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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/17 in Posts

  1. Dinner time yesterday I'm smoking a fag and deleting emails,it's kinda cold and the day's dragging something terrible Among the junk,one says "You're a Winner". " Aye right" says I an goes to bin it,then I spot it's from Wunjo. Didn't think they were in the habit of sending junk emails so I open it. Bloody hell !! Forgot I'd entered last weeks competition,now I've won the thing Even better was Wunjo don't hang around, 12.45pm was the email telling me my good fortune and asking my address. 3pm today it was delivered What can I say except Thanks Very Much
    3 points
  2. This may be a little premature but im super excited by this. Ola strandberg posted this on fb with the phrase something is cooking #bodenbass. my main bass is a sublime xylem custom so its rare for a new bass to excite me but ill be preordering one of these asap. I treated myself to a boden os6 guitar last year and its so far ahead of the competition in terms of playabity and erganomics. The endurneck really does make such a difference, strange at first but so comfortable. There was a prototype boden bass made a few years ago (video on youtube)and i have messaged several times enquiring about possible production but always met with the answer 'not any time soon' Hopefully there wont be too long a wait.
    2 points
  3. What he plays is always perfect for the song. Nothing flash. If all it requires is root notes, then that's all he plays. I rate him very highly.
    2 points
  4. Just added The Boho Dance from The Hissing of Summer Lawns by Joni Mitchell. The bass is played by Max Bennett. I've loved the bass line on this track for years before I even played the bass guitar. I must try to learn it!
    2 points
  5. Sorry for the delay, had a lot on my plate. IT'S COMPLETE! I had to choose between a solid finish (myself) or splashing out on getting the "Green Machine" pearl candy with the stripe. So I bit the bullet and got Rob at Knight Guitars to do the paint for me. The photos don't show the beautiful depth and shimmer of the pearl candy, I couldn't get the light right, but it flipflops through differing shades of deep green through to lime. The bass is assembled, plays beautifully and sounds nice and throaty with plenty of zing due to the Jazz positioning and high output Seymours hidden under the custom covers. Here is the finished article, hope you like it.
    2 points
    2 points
  7. There, that's fixed. Makes a difference to some people - me included. Although FOR ME it is actually string spacing, rather than the actual width of the neck. I struggle to play a 4 string bass with a neck that is 43mm wide at the nut but happily play a 5 string bass with a 45mm neck.
    2 points
  8. He needs to get that bass refinished, it's in a right state.
    2 points
  9. Hi everybody - 'scrumpymike' here, aka Sales & Marketing Manager for Gillett Guitars! As those who attended the first South-West Bass Bash I organised in May already know, Michael Gillett kindly sponsored the event - which is how I got to know him. (For those who weren't there, Gillett design and build the distinctive 'Contour' range of electro-acoustic basses in the UK and are based in the South West near me.) The basses were generally well received at the bash and a few of us (me included) were so blown away that we decided to get one. Since joining GG three weeks ago, I’ve shared my passion for this forum with Michael G and explained why I think we should be actively supporting what is the best online community of bass players in Europe and keeping members up to date with what we’re doing. He’s up for that so we’ve taken a Basschat banner ad, this sponsored Gillet Guitars topic, and are giving members first shot at some ex-demo Contour Slimline basses at a big-discount as a Christmas promo (post with full details to follow). A while back I posted a couple of ‘scrumpymike’ topics about my own Contour bass, which were enthusiastic to the point of being evangelical. Now I’m on the payroll, I’ll be confining my future Gillett content to this sponsored thread — and I’ll try to make it a bit less subjective and more objective / informative. We’re the only company batch-producing luthier-quality bass guitars in the UK so please give us your support if you can. And I don’t just mean your money (though that would be nice). There’s a massive amount of knowledge and experience on this forum and your comments and suggestions will be gratefully and thoughtfully received. So, watch out for the next post with details of the ex-demo offer. In the meantime, here's our website link: http://www.gillettguitars.co.uk/
    1 point
  10. Up for grabs is my 2009 Sandberg VM5 (1st generation). I just never seem to use it over my Bogarts and it is too good an instrument to not be used and for a new tribute project I need a 4 string P bass.... hence the trade preference. The bass is one of the earlier models with Delano pickups. Later Sandberg starting shipping them with their own brand of pups. 5 string 34" scale Weight is 4.8kg Black Alder body Rosewood fingerboard Maple neck Delano Precision /MM configuration Glockenklang Pre Hardware originally silver (some black hardware currently installed) The bass has quite a lot of mojo and it clearly has been used in 8 years, dings, dongs, scrapes, scratches all the things you would expect to see from a working instrument. It sounds really good and cuts through the mix like butter. Neck is somewhat of a halfway house between a P and J 5 string neck. Not overly slim, but no bat territory either. The bridge was changed at some stage (previous owner) to the newer version, which in essence still is an A style model. I acquired some black tuners and strap buttons that I think look really good, you would need to buy a black string retainer, knobs and bridge (GBP85-90 new in total) if you want to complete the transformation. I will include both the original and black hardware. Structurally the bass is sound, really no issues at all with neck, joints, fretboard, hardware or frets so it will deliver for ages before needing any further TLC. I should probably price this a little higher, but I would like to find it a new home and want to facilitate the transition to all black hardware a little too... it would look great. Price included shipping within Europe with neck detached. No case or bag. I would sell for the more than reasonable asking prico o.n.o. Trade value is £825, but that also is not fully set and depends on the total deal. So what would I trade against? I need a 4 string P bass or a PJ/PM ideally passive or with passive tone control. https://imgur.com/gallery/AGGgP
    1 point
  11. I'm selling these vintage Alembic electronics, including a pair of MXY pickups and an Activator low-pass filter. Controls are volume, pan and tone control. OK cosmetic condition - think vintage stuff fairly taken care of. Perfect working condition, pickups are epoxy-isolated, no hum, no hiss at all, dead-silent. Sounds huge, there are so many tones with such electronics. Solder-free connectors. A few extra information : http://www.alembic.com/prod/pickups.html These would cost new 1200$, customs fees not included. I'm selling these £350 / 400 euros, instantly dropped to £265 / 300 euros, which is probably a more realistic price. Shipping to European countries included.
    1 point
  12. Good to see some positive vibes for STP from everyone. Most of the other opinions I've read are very positive - people seem to be willing them on to do well, probably because they had such a torrid time wih SW. They are my favourite rock band of all time and Scott was the last of the great frontmen IMO. Robert is also my favourite rock bassist, such a groover, and that band are just untouchable when they are at their best. ?
    1 point
  13. Great to see Gillett Guitars being represented officially on BassChat. About 6, maybe 7 years ago Michael himself posted on BassChat to discuss the new product line and I just had to reach out to him to talk more. We've stayed in touch as much as possible and I feel honoured that I was able to be instrumental in aiding the design of the original range. Certainly very touched when Michael reached out to me as he did with other bassists who are highly regarded to discuss his basses and what players were looking for in an instrument. In case you missed it on TV, Michael has been on Dragon's Den with his instruments as well which I think was superb! I have a lot of time for Michael, I think he's a really nice guy and I want to see him and his basses progress.
    1 point
  14. I seem to be in the minority....I'm going to have to be controversial and go against the grain. I don't think he played anything that any other player wouldn't/couldn't have played. If anything, a lot of the stuff he played was quite naive in many ways, some might say "imitation Reggae" without the punch...I wasn't impressed at the time, not impressed with hindsight. If you look at his peers at the time, Tony "Gad" Robinson (Aswad) and Ronnie McQueen (Steel Pulse) who were both turning out punchy, kicking Bass lines, Sting sounds like George Harrison at a Jimi Hendrix gig. The Police were, in effect, a white Reggae band, I'm pretty sure that he doesn't feature on any list of Reggae Bass players.
    1 point
  15. Holy cow, I’ve done it now… Moogerfooger lowpass filter and 12-stage phaser! I’m now officially on a self-imposed buying ban! Kind of wishing I’d bought yours now, @roman_sub as I could’ve saved about £160!
    1 point
  16. Sold John my big box qtron..... He has been, throughout, and despite a glitch on my part, really friendly, reliable and patient, and an absolute pleasure to do business with. His reputation precedes him, but, just in case anyone is still wondering, absolutely recommended !!
    1 point
  17. I heard once that the sign of a good song is when it can be stripped right back to just an acoustic guitar or a piano and vocals yet still be both recognisable and memorable, if purely removing some of the driven tone on the bass live makes the gig not worth doing I'd be worried about the songs.
    1 point
  18. That was a Contour Standard pre-production bass with just the Schatten bridge transducer. The Standard now has that plus the Bareknuckle jazz pup; the S just has the jazz. Prices are: S 4 — £2200; Standard 4 — £2400; Standard 5 — £2650 The ex-demo S basses on offer here are £1700. All prices include the hard case that sank the Titanic.
    1 point
  19. I like the new song and the live version of Big Empty is daemon facebook. Robert DeLeo and Eric Kretz make a sublime rhythm section IMO
    1 point
  20. I use a flash cartridge (like a normal Gameboy game cart. but with a usb or microSd slot) to run a software called LSDJ. lSDJ is like a DAW, letting you programme notes for the GBs soundcard to play. It has just 4 channels, 2 pulse channels (square wave), a wave channel (custom waveform/drums) and a noise channel (just filtered white noise). I then use a little box called LSDJ-MC2 to send midi into the GB via one of those cables used to trade Pokémon. With this you can sync LSDJ to midiclock, or make any of the 4 channels play notes send over midi. If you have a way to change the notes your bass plays (b2m or an industrial radio bass etc.) you can the make the GB play notes with your bass. TL;DR: get a Flash Cartridge, run LSDJ on it, get an LSDJ-MC2 and you can make a Gameboy a synth.
    1 point
  21. Alice Cooper. Great basslines from the Dennis Dunaway era, a fantastic show and he seems like a really decent guy to be around.
    1 point
  22. If this one is any good for £58 then we may have a contender! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOtTEvqu06g
    1 point
  23. Added some more. It's just a pleasure to listen to those songs and to build a great bass song bible.
    1 point
  24. @Al Krow The BOD is tempting, but this close to Christmas and having just nabbed the Harmonist... domestic strife that way lies. I really need to reduce the number of pedals on my board! Unfortunately, they all get used in the set.... In fact it;'s got to the point where the Tuner is the least essential pedal!
    1 point
  25. It's a superb cab. It sounds fantastic on its own. It should be loud enough when matched to a reasonable power head to cope with a pop band with no trouble at all. The MB lm2/3 would be fine.
    1 point
  26. Another member of the BC Mouradian-ish Owners club. Nice bass...expect lots of "what's that then" questions from Fender owners.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. It's obviously a very important message Very handsome bass.
    1 point
  29. @krispn mentioned the following pedal was on his radar: Damnation Audio MBD-1. OMG! Worth checking this clip out. In terms of the dirt spectrum: warm valve-->overdrive-->distortion-->fuzz, it seems to deliver overdrive all the way through to fuzz. It is not particularly 'fizzy' in terms of top end and also seems to retain low end really well with the option of clean blend. It doesn't have a tiny footprint, however, so I'd need to chuck a couple of other pedals off my mini board to make way for it. But I'm seriously tempted. Anyone got one / tried one of these?
    1 point
  30. Woke up early this morning and have been listening for a couple of hours. What a fantastic playlist! has opened up some new avenues for listening. Im going to add a couple of tracks ... Cheers
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. @Al Krow Well the Harmonist showed up. I've got admit I was a bit wary after your own experiences with tracking and latency, but I'm so far having no issues. I'll take it to practice later today, but definitely so-far-so good. The baked in Octaver (-1) sound is absolutely fine for my purposes and the wobble that various people have commended on (youtube) is only on the Shifter mode, so you can get a stable octave down in the Harmoniser mode. In any case, my toneprint on the SNU has vibrato added by choice and I actually like the wobble option. In effect I have a basic octaver + something a bit like my toneprint, which is a score for me. I think the -1 is maybe tighter and dryer than the SNU - I haven't really compared them fairly, but the SNU sounds a bit 'bigger' if you get my drift. Probably down to the EQing of the octave (which of course is fixed on the PS-6). Neither mode has given me any tracking issues when used as an octaver, although I've had a few glitches with some of the other harmonies when sliding a semitone. In fact I've had better luck with the tracking on this than with the Sub N Up (and I know this is weird, because everyone really rates the SNU's tracking). It will even track fine with a distortion pedal in front of it and another octaver. No glitching. This is mostly just octaves though, so more demanding shifts might glitch out. Conversely, the SNU seems to glitch out low on the A string, as soon as my strings get a bit dead. I agree that some of the harmonies are a bit quiet on lower notes but I'm not noticing any big latency problems. However - and this is the big caveat - I don't play in a band with a kit drummer - so no kick / snare drum and no cymbals. This dramatically changes the demands placed on my sound. I jammed with a couple of guys last week - basic trio format - and I was suddenly a aware of lot more aware of the latency on the SNU. It's possible that there are issues with either pedal that I'm simply not picking up because of the band context. Anyway, as it stands, I'm not panning on dumping the SNU but if one pedal had to leave my board that would be it. Side note, I'm loving the sound of the harmoniser mode into a Phase 90 and a little tape delay. The short version is that (as always) YMMV!
    1 point
  33. agree. In the 80s and 90s we were loose as the Stones, well, almost. Now we are tight as, me and the drummer have not made a mistake in our first three shows, apart from the occasional dropped stick. On the other hand,saw a mate's cover band, and in every song the lead guitarist fluffed the solo , ones that we all know. It was god aweful. I love my bands
    1 point
  34. General better build quality, neck thru and sounds better. I also own the bolt on version. Neck thru version retailed at £1299
    1 point
  35. I remember seeing Sami Yaffa of Hanoi Rocks using one of these and it looked soooooo exotic, have a bump for a great looking bass.
    1 point
  36. What I did there, you saw it.
    1 point
  37. I came to The Police and Sting through my dad who was a massive Sting fan. I had the 'very best of sting & the police' album when I was about 15 and his song writing and playing was a huge inspiration. As a young player I could grasp parts and play along to a lot of Police stuff fairly quickly, and it had plenty of energy. The more I listened to his solo songs and albums the more I appreciated his playing and song writing. I think he is hugely underrated as a player, he is a great example of playing for the song but when you listen carefully he has a great feel and note choice, and faced with the same song I doubt many of us would be as inventive and subtle as he is.
    1 point
  38. Seller replied very quickly and arranged a fair discount and as Sibob suggested didnt look but usually does and apologised - very good customer service . Also offered full refund but I want to keep the bass so took discount - thanks everyone for all replies. It's a good forum here!
    1 point
  39. You have to explain, rationally, how better quality sound, both for the musicians playing and the audience listening, is “killing rock & roll”. This makes no sense to me whatsoever.
    1 point
  40. Most of the Rock bands and Metal bands wear in ears, I don't think we can blame ebs for that.
    1 point
  41. The point is, the tone between a modeller and the real amp has become indistinguishable... especially at gig volumes. Bass through headphones sucks? Are you serious...? It all depends upon the quality of the headphones/IEMs that you are using. Lets have a look at some of the facts here... modern IEMs can go down to 10hz (that's actually lower than you can hear) - and will certainly go lower than the PA systems that are being used when you have gone to watch live bands. The speakers in IEMs are literally a couple of cm away from your ear drum and at that distance are capable of putting out far higher SPL at your ear drum than you could ever imagine compared to the the PA stack. If you want to hear bass, there is no better way. Eleven Rack. Get it sold. Awful stuff. You say that you have sold the Line 6 stuff... was there a Helix in there? Valve amps. Sound better? Historically, absolutely. Now? No difference. I like valve stuff as much as the next guy... but you are kidding yourself if you think that modern technology can't churn out the same tones. Remember, there was as many crap valve amps made as good... and lets not talk about the reliability issues associated with valve amps. And carting them around. And having them sound different in every venue... etc... Here's the thing... when you go to a gig, you aren't actually hearing the raw amp... or speaker... what you are hearing has gone through a mic, through a preamp, through a desk... with infinitely more processing than you could ever hope to have an equivalent of on a traditional amp - before going through the PA amp (probably class D - you know, those things with zero heft) before going out to the front of house. The modeller simply removes the variables - the amp, speaker, environment and mic and gives your the same tone, night in night out without compromise. If you want hard hitting - my PA, I guarantee, will put out more than any bass rig on BC. If you must have the feeling of air, then get a fan... or get a kinetic feedback board, or a subpac... or a woojer... If you want to go deaf, continue as you are and when you got that tinnitus that won't let you sleep at night, ask yourself how much of a happy place your brain is in now. I don't know sh**? Yup. Completely clueless, me.
    1 point
  42. Music is only a combination of sounds though. It will happen, it's just a matter of time. Frequency analysis research is going through the roof in recent years and the processing power is coming along nicely to make it achievable and affordable. All things being equal, if you can't hear a difference do you go for the old school valve amp that requires a cabinet, servicing and micing up and can only do one trick or the emulator that sounds EXACTLY the same. I know we're not there yet but it will come
    1 point
  43. Gene Simmons is a high profile bassist, has been around for donkeys years & has doubtless inspired many thousands of kids to pick a bass up the world over. Love him or hate him, & it's easier to do the latter, he easily qualifies for a signature bass in the crazy world of signature basses I'd say.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Probably need to experience what it's like to sell for a change
    1 point
  46. Bumping this if you have any cool and favourite bass lines to share! It's an interactive playlist you can add to! http://open.spotify.com/user/onlinedood/playlist/6UkfcLnRafb95u7EnciaAU
    1 point
  47. It’s not that I’m “fond” of it. It’s that my literal career depends on it. YouTube’s algorithm heavily promotes clicks, and the more times people click on a video, the more it gets recommended to you. Consider my position, please. I want to create in-depth video essays, or good-faith critiques of other musicians to help them improve, or comment response videos answering questions from my viewers. This is what I want to do for a job, for a living, because I think I’m pretty good at it, and I have the opportunity to do so. How should I title my videos? Should I appeal to your own personal sensibility of what titles should be? Remember, YouTube will bury it if I do. So, if I dont clickbait it, you won’t see it, and then nobody else will see it either. I constantly have to play a game of how much I should clickbait, and what that clickbait looks like. It’s not something that I enjoy at all, so I hope you judge my stuff by the quality of what I offer in the video itself rather than how it’s packaged for you. Because there is little that I can do about that.
    1 point
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