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Status Updates posted by TheGreek

  1. Just been looking through the "Basses for sale" thread. 

    For the first time in ages there are some amazing, not often seen, basses for sale.

    Choice of 2 Pedullas, headless ACG, to name just a few .

    I'm glad that I'm skint, otherwise I would be buying more basses that I don't "need".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dood


      Shame secondhand prices are bonkers though...

    3. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      I dunno ... £17k for a Wal seems perfectly fair to me. :D

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Stop looking @TheGreek stop looking.....
      Mind you, I think I'll take a quick peek now ;) 

  2. It's been threatening snow all day...anybody got any yet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hellzero


      Yes, for two days, but it doesn't last until noon as the temperatures  are between 0 and 5... 

    3. SpondonBassed


      We had a lickle tickle's worth last night but its barely worth mentioning.  It was patchy frost for the most part 'round Derby.

      Did you get any snow in the end?

    4. Daz39


      Yep - second snowfall of the season up here above Halifax - I do live at 1,000 ft though so we've had snow 3ft deep in the garden in May before...

  3. Hooray...Midwinter's Day was yesterday...the days will be getting longer and summer will be here again "soon"...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. josie


      Yes! Twilight end is getting later by a minute a day (not that you'd have known it yesterday or today, but it's there behind the clouds somewhere). It soon adds up 🙂 

    3. alyctes


      All in favour of longer days... it's the only thing I really dislike about the winter.

      (Summer is my least favourite season.  Then winter.  Then autumn.  Spring is the best of all :)

    4. rollie 55

      rollie 55

      hooray aswell bring on summer

  4. Does anybody have 4 (or 2 at a push) black knurled knobs like these before I buy a set off eBay (for about £3).


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      They are just like the ones on my old Vantage.  What are you putting them on Mick?

      (Good ol' Lozz)

    3. Woodinblack


      I got some of those like that off ebay for £3, two of them had very scratched tops. Replaced them in the end

    4. discreet


      I've got one, if that helps. But it looks like you may be sorted already. :)

  5. If you die from the Coronavirus can I have your gear???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      You wouldn't want it ... there's no antique heavyweight Trace Elliot units at all.

    3. lownote


      I'm being buried with mine

    4. prowla


      My Fender Strat is genuine Corona!

  6. What can be done with a gig bag with a broken zip??


    I have a nice case in otherwise good condition with a zip that doesn't work - reluctant to throw it away if it can be rescued or repaired.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dclaassen


      Sometimes alterations shops can repair or replace these types of zips...worth a try?

    3. SpondonBassed


      You could turn it into a big gag.

    4. TheGreek


      Saved with a pair of pliers....

  7. Bomb disposal squad have been in a house locally for a couple of hours...residents told to stay away from the windows and use the back of the house 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      You wouldn't believe that it - students.


      Bomb Squad carried out a controlled explosion before letting residents return to their homes.

    3. Lozz196


      The police blew up the students?


      Good on them!

    4. Royaly T

      Royaly T

      During the 2nd World War Plymouth was bombed heavily by the Germans causing millions of pounds worth of improvements.

  8. Bought a Mahalo MEB1 mini-bass from eBay. So many things wrong with it that I'm having to send it back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      Unlikely...there's a used, red (a No-no for me) Kala for around the same money.


      I think I'll wait for another to come along...or @Jabba_the_gut to sell one of his creations.

    3. prowla


      I did look at that red one momentarily, but I've got a few projects on the go and wouldn't play it.

    4. Soledad


      Never heard of it so had to have a look. I'd be a bit drawn if there was a fretless version. I assume build/finish was disappointing though?

  9. No Star Wars Day gags yet??

    1. Kevsy71



      Mayones the force be with you...and your mind tricks won't work on this model, boy.

    2. TheGreek


      Washburn the Force

      Image result for washburn the force

    3. SpondonBassed


      May the farce continue.

  10. Just bought a Lakland 55-01. Guaranteed a 44-02 will come up for sale in the next few days.

    1. ped


      or even a 33-03

    2. geoham


      The 55-01 is a great bass, sure you'll have plenty of fun with it!

    3. TheGreek


      ...when it eventually arrives...blooody couriers

  11. Did I sleep through Summer 2018 and awoke in October? It's bl00dy freezing outside..

    1. SpondonBassed


      I didn't notice any snoring Mick.  Perhaps you blinked just a little longer than you should have...?

      I hear you though.  Crazy, almost bi-polar, weather.

      We've brought our (late germinating) tomatoes indoors because it is uncommonly cold for them at this stage of development despite being in a grow-house outside.  There wasn't room for my Peppadew seedlings.  They are still outside taking their chances beneath upturned glass jars.  I fear we'll lose them anyway.

    2. gary mac

      gary mac

      Reluctantly, I've switched the central heating back on >:(

    3. SpondonBassed


      During Winter we run a range and central heating.  I turned the range off, as usual for the warmer weather, a couple of weeks ago.  The CH is running almost constantly now.  I'm on the edge of a decision to turn the range back on for a couple more weeks!

      I'm seriously considering reinstating the chimneys for a couple of wood burners at either end of the house.


    Winter solstice was yesterday....days start getting longer as of today.

    1. BassTractor


      Where I live, today's "day" was five seconds longer than yesterday's "day". We're getting somewhere! 😀
      Anyway, enjoy!

    2. gafbass02


      My first thought too. I hate winter. Bring back the sun!

    3. alyctes


      I don't mind winter, except for the short days.  Spring is the best, and it will start soon :)


  13. Orange Terror 500w amp on eBay for £50 with just over a day to go.




    1. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack


      £28.55 Economy Delivery



    2. Nibody


      Just down the road from me so I could collect it. Pitty Im broke. LOL


    3. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Went for nearly £300 so no bargain there.

  14. Showing my ignorance here...BBOT (in relation to bridges) "Bent Bit Of Tin"??

    1. Bassfinger


      Big Balls Outside Trousers?

    2. Billy Apple

      Billy Apple

      .... How long have you been on BC?

    3. TheGreek


      Shameful I know...one of those questions that you feel stupid asking.

      That's the problem with acronyms....if I have a SLR do I shoot photos or people???

  15. Just been reading my feedback page.

    TBH I don't remember half of the gear I sold or the details of the sale.

    There's a medical condition for this but I can't remember what it's called.

  16. No Andyjr1515 build to follow...I'm having withdrawal symptoms...:$

    1. itsmedunc


      Build another! 😀

    2. roman_sub
    3. LukeFRC


      got enough money



    One of Thea's sisters has been returned to the breeder as the (novice) owner can't handle a puppy. 


    She needs to be rehomed with experienced dog owners who have plenty of time and space for her to burn that puppy energy . She is 19 weeks old and free to a good home. Currently in Southgate, North London, she'll need to be collected.


    I have some photos which I'll upload later.


    More info: https://www.dogbreedinfo.com/a/americanbullweiler.htm

    1. spacecowboy


      We've a full house here with our new puppy, (she's currently 5 months) and our 3 year old Cockapoo. 


      Fingers crossed she's got a new home by Christmas! 

    2. TheGreek


      I think we may have a home for Thea's sister Duchess. Neighbour's boyfriend, John,  had to leave his Staffie X with his parents when he moved out so he is looking for a new dog.

      We already walk with his partner, Naz, and her dog, Meeko so having Thea's sister nearby will be a bonus.

    3. TheGreek


      Duchess, featuring a new name, Shiva, now with neighbours. Unclear if she has ever been walked - she wanted to be carried to the park and didn't know how to play with the other dogs.


      Give it a week and we'll probably see a completely different dog.

  18. Looks like interest in the Midlands Bash is picking up...

    Would there be enough interest for another SE Bash? (assuming Colin is well enough to set it up)

    1. Stingray5


      Count me in if there is one, Mick. 👍

    2. TheGreek


      I know that @Hamster hasn't been well so we'd be dependant on his health. I'm sure that we'd all hope for a thorough recovery for him...

    3. Stingray5



  19. "Spare" Yamaha NE1 Para Equalizer arrived today. Weeheee!!

    1. pantherairsoft


      That was a great little tone box. I suspect the only reason it didn't get wider love was because it wasn't in a pedal format.

    2. Risk101


      Lovely - I see the price of that BBNE2 has been shaved to a much more reasonable £1850 although the 4.5kg puts me off (weakling that I am !!)

    3. Gaucho 5

      Gaucho 5

      Still got my NE1 wouldn't be without it, often considered changing it to run from a power board as 9v battery is not ideal, that said you do get a very long battery life with these😁 


  20. Watching the tracking info on the PF website for a bass to arrive at my local (1m) depot so I can go and collect rather than wait another day.

    Reminds me of a Bob Marley track....

    1. kingforaday


      I did not know you could do that!? So as soon as it says it's 'at the local depot'... you can just go and get it???

    2. TheGreek


      I'm assuming so - my depot is about a mile away and a number of my friends work there so if ID isn't enough....

      Fortunately it arrived bright and early (8.30) delivered by somebody I went to school with.

    3. blisters on my fingers

      blisters on my fingers

      "I did not know you could do that!? So as soon as it says it's 'at the local depot'... you can just go and get it???"

      Not a good idea unfortunately - the drivers will be in the depot loading their vans from 6.00 am, the tracking might well show that your bass is at the local depot, but within an hour or so, once loaded onto a route the bass will stay on the van until an attempted delivery is made.

      If you are now at the depot trying to collect your bass while at the same time the driver is at your address ringing your doorbell.... well you can see how this ends ☹️



  21. Just received a call from an agency trying to sell me loft insulation....

    I live in a ground floor flat!!

    1. Balcro


      I'm up the road from you. Well 12 miles anyway. I've had 2 calls from a so called Environment or Energy company trying to pass themselves off as a "national" organisation. "Hello, I'm "#aZVD" , your energy advisor." When I brusquely said "What's that about then",  he rang off. Pass the word on.    

    2. Gareth Hughes

      Gareth Hughes

      I had a great call from O2 trying to re-new my contract. Hard sell fell flat when the guy said - 'you live in Rathfriland, ah, you must know George there, he knows half the town'. I said 'I guess I'm in the other half' and you could hear the air go out of his balloon.

    3. Dood


      Reminds me of the time many years ago now that I kept getting sales calls to my desk 'phone trying to sell me windows. Eventually I gave in and went with their pitch. I can only imagine the looks of glee the sales person must have had before the penny dropped when I told him that the place I spend my time in requires about 40 windows. Per floor.. and there were ten floors....

      I must have quoted the Aviva advert ten times in our conversation and called myself the CEO of said company and..still.. nothing... 


  22. NAD!!!!

    Trace Elliot AH300 SMC - sent straight to my amp tech for a service. 

    Another one rescued and rehomed in a loving environment.

    1. Deedee


      Congrats. I'm just eyeing up a couple at the moment 😆

    2. stewblack


      You do such great work. Have you considered opening your place to the public? I'm sure folk would pay to see these rehomed Trace Elliots in their natural environment, lovingly saved and cared for. Maybe a series on TV like Monkey World did. I bet Chris Serle would jump at that.

    3. TheGreek


      Great idea Stew...one slight flaw...visitors would expect to see them "in the wild"...my neighbours might not be so accommodating when they hear TE being pumped out at maximum volume...

      Maybe if I win tonight's Euro lottery £169m I'll get myself a little place in the country where nobody lives close enough to complain...

  23. 🎼I don't wanna wait in vain 🎵🎶....


    Sitting watching the Parcelforce Track your Parcel page to see if my parcel arrives tonight so I can try to collect it from them tomorrow....

    1. snorkie635


      Good luck with that. I waited over a week for a pair of socks I'd ordered to turn up. I blame his black and white cat.

    2. TheGreek


      Went and collected the parcel earlier...


      The waiting wasn't in vain...

    3. snorkie635
  24. SORTED - Many thanks to @neepheid


    Is anybody near Aberdeen and can help facilitate a transaction?

    PM me please.

    1. snorkie635


      Give Neepheed a shout. He's up that way I think.

    2. TheGreek


      Yep, Neepheid to the rescue!!


      Just the man for the job!!

    3. snorkie635


      Excellent. Hope it works out. Give me a shout if you need a translator. 😀

  25. Just received a message about floods in Germany...

    Hope that all our members in that part of Europe are OK.

    1. Aero71


      Not just Germany, also Belgium and the Netherlands...

    2. TheGreek


      Hope that you and yours are all OK...

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