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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/04/20 in all areas

  1. If its overpriced it wont sell. I wouldnt worry.
    10 points
  2. I stand corrected. What do you think my favorite colour should be?😉
    7 points
  3. I Shot the Sheriff is one of the tracks we cover in my band and i don't try to make it sound like any individual version. i take parts from each of the versions i know and merge it into the way i want to play it. It still sounds like the the song should sound. Here is a snippet of how i do it which in this part of the song is closer to the Burnin the wailers version
    6 points
  4. Ken Smith Black Tiger 5 for trade against Ken Smith Elite 5 or 6 strings plus cash from me. NOT interested in other trades!
    5 points
  5. I've decided to sell one of my P Basses as I have three of them. This is a 2019 Fender American Original Series 60's P Bass in sunburst and it comes complete with Tolex case and all the candy. It's currently strung with a new set of Ernie Ball Slinkys with a lovely low action. It's in super overall condition apart from a few marks on the bottom of the body edge and a few on the edge of the headstock. These really are superficial but the thin Nitro finish marks easily. It's very light too and plays like a dream. These sell new for £1,599. I'm looking for £1,150 plus postage of £25.
    5 points
  6. It does make me laugh when people feel it necessary to call such stuff out. As I understand it, questioning the price directly on a thread is against the rules (unless it’s a pretty cut and dried fake old Fender). The fact is, unless you are exceptionally lazy, anyone can find the likely new/good used estimate price for anything; some unintentionally post something for sale when there’s a shop or seller somewhere doing it cheaper new. But even if they were doing it intentionally, what’s the problem? Virtually nothing on here that I would class as overpriced actually sells - look at all the exotica in low to mid four figures that’s hung around for months or even years. I’ve got no problem with wanting to find a bargain but we don’t need the Price Police. Basschat is so much better in this regard than other forums I’m a member of, that end up in long slanging matches between the aforementioned Price Police (who incidentally have no interest in buying the item), the original seller and other helpful comments about something which isn’t the same item they’ve spotted in a shop in Darlington that’s £1.62 cheaper. Some people just need to mind their own business and get a life
    5 points
  7. Hello! Straight sale for this wonderful F-Bass Alain Caron Signature 5 string fretless bass. One of the best fretless ever made IMMO..... Immaculate conditions. Shipping in Europe and UK included. No trades.
    4 points
  8. Lakland USA 55-94 in very good conditions with case. Alder body, rosewood fingerboard with maple inlays, very light weight, 3,9 kilos. Possible trades only with Lakland 44-64, Fender Precision custom shop or Fbass VF5. The USA Series 55-94 is Lakland’s original five-string design, featuring our own LH3 quad-coil soap bar pickup in the bridge position and a dual-coil J-style pickup at the neck. The bridge pickup is equipped with a 3 way coil select switch so you can hear all four coils, the neck side coils isolated, or the bridge side coils isolated – a setup that is great for maximum versatility and customizable tones. This incredibly versatile pickup array is matched with our LH3 preamp featuring 3 bands of boost cut EQ, a blend control to mix the 2 pickups, internal midrange frequency select, internal gain trim, and pull passive master volume.
    4 points
  9. You're in touch with your Inner Yoda?
    4 points
  10. If you’re selling it to me..yes.
    4 points
  11. Don’t worry - imagine actually being me. It’s a futile existence. I actually don’t enjoy my processes at all - some people are so hard to understand, they barely understand themselves.
    4 points
  12. I did some further sanding to the neck as the profile didn't feel quite 'right' whatever that may be. I probably only shaved a mm (ish) off part of the back of the neck but that made it feel quite different. It always amazes me that you can make small adjustments and it can completely change the feel as the profile changes. I decided in the end to radius this fretboard to 12" (I'll still try a flat board but I'll do that on the other neck). I always use chalk marks on the fretboard so I can get an idea of how much needs sanding - when all the chalk is gone the job is done! I've cut the frets to length. They are ready to have the tangs nipped so they won't show when fitted. That's the next job.
    4 points
  13. We don't encourage "calling out" because, as has been said, the price is only the business of the seller, no one else's. Some people seem to think sale threads can be discussion threads. IMO discussing the pro's and con's of the instrument, or picking holes in the sale thread is just bad manners. Always take issues to PM and keep it off the thread.
    4 points
  14. Just made this 110 to keep my Genzler MG350 Combo company I got this ‘slightly used’ Basslite just before band split, even though it could mean it’s ‘game over’ for me & retirement beckons lol .. I thought I’d complete this project anyway Sounds great paired with the Genzler, making me reconsider downsizing as this makes a great mini rig of doom ! Any one have a spare grille ? lol
    4 points
  15. Hello! Selling this gorgeous Fodera Monarch Bolt-On, five string, in mint conditions. Incredible look and tone (a lot of sustain and stunning extended low B). Specifics in the attached image. Comes with original case, certificate and tools. Shipping included in Europe and UK. NO trades
    3 points
  16. My mate Rog has found a White pearl guard for me... he’s sending it for nowt. (not really, he’s charged $50 plus shipping...but whatever)
    3 points
  17. Currently im learning about 20 Brazillian music tracks for a band i have recently joined.
    3 points
  18. Fret tangs trimmed and frets installed. I bought a small arbor press a few years back and got a mate at an engineering firm to modify it so a fret press caul would fit. It really makes the job so much easier and is a vast improvement over a drill in a drill stand. I've still got the zero fret to do but I need a slightly taller piece of fret wire which I'm wait to arrive. Next task will be to continue with the body.
    3 points
  19. Alright, fellas 👍 You've probably heard it, but I found the 'Live at the Rainbow' version nicer / less structured / easier to jam along with: I found the studio version bassline quite demanding, and more complex than it seems at first... with a few subtle ways to play it slightly wrong (as many youtubers do 😗). (Although obviously @Reggaebass is far more qualified to comment than me 👍) Or you just give up and play it like Clapton! 😃
    3 points
  20. I’m quite a fan of Sade and I’ve always liked the bass tone on this
    3 points
  21. Anything by Mick Karn playing a Wal.
    3 points
  22. I’ve only ever really played reggae Dave, so I guess I have a feel for it the same as you have for rock and prog , as you say that tune is not technically difficult , it’s just keeping the timing and it changes part way through at 1.38 , this girl from France I’ve spoke to a few times has a nice feel for reggae , this is her cover of that song 🙂
    3 points
  23. But is that necessarily an issue? I once got a bass in an eBay auction for not much more than half of what I was expecting to pay for it, gigged it for the best part of ten years then sold it on for between three to four times what I paid for it. I certainly don’t think that there was anything wrong with that. Sometimes that is the way the market works. The main thing is that sellers are honest in their description of the item and not trying to mislead potential buyers.
    3 points
  24. We are all connected to the same internet, it is up to people to do their own research before buying. I did once mention to someone in a PM that the speakers that they were selling were £100 cheaper in a GAK sale, so they might not sell so well, which they genuinely didn't know, but ultimately it is up to people what they buy and sell for and not other people to police it.
    3 points
  25. The late Paul Raven on bass, in the video he is using a Status bass but that doesn't mean the recording was done with a Status but personally this has always been my favourite bass guitar / drums sound combination
    3 points
  26. Firstly a good bass tone is entirely subjective. There are a couple of examples here that would probably cause me to replace all my gear if I sounded like that because I dislike them so much. Secondly IME it is more about how the bass sound fits in with the rest of the instruments than the actual bass sound itself. If you listened to any of the examples given as a solo'd track you'd be surprised by how different it sounds outside of the context of the arrangement and production, and probably more than a little disappointed with the sound. I discovered long ago that just because a particular instrument sounds great on a record doesn't mean that I was going to be able to use that sound for the same instrument in my band and still have it sound good.
    3 points
  27. Barefaced cabs are immense and weigh as much as a kitten holding a chaffinch!
    3 points
  28. Tom Barney, Steely Dan, Gaslighting Abbie, on Two Against Nature. Punchy.
    3 points
  29. I had no ability or interest in playing a guitar or any other musical instrument when I was young. My parents ran a pub when I was a teenager and a regular customer played in a band and had done for many years. He was pretty much a stereotypical rock 'n roller. Loge hair, leather jacket, big personality and great fun to be around. So probably one day he asked me if I was interested in playing and the answer would have been no. I remember trying to play a few chords on a guitar in a music lesson at school and just thinking 'meh', can't be bothered. So knowing that I couldn't be arsed with these awkward fiddly chords he arrived with this old knocked together bass guitar and handed it to me. Something must have clicked upstairs from having no interest in anything to near obsession with this bass guitar. I could plug it in to my Toshiba hifi and play along to records picking out the bass line. I then borrowed his WEM valve combo, saved enough money to by my first bass (Westone) then my first amp and speaker and after working throughout the summer holiday I earned enough to by my first Fender Precision. 32 Years later....
    3 points
  30. Technically that's true although the reality is that yes.it's possible to cause a buffer overflow in the image application, and it's technically possible to hide code in the slack space but hard to find a mechanism to execute it. However, the "load external images" feature is turned off by default on the majority of email clients - I honestly can't think of one that has it enabled by default and that defeats the problem (unless you choose to download them of course). Threat actors generally can't be bothered with highly technical acts when it's a simple matter to use social engineering and get someone to open an attachment i.e. maximum return for minimum effort. More sophisticated exploits are likely to come from state actors and not likely to be targeted at the general public. Almost all social engineering attempts exploit one or more of the following (this is from NCSC guidance): Authority - Is the sender claiming to be from someone official (like your bank, doctor, a solicitor, government department)? Criminals often pretend to be important people or organisations to trick you into doing what they want. Urgency - Are you told you have a limited time to respond (like in 24 hours or immediately)? Criminals often threaten you with fines or other negative consequences. Emotion - Does the message make you panic, fearful, hopeful or curious? Criminals often use threatening language, make false claims of support, or tease you into wanting to find out more. Scarcity - Is the message offering something in short supply (like concert tickets, money or a cure for medical conditions)? Fear of missing out on a good deal or opportunity can make you respond quickly. Current events - Are you expecting to see a message like this? Criminals often exploit current news stories, big events or specific times of year (like tax reporting) to make their scam seem more relevant to you. If you think about any of the phishing emails you've seen, they all use one or more of these
    3 points
  31. from the Quad Cortex website Q * A: Do Neural DSP plugins come with QC? Not by default as of now, but we will send a free plugin update in a Cortex compatible format to everyone who owns our plugins so they can be loaded onto the device.
    3 points
  32. The first time I heard Rage Against the Machine's debut album I was blown away by how good the bass sounded. So agressive, in your face and punchy. "Take The Power Back" is an amazing example of that... And then the distortion tones, oh god. "Know Your Enemy" that last part is insane and obviously also "Killing In The Name" when everything kicks in. Tool is another band that really blew me away with the bass tone. "The Pot" in particular - think it was the first song I heard by them - is incredible. That verse tone still leaves a smile on my face everytime. The bass tone on "Suck My Kiss" by RHCP also is incredible - it's so punchy!
    3 points
  33. Hi guys for sale/trade this incredible acoustic fretless ibanez avnb1e save your self £100 and &£50 for setup this is an incredible bass beautiful sound super lightweight, small and you can take it anywhere bought from here roughlycouple of years ago andnever left the house so it's in axing condition Looking for a 5/6 string bass in trade or strymon big sky Multi effect pedal Photos from previous owner https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPXOuhf8jyI
    2 points
  34. So this is where my little stash of sanding dust comes in - mixed with epoxy to glue and gap fill at the same time: And sanded. While they take quite a bit of effort, nevertheless on a scale of 1 to 10, just how satisfying is that!
    2 points
  35. I always love hearing your playing Delano.
    2 points
  36. You're describing a Fender Rumble 500.
    2 points
  37. That's a nice bass line but coming from a more rock based background i just prefer the Clapton version. Clapton is probably as far Reggae as i would normally go. Reggae isn't a style of music i would normally listen to or play for that matter. That's exactly the kind of Reggae bass line i find hard to get the feel right. Its not about the notes its pure feel and i don't have it Afraid its the easy way out for me
    2 points
  38. All done, best playing jazz I have had. Probably because it P shaped!😁😂
    2 points
  39. I went through the same process earlier this year. Not much I would answer, at least without spending a fortune. Looked at all the small combos and agree for me also the Rumble 40 was the nearest worthy candidate. I was looking initially at combos with 10 inch speakers and discounting the 801,but the 801 kept coming up in reviews.... In the end the small size won me over and I got the 801. I have to say I have seldom been so pleased with any item of musical gear let alone an amp. I can't believe I can turn up with my 8 piece jazz outfit with such a lightweight tiny amp that looks like it shouldn't have left its mum. The biggest compliment is that you would think you were listening to a much bigger speaker cabinet, proper low authoritative bass notes mean that even quiet practice sessions are no longer a compromise with your sound. I guess it's the top quality drive unit that MB use that makes all the difference. Anyway top marks from me.
    2 points
  40. Hey guys! Finally did the finishing bits on my BBN5 yesterday, really pleased with it overall! Not quite sure what to do about a headstock decal yet, or maybe just leave as is. Maybe one of the 3d roundals off the newer BB's would look good?
    2 points
  41. Cheers .. didn’t take any pics but just used wood/hardware I had spare, some 12mm ply, cleats twice the size I’d normally use (I had them lying around) but does add to rigidity, braced baffle front to back & added plenty of wadding .. not a looker but sounds better than I expected & certainly adds to the Genzler 10-2, inner dimensions are @ 370mm cubed (cubed apparently not ideal) .. I built & sawed it all by hand so not ‘perfect’ but it’s mine lol
    2 points
  42. I've always heard others getting a good sound out of Markbass, and IMO my LM2 had a very good sound. The trouble with parting company from bass gear that has been with you for 20 years or more is you are so in tune with it that everything else fails in comparison. We've all bought a piece of gear and wondered why it doesn't sound like what it replaced. The reality is a new piece of gear will never sound like an old friend. You have to find something that sounds good and learn to love it. If you really can't do that, don't worry, just move on. For about 4 or 5 years I've used Aguilar amps through Barefaced cabs. Can't see me changing that in the foreseeable future.
    2 points
  43. C'mon guys, I cannot believe this beauty is still available. Can someone please buy it? Otherwise, I have to do it and then have to explain to my wife why I had to buy yet another bass even though I will never have a career in music? 😎
    2 points
  44. As above, it's just a phishing email. Delete and block. It's worth checking out 'Have I been Pwned'. Totally legit site, set up by a well respected guy in our industry. There you can check email addresses and passwords you've used previously to see which ones are out there and make sure you've retired them.
    2 points
  45. Here you go Al. My idea of great bass tone . . . . @Al Krow Delbert with George Hawkins on bass Keb Mo with Hutch Hutchinson on bass Eric with Nathan East on bass George Duke with Christian McBride on bass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHFJ9qhR0VM Keb Mo with Reggie McBride on bass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mFd_i1j2Sc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI3T9vUFM_c
    2 points
  46. Man some people really can’t stand slap bass can they!
    2 points
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