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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/04/22 in all areas

  1. Finding nice people you enjoy playing with is wonderful, "no ego's" is rare because it means every one is listening to each other and compromises. You can comment without upsetting others....you are "harmonious" I am very lucky, my band Fynnius Fogg is celebrating, 50 years with the same founding members! We are obviously old but young at heart and have 23 gigs this year (played over 1000 gigs together)...it has been a wonderful friendship and life
    11 points
  2. Ordered a Lionel short scale VS4 passive, but going with the Superlight woods for hopefully the smallest lightest solid bass on the planet. Now the 12 month wait begins for delivery. But, surprise upon surprise... that would just about match up with my 50th birthday and the missus offered that it be my present! I was not expecting that! Going with black, rosewood board with abalone dots. Chrome hardware. Something like this: I'm already impatient!!
    9 points
  3. My Markbass LM2 and LM3 heads are class AB output. They are no larger than the majority of 500/800 watt class D output stage heads. You can have a class AB head without the need for large heavy transformers.
    6 points
  4. I reckon it's the overall design of an amp that matters - if the designer has a vision for the end result, understands the components they're working with for all they are (and aren't) and knows how to use them intelligently and to best advantage, then the fact that one of those components happens to be a commodity class d power module is neither here nor there. I just wonder how many amps exist for no greater reason than to present something with the company logo on it for sale in a particular area of the market, and how much they might unfairly sway opinion on the underlying technology if they fail to inspire. At home I actively prefer Diet Coke, but down the pub I find all Coke tastes roughly the same. 🙂
    5 points
  5. As mentioned in other threads, I think part of the class d issue is that people also use them with often singular, small, lightweight cabs, and then people compare them to a big iron head with a large heavy multi speaker cab.
    5 points
  6. Punk band last night at The Dreadnought in Bathgate celebrating their 50th Anniversary as a rock venue. 4 nights of bands spread over this weekend and next. Punk themed night, 70's themed night, Soft rock night and finally an 80's night. Great night with prizes supplied by the venue for the highest pogo and best dressed punk. The Dreadnought even supplied free hot pies at half time. We had a couple of "guest" singers join us and just had a great night. The punk band Emergency Exit also celebrating 45 years as a band. And here's me with my leather jeans punk look.
    5 points
  7. Welcome to my world. I realised this years ago that consumer power modules are lacking (IMO) and nothing has changed my mind yet. It’s Diet Coke vs Full Fat Coke.
    5 points
  8. The emergence of class D heads had me very excited! 800 watts in small box light box. No more lugging around huge transformers, great! Except apart from the easy carry the rest of the story has been pretty erm stinky poo!! Despite 8 years, five heads and every Eq patten under the sun. I simply cannot get on with the sound at volume. 😬 I”ve tried TC Electronics (BH 550) Aguilar (TH500) Tech 21 (VT) Markbass (Tube 800) and finally Mesa Boogie (D800) and no matter if you put a valve in front of them, a compressor before them, a neo or a ceramic speaker from them, or summon a religious cult behind them. They sound too direct at volume to my ears. I tried, but I’m going back to my Class A/B happy place! 😊
    4 points
  9. (Bass apparently played by Ricky Reed, of whom I am blissfully ignorant)
    4 points
  10. Do they make a shock collars for millennial lead guitarists???
    4 points
  11. Mr soft - Steve Harley and cockney Rebel
    4 points
  12. I see what you've done there - kudos.
    4 points
  13. The secret to playing a walking jazz bassline is to play a note on every beat. Any note. But never play the same note twice in succession. You don’t need a chord chart or even need to know what key everyone’s playing in. Try it and make a youtube video of the results.
    4 points
  14. no longer for sale.... yall missed out on a great deal. gone to a friend. not a scratch on it, as new, looks amazing in the best colour, low action great to play, its been upgraded, loads spent on it, 2x genuine USA filtertron pickups,.. ( hi sense) about £80 each 2x genuine filtertron pickup surrounds, graftech nut top quality adjustable height roller bridge, Bigsby trem Genuine gretsch chrome control knobs gretsch hard case, brand new, as new.... £85 on ebay or 99 from a shop body bound front and back neck and head bound you could give this as a present its that good. And it looks the NUTZ if it helps i will take a px .. fretless bass studio gear lex reverb to the value of say 200
    3 points
  15. Short scale beauty with Aguilar ceramic P pickups. And stripes. Yum, competition stripes!!! Weighs zip all too.
    3 points
  16. Fender classic 50,s series p bass for sale. Not long had this cracking p bass but the wider neck is causing problems with an old hand injury. Excellent condition apart from a tiny ding at the back of the strap button at the bottom of the bass. Can barely be seen up close. Sounds phenomenal. Looks stunning. The one piece maple neck is top class and should be on every fender. Comes with the fender gig bag. Sad sale. But a real bargain for someone. Bass can be posted at buyers expense.
    3 points
  17. Really? I think she’s great - good to hear prominent bass on these dance orientated pop tunes - it happens quite a lot these days. I like the way she deals with the material in a witty way - adds humour.
    3 points
  18. From 1974, precision purchased in 1969 behind me JBL 15" & Wallace hand made bass amp (with 2x KT88's) vocals thro Electrovoice eliminator 3 way
    3 points
  19. Probably my age (60) but for me and my peers, listening to albums was always done from beginning to end and opinions arrived at from the experience of having heard the album in its entirety. Probably had to do with having analogue sources back in the day and no digital alternatives, so skipping tracks was not a convenient option. Tracks in isolation might well have not worked, but as a piece on the listening Journey from the beginning to the end of the album, such tracks can be a crucial part of the overall listening experience. In this regard for me at least, Moving Pictures gets 10/10.
    3 points
  20. That is so cool and such an amazing thing - congratualtions! You hear about all the 'popular' bands that run for ever like the stones, cure etc. but so lovely that there are regular bands that have such a life and longevity. That would really make we want to come to one of your gigs just to hear that sound which has been developed over such a long time.
    3 points
  21. As a big Rush fan, I always thought that, although Moving Pictures has some great songs, it's also got a few that aren't that great. Always thought that Permanent Waves was a far better album, even though it was very underrated. But what do I know?
    3 points
  22. I've unfortunately abandoned private strings companies - Amazon has some great prices on Ernie Balls. StringsDirect £24.99 +£2.99 shipping or Amazon £16.99 delivered ? Such a tough choice.
    3 points
  23. I had one and it was just brilliant. I couldn’t find a use for it so moved it on, but it was far better than the squier vi I owned previously.
    3 points
  24. Even better, use the details of the other scammer on here. Let them play each other off 😁
    3 points
  25. I've got a Modern 4 here now that I am editing a review video for as we speak. Super nice! I've asked for the five string to be sent through as soon as it's ready too.
    3 points
  26. Each to their own and all that, but my TecAmp Puma 500 sounds lovely and warm, and has suited any band situation I've been in. Light and loud too 🙂
    3 points
  27. Larry Graham is not really mentioned that often if I recall, but I was floored by him yesterday when listening to "Rave Un2 the Year 2000" where he performed with tafka Prince, using what I presume must be a Moon Larry Graham bass, as the headstock seemed to say "Moon". Anyway, luvverly playing and tone to die for (deep and roundish but still with sonority). Now, what songs should I hear if I want to know more about him? Interesting playing prioritized. I've never really been a Sly &tFS man even though their music is agreeable, and know zilch about GCS or about his solo output. Point is I have no sound in my laptop, so can't check YT. Must just buy some songs and play them from my iPod. Any help gratefully received! Bert
    2 points
  28. I received a Triungulo Lab Malombra this morning, a chorus pedal based on the Boss CE2W (CE1 mode). It’s from the same stable as the Barbanera Moog MF-101 clone and has the same build quality and fantastic paint job. It’s surprisingly versatile as a chorus on account of being able to choose the rate, depth and the wave shape (which takes it a little way towards Barbanera territory), with the mix knob allowing the lows to be kept in. I don’t usually do NPDs but I haven’t really seen any for this so thought I’d do it in case anyone was curious about it.
    2 points
  29. Squier Precision bass 1996. It has Seymour Duncan quarter pounder installed and high mass bridge (got original as well). Trade possible for anything 4 or 5 strings.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. If you fancy a bit of Rustee too listen to the album “fresh” by sly and the family stone the first track “In Time” is just an amazing bass line and the drum pattern is just slick
    2 points
  32. That's fascinating - I missed that original thread but will be reading up on this. I'm coming up on 50 and never really considered that I might need a warchest for music-related projected - love it! GAS never relents 🙂
    2 points
  33. Raise the relief and action so you don't get too much mwah, then just play it as any other bass. I use two, one lined, one unlined, in a blues, rock and rotten roll band. Works fine.
    2 points
  34. I would even know where to start if I had to defret a bathtub
    2 points
  35. The world's slowest build continues. Neck attached and headstock drilled for tuners.
    2 points
  36. For sale is one of two available Mackie HDR 24/97 24 track recorders, if you dont know these, then you are in for a bit of an eye opener. If you are looking for a next level recorder for your studio or live then read on.... These can record 24 tracks at 24 bit at the same time with ease, hence these are still being used as professional field recorders for live bands, more live albums were done on this than any other stand alone digi recorder ever, and are still being used today, so why this ?? this is the only stand alone recorder to have all the software built it, forget cubase, forget protools forget reaper, its all built in, hence it still being used as a studio recorder by many studios, so why are they still using this ?? lots of reasons,with the d8b desk you get 0.4ms latency, yep 0.4, not 40, not even 4, 0.4 ! and that is recording 24 tracks at 24 bit AT THE SAME TIME and they sound great, the analog to digi converters in this are top draw and dedicated for the job of creating Very high quality 24 bit 44.1, 48 or 96k wavs, was your pc designed for this ???? All the software as said is built in, just add a monitor a mouse and a keyboard and any desk you then have a studio ready to go. Sick of your daw crashing ??? yep... been there also hence getting these, these are rock solid, NO pc's to crash, N0 dodgy software to freeze, no downloading rubbish drivers and the best bit...no crappy windows in the back ground sucking up all your processor power. each track has 8 virtual tracks for other takes. so.... lets think about this for a min, thats 24 x 8 which gives you 192 tracks per song of 24 bit waves !! , and all wavs are viewable on screen, even at the same time if you wanted, You can of course move the wavs if wanted to your daw for editing mixing easy. or use this with your daw, as you have a choice of cards to put in the back either ... ADAT, 24 tracks in and 24 out...or Analog 25 pin Dsubs which will give you 24 tracks in and out using Jacks or XLR or both, ...or AES EBU 24 tracks in and 24 out, Or even a combination of all of them, was there anything else made that could offer this ?? the answer is NO you can even clock two or three together. So....loads of options It has been maxed out, top memory top processor, and has the up graded bios to use larger drives im also giving you the choice of in/out cards to use so your ready to go right away analog or digi in/outs, Prob best if you are serious about recording and are interested is to pop round and check it out, i think you will be shocked. I have tracks that have been released using this if you want to hear. I can send a manual as a pdf if wanted, but loads ofinfo is ready available on line, i still use two of these linked to a d8b and dont plan changing them in the future, these are my spare ones and are just not getting used, and i need other studio toys 🙂. Collect from Ellesmere port review... https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/mackie-hdr2496
    2 points
  37. Well apart from ordering the wrong model from the OP, it's arrived and it's great! I ordered the "bass" strap which appears to be neoprene rather than the memory foam in the OP. My usual straps are wide Leathergraft straps and compared to those, the extra padding is noticeable and makes a bit of a difference. I was concerned that the neoprene would be a bit bouncy but it's not at all. If you are using a two inch cheese-cutter strap, this will be a revelation.
    2 points
  38. First 2 thinned coats of varnish on the headstock - this is mainly to seal the wood prior to applying the decal. Will drill the tuner holes when this is dry - it'll be getting rattle can satin lacquer over the top of the decal once applied. The rest of the neck and body will be finished with Osmo - 2 coats of the thin 1101 Osmo, applied with 800 grit wet and dry, followed by a single coat of 3032 satin. Hopefully this will look OK - I've finished solid wood doors using this method in the past and it always looked and felt better than just the 3032. Fingers crossed! Loads of sanding to do first though.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. This. You need to know why you've got the bum's rush, otherwise there's no way to learn from it. It might be something you're doing/not doing, or it might just be that they're gits.
    2 points
  41. Wait... there's beer?? I'm on my way over...
    2 points
  42. Excessive use of class A/B amps can lead to tooth decay and diabetes? 😳
    2 points
  43. I have the Bugera Veyron, which is probably the cheapest 'powerful' class D on the market. Press the low boost, and high boost buttons, dial in a little bit of the built in compressor, get the mids where you want them, leave everything else around 12 o'clock, and the thing sounds absolutely sublime!
    2 points
  44. You also said at volume AKA loud; I tend to agree. At moderate levels [such as A/B test most likely] it may be harder to discern. I have accepted well engineered Class D for its overall good sound and light weight for moderate loud [and power for loud gig's] Gig's I have been doing especially now at 67yrs old. The loud gig's large clubs with less than stellar tone I can make through without much annoyance but those are few and far between last few years.
    2 points
  45. As I said it’s personal choice, I can tell the difference for sure and for ages I tried to tell myself I couldn’t. Ultimately it’s personal choice, but if work done or power is a function of area under the the output graph it feels like class D are steeper spikes and A/B are more sine waves with greater work done. This may explain the need to lose heat. I’m no expert but I trust my ears. No right or wrong just personal preference! 😉
    2 points
  46. Paul Rodgers - Muddy Waters Blues Album. A raft of guest guitarists, top players and superb tracks.
    2 points
  47. The Killers - Somebody Told Me.mp4
    2 points
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