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  1. I pronounce it correctly as 'Epiphone'
    3 points
  2. I almost feel I should have this just for the name! GLWTS
    3 points
  3. A friend wanted my American Dimension Deluxe. He offered me this but as it is perceived as more valuable, an agreement was reached. So, I know little about them, need £950, collected from Wigan. I can only see one tiny dint on the front, lower horn. The writing on the back is the transfers originally on the front controls. I’m sure they will come off & leave no residue. If you require a courier, you would need to organise & pay for it, simply telling me which day it will be collected. TRADES. I value this at considerably more for a trade, but I would be happy to discuss Fender Jazz/Precision DELUXE 2012/2016, the ones with active/passive switch. The link below will explain this astonishing bass better than I ever could. Videos content. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Music-Man-Reflex-Game-Changer-HH-Bass-Guitar-MN-Black/1A8E And many thanks to Gareth (Musicman20) for expert advice & permissions. My understanding is it’s a bit like the TC Toneprint thing (except not for effects, or amp. Think I’ll shut up whilst I’m losing!). Cheers, Karl.
    2 points
  4. Yes good bass tone does matter. *edited* If your band mates don’t care about tone they’re not tuned in to being in a band. If you’re not constructively listening to your band as a unit and aiming for consistency in your sound then you’re not fully engaging. To the point about simple set up we’re all capable of going bass>amp>speaker and we could all make that work but once we start trying to find our ‘voice’ with our instrument we do consider effects and enhancements to be more unique and distinguish is from others Why is tone important and why would punters care? Well we’ve all been conditioned by listening to professionally mixed music our whole lives to understand what sounds good and the human ear knows when things sound right or wrong. Too shrill we wince too boomy etc we know it’s wrong. A well mixed/good sounding band just feels and sounds right. Within that context we (irrespective of instrument) have a responsibility to play well, sound good and serve the song irrespective of genre. Why do live venues have a sound engineer? To make sure it sounds good of course so the punters come back! What I found with most musicians once they get some proficiency and begin to understand ‘how’ to play their instrument they take an active role in the sound as much as the technique. They know where they fit in the context of the song and they give a damn about making it work in the band. If these people are not in your band then it’s a sad day for you and the audience. Yes punters will dance to a bad band, they’ll even dance to bad musicianship. They may not know that that shrill noise is too much 2k but watch their faces when the feedback kicks in. Good sound should be a priority as should a good groove. If a musician is not considering their tone and the bands tone then they’re not really engaging in the process. Sure it can get ridiculous but as I’ve said elsewhere if we know how to use our gear, understand what makes a good mix and our place in it then we’re informed enough to get by and sometimes that’s the best we can hope for. I do know that I’d hate to be the one person in my bands who was ruining the vibe or the mix because I didn’t care enough to take an interest.
    2 points
  5. Be careful with that kind of gig, it's a slippery slope.
    2 points
  6. I agree that it is nice for someone to just let rip and say what they want in an interview, without some press agent or handler stepping in and stopping comments from being printed etc. He is a big hitter in his industry, has a vast fortune, he’s 85 and he doesn’t give a damn about whether his opinions offend anyone, and I can’t help but admire his Candour. He has probably seen and been exposed to a lot of things behind closed doors, and I would bet he knows a lot of secrets that aren’t his to tell the world. I think some individuals are getting a little too upset just because he says a few mean things about people they hold in high esteem. It’s only opinion, he’s not forcing you to believe the same against your will, just take the interview as a piece of entertainment, at the end of the day that’s basically what QJ is. I agree and disagree with a few things he says, but it’s sill funny and refreshing to me.
    2 points
  7. Well nobody asked for it and now I've done it. I found myself at a loose end yesterday (actually there were several things I could have been doing instead) so without any forethought or planning I fired up my iPad and recorded this little video. I'm sure there's a better way of doing it but I did the video on the iPad, audio on my iMac with garage band then bounced them together and added some text. Seemed to go ok so now I may do some better ones. Anyway here you can enjoy the sound of my mini bass and the VB99 which I love for it's flexibility. I've had it (and the previous version before it) for about 10 years now and I'm still finding new things to do with it. Hope you enjoy! ped
    2 points
  8. What a fortunate lady Jane is. In my family you might get a new jumper commissioned; if you're lucky.
    2 points
  9. I played my first gig with the dean 8 string last night, it went so well in practice and now I have lowered the action is it an absolute joy to play. Don't get me wrong, it is still more effort to play but only just. It is a faff changing bass, more so because I am wired up with wireless sender and IEM, so those leads are in the way, so I didn't do it that much (mostly the iem). As a result of that, there were some songs I would have liked to play with the 8 string that I didn't, and some things I wouldn't have picked the 8 string for that I did. So, come together by the beatles, really doesn't work for, you need a dull paul mccartny tone and it doesn't have that, plus the strings are in the way - especially as I play the whole thing up around the 10th fret. Some songs though, 'does your mother know', "20th century boy', 'crazy horses', 'who knew', 'fight for your right' and anything rocky, fantastic. I also ended up playing it on 'saturday nights alright for fighting' which I had already decided I wouldn't due to the effort requred, because it was between 'baker street' and 'fortunate son', and it worked ok, if a bit more work than I would like - ditto 'turning Japanese'. Some songs in the second half I would have liked to use it for, but too much ska in that half to pick it up. Need to work out a quick changeover without the leads! I really do like this bass. Regarding the pitch shifter, I have used one of those many times in the past, as well as the Akai unibass and fishman powerchord effects pedals, both now sold. They are ultimately nothing like this. I wouldn't mind trying a sub-n-up, see if it is any good, but it won't be the same. I wish I had this in my last group. I think the main difference is that with an 8 string, the way you play it dictates how much of which octave you get, so you can if you want play just the low strings, or just the high, playing with a downstroke sounds different to playing with an upstroke, playing fingerstyle sounds very different to with a pick etc, its really versatile within its niche. Dont' think it is ever going to replace the ibanezes for general stuff, and also it *is* a doubled 4 string, so it is missing a string (or umm.. 2 strings), so I really could do with a 10 (or umm.. a 15!) but I am really happy I got it.
    2 points
  10. Get a high-quality studio photo of each bass printed up, full size. Frame and hang those on the walls, optionally with attractive lighting; leave the basses in their cases in a secure, temperate room (not the attic...), to be taken out and checked up on regularly (quarterly..?). That's how museums and art galleries keep their produce intact for so many decades.
    2 points
  11. OK.. in that case, how far back do you want to go?
    2 points
  12. I think Bubinga has a valid point in as much as Mars's music is a pastiche of things that have been successful in the past and seems to lack any original creativity, granted he is hugely popular which i'm sure his record label love but he is never going to be the next Marvin ,Curtis ,Smokey ,James Brown or the hip hop artist's he's parodying of late... more Jimmy Osmond than James Brown i would say ,he even has the teeth
    2 points
  13. In the entertainment industry it's a job very well done.
    2 points
  14. After all that the shop didnt have one in stock. So after big consideration ive ordered a spectracomp. I like the idea of the one knob so i dont mess my settings up, and the amount of toneprints available. Should receive it on monday.
    2 points
  15. The dude is 84 and claims to have ten movies, six albums, four Broadway shows and a number of other projects on the horizon! Hardly someone who’s no longer relevant and has it ‘all behind him’. The thing is that he has had a pop at a few sacred cows (Macca, Jackson, Prince et al), which has upset a few people when their heroes are being dissed by someone of his undoubted pedigree.
    2 points
  16. Perhaps the Christmas break has impaired your recollection of events during the course of this year. For indeed, you have form for jumping into sales threads to point out logo transgressions: Prior to the 'triggering' incident of a week or two ago, you commented in a sales thread in October: Ped replied to you saying: On June 18th you replied to an ad for a bitsa Jazz saying: Then on Jan 17th you expatiated in a more general sense on logos: THAT! There are so many fake/counterfeit "Fender"s around, selling with a "Fender" logo is dishonest, just waiting for some poor mug to buy one thinking they've got the real thing. (I also think Fender have muddied the waters a bit by branding Squiers as "Squier by Fender", so that people can advertise them as Fenders. Funnily enough, only three days before you had described taking delivery of a Rickenfaker with a fake Ric logo. Fair play for removing it as you did. But surely in buying it you were party to a transaction where intellectual copyright was infringed. So basically, you want to stop people selling basses with fake logos but it's OK for you to buy one? I put it to you that your unhappiness with fake logos in sales ads is nothing new. You have repeatedly broken forum rules by posting in sales threads where you should have PM'd. You have already had a discussion about fake logos with one of the forum's owners who has made his position clear. I suggest that far from being a spontaneous expression of concern you started this thread in an attempt to change forum policy. You want to stop people selling items with fake logos but you're happy to buy them. Shall I go on?
    2 points
  17. So many lovely basses out there. So many ........ unpleasing headstocks. I have no positive suggestions, don't get me wrong. But people who can design really nice bodies just miss the spot with the headstock. Or is it just me? Disclaimer - I am stuck in front of Saturday night TV and I am bored. I will also not be pointing out examples of what I mean - nothing to be gained by dissing people on a public forum.
    1 point
  18. Just part traded basses, with a meet up in the big smoke. Im now a happy owner of a NS MTD, and now a most excellent PJ5 Lull has gone to a good home. Fantastic guy indeed, he very flexibly fitted me into his busy weekend. Great communications, friendly, helpful, polite, and all round nice guy. Trade with confidence folks, this guy has the BassChat community spirit in bucketloads. Highly recommended. Thank you.
    1 point
  19. The production isn’t great but the music is blisteringly intense. Another favourite is Paul Simonon.
    1 point
  20. Seems to be a consensus on the quality - why no interest?
    1 point
  21. The Gillett Contour has been cited as best electro-acoustic bass in the premium £1500-plus price bracket in Bass Guitar Magazine’s best bass gear round-up for 2017. The magazine reviewed a 5-string fretted variant of the Contour earlier in the year and praised the build quality, ergonomic design and outstanding performance. Here’s what they said about the 5-string Standard they reviewed: “For the best part of three grand (prices from £2200 - see * below), you’d expect exquisite production and precision engineering at every single construction point, and we’re pleased to say that as far as we can detect, the Contour is flawless. The whole instrument is a lesson in high-quality construction.” “… the ingenious chamfering of the body has to be experienced to be believed. The ‘Wrist Valley’ at the top is a stroke of genius.” “It’s clearly a beautifully-made, carefully-designed instrument and in use it delivers a performance appropriate for its price tag.” “… a super-friendly 31.5” scale…” “… the tones can’t be denied.” *Contour price range: Contour S 4 (slim-line body) — £2200; Standard 4 — £2400; Standard 5 — £2650
    1 point
  22. Nowhere for Slowhands to tuck his fag in that though....... edit: besides, it's also a 2 + 2
    1 point
  23. There's humour in his stuff though isn't there? I couldn't understand the fuss about Uptown Funk, but then I watched the video and realised it's all just a joke and they're taking the fosters out of themselves. Edit: I didn't type "fosters". If I do type fosters, will it come up as fosters? Edit: No.
    1 point
  24. I'm a big admirer of his work to date If you have checked out the videos of his early years - i mean 5 years old stuff you will see he was imitating Michael Jackson at home and later - early teens James Brown at shows, so was already learning where Michael got his mojo from. As an imitator he has soaked up everything that is great in musical entertainment. Then he found himself and has since delivered great tunes to the world. Yes he is giving people what they like and are familiar with. If he was to come up with a new form of Bebop for the 21st century or some weird techno pop - bleeps from outer space etc, we would all be saying he has lost it. I see him still evolving, he has moved from a solo pop artist appealing to young girls and now moved to become more african american mainstream as part of a group of male singers "boy band" if you like but its Black American mainstream young music that is current. If he was born earlier he would be in the Temptations or similar and thats what he is doing fulfilling his dream but in his time and Space Give me more MR Mars Oh I forgot Elvis
    1 point
  25. Here's some more pics. LPB is a really tricky colour to capture...
    1 point
  26. Dependant upon the make and age of the basses, but, if they are finished in nitrocellulose lacquer, the rubber of the hangers will affect the finish. Not sure if you can get hangers that have a non-rubber coating/padding on the hangers, but maybe wrapping some inert material, like crepe bandages, around the rubber might help keep the finish in good nick.
    1 point
  27. Welcome! Any links to any of your stuff?
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. What a refreshing interview. Finally, somebody with something to say. In the age of absolutely sterile personality vacuums scared/coached not to say anything even remotely comntroversial, that was an interview worth reading.
    1 point
  30. Ali McMordie of SLF is another great from back then - check out Gotta Get Away. One of the earliest lines I learned though was Warhead.
    1 point
  31. I waited about a year or so, it’s worth it!
    1 point
  32. Alvin Gibbs of The UK Subs was/is a pretty decent player. Decent bloke as well.
    1 point
  33. Again, who are you trying to protect here with this proposed ban? Fender and their trademarks? An unwitting buyer? If the latter, as long as the bass being sold isn't being misrepresented this isn't a problem. If it is being misrepresented (e.g. a Limelight being advertised as a genuine Fender) this breaches the forums terms and will be pulled when its inevitably spotted. If the former, who made you the forum prefect? This is not your issue to police, nor is it the forum's; it's an issue between Fender and (e.g.) Limelight. This whole thread just seems like a pretext for you to alter what can be bought or sold on the BC marketplace just to suit the fact that you don't understand why / disapprove of someone putting the wrong logo on a bass. Your proposal is a drastic solution to an issue that - as far as I'm aware - simply hasn't been a problem on this forum and you're invoking some ill-defined 'protecting of innocent buyers' notion as a pretext for it.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Sold some strings to musashimonkey. Easy transaction, would very happily transact again. Cheers
    1 point
  36. Over the weekend I travelled down to Kent to pick up a Gen 3 Barefaced Big Twin. Steve is as great as this cab is awesome. Excellent communication, thoroughly reliable and honest. There is really nothing else to say that hasn't been said dozens of times already! He also gave me some biscuits and chocolates to eat on my way home. 11/10. Deal in confidence.
    1 point
  37. Steve is a first class seller !! Deal with him is great
    1 point
  38. Sold my MM Stingray to Mikan. Easy transaction and top chap to do business with.
    1 point
  39. Great seller, just bought a Glockenklang amp from Steve.. No fuss..
    1 point
  40. I just bought his real Book - all as described - cheap - lovely ta!
    1 point
  41. Steve sold me a Markbass Mark Stand. Great comms, arrived in very good time, smooth transaction. Recommended!
    1 point
  42. Steve is a great Guy and an absolute pleasure to deal with Amp arrived in perfect, as new condition with all the goodies and original packaging:) and I would heartily recommended him to anyone!! Thank you again Steve, you are a credit to our Forum Cheers Tim
    1 point
  43. Steve purchased my Gallien-krueger rig yesterday evening, what a really nice down to earth chap!! Communication was superb, meet up time was spot on, very highly recommended to do a deal with!! Thanks Steve, hope you enjoy!!
    1 point
  44. Bought a cab today from an excellent basschatter who comes highly recommended, excellent communication throughout and the cab was just as described so trade with confidence
    1 point
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