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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/18 in all areas

  1. "The bass guitarist: The whole room is filled with power. Your power, pure power. Without you, the core of the song is gone. They need you and you know it." Has anyone quoted this to successfully negotiate a bigger cut of the band fee? Will try tonight at the Dog & Duck and report back.
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Would have thought so. You can buy 'Universal' patch lead kits which contains left hand and right hand patch cables.
    3 points
  4. I tend to make an impression on 'you're only the bass player' types. It's usually headstock-shaped and always an accident. Oops!
    3 points
  5. I'm in the house band for the two Sunday for Sammy shows next weekend. I can't give too much away 'cos the line-up is under wraps, but with 5,000 people at each show, it's going to be fun. I'll take some pics and that, and try not to make any mistakes. Disclaimer: I fully acknowledge this is a 'boast post'. Apologies.
    2 points
  6. Well lookie what landed today! So... this is a Limelight Precision, with a '67 spec in a light-relic LPB finish. I ordered it last year, and had a good chat with the - extremely pleasant - Mark at Limelight to discuss the spec and the level of relic'ing. I wanted the finish to be a little more muted, so it glows a bit more, and he's obliged. It's a nice weight, less than 9lbs, helped by the Gotoh Res-o-Lites, which bumped the cost up a little more. I've just put proper strings on it (it came with fairly light rounds), and it sounds just like I'd hoped. A really nice P... and it cost significantly less than a Fender Roadworn MIM. I'm about to start a solid week of rehearsals, so lots of time to give it a run out. Happy days!
    2 points
  7. Here are my two new working basses. I had kind of given up playing in bands after doing it for around 25 years and had sold all my working basses but then an opportunity came up to join my friends band. They are a very busy, popular club band playing stuff from the 50s and 60s so I was in need of a couple of working basses. I've gone from doing zero gigs to about 60 a year. The first is a Fender Jazz American Vintage 75 Reissue and the second is a Fender Precision FSR 70's Reissue. Both are amazing to play and I love how they look similar.
    2 points
  8. I played this bass at NAMM last week - you'll just have to trust me when I say that the pickups are absolutely glorious, and this is the best Ric bass I've ever played (and I've owned a few, and not liked them at all). As to the "cheap Chinese knock off" comment, bizarrely I spent part of my time at NAMM (an entire day, as it happens) with someone who used to design & import exactly those basses. I won't name names since I have no idea if he'd be happy for me to do so. We both agreed that the new genuine Ric looked more like a 'fake' than his did! Regardless of that, I found that the look of the new pickups grew on me really fast, and I loved the sound of the things.
    2 points
  9. The perfect bass for a Stingray 5 fan who wants wider string spacing! GLWTS.
    2 points
  10. There's a guy on TB does them if you have no joy.
    2 points
  11. Ha ha! The funny thing being that was a lucky accident! Er, I mean I carefully selected the two pieces and precisely aligned the grain.....
    2 points
  12. I thought this was Alex and a co worker applying the Tolex?
    2 points
  13. Just recorded a quick noodle...sounds a lot like a P Bass! And loving the neo pickup, it has a little growl when pushed! I like the Fender flats too, but I can't help but think I'd prefer La Bellas. Only one way to find out, I suppose... Listen loud with headphones, decent monitors, yadda yadda.
    2 points
  14. My QSC K10.2 should be here today.
    2 points
  15. I have also completed the final sanding of the body and have started apply the oil finish. Really pleased how this is looking - the ash takes the oil really nicely. I do like the grain on this wood and the way it almost matches where the two halves are joined down the middle of the body.
    2 points
  16. What about the balding bloke with a tache in Saxon playing open notes with one hand while punching the air with his fretting hand or errm non-fretting hand ? Marc S - dunno about you but I generally lost interest in The Stranglers once JJ switched over to a more conventional tone about 5 albums or so in when the band started getting older and softer Other albums for me where the bass tone makes them are New Gold Dream by Simple Minds, Sulk by The Associates, Lexicon of Love by ABC and No Parlez by Paul Young. Imagine Wherever I Lay My Hat played with the bass relegated to the background. It might've been long forgotten . Everyone remembers the bass rather than the vocal
    2 points
  17. I think it's all about context. I used to play in a functions band which could have anything up to 13 members with full brass section and backing singers. In that situation my bass tone was very straightforward and un-coloured. In that band there was a lot of emphasis on nobody overplaying unless they were soloing. Now I play in a 4 piece Rock band comprising Vocals, Guitar, Drums and Bass. In this context I need different tones to ensure that the bottom doesn't drop out of the sound when there is a guitar solo. I only had a tuner pedal in the functions band but I need a pedal board fully loaded for the rock band (and the ability to tap dance which is a challenge).
    2 points
  18. I'll join this wee club - here's my effort
    2 points
  19. Bass doesn't matter. It's just the fat guy standing in the back. Everyone knows it's all about the singer and guitar player.
    2 points
  20. One of my Subway cabs had an annoying rattle that seemed to defy any attempt at diagnosis. Eventually, Mesa accepted that the speaker was at fault and shipped over another one. I had bought the cab from the Gallery and it was agreed that the swap would take place on a Saturday. I duly drove up and the original speaker was removed (it was a seriously tight fit). Lo and behold the reason was immediately clear. The guy stapling in the insulation had evidently refilled his staple gun during the process and a block of 3 staples were attached to the magnet and vibrating on the cone! I chose to keep the original speaker and was allowed to keep the (unnecessary) spare. So, I have a brand new and boxed 15" speaker in case I ever need it. Brilliant customer service from the Gallery, the guy came in on the Saturday morning on the the day he was going on holiday and Mesa Boogie for sending over the speaker and letting me keep it. Not sure I'll ever need it but there you go ...........
    2 points
  21. They aren't the brash cabs type. They prefer to not parade with their tweeters out.
    2 points
  22. In my opinion, there is so much variety and so most simple points won't cover all the diverse views. At the risk of using buzzwords, there is a gestalt thing (ie total is greater than sum of the parts) going on with a band and all of the timbres, tones, mix and there will be those that work and feel right and some that feel very wrong and most will be in-between (the acceptable zone). As far as individual bass tone then, I agree that most of the time, most of the public won't notice or care if it is in the acceptable zone. But some songs, some genres, some players (I'm thinking of covers here) are so critical to the performance that the acceptable zone is smaller and harder to achieve. For example, Mick Karn's fretless tone on Japan or Chris Squire's on Yes. There is also the personal aspect, if we feel our tone is good or even great then we have more confidence, we are more relaxed and we play and perform better. But I hesitate to imply that just searching and buying the best bass, finest rig, pedals to find that tone will, without practice, skill, feel, emotional engagement, etc. mean that we play at the top. (Another buzzword alert) it is a synergy thing: in the words of Kraftwerk - The Man-Machine.
    2 points
  23. If your band doesn't care what you sound like then you're playing in the wrong band, with a bunch of talentless Mr and Mrs Silly Billy, who have their ears painted on. Tonight the band leader told me I sounded good and 5 people from the audience came up and complimented me. Being noticed and liked is one of the reasons I'm in a band and standing on a stage. Audiences don't have to know about me but my bands certainly do. If people ignore you maybe you don't sound good. Sound better and make them appreciate you.
    2 points
  24. There are a few universal truths to bass tone, most of them already covered: - Most audiences won't give a damn about your tone unless it sounds wrong in context of the music. Use a punk tone in a punk band and a Motown tone in a Motown band, as long as you're in the ballpark they'll be happy. - That last 10% of the tone quest, this amp/bass/pedal/string vs whatever, only the bassist will be able to hear or give a damn about. But if they are happy with everything they will play better as a result. - If you have too much gear to play with you waste too much time auditioning this sound vs that sound when you could have been spending that time learning how to be a better player. I for one need to drastically simplify my choices available to avoid falling into this trap so I can practice playing instead of tweaking tones!
    2 points
  25. I also find that when I’m loving my sound I tend to play better, or at least am less distracted so more inside the performance. More in the groove. That will contribute to a better performance by the band and to the punters having a better time on some subliminal level. So they may not know why but my tone benefits the punters when it’s good. Yes, it matters to me primarily and I may be the only one who identifies if it’s working or not. But, my sound and my performance is part of the sum of the parts...
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. IMO it's a bit like customer service - if you get good customer service, nobody says anything, when it's rubbish everybody's up in arms. If nobody says anything about your tone, you're probably doing something right. Personally if I don't like the bass tone, I don't like the song.
    2 points
  28. If you are playing Level 42 covers it’s probably time to shut a piano lid on your fingers.
    2 points
  29. Too many of us are obsessive about gear and looking for that elusive tone/sound. If the money spent on gear were directed towards decent lessons then that tone/sound may be more easily achieved.
    2 points
  30. Looking really good. Can't wait to see the finished bass. Get on with It!
    1 point
  31. Yeah, me too. These are very nice. I had a fiver, I should have kept it.
    1 point
  32. I expected more interest TBH
    1 point
  33. I was a bit meh when I first saw this, but this colour is really growing on me 😂 absolutely stunning finish, and they are just such amazing basses, I love mine!! if I didn’t already have 2, I might be looking a little closer at this one!!! GLWTS!
    1 point
  34. That reminds me of a few years ago at a pub gig in Crediton. We were well into the first set and became aware of blue flashing lights outside. Paramedics rushed in and went downstairs (where a punter had had a heart attack) just as our singer got to the line 'Doctor, doctor give me the news, got a bad case of loving you'!
    1 point
  35. I think the "Italian v. Indonesian version" issue has been well and truly put to bed now. Marco was understandably exceedingly vocal about this on Facebook at Christmas:- "Dear ***, this is Marco, it is important to me that you an all my customers knows that from the Made in Indonesia and made in Italy there is not any difference! We work in a very special way and not any companies do it. When I decided to go to make my amps in Indonesia, was because in Italy was very hard to continue to make it, thanks the Crisis that we had, but all components all parts are the same also the Brands of the components, we never changed it. Also when the material arrive in Italy in my company, we recheck it all 100% and my guys, that are the best technicians for it, recheck it one to one and give in your hand my products. This is a cost for mu company but we have an amazing quality level after we work in this way! No any problem go out of the company. Many peoples in the business ask me why I do this and I loose money, ad I try to explain them that this is a quality issue and Philosophy idea, and also is a big advantage because in this way we have an amazing quality level and also no one of my guys was fired from the company!!! I will make a video on this soon...thanks to all of you!" While a couple of the cabs' internal structure/bracing changed for the better, the heads are still all constructed with the exact same components, sourced from the same suppliers and assembled in the same way. The only change is that they are assembled in Indonesia, where they are then QC'd, they are then shipped to Italy, where they are again tested and QC'd before they are shipped out; as a result the failure rates have dropped even from where they were before, which was already pretty exceptional... Anyway, consider this a free bump! haha!
    1 point
  36. The classic you can't keep a good Barefaced thread down gif.
    1 point
  37. I would have loved a bongo, but too many dials for me, maybe thats why I needed up with a silver, I have not yet evolved, but I like the black too
    1 point
  38. Just to add - I was the original owner who had it upgraded to Mk II specs by Mike @ MPAV services in Bolton. I have the original schematic for the upgrade from Daren @ Traynor if it helps anyone at all. Great amp this with plenty of beef and a lovely valvey breakup when pushed
    1 point
  39. Why? A few peeps have such short arms that they really can't play long scale. For most, it just takes persistent practice stretching your left arm until your shoulder and arm loosen up. I still feel a bit of a stretch on the first one or two frets on my beloved 35" basses, but it's getting easier all the time. Same as stretching your fingers over more than a couple of frets rather than moving your hand, work on it and it will happen. As for the Aerodyne - I'm slightly surprised that they're so much more expensive new than a standard Jazz, but they are a bit special! I don't know what the build and tone quality are like on the new ones. Mine is a 1992 and it's superb on both counts. (£550 a couple of years ago.) I tried a 2002 a while back and was not at all impressed. (Johnny Roadhouse tried it on at £850 and I believe after quite a long time sold it for £600.) You'll prise mine out of my dead hands, unless you happen to be my 4yo grandson :-)
    1 point
  40. Fucus is a genus of brown algae found in the inter-tidal zones of rocky seashores almost throughout the world. Fucus, also called rockweed, genus of brown algae, common on rocky seacoasts and in salt marshes of northern temperate regions. I do not advise taking or eating any Fucus or other seaweed without seeking professional advice, from someone such as a doctor. Sorry..couldn't resist...
    1 point
  41. Good luck WoT! My mam and dad try to go to that every time it is on, I think they got tickets for it for Christmas or something, I really must listen more when I call home.... I've not lived up there for 22 years now, would love to see one myself. Mega jealous bonny lad
    1 point
  42. What these people fail to understand is Bass is King. Guitarists have to do all sorts of flouncy virtuosic nonsense to get their sorry point across, there is nothing like standing at the back locked in with the drummer and fully realising that the reason that audience is dancing is nothing to do with the 6 string hair farmer but all to do with the deep, satisfying groove you are laying out there. Guitarists? I’ve s*** ‘em.
    1 point
  43. Thats why i dont like jam nights or jamming. Theyre not jam nights, theyre play something the guitarist can noodle over and show off nights.
    1 point
  44. Here's mine that I took some photos earlier today.
    1 point
  45. My favourite amp for sound was the 1x15 Peavy TNT, probably worth £75 or less these days.
    1 point
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