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About Sibob

  • Birthday 16/06/1983

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  • Location
    High Wycombe, Bucks

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  1. Correct choice! Si
  2. Yeah very cool, needs smaller knobs IMO…but minor detail. Si
  3. Oh you beauty. Shotgun if you ever sell 😁 Si
  4. That’s really nice! Is that a trans-black with ebony board? Si
  5. Xotic BB Bass Pre is a classic for a reason. My Fuzzrocious Cat Tail sounds great on low gain settings too, I also love my 2 channel COG Knightfall 66 prototype. I’ve not owned one (yet?!), but I’ve excellent things of the CMC Audio Proto Type. Si
  6. And the top-mounted XLR socket….eugh! Si
  7. I ordered my USA Series Dual J recently….so that will be with me in around 7 months or so 🤞 Si
  8. Ah hadn’t see that, interesting, but $375 🫣. I’ve currently got the Barber Linden EQ, so keen to get tried on some gigs. Si
  9. If it had a balanced XLR out it would be perfect! Si
  10. I think my preference is for the PS01/Isolator setup….maybe even swap the Diago out for a Gigrig Generator, but just need to figure out this ‘parallel splitter’ thing. Si
  11. That plus the 8 way pedal power strip is just getting too big though, won’t fit on my board and I’ve no interest in having bits and pieces sitting off the board. Cheers though. Si
  12. I'm still a bit confused about how it's powered?!? Only via USB? Or is the USB an output for charging phone? (like the DC7). If I could power this from the Diago PS01, and it's not totally rubbish, it could be a goer......like Rwillet mentioned....for £8 (which I'm skeptical of naturally lol). Cheers Si
  13. Size could be work….but can’t see how it’s powered?! Only via USB?! Wonder if it’s any good. Si
  14. Potentially….and that’s a very kind offer, thanks. I’m intrigued to see how the brackets work if you wouldn’t mind PM’ing me? Cheers Si
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