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Jono Bolton

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About Jono Bolton

  • Birthday 28/01/1987

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  1. Aye, approximately 70 years
  2. Fender MIM Classic 50s Precision Bass body, stripped and routed for a Jazz pickup in the bridge position with a side mounted jack socket. I bought this on here a couple of weeks ago with a view to putting together another P Bass but I'm not sure I need a fifth and have some other projects to attend to first. The body just needs a bit of sanding and it's ready to paint. Price is what I paid for it a fortnight ago.
  3. Price drop to £330 - £50 less than I paid for it just 2 weeks ago and I'll I've done to it in that time is clean it up a bit.
  4. The Chinese Classic Vibes were excellent; even if you took the price out of the equation, they were just good instruments. I think it was definitely intentional to merge the VM and CV lines to drop the quality on them and move them further from the lowest rung of the fender ladder.
  5. I had one of those in Daphne Blue. Really good quality and one I wish I'd kept hold of. I paid £800 for it 2 years ago and sold it for the same price about a year later.
  6. I had the Classic Vibe Bass VI. It was decently made and I really liked the pickups in it, but ultimately I didn't use it much, and the string spacing at the nut was far too narrow for me to play comfortably so I sold it at the end of last year.
  7. It's absolutely sickening to think that a bass made in the 90s would be considered 'old'.
  8. I took the scratch plate off last night and had a look at the wiring. I've got a 1 Meg CTS pot in the tone position, but the solder on the volume pot is covering up the details; is it likely to also be 1 Meg or would it be lower? I didn't get a note of the cap values while I had it open so not sure what it is. Given the volume pot doesn't have a smooth sweep, it is worth just replacing the whole harness?
  9. What pots and cap have you got in there already?
  10. How can a product on pre-order be discontinued?
  11. I'd be more interested in the P if the neck had dots instead of blocks. I don't know why Squier (and Fender) have blocks on their 70s Precisions when almost every genuine 70s Fender P I've seen has just had a normal neck on it.
  12. Are we looking at the same picture?
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