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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/18 in all areas

  1. Might as well sell crumhornchat.co.uk then ffs
    5 points
  2. I'm besotted by this thing. I don't need it... but I waaaant it. Really cool looking P/J, the right... everything. I hope I don't get to try one because if I like it I won't resist it. What a sexy beast...
    3 points
  3. At last, a few decent video of something I am involved with. The Michael Spearman Trio live at The Fleece at Stoke By Nayland. A trio gig early in January featuring guitarist Michael's composition. This one is called 'Trippin'' (as in falling over, not drug references). It's essentially a rhythm changes blow. The drummer is Essex based Tom Jiggins. The video was done with several cameras and the edited properly so this is as good a set of videos as I have ever been part of. The camera actually points at me instead of my having to wait for passing glimpses!! Apologies for the shirt (you should have seen the Docs).
    3 points
  4. Years ago I ordered a radio for the kitchen from amazon. Came home from work to a card from Yodel saying the item was left in the recycling bin. I looked, bin was totally empty. It being bin day an all. Emailed amazon, they sent a replacement that arrived the next day. Two days later the neighbour knocks on my door. ”hiya, sorry about the delay, I’ve been away with work, but I took this off a delivery driver just as he was putting it in the recycling bin. He said he’d leave a card explains where it is” So the neighbour and I had matching radios in our kitchen from then.
    3 points
  5. Thanks for asking AK, as it happens I picked it up last night! It's a ESP/LTD PJ, found locally on Gumtree for the princely sum of £150, with one of those hard foam soft/hard cases. Well happy with it, stopped by to see @Marc S on my way home and he agreed I got a bit of a bargain too. Spent a little time with it last night, changed the Rounds that were on it for some TI flats, gave it a quick setup, which I plan to re-visit tomorrow evening and check everything has stayed where I'd like it. It's an Unlined, but somewhat strangely, it has side dots for every fret position. Got a sharpie on the 2,4,6,8 etc dots and now it makes a lot more sense!
    3 points
  6. Hello For sale a Ken Smith 6 strings Black Tiger W6TNVE Built in 2013. Serial number: 629513. Strings spacing: 19mm. Exhibition top and back. NT construction - Neck in 5 parts. Fingerboard in ebony. Preamp 3 bands new generation with 4 dips adjustable. Some playing wear, especially at the right hand thumb position, but nothing serious. Original case Ken Smith. The bass is located in the North of France. Collection is possible in Calais, Boulogne sur Mer, Lille, ... International shipping without problem. Price: 4000€ or 3550£ + shipping.
    2 points
  7. So you're asking for "feedback on the feedback"??
    2 points
  8. I wouldn’t mind this pair sitting on my bass rack:
    2 points
  9. Yes we will have the CTM 30 - Little Stubby with us at the weekend
    2 points
  10. The sideline electric bass hobby has now exceeded the upright bass hobby. Easier to hang on the wall at least. Recently added an old Dallas Tuxedo to the gang. Sweet eh?
    2 points
  11. They were ridiculous for the money new, and £150 is something else!!!
    2 points
  12. Ach come on guys keep the politics to the political threads and lets just enjoy what festivals are all about. Getting together with friends and like minded half wits getting p****d (or stoned depending on your preferences) and watching some great bands. Hail, rain, snow or sun won't be what you remember in 25yrs time. You'll only remember the great time you had. Dave
    2 points
  13. I'e got a few days free next week, so I'll be able to complete the build then. Pics will be posted soon!! Yippee.
    2 points
  14. Hey all! Intro time... Completely self taught bass player, started playing in the early 90's. I've been playing a lot of styles from punk to symphonic rock, metal to disco and almost everything in between. At the moment I'm trying to get my new project up and running, a seven-piece Japanese alt idol act. Craziest thing I have done (so far) and I seem to be able to pull it off. My gear isn't that impressive, I still have my original, first Epiphone rockbass, the Korean thing. Got it tuned in C at the moment, great for playing soul stuff and the like. My other axe is a Samick (yep, also Korean) J-Bass imitation which I imported from the US myself. Then there's a Behringer 180 watts amp with aluminium speakercones and a Line-6 basspod in between. Does the job.
    1 point
  15. How odd. I stumbled upon that video the other day. He's a monster player without a doubt, but I've never been fond of his tone. Sounds like Kermit on a trampoline.
    1 point
  16. Not only are D'addario makers of my favourite string but they win extra kudos from me for having environmentally responsible packaging. These things are important to me.
    1 point
  17. Thanks guys, shall try to get some photos posted soon. I haven’t had a chance to properly put it through its paces yet, but I’m very pleased based on first impressions. It has a lovely neck and a nice action, it will need a slight tweak to the set up but I ordered it online so I expected this to be the case. The build quality is fantastic and I absolutely love the finish!!
    1 point
  18. I bought it for more or less the same price years ago on here and that included 20 quid petrol money to my door
    1 point
  19. I use ABM on mine (check my avatar). Their stuff is very expensive though. ETS makes the best quality hardware in my opinion, and their headless system has a nice headpiece with a pre drilled hole for truss rod adjustment. I had to drill my ABM ones to do the same thing. That was a scary moment!
    1 point
  20. You’ll be wanting to wrench the bass from my hands when you hear my playing
    1 point
  21. I reckon the lighter fretboard contrasting with the body looks good better than the ebony....
    1 point
  22. @mcnach if you get one then this young lady will ask to sing with you...
    1 point
  23. As far as you like. It also makes a big difference how you hold a pick. Some people hold it by the 'grip' part but for me that allows too much leverage and movement at the business end. I palm mute and hold the pick close to the pointed end allowing a millimetre or two to protrude for plucking the strings (up and down stroke). This allows much more control, consistency and speed (if necessary) and makes it almost impossible to drop the thing.
    1 point
  24. I agree with all of the above. It just looks so good! I’m a real fan of the early 50’s slab body P bass look so this ticks many many boxes. I only wish it had a passive tone control but I’m sure I’d be able to get that added later on at @thebassgallery. I’ve already had a similar mod done to my previously active-only Sandberg Electra VS4 so I know it’s doable...
    1 point
  25. Found this on the same guy’s channel:
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Let the notes ring, it's so delightful ! And congratulations for your fretless bass. Good choice and terrific price. The flater the relief of the neck , the mwaher the sound of the bass and roundwounds do it even better, but the TI's are the best flatwounds with enough mwah. Use the pickup you prefer, but if you don't know where to start, use the bridge only, cut completely the tone and boost the mids to max on your amp with a pinch of treble and adjust the bass a bit lowe : instant walk over cat tails sound.
    1 point
  29. I remember Mozart's first gig at the 100 Club.
    1 point
  30. Yep I`ve been using the triangular Dunlop 1.14mm ones, but have 073, .88 & 1.0 so am gonna try them all. I`m hoping that this will work as, in conjunction with another thread, I want to stop playing so hard all the time, just bring it in for when the guitar is soloing maybe, whereas at present I`m flat out all the time. Sounds great but these hands ain`t getting any younger.
    1 point
  31. Ive been using Dunlop or delrin 1.14 for many years. It gives me the hard front end I need without sacrificing any of my low end. I have found that even within that size and material, they do vary, which I find a little strange. But for recording I use the Dunlop John petrucci picks. Lovely!
    1 point
  32. A waltz called 'Just Love Somebody'.
    1 point
  33. Breakfast Means Breakfast - a Giant Steps changes fest. This is hard to play!
    1 point
  34. Under half the price AND you get an extra knob!
    1 point
  35. Same here. "Dragon Attack" did it for me.
    1 point
  36. Naah I’ve done it loads of times without a single problem. It’s very difficult to make it a rough finish if you do it with a proper file.
    1 point
  37. A gift from a friend who doesn't use it anymore. I hate to use this word, but it's lush. I'm over the moon with it! The joy of flange.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. That looks very much like a Stingray tribute? Never seen one before. This argument about lines or not is very curious as far I can see. The argument put forward that it takes longer to learn to play an unlined Fretless is certainly not my experience - I bought mine off EBay about 10 yrs ago - I was astounded when I first played it how awful my intonation was - however it took me about two weeks of regular use to get my accuracy to an acceptable level - the dots on the top of the board are essential as location indicators - but beyond that it doesn't take long to get your ear attuned and to be accurate. I find the area about 12th fret can be tricky when standing up (owing to the angle you're viewing the neck, and also the fact the notes are so much closer together). To me the real difference is the aesthetics - I prefer a blank board. I also fully appreciate some people don't - not entirely sure why anyone thinks their choice is more correct than anyone else's.....
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. I don't think a company could win here. Come on to what is essentially a chat forum and be uber corporate about it and it will wind people up, come across like a human speaking for the company and it's wound people up. I think the plus is they come on here, talk like a human, and are friendly ask questions and we start talking about the kinda amps and sounds that we're after - and that helps us both. Both Ashdown make a product we want, and we buy it - and we feel a connection to Ashdown. Aged Horse on Talkbass does a similar thing for Mesa Boogie.
    1 point
  42. And now... "whacking two out on top of each other" i need an eye test and to flush my filthy mind.
    1 point
  43. Awesome. Just so everyone is clear, I have had zero issues (other than above and a certain other product which split opinion) with Ashdown. I currently own 6 bits of Ashdown gear and have GAS for at least 6 more...
    1 point
  44. [quote name='andysleigh' timestamp='1494318433' post='3294860'] want gotta have a backup for mine! [/quote] Too good to have just one hahA
    1 point
  45. They're fantastic cabs. I've not had cab GAS since I got my 21012L. Yes, they colour your sound. All cabs do. Some Schroeders have a mid-hump, others don't. Bottom line, ignore all posts about them and try one.
    1 point
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