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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/02/18 in all areas

  1. I wish i'd seen this thread earlier, i've just come back from a music shop where the first thing i did was light up my trusty crack pipe, then I started morris dancing, and in the excitement i shät myself, and with all the energetic morris dancing it sprayed all over the equipment in the shop. When the staff tried to stop me, they took me by surprise and I accidentally assaulted them by throwing excrement at them. It all worked out in the end though because I apologised and purchased 1 used plectrum for 9p.
    4 points
  2. After acquiring and really liking the Mesa Subway Preamp pedal, I decided I would like to buy a Poweramp - ideally small - to give me a small but powerful gigging set Ultimately ended up buying this: GSS Sumo 1000 Thus far I am blown away by the size and power. My Mesa MPulse 600 is a very loud amp, the Subway/Sumo combo is easily as loud whilst giving me the Mesa tone I like at a fraction of the weight. Pretty good on “girth” too! Still needs lots of road testing etc, but so far so good!
    3 points
  3. ...and I've just played Streets of London with Ralph McTell. Just him, me, and a choir. It was gorgeous.
    3 points
  4. Cheers! Here's a few more I took later yesterday. A shot from my stage position Some flightcase porn (this is only a tiny part of it!) The backstage village (basically, the producer needs all the cast members to be in this area at all times. It has to run like clockwork) One of the millions of camera shooting it. There's cameras everywhere, and GoPros all over the stage Alan Clark, a fantastic keyboard genius who I'm sharing a riser with. In April he's being inducted into the R'n'R hall of fame with the rest of Dire Straits. An today is showday!
    3 points
  5. Definition: Bass Bash is a term used for a day hiding from your so-called loved ones (family) to spend with your true love ones (instruments) and other like minded individuals in a secret location known only to those who play the aforementioned gear and frequent these forums. There are the odd exceptions, Happy Jack/ Bluejay, Grangur and Mrs Grangur, and Silverfoxnik & Hamster whose lovely wives (only one each) support these events with copious cups of tea and cakes. However, normally they are populated by sad old gits who want to talk about a subject (The Bass guitar and equipment) that no other band member or "normal" member of society can even bear to. Along with the attendees, you will find some beautiful examples of the luthiers' art which are available for the aforementioned sad old gits to try and discuss at their leisure. Other features of Bass Bashes are seminars and gear trials, (seemingly) never ending Raffles, and of course a great review by our own Bluejay which is generally better than the event itself. Stay tuned to the "Events" thread for details of your next/nearest one.
    3 points
  6. Here’s a murky shot of playing Video Killed The Radio Star with Trevor Bloody Horn :-D
    2 points
  7. Squire are one of the worst brands available these days. It's a real shame. Then again, how can one be surprised, them trying to cash in on almost copying the name of a really good competitor (Squier). I hope bankruptcy will be their fate.
    2 points
  8. I refuse to play anything unless they provide me with a music stand.
    2 points
  9. Funnily enough it’ll have a maple top with transparent coloured finish probably so your suggestion is bang on where I was headed! Builder? Maruszczyk
    2 points
  10. Thanks again for all your get well messages, I’m very grateful. i have a hospital appointment tomorrow to assess the damage. Hoping the doctor will have some good news for me.
    2 points
  11. Always fancied one of these...
    2 points
  12. A few pics from a couple of years ago just to give a little taste of the SE BassBash. Me and the lovely Herbie, the main rig room, John Rhino Edwards from the Quo trying my bass and John Bentley from Squeeze giving a talk and playing some. Sadly I was too ill to attend last years!
    2 points
  13. Did anyone mention cake?
    2 points
  14. Best bass hang out ever, bassically (see what I did there). A chance to do all the things you mention... ogle and try out gear you’d never find in one place anywhere else, jam if you want to (I’ve never actually got round to that), meet other BCers in the real world, chat, listen to interesting and varied seminars if you want to... I first went three years ago, ostensibly because Silverfoxnik asked me to do a talk on Wal basses. It’s been a fixture in my diary ever since. Great bass day out. The second year I went Herbie Flowers was chatting - I wasn’t to miss that! John from Squeeze was fascinating. Last year was Davey Rimmer from Uriah Heap. I’ve no interest in the band but it was fascinating to hear his thoughts on playing and stepping into big shoes like John Wetton’s and Trevor Bolder’s. Steve Lawson was random, philosophical and amazing too. For a flavour you could do much worse than checking out Bluejay’s excellent photo blogs on the Bashes... https://silviabluejay.blog/2015/10/05/basschat-south-east-bash-2015/ https://silviabluejay.blog/2016/10/05/basschat-se-bash-2016/ https://silviabluejay.blog/2017/12/08/basschat-se-bash-2017/ Basically, get it in your diary and I doubt you'll regret it.
    2 points
  15. I'm part-way through a big long epic of a day today - more of the stars have arrived, so we're working though the tunes with them at various allotted time-slots. It's a huge production and logistical operation, with a massive crew - the band are just one cog in the wheel. Every song has to be rehearsed for lighting, camera positions, VT cues, walk-on choreography... if one part isn't right, we do it again! Like I say, I can't give anything away, but I've had a couple of OMG moments today... and I get to do it again - for real - tomorrow. Get in :-) Here's some arty shots I took during stolen moments...
    2 points
  16. Hello, here's for trade my Fender Precison Custom Shop Pino Palladino Signature. The year of build is 2009. The bass is mint (considering it's a relic model) and comes with its hardcase and certificate. Specs: http://www.fendercustomshop.com/…/pino-palladino-signature…/ Trade for: vintage Fender Jazz bass (not reissue models) years '76-'78 plus cash on my side, only maple neck. Preference to Mocha Brown or Black. Might consider other offers or better saying "variations" on fender 70s jazz bass but this is what I'm looking for. Also I might be interested in a Fender Jazz Custom shop ('64 reissue preferred with volume volume tone configuration). Feel free to write me a PM. Thanks for looking
    1 point
  17. I swapped out my Roswell pickup for a Henning one, although the Roswell sounded fine: reminds me must put it up for sale in the For Sale section.
    1 point
  18. I used to play this with a former band and that isolated track is pretty much it. Ii think I added a couple of extra notes in the little twiddly bit at 5:30 or so in but everything else was how I did it. Except I play with a pick, so the feel is a bit different.
    1 point
  19. I just got a new hb pb50. I owned the old one with Wilkinson pup, the new pb50 with Roswell pup sounds better. Output is around the same, but the larger poles on the Roswell pup give a more vintage sound, which I like.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, bummer. Never mind, I was so chuffed with the sound of the three strings that I did fit, I've just ordered up a new set They really do sound close to that deep, warm acoustic double bass. A bit tricky to play mind!
    1 point
  21. I'm sure not I think with my builds, fate has ample opportunity to do its worst whatever
    1 point
  22. I don’t think this is wholly out of place here:
    1 point
  23. I can fret it. Byl was my nickname when I was young. I made something like 10 instruments on order and wanted to start making that for a living, but after around 10 years of absolutely not earning money I stopped definitely. I was also making repairs for guitars, basses and amps (I was well known for my knowledge in tubes). I even made repairs for high end hi-fi shops but fortunately (according to their retail price) they don't get out of use that often except for CD players. I used to work for the local shops and even for some other luthiers for their electronics issues or their clients amps. When I stopped, everybody asked me why I did it. My answer was always the same : Being honest will not make you earn your life and some of you still owe me a lot of money ! End of the (sadly usual) story.
    1 point
  24. Awesome power to size, mass, ratio with these beauties....
    1 point
  25. I’d love a Chapperell 12 string or a 4 string Scarab, just to pretend I’m Jeff Ament and Rick Savage respectively 😎
    1 point
  26. Check out YouTube, there are a couple of vids on there where a guy is plucking strings while moving a pup up and down the body from bridge to neck and even sideways just for good measure. Very interesting.
    1 point
  27. We supported Midge Ure a few years back, he really does use out of the box Vintage Midge Ure Signature guitars he played through a Marshall Bluesbreaker pedal into a stock Vox VT120 amp......a set up that would be sneered at by many pub band players, it just shows how talented he is as a guitarist
    1 point
  28. Plectrum!!! Yeuchhhhh!!! I'm just jealous! Thanks for sharing, cool kid.
    1 point
  29. I usually play different stuff to see how the bass responds, so some double-stops up the dusty end and also seeing how comfortable the bass is to play. They never have straps on them, which I find annoying cos I rarely play sat down. Last time I tried a bass in a shop I played Pump it Up by Elvis Costello over and over and got some funny looks from the sales guy. I then found the same bass cheaper and with a hard case on eBay and bought it (I know, I'm going to hell just for that).
    1 point
  30. I've still got my US Jazz, but I wouldn't buy another US bass... I think they've got a bit silly pricey, despite the obvious quality (obvious in mine, at least). I would absolutely consider buying a MIM... and I think PJs are the future. PS... Karfler... love your crap mex.
    1 point
  31. Yup - all looking good! As you've described, that'll work for you. That will give you a perfectly serviceable setup - and it'll sound great.
    1 point
  32. Typical bass player doing it up the corner, come on why not right by the front door near the till!
    1 point
  33. Whenever I buy a car, I test drive it by first revving it as hard & long as I can, hoping that people notice me. Once I have their attention I attempt a doughnut manoeuvre I saw on YouTube (I stall quite a lot, but I think I look cool). It never occurs to me to check if the breaks, clutch, gears, lights work, or if the cars structure is sound...or, heaven forbid, it fits any practical needs. OK, so my cars never leave my garage (but no one in the showroom knows that, they all think I'm the Stig maaaaan)
    1 point
  34. I've told this before. . . . A friend was looking for a guitar as a 50th birthday present to himself. The guy in the shop got down a US Strat and Rob, who was mightily impressed, said, "But this is only for playing in my bedroom." The shop guy said, "Mate, 90% of the guitars we sell are to people who play in their bedrooms, and the other 10% should do."
    1 point
  35. Is the only bass that I had since I started to play ! I will never sell it! Great instrument
    1 point
  36. Just back from the first soundcheck... so far, so good. Tomorrow's going to be a long shift: 9:30am to 9-30pm... ish.,
    1 point
  37. ....well...actually, ...I know that it's not the same thing, but it kind of is. I have an old MIM Fender deluxe PJ from 1996, and despite being constantly told that it can't be good because it's a MIM, it really is a great bass in every way. If that bass is doing it for you then then why buy an expensive imitation?
    1 point
  38. Gently tip a small amount of baking soda into the E and A slots until you have about as much lift as you need. Then pour in a couple of drops of superglue and let it solidify. A surprisingly effective fix. Doesn't sound like it should work, but my chemist friend tells me that they combine to form a sort of basic cement.
    1 point
  39. I've always wondered why the flat part isn't removable and why tuners don't use a T spanner type thingy - like a football boot/golf shoe spanner. This would prevent accidental knocks. The drawback would be that you'd need to always carry the spanner and "quick tuning" for that slightly out of tune string would become a thing of the past. Seems I've found out why my idea has never taken off. Maybe there's something in what Essential Tension says..
    1 point
  40. And this is what it comes down to I bet, there possibly are technically better ways to do it but they would be more expensive to make and more complex/heavier so maybe less reliable/ hardwearing. Then there is the issue of getting people to buy them, when more than half the bass playing population seems to struggle with anything without a Fender logo on it, it could be a step too far for many. Life is a compromise.
    1 point
  41. Their "prize" was getting a record contract and getting to spend their lives making music. This is just one more thing to stick in their mansions for the maid to dust.
    1 point
  42. First rehearsal today - six hours' worth. It was loads of fun. The show's being shot for DVD, so everything has to be spot-on. We've got a week in the rehearsal hall, so we'll have the monitor mixes pretty much there by the weekend, so hopefully the check in the arena will mostly be tweaking stuff. The band is great.. the drummer's from Lindisfarne, the keyboard player's from Dire Straits, the other keyboard player and sax player are from The 1975's live band, the guitarist was a touring member of The Arctic Monkeys, and one of our vocalists sang on 'I Would Do Anything For Love' with Meat Loaf. And then there's me. I daren't pinch myself. Loads of pics here: https://www.sundayforsammy.org/sunday-for-sammy-2018-access-all-areas
    1 point
  43. Guy sounds like a total Rooster. I knew a guy who worked backstage at the old Academy in Birmingham (the one that used to be the Hummingbird). He told me that certain bands specifically requested that the staff didn't talk them. He once said something along the lines of 'sorry mate' to the singer from quite a famous American band when they happened to be passing in a narrow backstage corridor before a show and the guy just completely blanked him, despite the fact they both had to turn sideways to get past each other.
    1 point
  44. I'm another one seeing The Damned on tour, but for me it's Bristol. As much as I love Elvis and the Stones I try and keep up with some of these younger groups!
    1 point
  45. The Damned at Folkestone Leas Cliff, they’ve recruited the mighty Paul Gray back in for bass duties, listen to the black album there’s some great playing on that.
    1 point
  46. I'm a huge sucker and fan of the Silver Face Bassman gear. This 2x15 is a great compromise for a full vintage sounds yet still really quite compact. Bargain too, the 135 is a very loud amp and capable of any gigging situation. GLWTS
    1 point
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