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About Bigwan

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  • Location
    Ballymena, Norn Iron

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  1. Is it something to do with your settings to have the app running in the background? Don't have my iPad near me at the minute but I'll check later.
  2. Constantly disappointed by all classified section hunting except Basschat! Issues with both FB marketplace and Gumtree this past few days...


    Why advertise something for sale and not respond when someone expresses interest in what you're selling within an hour of the ad going live?

    1. LowB_FTW


      I feel your pain regarding this issue, sadly I've been disappointed with Basschat classified sale this week. 😢

      Nothing to do with responses, but still, disappointment is disappointment.

  3. I don't think they've actually been released yet
  4. Until they improve the paintjob on the "burst" models they can keep them...
  5. Has anybody with experience of these basses tried a Markbass Gloxy GV5 by any chance? Not the prettiest basses around but they sound pretty killer, have my preferred P-bass body shape and they're well under budget...
  6. I'd be on the lookout for a Roland Bass Cube if I were in your position. Lots of sound options. You should be able to pick up the Bass Cube 30 for under a ton I should think. I've no experience of the others on your list I'm afraid, but I'd stay well clear of the Spark.
  7. Considering a 5 string Jazz guys and kind of have it narrowed down to either a Lakland DJ5 or an Elrick NJS5. No chance of road testing either before buying - Northern Ireland is truly a bass wasteland... So has anybody got experience of both these instruments? I've previously owned 4 Lakland Skylines (JO4, 55-01, 55-02 dlx, BG5) and love their 5 string neck so I'm leaning that way myself, but could do with further input! And maybe suggestions of alternatives in the usual Basschat style! Preferably a passive 5 with 70s pickup spacing, 18-19mm string spacing, available used for around a grand. I've already considered a Sire V5 but I'd need hands on before I'd go that route.
  8. Yeah the lack of plugin compatibility kills it for me. I suppose I could capture my fav Parallax sounds but... meh...
  9. I suppose it depends on whether you want to select from a set list of effect/amp/IR blocks or a huge capture library!
  10. Interesting... https://neuraldsp.com/nano-cortex
  11. I'd have this in a second... if the Irish Sea wasn't between us that is!
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