator bass which cost me £150. I let the Senator go for a new MIM Fender Jazz in the 90's not one of my best ideas. My friend had the CT Cavern bass and it looked really good but I'm, amazed how much the German made basses cost these days it's like Fender CS money. The best £175 I ever spent on a bass guitar.
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. 3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson heavily borrowed his stage act from this gentleman:
    3 points
  21. Sting-Wal body and neck have finally arrived! Stupidly forgot a few parts so will be a week or so before I finally plug it in… Also slightly nervous to take a drill to it to mount everything so might take it to Denmark st…
    3 points
  22. Depends entirely on the music I'm playing. For metal I like a jazz type but I don't play a lot of metal these days. For the stuff that I am playing now, a P or PJ can be the perfect thing. I could really do with 2 of them though - 1 with flats and another with rounds!
    3 points
  23. So it's good night from me....
    3 points
  24. Don't you think those cutaways add a certain 'je ne sais quoi' ? A bit like cooling vents on a Maserati
    3 points
  25. I'm no Metallica fan but TBH I don't get all the noise about them 'selling out' when the black album came out. In fact I'd say they got better, moving way from the tune-free first 5 albums etc to writing actual songs, you know the stuff that people can actually hum/sing along to. Load and Reload both have some good tunes and if they'd been combined on one album, this would by some way have been their best effort.
    3 points
  26. Headsticks have done very well and are reasonable big on the gigging circuit, we're not in that league. We easily covered costs on our first 3 albums, which is all we wanted, we recently remixed our first album, , added some live tracks, we were never happy with the original recording and it had long since sold out, we have struggled to sell the 100 copies we needed to recoup the costs, which is what prompted the singer's wife's (too many apostrophes Dad?) comment. We can still sell T shirts though 😃
    3 points
  27. I’ve started using DR Hi Beams and I think I’ve found my favourite string. I love the tone, the growl and the feel of them. The tension seems spot on for me, not too firm but not sloppy either, they just seem really fun to play. No idea how long the brightness lasts but they’ve been brilliant so far. One trivial/purely cosmetic thing I also like about them is that they don’t have silk wraps, as I don’t like the way they fluff up and separate.
    3 points
  28. Do you have "big hands"? There's a luthier (ahem) whose work sometimes features on here who may have just the thing for you 😊
    3 points
  29. First gig out with this rig yesterday, very impressed! Ashdown ABM 400 Neo 1x15 combo with matching 1x15 Neo cab. Easiest load in/out I’ve done for a full electric show 😎
    3 points
  30. I prefer right hand basses myself. 😎
    3 points
  31. And given that the LEDs are hardwired to the body, it looks like this is staying fretless whatever I might like to try 🤔
    2 points
  32. Autumn Leaves - Most jazz musicians
    2 points
  33. Fender - sort out the consistency of your QC. Its a joke that a top line MIA can have more flaws and gaps than some of the better MIMs, and even more unfathomable that the situation can be reversed for the next randomly selected example of each. Unless you go to a shop and eyeball each instrument individually you never know what you're getting, and in this long distance internet biying age thats a significant ballache. Sort it out!
    2 points
  34. I got one of the sonic blue ones back in the day. To be fair, I modded & pimped it up quite substantially.... Mighty Mite neck, pearloid pickguard, EMG's. I guess the only original thing left was the body 🙂
    2 points
  35. Heavy metal isn't really about nice tunes you can hum along to. Heavy metal is supposed to be challenging to listen to, it shouldn't be easy listening background music. I've been a metal fan for a very long time and I have never listened to some Crowbar or Suicidal Tendencies and thought "if only this had a more catch tune and maybe a major key to cheer it up a bit". If I ever have those thoughts then I'll trade in my record collection for Michael Buble's greatest hits.
    2 points
  36. They went from £120, then briefly to £90 then got cleared out at £60 which is when most people on here bought them. I paid £60 for the P and £25 for the Strat which appeared in the window of my local SR a fair bit after the BC gold rush had occurred! Cycled past it on my way to work, went to the cash point and was there waiting when the shop opened at 9am, thankfully my boss understood that a £25 Strat can't be missed and let me come in a bit late.
    2 points
  37. One Foot In The Grave ~ Eric Idle
    2 points
  38. Well, I was so impressed with my first P bass from this builder I asked if he’d create a PJ unlined fretless for me. No problem. So, I eventually settled on a polyester-coated ebony board. It is currently strung with Labella flats and sounds really lush. Some pics:
    2 points
  39. Help! ~ .... 🤦🏼‍♂️
    2 points
  40. Well, I'm embarrassed to say it was the battery, which despite being pretty fresh and powering the preamp and PUP lights just fine, wasn't powering the LEDs. We live and learn! @itu many thanks, and many thanks to everyone who pitched in! I've never used these before, they are extremely bright, it's going to be interesting to use them live I suspect, can't help thinking I'd love a set of these on my upright
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Presumably the PJ would also have an ash body if left behind in a house fire. Sorry. Someone had to be the smart alec so it may as well be me.
    2 points
  43. I toured up and down the UK in the 90's with a 2103H and an 1153 TE rig - never missed a beat. They were heavy, but sounded incredible.
    2 points
  44. Must be nice to have space to have monitors in front of you to demark the stage a bit @Bluewine (sounding great btw!). Second gig of the weekend was at Cheers in Fraserburgh on Sat night. First half went pretty well, but the singer was beleagured with ladies cavorting in front of him (drunk, so thinking that they're being sexy when really, it's all a bit ridiculous), wanting to grab the mic and sing, getting pouty when that doesn't work etc. Just got rid of one pest because thankfully she didn't like the song we were playing, only for her to be replaced by another pest the next song! Ladies bouncing around in front of you when you're trying to do a job, some people might say it's a nice problem to have but it's really just an annoyance of the highest order - we're all spoken for men at the end of the day. Some other lady tried to start a conversation with me while I'm playing. I just act dumb - I cannot multitask worth a damn. She complained later that we were too loud/heavy. D'oh, we're a rock band - awa' hame and listen to some Ed Sheeran if it bothers you that much! Oh, the joys of performing at floor level. Towards the end of the second set the bar emptied quite noticeably, but a table of three attentive and appreciative ladies stayed until the end so that made up for it. During Highway to Hell, I went and sat down with them at their table - I've got naff all to do for half the song anyway. It's a bit I sometimes do - pretend to sleep, grab a chair and sit down, that sort of thing, usually gets a chuckle. I usually get back in position when I need to play but Saturday night I just stayed at the table and played my bits there, only standing up for the end of the song. All in all, an OK night, Friday was better though. New venue for us this coming Saturday - the Black Abbot in ... Montrose! Maybe we should play Smoke on the Water and modify the lyrics to "We all came out to Montrose / On the North Sea coastline..." but that's probably too cheesy. I suggested learning "I Got the Fire" by Montrose (the band) but we figured folk might not get the reference... Oh, and seeing as it'll be December, I guess it's time to dust off the Christmas songs again...
    2 points
  45. I was amused by the combination of the car, its position occupying two parking spaces, and the small sign directly in front of it.
    2 points
  46. Just a couple of days ago I had an email from a Vineyard church quite local to me. It was an invitation to a Worship jam they are doing. It is an initiative to build a new worship band as they feel they need more bodies to cover extra services they are putting on including an evening service which will be all worship without any teaching or sermons. I sent a yes to attend and got back lead sheets for the 3 songs they want to try out to start with within hours. I've been trying to get the gospel church where I play to use lead sheets for 18 months with no results. This looks like I might be on the move to serve much closer to home than the 44 mile round trip I have been making for the last 18 months or so. Please pray for me that all is well and according to Gods will.
    2 points
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