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  • Birthday February 12

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  1. I have a fretted P7 in black and tort too. It's such a lovely bass. GLWTS
  2. The sockets get a bit mucky over time, and the contacts that normally touch when there is no jack in the socket can stop letting the signal. A short patch lead between the two sockets means you're not relying on those contacts and instead the signal travels through the cable. A squirt of electrical contact cleaner in the sockets may be enough to clean up the contacts. The lead will still probably make a better contact though, because plugging and unplugging the lead will tend to keep the contacts clean.
  3. They headlined the Rewind festival a couple of years ago and were really excellent. The early song that time was Being Boiled - my favourite of theirs
  4. A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to move to 5 strings, so I bought a Sterling Sub5 from the for sale forum. However it didn't quite sit right in the band mix, and was supplanted by a new Sire PJ 5-string which suits the band better. So I had the Sub5 kicking around looking lovely but not really being played. I put it up on the forum where it got a couple of likes but no bites and I eventually withdrew it. Wondering what to do with it, I did a bit of searching into maybe getting a new pickup to try to give it a bit more punch. As luck would have it, a lot of search results were for old Basschat threads. In a couple of them I saw that some people recommended a preamp upgrade rather than the pickup. A lot of them recommend the Retrovibe Stinger preamp, being a copy of a 1977 Stingray preamp. Roll forward a couple of weeks and the new preamp arrived and I fitted it this afternoon. Wow - it's transformed the sound. So much nicer, I can't wait to try it out on a gig. I've always loved a Stingray sound but never got on with the fat neck that most of them have. Having since moved to 5 strings and hence changed my technique a bit, I'm a little less fussy about a fatter neck - although the Sub5 is actually narrower string spacing than my Sire. The Stinger preamp sounds great on a 5 stringer. Hopefully I now have more than one 5-string bass of gig-worthiness
  5. Erm... you want to run 3x cabs in a small music room?! Wow
  6. Just got back from seeing Steve Hackett. What a fabulous gig. Firth of Fifth was absolutely awesome. Jonas Reingold is such a talented bass player!
  7. He needs (and a drummer I play with often would never be without) this type of thing https://www.porteranddavies.co.uk/ (Think backbeat for drums)
  8. 30 down so far, another 12 to go this year. We've been taking it a bit more steady this year and enjoying the odd weekend off (or even the odd month off!)
  9. You'll probably get a lot of strap suggestions as well as for bodies, donor bass models, etc. I'll just say that I have used a "Comfort Strapp" for decades with many basses of various weights and have never had any back issues. They are made of elastic and thick neoprene and I wouldn't use anything else. You'll probably want the XL size though, and I don't wear mine very low. Excellent call by @neepheid and a very cheap option to explore 👍
  10. We had an afternoon gig that kind of turned into an early evening gig. The last spot went in a flash, but was actually over an hour and a half. It's a great pub and sounded fantastic. The landlord has spent a lot of time and effort setting up a proper stage, and it really makes a difference. It was a little disturbing to hear that they only had 19 people in on Friday though. That sort of thing makes it really hard to keep putting on bands 3 times a week. Luckily we managed to draw a decent crowd, so played for a bit longer than we normally would (to keep them spending over the bar - that's what it's all about) At the end of the gig it took me about 20 minutes to make my way to the back of the pub to where the loos are, because it seemed that everyone wanted to stop and talk about how great it sounded, how well we played, etc. It's not easy to tear yourself away even with a full bladder when you're being showered with compliments 😁. Anyway it continued while we packed up meaning that we took ages. We have next weekend off, but are going to have an "extraordinary general rehearsal" next week (we very rarely rehearse) to polish up a few songs for the Donkey the week after - probably our last there ☹️
  11. The D'Addario Pro Steels on my main gigging bass have probably done over 150 gigs in the 21 months or so they have been fitted
  12. Slightly pixellated, I read it as ...interact with the audience wet. 😮
  13. We had a really good gig. The pub has been taken over by a young couple who are keeping the live music going, so that's always good news. Lovely people too. It's always a bit of a strange place for me, it seems to lack that buzz. Lots of people we knew turned out to see us though, which is always an honour. We never get many decent photos of our drummer, so here's a screen grab of a video that I took while he was soloing in Moby Dick (and the guitarist and I were having a sit down)...
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