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  1. https://invisibleairwaves.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552872658641 Here's their Tom Sawyer. Other full-song clips are on their website.
    10 points
  2. Thanks to the helpful advice here I realized I was being pathetic. I worked some charm and reconciled my warring band mates, we now have three gigs on the horizon. I also started a band with some colleagues and an in talks with a couple of other projects. To expand my musical horizons I have decided to learn Motown styles.
    10 points
  3. $629...under £500. (Looks good with the purple Orange amp.)
    9 points
  4. Made a few changes to my small/‘fly board’. Off comes the CAPO and on goes the Enabler and Cog 66. All on a Pedaltrain Nano powered by a Cioks SOL: Cheers Si
    9 points
  5. Recently picked up an Epifini UL901 and Bergantino 410 from @Mama Huhu. It has passed the rigorous approval process of my son. Looking forward to giving it a proper go at band practice tonight!
    8 points
  6. Talking Heads look a bit rubbish these days
    8 points
  7. Next on the block to clear my wedding debts... Not really sure where to price this but I'm sure you'll tell me if I'm way off the mark! One of only three Iceni Groovemeister basses ever made, this particular one was orginally made by Mike Walsh for the legendary Norman Watt Roy but ended up in someone elses hands although Norman did play it Not a huge amount of detail on the build but it's loaded with Aguilar Hot jazz pups and a Noll 18v active/passive 2 band eq Very thin and fast neck with MOP blocks, brass nut, badass II and of course the Norman signed scratchplate. Weighs in at just over 3.8kgs Very nice player and the combo of Aguilar and Noll makes for some glorious sounds Comes with a fender style tweed case Hard case is now in use elsewhere so not inlcuded I'd rather not ship but happy to do some driving to ensure safe arrival
    7 points
  8. Consider myself lucky to have played in all sorts of pub and club bands for the last 50 years. There are always nights when it seems a pain to load the car and drive to a gig but normally when I get to the venue and play it all seems worth while. I am still fascinated by the fact that I have somehow managed to get away with being in some good local bands with my minimal natural talent but admittedly a lot of hard work. One day there might be a time when I feel I have to stop but I hope that day does not come anytime soon.
    7 points
  9. Hi been a while since I’ve posted on here but here’s my latest build…….. The body is a scaffold board back and a book matched Sheesham (Indian Rosewood) top reclaimed from an old dining table…….👍🏻
    6 points
  10. Just reading about the plods reaction to The Greeks dogs and this twit has been getting away with it for years. Where is the justice?
    5 points
  11. I really like this one, but it looks like whoever designed the other one started to do it right but then came up blank when he tried to finish it, so he just decided to cut it short...that straight bottom just doesn't look right.
    5 points
  12. Oh that's a bit harsh, Joe seems like a nice enough bloke.
    5 points
  13. I am diary intolerant. It is why I never manage to get anything done.....
    5 points
  14. We get that from them quite a lot and we live on a main road with parking outside. It's usually that the driver ran out of time in their round. I just avoid Evri as far as possible. Sometimes they've claimed they've delivered an item and it's later turned up at a completely different house or just lost.
    5 points
  15. This is up for grabs as I need to cut back on my ridiculously excessive collection of basses. Bought new three years ago, but hardly any playing since I suffered a stroke, so it’s absolutely like new. Comes with Sterling gig bag. Paid £1200, yours for £775 collection only from Wolves. Sorry,can’t ship. Stock photo…
    4 points
  16. Release the Hounds are playing the Station Tavern in Cleckheaton on Saturday 27th January. We’re a female fronted 5 piece covers band who do a bit of everything. its not far from Dewsbury, Bradford, Halifax and Brighouse in West Yorkshire.
    4 points
  17. (Talking Bout) My Genuflection - The Who
    4 points
  18. I guess my issue is with authenticity (or the lack of it). Everything is played for laughs. It's the same reason why I don't get on with Frank Zappa, Steely Dan, or any of those "zany" US bands and artists. The whole is so inauthentic and the whole aesthetic they have grates on me. Instrumentally, they're absolutely on point, but what are they trying to say or achieve with any of it? It all seems as hollow and empty as the kind of lift muzak you used to here while shopping. But, it's their journey, and they're selling out stadiums to audiences who adore it, so good for them.
    4 points
  19. Musically bang on, tho the singer sounds like he's right at the very top of his comfort range - here's a different approach that I like (tho IMHO, YMMV, etc) - again, musically bang on, and a girl singist works for me...
    4 points
  20. This is starting to turn into one of those "are you paying attention?" type clicky quizzes - click on the colour, not the word type thing.
    4 points
  21. Bloody hell. This is stunning. https://fb.watch/pEGsneG2Qd/
    4 points
  22. ...same as it ever was?
    4 points
  23. Is this the look you're aiming for?
    4 points
  24. Six 10 with soft cover. Has silver grill. Has the seem peeling away a bit like on all 3 BF cabs I’ve owned. I haven’t gaffa taped this one and you can’t see it from the front and sides, a bit of glue will sort it if you’re bothered. Reduced to a low £900 as I need the space back in my cupboard Very light for a 6x10 collection only from PE27 3FW
    3 points
  25. Barefaced Two10 with both front grills. No cover,can collect from PE27 3FW or I can post but I need to get a box so it’ll be next week before I can post Cab has gaffa tape over the seems on the back as it was peeling like every BF cab I’ve had.
    3 points
  26. The 'wannabe Luthier' shouldn't talk the talk, if he can't quark the quark! 😉
    3 points
  27. I haven’t heard this, my understanding is that Mesa gear will be there for the opening. I’m not directly involved with the marketing side, especially international marketing, so things may have changed related to the construction or the phasing in of the brands owned beyond Gibson branded products themselves. I will ask and see if I can get updated info.
    3 points
  28. Mr Big Shot - Gene Chandler
    3 points
  29. I think @Killerfridgehas provided all the background required for this thread. Musicman have made signature models of the 3 basses Joe Dart uses. Sure they are expensive. They are made in the USA by MusicMan! Everything they make is expensive. Add in the taxes and they are even more expensive. Do they look good? Joe Dart obviously thinks so and I guess so do the people scrambling to buy them before they sell out. I quite like the first one as I want a passive Stingray and like the simplicity of a single control (would replace the one it comes with as it looks horrible). I wouldn’t pay for it though and am a bit too slow and clumsy to steal one.
    3 points
  30. I like that - it's a variation on the batwing design from the Thinline Tele. And what's weird is that the Thinline Tele was designed by Roger Rossmeisl after he left Rickenbacker!
    3 points
  31. So that's why everyone on here hates me! I had no idea I was so successful
    3 points
  32. I'd be struggling with my double bass at about 41 1/2 inches!
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. That's an awesome colour. That scratchplate looks like a home-made bodge, though. Not sure what they were thinking.
    3 points
  35. This is all so much more sophisticated than the pickup winding setup I cobbled together a few years ago. I can't find the pictures, but it was a little hobby drill lashed to a plank with cable ties, a speed controller board off ebay, hand fed wire and a couple of chunks of wine cork over a dowel on the side of the plank to set the limits of the wire travel. I'm still using a couple of the pickups I did, on my fretless bass and a electric guitar, so I guess it got me there!
    3 points
  36. @Risk101 How is your hand healing? Back in 2010, I managed to put my left hand through a window and I completely severed both tendons, I went right through the Median Nerve and I had to learn how to use my hand again. 14 years on I still only have 20% feeling in my thumb and the first two fingers on a good day and, I have limited mobility of my thumb but, I can still play and nobody can tell when watching me. Praying for healing for you. Some of you might remember that I threw my toys out the pram recently and stood back as a Worship Leader in my church, I'm now back as a Worship Leader as I missed doing it and I think both sides learnt from the situation. God is great !
    3 points
  37. Birlliant, totally nailing it. As a Rush fan for longer than I remember I'd happily go and see these guys. Bass tone is totally nailed (IMO) Jonny
    3 points
  38. The only people using Evri (and similar low-budget delivery services) are those selling high volumes of low-cost items where it doesn't matter if a proportion of them don't reach the intended recipient. Everyone else should be avoiding them not matter how "cost-effective" they appear to be. Hint: they're not.
    3 points
  39. I think if I live to be 85, I hope I'll still be trying to get a band together. 🙃
    3 points
  40. Never mind what is Alt Rock, my life was changed when I watched some BBC? documentary, the moment of enlightenment was 'Yacht Rock', before that I was just listening to rock music...
    3 points
  41. Sorry! I thought this might be a thread about parliament. As you were.
    3 points
  42. If I went full on DeeDee Ramone these days for more than 30 seconds I'm not entirely sure I wouldn't get stuck.
    3 points
  43. No, no, no.....! FFS... Noone wants an overpriced Epi Rex bird! If you're a Rex fan you know his sound is Spector. That's where your money goes. Why doesn't Gibson just reintroduce the Grabber, Ripper and G3, with cheaper high quality Epiphone versions (under £1k). THAT'S what the market is asking for!
    3 points
  44. Hi all Selling to raise wedding funds. **Now with a choice of necks - Allparts or Genuine Fender Roadworn Maple Neck** Put together and finished by myself (Relics By DG) - there are quite a few members on here now that have basses I’ve worked on so will vouch for me - you can also search google reviews! Dakota Red over Sunburst PJ Bass Fender Roadworn Maple Neck OR Allparts Maple Jazz Width Neck with ‘Fender’ decal @guitarbuild Alder body @fender Pure Vintage Precision Pickup #Delano Hum Cancelling Large Pole Jazz Pickup #Wilkinson Hardware CTS/Alpha/Switchcraft Electronics with Full Copper Sheilding @graphtechguitarlabs Nut Nice and lightweight Shipping possible but please contact me to discuss options first. Any questions, give me a shout Thanks Dan
    2 points
  45. How wide should one’s legs be, when bassing? I might experiment. See how wide I can go before comments from band mates.
    2 points
  46. Ah yes.... It's Tamas isn't it?
    2 points
  47. most that have tried this bass find them overpriced neck heavy and offer nothing that many other cheaper PB pickup instruments offer cheaper better
    2 points
  48. 2400 bucks and this is the best they could do. That's somewhere between a joke and an insult. Ah well, I'm sure it won't bother the dentists and lawyers who will be the ones buying it to hang on their walls or stick in their vaults.
    2 points
  49. Make sure that that pacifier is returned to its owner beforehand, or you’ll be on the end of a baby’s hard stare.
    2 points
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