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About tayste_2000

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  1. Passing through Norway on Sunday for a week if anyone that side of the world is interested. (Same is true for the Serek I guess but I think I know which is the keeper)
  2. We’ve discussed this at length, I think there is an oddity in the LS2 where it mutes on the return so you’d potentially end up with signal to both outputs doing it this way. There was definitely a Bright Onion box to make this easier, or just having the Fishman Platinum Pro on double bass and not needing the switcher at all (you lose volume pedal on double bass) At this point though @Higgie is just going to say it works and it’s wired up and I can’t change it 😂 For anyone else needing to do this the Grace Design Felix is the only all in 1 unit I could find that would do this. It would also give you the flexibility to run 1 output for both basses if you needed to. Long term this is still my recommendation to @Higgie if more and more gigs are doubled.
  3. Grabbed these from Reddit, dated about 7 months ago. Boss TU3 - MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - MXR Vintage Bass Octave - Darkglass X7 - Boss CE-2w - Source Audio Spectrum - EQD Dispatch Master - Jad Freer Capo (using the clean di out)
  4. Open to offers, not using this currently. Trades always of interest
  5. ZS10’s which is what I use for live as well.
  6. This is my current preamp and practice tool of choice, its absolutely fantastic.
  7. Now I think I need to buy 3 more 🙄
  8. I always think these things make excellent backup rigs
  9. It’s where I’m going to take my Serek or Pawn Shop Mustang (as soon as I decide which I’m keeping) next month. Also you have a wider selection of trades, there is a Walnut Ric I know was on here that I can likely trade either of my basses towards because Bass Bros’s will be interested whereas the BC’er might not.
  10. Was just going to post that
  11. Really interested to try one. It’s exactly the sort of thing I excitedly buy and never use 😅
  12. Honestly I think my favourite thing about this is the tuner on the side and the fact you can use it and activate it without getting your phone out.
  13. As of 2 days ago, 10 new bass amps, cabs and 2 overdrives added 🙄 I still wouldn’t pick this over a Katana Go or one of the new Zoom Stomps (depending on if you need practice or you need a live setup) But will always love the idea of a tiny portable tone brain.
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