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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/04/24 in Posts

  1. Our acoustic duo played another gig at The Lookout on the Pier in Scarborough last night. Usual full house and dozens of requests, this time including ‘The thrill is gone’, ‘Moon river’, ’Unchain my heart’ and even ‘Waterloo’ which I don’t think I’ve ever played before. Nice bassline too, although a bit more limited due to dropping the key so two blokes could sing it! We have one more gig there at the end of this month before a bit of a break until July. Picture taken as we were loading out, a beautiful evening over the bay.
    16 points
  2. Nice gig at Leicester’s Donkey music venue with my blues/soul trio the Andy Wales Band. First outing for my recently-acquired Ashdown ABM500 head too, which sounded beefy and fat - apart from briefly leaning my bass against the front panel which pressed the switch to turn off the EQ (why would anyone want that?) leaving me wondering for a few songs where my lovely sound had gone…. Lesson - always know the position of your knob. Good turn out tho including interestingly various punters who’d paid for a nearby blues festival but didn’t like it and instead spotted this gig in the listings and came along (and seemed to enjoy it!)
    16 points
  3. Back on "The Rock", at Starr Sports, Canvey Island on Saturday. A very enjoyable night. We've played there a few times, but for some reason, this was the most fun I've (and we've) had there. I don't think I stopped moving and bouncing around all evening while playing. Everything fell into place, set up was easy, as was sound check, with a receptive audience with people dancing from the start and kept going all night. I spoke to a couple of people who said they had seen us before elsewhere and came to this venue especially to see us... which is nice. Obligatory "tonight's office" pic attached.
    12 points
  4. Saturday (so not quite last night, sorry) was the very first ever gig for my new project Pop Punk Prty. It was, in my estimation, a little too early to be 'out there' and we all felt very unrehearsed. However, it was better than I expected! If we play like that on our 5th gig I'll be annoyed, but for a first gig I'll take it. Rig was my trusty (and suitably pastel green) SB-2 into my HX Stomp. Everyone on IEMs apart from me (I have soundman duties) so I've got one of my QSC wedges. To complete the rig there's genuine 00's baggy jeans that were sourced by my wonderful friends at Tender Hooligan. Gosh I'm fat.
    11 points
  5. Deadlight Dance had our album launch at my local pub. I was mostly on the mandocello with occasional mandolin and three songs on my bass vi. We sold a few albums to a respectable sized crowd and my absolute highlight was we got sketched - the picture is to be framed in the pub wall! I thought we played well and I particularly like my growing confidence in the bass vi.
    11 points
  6. Sunday afternoon gig at a local social club, not the biggest turnout, apparently a tribute band on in town the night before was what did it, but those that were there really enjoyed, we really enjoyed ourselves, nice to be home for 7pm rather than 1am once in a while. Hopefully get some Saturday night gigs from them going forward..
    9 points
  7. Weight 8.97lb. The bass is in superb condition, especially considering its age, with just a few very light marks to the body edge (see pics, although they look worse than they are under the camera flash). As far as I can see, the wenge neck is spotless. The bass comes with a sturdy hardcase, so I can pack it up for a courier at buyer's cost and arrangement. I'm also happy to meet up somewhere within an hour or so's drive. Pics from the previous seller as they are far better than mine, but the bass is in the exact same condition as I've only had it out of the case a couple of times.
    8 points
  8. NOW SOLD ELSEWHERE It really pains me to have to put this up for sale, but increasing trouble with my hands means playing (in my case trying to play) a 5-string bass is increasing painful due to, the doc says, increasing arthritis in my fingers. I can manage a J-type neck and some P-type necks and I fully intend to keep managing as long as possible, but the wider fretboards I now really struggle with, and not just because of an absence of talent. This bass is the full monty. It has the Multi Coil pickups and the DFM filter preamp, a one piece body with a very subtle top wood. The scale is 34" and best of all it is very lightweight at only 3.9kgs (or 8lbs 10oz). The full spec is here: https://acguitars.co.uk/project/0446ukrell5-34/ Other points to note is that the bass has a rounded body edges rather than the beveled style featured on the Krell basses. Also, the cutaway to accommodate the forearm is the more usual style seen on many basses. Current ACG models mostly have a scalloped cutaway. Both of these features are my person preference. I would much prefer to meet and hand over the bass due to its value. I would be happy to either sell the bass outright or do some kind of part ex deal. Please PM me if you have anything that you think may interest me. But please note the comments above. The bass is strung with TI flats and comes with a superb soft-hardcase. Here are the pics, please let me know if you would like to see anything in more detail or indeed if you have any questions. Thanks for dropping by.
    8 points
  9. As is often the case in these discussions, I’ll get the elephant in the room out of the way before anyone else chips in. I love this design, beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc….
    7 points
  10. Could have stayed home and used the wireless?
    7 points
  11. We made a film when we recorded the acoustic covers album in a Saxon Church.
    6 points
  12. "Mork calling Orson, come in Orson..."
    5 points
  13. Wouldn't it be incredible to have a Basschat Fest...
    5 points
  14. My new tribute band's 2nd gig last night. A warm-up at The Garrison in Barnsley. We're announcing an Autumn UK tour tomorrow including some pretty bloody good venues for a tribute with only 2 gigs under our belt. Its taken us nearly a year to get everything to the standard we're happy to put out and its paying off. You can't really do a tribute to Post Malone unless you know you can pull it off. We had people last night who came up to us after and said they're Post Malone fans but came to see us thinking that we'd be shit and it'd be a laugh and that instead we blew them away. I take that as a win! The Garrison is a brilliant venue, the only tough part is it's a Sports Bar first and a music venue second, so we had to sound check/load in to a packed building. Other than that, its ace.
    5 points
  15. The bass is sitting in a corner of my office. It plays well though still has the tug boat cables for strings. Not set the strings at all. Focus for the last week has been, filling, sanding, priming and learning about PETG with a sander. PETG is the material I have chosen for the body of the guitar, it's stronger than PLA, significantly more rigid, glues/welds well and is fairly inert. It also handles heat well, though at the moment, it needs to handle water well as the weather in North Yorkshire is wet, wet and then even more wet. However PETG isn't as good as taking paint, I also have no idea about filler on it. So I'm trying various fillers, various sandpapers and various primers to see what works and what doesn't. I'm also experimenting with joining stuff together to make a single pickguard as opposed to two separate ones. So lots of wet and dry papers, lots of head scratching and not much progress The aim is to have the bass finished for May 17th, painted, lookimng good and ready for the NW and Scottish Bash. Rob
    4 points
  16. Any Rickenbacker. It's like having a bad dream about waking up in a parallel earth where everything is slightly different to how you'd expect it to be, and going to your local guitar shop to find the P bass was never invented and you could only buy Rickenbackers, then waking up in a cold sweat and running to check on your collection of normal basses to make sure you're awake.
    4 points
  17. I particularly can't abide that faux Irish twaddle that Ed Sheeran plopped out.. Galway Girl? "Oh I had a little fiddle with an Irish man, in the back of his Transit van. He said "I'll do it to you everyway I can". then hit me round the head with a frying pan."
    4 points
  18. Supporting Old Skool punks, The Samples, in Malvern Saturday 20th:
    4 points
  19. The next gig for both my bands (Hurtsfall and In Isolation) is Goth At Brewery in Whitby on Saturday 27th April as part of the Whitby Goth Weekend: It's an afternoon gig at the Brewery (opposite Whitby Abbey), with Hurtsfall opening at 2.00pm, In Isolation on at 4.00 and sandwiched between us Chaos Bleak (also from Nottingham) at 3.00. For those who don't know, this is a very popular event and if you're not there early you'll probably have to watch and listen from the courtyard - although this will only be a problem if the weather ins't very good, in which case there is all the more reason to arrive in time to get a place inside! BTW this is a free gig.
    4 points
  20. My Funk, Soul, & Motown covers band played our first wedding reception last night at The Saxon Mill in Warwick. We all played well, Bride and Groom very happy, lots of singing, dancing, applause etc, we got a further gig from it so on that front the gig was fantastic and we were paid an hour after getting home. However... It was the first time I'd mustered the courage to head out with my Ken Smith, It's a bass I like to have in the home to practice more complicated stuff on, but I fancied playing it at this nice venue and at a wedding, however during sound check I just couldn't hear myself, we could feel the bass but It was impossible to hear the notes in the mix, thinking it could just be the fact the ceilings where low, I was tucked in a corner and the room had a carpet floor I switched out to my trusty Squier P (The wife) and soundchecked with that, and... there it was, louder, clearer, present and cutting right through the mix. So I was obviously very put out by that, I want to play the Smith, but it obviously needs a different band / setup to work well. Bum! Next gig this friday at our usual haunt in Leamington Spa where the Squier will do the hard work again.
    4 points
  21. A very local gig for me last night, only 4 minutes drive (yes I timed it 🤣). Place was a WMC in the next village that’s only just started to have bands back on after a couple years hiatus. It was about 2/3rds full which was nice as it’s a big old place and even 50 people would have made the place look empty. Quite a few people were non regulars who’d seen us at other places in West and South Yorkshire so that was appreciated. One guy brought a small entourage and a selection of wigs and hats in line with our glam theme that he let the masses wear. All in all a decent night, paid more than agreed and promises of more gigs. Next week it’s the middle of Hull….
    4 points
  22. 0000 Steel Wool. Quite a weapon in the shining of frets. My grubby 88 Squier neck looks quite sparkly!
    3 points
  23. Hey All, Picked up my first Sandberg this weekend. 2008 California Heavy aged VS4.
    3 points
  24. Mint condition Trace Elliot TE1200, studio/rehearsal use only, never gigged. Complete with power cable, footswitch and footswitch cable (never used), gig bag (never used) and original packaging. Have now dropped the price to below what I’d actually like to get for it as we are now at a point where we need to raise funds quickly but the price won’t go lower than this. Selling as we need to cover some horrendous vet bills the wife and I have incurred due to one of our dogs being severely ill, so as this is the amp I use the least, it is the one to go in an attempt to raise some funds. I would prefer collection (I am approximately 15 minutes from junctions 14 and 15 of the M1 just outside Milton Keynes), but I am happy to ship if you want to arrange a courier.
    3 points
  25. I used to have a triple twin neck years ago... Perfectly suitable for 3 people to be assigned 2 necks each. 👍
    3 points
  26. This was the setup for Saturday. My first time setting up a full pa.
    3 points
  27. Blazing Apostles - Be Bop Deluxe
    3 points
  28. Some good folk on here designed a few cabs for DIY construction; Here’s my effort;
    3 points
  29. People get so obsessed with quality control. I don't worry about it, personally - some will be great, some will be not so great and you won't know until you have it in your hands. Roll the dice!
    3 points
  30. I'm fully 5 string at present but your all-time stats got me wondering. As best I can work out from memory I'm coincidentally at 58 as well, but it's 31-27 to the 4 strings. No real point to working that out, but it's a slow afternoon and I had spare post-it notes 🙂
    3 points
  31. I managed to get a YoB guitar a few years ago. I was after something from 1967 (yes that old), and wanted to gig with it, so it needed to be better than firewood. After many years searching, I bought a 67 Jazz bass from Andy Baxter, and after a decent setup it's a nice thing indeed. It's not my first choice to gig with, but as 99.9% of the public can't tell a 67 from a £200 catalogue jazz bass, then interestingly I've not ever had someone point out that it's the oldest thing at the gig (apart from me and our drummer).
    3 points
  32. I'm off to my album launch this afternoon so shared a pic of me outside the pub we're playing - my favourite comment so far "The venue looks very small". 🙈 I'm pretty sure I am not releasing "Dark Side of the Moon"! Over the years I have had some lovely well intentioned fails from friends, including; "I'm surprised you have time for a day job" - yes, thank you, I am friends with two of my bosses! "Dan & I would love to come but Harry is back from Uni" - family first but this also works well as a private message! I'm sure Mick Jagger doesn't get this! "I played there six months ago" (with accompanying picture of them on stage at the venue) - Great, post it on your page! "I must check out your band sometime" - I've mostly posted the playing videos over the last 15yrs just for myself, I appreciate people lead busy lives but perhaps just once over that decade and a half time frame, you could have clicked on one! "It's a shame you are not playing (inserts name of town) / on a different day" - Again, works great as a PM. The whole band is travelling half way across the UK but you can't travel 20 minutes. Oh and constantly liking the posts of friend's bands and getting nothing back. What do you enjoy the least when sharing band stuff on social media?
    3 points
  33. Just remembered this from rehearsal a week yesterday. At the rehearsal studios we normally frequent we're normally tucked away upstairs, but last week we were downstairs in the room next to the main area, and where you can see into the room from outside. It was a good rehearsal overall, we dropped one track because it was pretty dull and had a quick run through another we wanted to introduce, so we now have a slightly revamped setlist for our first gig of the year in May. I was made to run through Two Tribes three times in a row at tempo, after which I left the guitarist to work out her part while I regained consciousness. We were outside having a break when someone from another band who was there, who had been similarly breaking while we were playing, made a point while taking his gear to his car to tell us how good he thought we'd sounded. Which was nice.
    3 points
  34. Anyone even moderately skilled using speaker modeling software can make a valid recommendation by reverse engineering the box. All they need is the precise internal dimensions. Conversely anyone who makes a recommendation without having done so should be ignored.
    3 points
  35. Can you imagine the sound of 10k bassists 🤪🤪🤪
    3 points
  36. I was hoping this wouldn't degenerate into a 4 vs 5 debate, I don't think it has. Although there's been plenty of levity I think there's also been lots of evidence that five strings are now not exceptional. A significant number of us are using them as gigging instruments rather than a 'special effect' or curiosity.
    3 points
  37. I really dislike the slightly stretched, drawn by a child, quality of Spector basses.
    3 points
  38. Love the look of this over at Bass Direct, decent price too as he usually gets very giddy with vintage Fenders price wise. However, that weight!?! https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/product/fender-jazz-bass-gloss-black-1977-pre-owned/
    3 points
  39. I've been wondering about this question again, could we have given a clearer answer? It's tough for someone with no technical background to follow some of the more technical answers but that is what anyone asking willl be offered.It's equally tough for someone who has a technical background to give a partial answer, something they know is almost true but leaves out some important detail which could end up with someones hard earned money spent on something that won't do the job. There was a one line answer available here all along: buy a decent quality 12" system with 300W a side going to each speaker. My guess it that most of us who are regularly gigging either own or have successfully used such a system for many gigs. I see a lot of covers bands, I rarely see anyone using anything else in pubs. Two 12's on poles are on display at at least 80% of pub gigs. Why did we make it so complex The analogy here might be asking three different 'experts' about how the heart works. A primary school teacher will give a different answer to an eight year old from the answer a secondary science teacher will give an eighteen year old Biology student different again. A doctor has a different problem when they talk about the heart it has consequencies. If they aren't clear somone might die, if they fail to get the message across, then catastrophe. If they over simplify and miss out what later turns out to be an important detail they can end up in court. I wonder if we aren't all pretending to be thoracic surgeons here carefully picking words and refining arguments when the real doctor inside them wants to just scream; "lose some effing weight, stop eating crap, get some exercise and enjoy the rest of your life" as they propose surgery or prescribe pills with side effects that will make their patients lives miserable. I wonder why we didn't say; "get a couple of decent 12's on poles and get on and enjoy playing"?
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. Truth is, nobody cares, really. There, I've said it. Nobody cares. Your circle of friends don't care and your circle of friend's friends don't care. Hurts to say it. You might get 5% turn up once out of curiosity, but that'll be it until such a point as you may be playing a big room, then there'll be this expectation of free tickets etc.
    3 points
  42. From a safety perspective, treat yourself to a cheap wireless setup.
    3 points
  43. has had light at home use but is in perfect condition, fully boxed. £450 all in for postage within the UK current wait time is 8 weeks + shipping and handling fees once it enters the UK so would end up over £500 for a brand new purchase, NO TRADES PLEASE CAPO is the new Jad Freer Audio bass preamp, or Multiple Preamp – DI – Saturator – FX Loop, as we like to call it . From studio-grade clean sounds up to heavy saturations, passing through endless overdrive flavors with amp-like dynamics and harmonic content, while keeping your instrument’s natural low-end presence. More than just a pedal, a real studio-in-a-box. Four different preamps in a single box and endless routing possibilities in a pedalboard-friendly format. A sound with very complex texture and natural feel. An engine that is designed to be the center of your pedalboard universe. A SIDE The core of the machine, based on three very different preamps that can be used in parallel to achieve unheard-of and unique sounds. The base of the A-Side is a clean high impedance preamp, with fixed gain and lots of headroom; it improves the tone of the instrument, enhancing its character without altering it. Two high dynamic range saturators (J, F) can then be mixed to the clean preamp using the BLEND control. The mix ratio between J and F can be changed as well using the STYLE control: in central position N you get the neutral balance between them and, at the same time, the range of sounds that defines the A-Side tone the most. No clipping diodes are used in both saturators, providing a dynamic feeling comparable to a real amplifier… not just an ordinary stompbox! J and F share GAIN and LEVEL controls and both have a lot of clean headroom before saturation, while they differ strongly in their sonic focus. J Saturator: huge bottom, aggressive highs that brings the note attack upfront in the mix F Saturator: sound focused on mid frequencies, more vintage inspired. The concept of this side of CAPO is to mix a flat response sound with two complementary amp-like tones (running in parallel and mixed as well), to obtain an extremely complex and articulated texture while keeping the maximum frequency and dynamic response. A three band eq allows you to further sculpt the blended sound you create: BASS: ±12dB@80Hz (shelving) Semi-parametric MID: ±9dB@100Hz-10KHz (band pass) HIGH: ±12dB@4KHz (shelving) DEEP and BITE switches provide a perfectly tailored bottom end boost and just the right enhance of string attack. B SIDE Tube-like tone preamp. Side B is a linear response FET preamp with dedicated volume and gain controls. It reminiscent of some classic tube preamps and has a dynamic range that goes from clean to various saturation stages with a smooth, natural response. It can be used as a stand-alone preamp as an alternative to the A-Side, or it can work in series with it choosing the order with the PRE / POST switch: PRE allows it to be used as a gain boost, to push the saturation of the A side to higher levels while keeping definition and dynamics POST allows it to be used either as a simple volume boost available at your feet, or as a preamp base to build your own sound, then using the A-side as an additional gain stage or clean EQ.
    3 points
  44. What utter rubbish. Like @goonerjoesaid, when is the new cab arriving ? This is basschat, you should have bought one, plus a spare, just on seeing the picture from @M@23 above. Freaking newbies….
    3 points
  45. No hate, but Ken Smith’s remind me of a T Rex. Tiny arms on a fat body.
    3 points
  46. Single cut basses just look so wrong to me.
    3 points
  47. I guess it was this Washburn Bantam B-62, @ped: https://www.befr.ebay.be/itm/305448842369
    3 points
  48. Hurtsfall were in London at the New Cross Inn supporting Ghost Dance on Saturday. There were good and bad bits... I've never played a gig south of the river and I won't be in a hurry to do it again. The last 5 miles took about three and half hours to drive, although much of this time we were completely stationary. I've seen heavy traffic in London before but this was ridiculous! Instead of turning up just before load-in we arrived 10 minutes before our advertised playing time, just as the first band were finishing. No time to do anything except load the gear in set it up , a quick line check and then straight into the set. No time to get changed or relax for a moment, although Sam, or singer, managed to sneak off and get into his spangly trousers while were sorting out DIs with the PA engineer. However as a result of all the delays and the real possibility that we might arrive too late to play the energy on stage was electric and we stormed through the set. The song we'd chosen to open with at this gig, the somewhat prophetic "Lost Souls (Driving At Night)" which can be a bit hit and miss live just came alive in a way that it hasn't really before, and the new song which we'd stumbled through on Wednesday was played with the sort of authority that normally only comes after a lot of gigs. Apart from a few friends of our singer (he's originally from London) none of the audience knew who we were, but there were plenty of nice things being said afterwards and we sold a lot of merch and fended off questions about when the album will be out (later this year - honest). The drive home despite a large section of the M11 being closed was a piece of cake in comparison to our journey in... Obligatory gig photo, apologies for my appearance, but there was no time to get changed so I'm still wearing my comfortable travelling clothes rather than my gigging clothes.
    3 points
  49. The ensuing gentle hiss of rolling tumbleweed. 😆
    3 points
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