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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/05/18 in all areas

  1. Had an interesting gig in all but name tonight. Had arranged to go to a blues jam with a couple of guys from one of my bands, plus a very good Australian guitarist who flew in this morning. Hacked our way round Oxford to the venue where we discovered that it was cancelled. So we went back to the village we'd started in and managed to persuade the landlady at a pub there to host us, so we played as a 4 piece without a drummer. Surprisingly, it went down a storm and we have an open invite to do that again anytime we want! Got bought a couple of beers, had a good time and basically saved the cost of a rehearsal studio. I was surprised and pleased by the reaction of the customers who commented on the job I was doing as a solo rhythm section, especially when my greatest supporter bought me a drink. Got home shortly before midnight having snatched a good evening from the jaws of a very disappointing one.
    6 points
  2. There's no room for a bed in my guitar room!
    3 points
  3. As discussed in the other Helix thread, this is just for posting links to patches for the Helix or the HX unit. The official Custom Tone page doesn't let us search by instrument, which is a bit annoying, and searching using the word "Bass" doesn't help as many descriptions use parameter names. So to get round it we need an easy search system. How it works: 1: You create a cool sounding patch on your Helix or HX. 2: You give the patch a name that starts "BASSCHAT____________________" (You don't have to keep that name on your Helix, it's just for the upload, then change it on your machine). 3: You upload it to the Line 6 Customtone library here: https://uk.line6.com/customtone/browse/helix/ 4: In the description box you also start it with BASSCHAT to give a better chance of it showing up in searches 5: When it's uploaded you post the link here. 6: We can then find it by a link on here, or directly on the L6 page. That's it! You can also link to other good patches made by others, so we've all got a chance to try them out. I suggest we only have links to the official L6 Custom Tone to avoid getting riddled with nasty infections. I'm at home so I can't upload any right now but I will over the weekend. get stuck in! @dood @CameronJ @Muppet @Musashimonkey @intime-nick @LewisK1975 @dannybuoy
    3 points
  4. Virtually finished just got to do a setup and sort some of the electrics out...........
    3 points
  5. You should create a poll!
    3 points
  6. Outdated information. Thanks for the heads up. I'll correct it to 33" For the following reasons : 1. It allows better placement of the bridge, while still using the same body as the CHB-1. The 34" had the bridge pushed back towards the tailpiece more than I was comfortable with. 2. 33" feels comfortable and familiar if you play 34", but still leaves the strings under slightly less tension for good semi-hollow bass tone 3. No tippy-tippy neck dive. 4. Nobody else makes them at 33". Nice to do something different.
    3 points
  7. My old set up was Bass into Boss OC3 into a Moog Bass Murf. The signal was split with lows going into one side of a mixer/loop pedal I made & the other side went into a PSK dirt, Moog LPF (with exp pedal & an envelope out to the Bass Murf to shift frequencies as the note decays) & then a boss CH2. This then went back into the other side of the mixer to sum it all together & then to the amp. The loop side of the pedal allowed me to switch everything after the octave on or off. Here's a track I made 5 years ago for Basschat. The bass comes in at 2 seconds. My current rig hasn't made as great a synth sound yet, but I've not really played much with it. I now have MXR BOD > PSK Dirt > Source Audio BEF Pro > Boss CE2.
    3 points
  8. I'm sorry but your last sentence is a bit stupid. I swap between a passive fretted bass and an active fretless because the songs sound better with the slides. I forgot to switch the passive/active switch at a rehearsal once and vowed that I wouldn't do that again and went down a route that forced me to act for each change. You use pedals to change the sound to suit songs, some of us use a different bass.
    3 points
  9. Price: 3600€ or £3200 + shipping The main price for bass is in the Euro. The UK pound price is of informative character and varies from the daily exchange rate. Sadowsky Modern 5, Bora blue. 24/5 Serial #5786, year 2011. Sadowsky preamp with VTC, Sadowsky PU-s Birds eye maple fingerboard, quilted maple top on ash. chambered body, weight: 3,6 kg Trade: Alleva Coppolo LM 5, Fender USA Deluxe 5 or Elite 5 + cash... Thank you for watching!
    2 points
  10. The years of playing live a lot are behind me (my own personal choice) so I rarely use this great bass anymore (the occasional twang while watching tv as an exception). I've already owned around 11 or 12 Wal basses and this is a fine one which I have owned longer than the others..No doubt I'll miss it in case it gets sold but that's a luxury problem since I still have other basses which supply me with ideas and pleasure. It is in excellent condition (the wood is yew), comes with the Wal case and shipment to the UK is included....I would prefer an international money transfer so no paypal please (feel free to check my feedback here on bass.chat). The bass can also be collected (I live in the Brussels area in Belgium) so no trouble at all to come and check it out. No shipment to the US. I took a few pictures and recorded a couple of videos with this bass to give an impression but feel free to contact me for more information...No trades please since I still have too many basses. Thanks for looking...
    2 points
  11. So I've got the Chowny chb-2 on a very generous 3 week loan from @Mickeyboro and my first impressions are that it feels much more substantial than the JC as it's a semi hollow rather than a fully hollow bass. That goes with the territory of being a heavier bass, but whilst my shoulders and back may not thank me, I do like the sensation of something more substantial / robust! Looking forward to giving this a proper play over the next couple of weeks and will gladly report back my (hopefully positive) impressions.
    2 points
  12. Interesting stuff ref the planing - it certainly is borne out by the result! So have I understood, is your jack-plane blade gently radiused? Ref the chambering, I basically follow the same logic as you where I can - I visualise the body as a centre-blocked ES335 or similar with a continuous beam from nut to bridge. Of course, the reality - once you've sliced through it to within an inch of its life with the pickup routings - is somewhat different. On a lightening project for @Harryburke14's very heavy Harley Benton, I actually did chamber at partial depth across the 'centre block' and there was no audible difference to my ear: But generally, I do something similar. This was my last one: Again, if you envisage how deep and wide the pickup routes are (this had twin humbuckers), then the reality is that the body is strong enough / rigid enough/ tonally good enough to chamber in the centre block too. But, like you, I prefer not to if I don't have to.
    2 points
  13. Definitely try the additional cab first, just in case. However, if the Trace gets the sound exactly as you want, I think the answer is there. Please do let us know how it pans out. Geoff
    2 points
  14. Great topic idea and I totally agree with @Al Krow with regards to it being I think with covers your inevitably chasing a multi-functional sonic palette and finding the elusive "Swiss Army Tone" is a nightmare and as previously touched on the gateway to a serious case of G.A.S.. Personally like most I started off aspiring to sound like my early heroes; Alex Katunich of Incubus and Stuart Zender of Jamiroquai. I chased the "Super Jazz" Warwick Streamer sound for many years but always being rather broke I've never managed to actually own one. I was about 16-17 when I discovered a through neck ,Korean, Spector 5 string at a local music shop which I snapped up for £450 quid (To this day the most I've every spent on anything other than a car). That bass has been the foundation of my tone ever since but now it exists in a heavily modded state. After the "Super Jazz" obsession I went through a Hardcore Punk phase and sought the Music Man Stingray Punk tone of Players like Jason Sinclair of Belvedere. So naturally instead of forking out for a new bass I just got a MM pickup and squeezed it in-between the two soap-bars already in my Spector. At this point I disconnected the Bridge pickup to wire in the MM pick-up to the Spector "Tone Pump" circuit and used my bass like that for a long time. After the Punk phase I discovered Progressive Metal and just wanted to sound like Justin Chancellor of Tool so I got a decent pre-amp pedal (a Dave Hall Amps-VT1) and of course a Digitech Whammy. In my mid to 20's I became disillusioned with bands and started writing solo material, I didn't want to spend more money on gear but I wanted a wider tonal palette to play with so I re-wired my bass in passive so I could get my bridge pick-up running again, I figured I have my pre-amp pedal so why do I need one in my bass? So that about brings me to just before where I am now, except I should probably mention that along the way, because of financial issues I'd sold my Amp/Cabs. So I'm writing solo stuff I still want to gig it but I'm broke AF, that's when I spent the last two years creating this solution; My no amp solo rig in a box, its two parallel bass chains and a vocal chain with click and backing tracks coming in from the tablet, all monitoring through hard wired in-ear's and I send a single mono line out to the front of house and that's my sound. So really I came to know the sound I wanted, through years of seeking to sound like other people and I ended up finding "My Sound" through combining them all and trying to solve a problem within the financial constants I had to work with. Oh and here's a few pics of my Bass; If anyone's interested I'm running 1 meg CTS Log pots for both volume and tone and a 47uF paper in oil cap.
    2 points
  15. True fact: first record I ever bought was 'My Gang' by Gary Glitter... picked it up from a jumble sale as a kid. Probably still have it somewhere, although I imagine the resale value has dropped a bit.
    2 points
  16. I've watched the Bobby Kimball live version a few times since it was originally posted - to the OP, I offer my thanks for the comedy high point of the week.
    2 points
  17. Budget? You can look at older equipment but IMO the gear being made today is as good and in many cases better. I'd be looking the Basschat Classifieds for good gear at good prices. There are Mesa Boogie amps and cabs, Bergantino cabs, a couple of Genz Benz amps. Some TC, GK, Ampeg, Ashdown and TC. You'll sound good with any of these and IMO separate amp and cabs are better for upgrading and adding cabs. For live work you'll need a 500 watt amp for a full clear sound and enough speakers to carry your sound throughout the room. You might need to project your sound on some gigs even if you have use of FOH on others. Hartke Hydrive and Fender Rumbles are good to start off with. So are GK, Ashdown and Markbass. You can spend more on great amps and cabs like the Quilter BB800, Mesa Boogie and EBS. You will not have any problems sounding like a million dollars with Barefaced, Aguilar or Bergantino. These are my opinions and none of this is set in stone. There are guys using boutique gear who sound average and guys using cash converter junk who sound good, but it's easier to sound good with better gear. We can tell you what we think but you'll have to put in the time to try gear out or see what suites you. Check out local bands and see what gear they are using. Hear someone making a sound you like and ask them about their sound. Most bass players will be happy to talk gear on a gig.
    2 points
  18. Yep all the time. It’s to make up the fact that I suck.
    2 points
  19. A good read for anyone interested in the story of Chicago ( from drummer Danny Seraphine's point of view) : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Street-Player-My-Chicago-Story/dp/0470416831
    2 points
  20. 18 feet, definitely. Then we can give it to @Al Krow so that he can punt himself down the river away from any thread that mentions the dreaded C word *. * Compressor - not the other one
    2 points
  21. Spectracomp, always on. Always fingers. All styles.
    2 points
  22. My shame bypass filter is not that good.
    2 points
  23. @Osiris is the the soft key or the hard key version you play with?
    2 points
  24. I play whatever style comes my way - finger style only i use a p bass and a zoom b2.1 set to ampeg svt, with full fat cab flavouring. The comp is set to fairly subtle - I tried turning it off and the whole thing didn’t sound quite as smooth, throbby, focused so I leave it on. Never heard a bad word yet about my sound ** ** I’m probably deaf ...
    2 points
  25. If someone said to you "I bet you're a bit of a c*nt.. No offence" you'd probably be offended
    2 points
  26. Ah nuts! Well spotted mate. I got back from Belgium last night and for some reason my laptop still thought I was there this morning (hence the 1 hour time difference). Can laptops have hangovers!? I’ll sort it next chance I get, no probs.
    1 point
  27. I believe Yew is what was used to make English longbows (cough)
    1 point
  28. Just out of interest & what style do you play .
    1 point
  29. I bought a pedal from pete. It arrived promptly and was insanely well-packaged. All round top egg. Deal with confidence!
    1 point
  30. I swapped a bass at the sw bash for @yorks5stringer‘s blue one - a nice thumpy tone, but didn’t really cut it at full tilt til I changed to a set of DR (in neon green, also got at the bash!). The drummer thought it sounded like a Stingray then! Whilst I wouldn’t go that far, the DRs certainly changed the nature of the beast!
    1 point
  31. The problem persisted with the output jack cutting out, despite me thinking I’d remedied it by lifting the scratchplate slightly and adjusting the contact strip. So I decided to unscrew the whole scratchplate and have a good look inside to see what was going on. What had happened was that the shielding foil had lifted away from the cavity side right next to the jack socket. It the tip of the jack plug moved slightly it just touched the foil, cutting the signal. Some kind of circuit being made I guess? Anyway I tidied up the foil and Bob’s yer uncle, sorted!
    1 point
  32. Thanks mate, I think it ties it together but I don’t think @discreet would agree
    1 point
  33. Therein lies the mystery! Actually, its sort of slightly psyche pop, which grew out of slightly psyche acoustic, when it went electric. With a little prog in the mix. Current-ish stuff is here if you want to check my description: https://soundcloud.com/the-new-moon
    1 point
  34. Sounds to me like this has already moved from a bunch of mates making music to a band run by one person. That's no reason to leave but you might want to consider selling the PA to the band.
    1 point
  35. Yep! Fantastic book! Very honest....
    1 point
  36. My main concern would be them thinking collectively or individually that the PA can be borrowed anytime for projects, Reputation - going out as a ramshackle band could be detrimental to your following and street cred as a local band in its ascendancy if that is a Risk in your case. Dep - Most good established working bands use deps, I would be relieved that they haven't in this case, just in case - younger, better looking, better player and hangs better with the lads Chill - see this as a chance for them to realise all the things you add to the outfit, get a close friend to attend anonymously to check out the performance. make sure they are aware about your concerns for using the PA as a one off.
    1 point
  37. I may be wrong (pick player only) but I suspect finger players with no gain or especially slap players do find a use for them, pick players don't tend to suffer the same spikes in volume when playing
    1 point
  38. I use a compressor on both my pedal boards. On the 'posh' board I have a Spectracomp with a VT Bass DI Deluxe & Thumpinator. On my 'small' board I use the compressor in my Zoom MS-60 B along with HPF patch and my VT Bass DI.
    1 point
  39. Good evening, ZP, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
    1 point
  40. Looks great. Love the upper bouts. Great shape.
    1 point
  41. Lots of threads on here about compressors so worth a search, I use a Spectracomp, I play finger style in a hard rock/ indie/ punk covers band.
    1 point
  42. Peerless Retromatic B2 ... 34" scale, available in six colours, and also sounds great:
    1 point
  43. I’m a Spector player so maybe biased but this is actually true, I have yet to see a Spector of any price point failing to deliver. This topic is a great read by the way! 😂
    1 point
  44. surely the simplest thing to do would be to set the levels on all your instruments at soundcheck then touch nothing. Saves a fortune on fancy pedals.
    1 point
  45. Here's my last minute entry. All sounds played on the Roli Seaboard. Just made it tonight (Mrs is wondering where I am ).
    1 point
  46. I can see the value of castors for a touring band playing big/biggish venues, but for pub gigs I'd expect them to be a complete PITA. Pavements, steps, narrow doorways, etc. and never a ramp in sight. For the rare occasions where wheels are helpful, a folding sack trolley is a much neater solution. https://www.screwfix.com/p/folding-sack-truck-80kg/1209P?tc=DX2&ds_kid=92700021630478358&ds_rl=1249481&ds_rl=1245250&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0PTXBRCGARIsAKNYfG2PvQb2hNpiOsZnHjbqOGN05zeoWKIKXhgnNAWgCG1M6v57VSM12MQaAhsjEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CLm3q8-qjNsCFYZh0wodHXIMAQ https://www.safetyshop.com/super-compact-sack-trucks.html?LGWCODE=37490;144151;6391&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0PTXBRCGARIsAKNYfG1Ao6UqMfAsUe26OccbHR0gsuoVSAOneRw3sdTVvXpVtqURu1MKDVcaAiv7EALw_wcB https://handle-it.com/products/folding_van_truck?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=308171637&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0PTXBRCGARIsAKNYfG1b4E3YnROczNn79YM2sUMPii4tE3Ms_83e54Qjhrm6CI9-T7VcE3EaAupOEALw_wcB
    1 point
  47. £6400 price drop does that mean your giving it away? lol only joking...good luck with the sale.
    1 point
  48. In fairness, that's a generalisation, and also a bit harsh. I played for years in a band with a drummer who did not drive, due to his eye sight. He was a great drummer and a nice guy all round. The other band members and I, shared the transport duties. I would prefer a non driving drummer with a pro attitude over a driving one with a bad and lazy attitude.
    1 point
  49. How is this not gone at that price! I got a 5 string stealth and it is one of the best basses I have owned and played (and I've worked in the musical instruments industry for years). Now that EBMM have discontinued this colour and you are looking at around £2.3k upwards on a bass like this if you can find it, this is a steal...Hope you sell it soon.
    1 point
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