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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/04/24 in Posts

  1. Drummers 65th party last night playing with both the Glam band and the Punk band. Great night and just good fun night. Glam band went on first mainly because the singer Mikey and guitarist Colin wanted to get it done so they could have a few beers etc after playing. Have to say the Handbox WB-100 with the Godin Shifter bass is a perfect match. The depth of tone was simply incredible and worked so well in both bands. Guitarist and singer from the Glam band told me after the punk band played that the bass tone was the best they had ever heard and reminded the guitarist of Roger Glover's Deep Purple tone. He had never heard me playing like that with so much energy and aggression. I don't particularly play that way with the Glam band because its not needed when you are copying the Glam era from studio recordings rather than a live sound. Its more controlled and a bit more mellow. So many compliments from our guitarist about my punk band style and tone and the fact he had no idea i even played like that. He reckoned it was the best punk band he had ever seen. I have to add that by the time we finished at 1am they were a wee bit oiled and i think the comments were fuelled with alcohol a bit but a compliment is still a compliment is still a compliment. The punk band is all about energy and that amp and bass gave it in buckets full. It had so much depth and from what they told me carried right thru the guitarists Marshall stack with so much power and clarity. Singer said the high notes at the dusty end were so clear and sharp where he was standing at the back of the hall. For the more Ric style tones i engaged the "bright" button just to give it that little kick edge. Loved it. Particular punk favs for me last night from a tone point of view were Do Anything you Wanna do and In To the Valley with its de-D tuning for one song but the depth remained but that bright button just meant it carried so much further. Another thing i found using the Godin bass was that the pick ups being so hot meant the amp was nowhere near the same master volume as with my Sandberg basses meaning that amp has a lot more headroom than i thought. I am now keeping that bass and amp. Guitarist said it ws THE best bass tone he had ever heard from any band The Handbox is staying and hoping the Mesa TT800 when it arrives will also give me that Mesa "heft" as so many have commented on the TB site i follow. If anyone gets a chance to play one of those Godin Shifter classic basses then try them they are so well made, not heavy and some of the nicest sounding pick ups i've tried over many many years. Not a hugely expensive bass either on 2nd hand market. If you like a P bass with some extras its a wonderful buy. It has a V & T control and 4 way switch for P, J, Series or Parallel. I had it on Parallel last night and cant fault it. Many thanks to our very own Stevie @theplumber for finally selling me the Godin. If you're reading this Stevie i'll take the other Godin if you decide to move it on. No pics as yet but if any appear i'll post later. Short drive home too at 25mins altho the road to Wanlockhead is very pot-holed at the moment and a bit of care was required in the dark. Just got to head back there today at mid-day to pack up the gear and return home again. Bit long winded post but it just shows how excited i am with that HB and Godin combination. Sometimes things just fall into place by accident and this was that night. Dave
    17 points
  2. I settled on an Aria STB Jazz for a modding platform. It's cheap, made in china or indonesia, and, did I say it was cheap? I first checked fret level, and it was spot-on, no work needed. I rolled the board edges and polished the fret ends, set up the nut for 21 thou string height, and added a set of Hipshot USA tuners. The body got Dunlop straplocks, an Allparts vintage bridge, a pair of DiMarzio Area J pickups, Alpha concentric pots, a series/parallel switch and Switchcraft socket, and I knocked up a pickguard from a sheet of mother of toilet seat pickguard material. A new set of TI Jazz Flats and we're off. At just under 8lbs (3.6kg) it is a great weight and balances absolutely perfectly on the strap. It's one of the most comfortable basses I've ever had. Soundwise, in parallel mode it sounds just like a quality Jazz, in series mode it rawks! I had most of the mod parts in my stash drawer, so it's been a cheap build. Yes, this one is definitely a keeper!
    13 points
  3. Last night we played a 'night club', basically a big room with a bar at the back of a pub. We were to do 3 sets and somehow stretch thus from 8:30 to 'as near to one as you can get'. Thus was first time for me using my brother's old PA. Plenty of room to set up. I got quite stressed by issues like a non-functional speakon on a PA cab and a monitor that had its power lead unplugged. Managed to set up four vocal mics with kick, snare and two overheads on the kit. Sound was rough we thought but was ok at front. We negotiated a start at 9:10 and final set to start at 12:00. Place was weird with only 3 stools and a few tables. Had a modest number of people in by the time we started, say 35-40, and unashamedly went straight into Dakota which filled the dancefloor. Followed by White Room which still kept people going! That said as we went on some people left and others came in. What is and what should never be killed the atmosphere a bit... but we recovered. We ended up doing 50 minutes and audience seemed happy. By the time we took a 35 minute break, we left with a fair number of people danving to a playlist through the pa, but came back in and the room was empty. Totally! Apparently the pub half had emptied too. We played a half a dozen songs to six people who came back in from outside, but no-one was coming in at all. Barman said this was only second time they had opened the back bar and the same thing had happened before. Also, their other pub, expected to empty about 11 and people move across - was virtually empty too. Basically it seems like there was hardly anyone about, although I think that not having any seating is a challenge if you want people to hang round for 4 ½ hours... I think they really need a dj if they are going to spread band sets out so much. And let the band go on much later. We cut the second set, got paid and packed up just over two hours early. Only three punters wandered in while we were packing up and the streets were virtually empty. On the plus side we got a paid rehearsaland learned an awful lot about our kit, some songs to lose and some things to work on, and I got home by just after 1 instead of nearly 3. But still not a great experience.
    12 points
  4. Hey All, Picked up my first Sandberg this weekend. 2008 California Heavy aged VS4.
    10 points
  5. Hurtsfall were in London at the New Cross Inn supporting Ghost Dance on Saturday. There were good and bad bits... I've never played a gig south of the river and I won't be in a hurry to do it again. The last 5 miles took about three and half hours to drive, although much of this time we were completely stationary. I've seen heavy traffic in London before but this was ridiculous! Instead of turning up just before load-in we arrived 10 minutes before our advertised playing time, just as the first band were finishing. No time to do anything except load the gear in set it up , a quick line check and then straight into the set. No time to get changed or relax for a moment, although Sam, or singer, managed to sneak off and get into his spangly trousers while were sorting out DIs with the PA engineer. However as a result of all the delays and the real possibility that we might arrive too late to play the energy on stage was electric and we stormed through the set. The song we'd chosen to open with at this gig, the somewhat prophetic "Lost Souls (Driving At Night)" which can be a bit hit and miss live just came alive in a way that it hasn't really before, and the new song which we'd stumbled through on Wednesday was played with the sort of authority that normally only comes after a lot of gigs. Apart from a few friends of our singer (he's originally from London) none of the audience knew who we were, but there were plenty of nice things being said afterwards and we sold a lot of merch and fended off questions about when the album will be out (later this year - honest). The drive home despite a large section of the M11 being closed was a piece of cake in comparison to our journey in... Obligatory gig photo, apologies for my appearance, but there was no time to get changed so I'm still wearing my comfortable travelling clothes rather than my gigging clothes.
    10 points
  6. Bit of an update! Pedals listed in signal chain order for those that care… Input > Boss OC-5 Octave > Montreal Assembly PURPLL > Fuzzrocious Li’l Fella > Fuzzrocious M.O.T.H > Dr. Scientist Frazz Dazzler v2 > WMD Geiger Counter Pro > Dr. Scientist Dusk (w/ Moog EP-3 Expression Pedal) > GFI System Synesthesia (w/ Triple Switch) > Hologram Electronics Microcosm > Source Audio Collider > Keeley Bassist Limiting Amplifier > TC Electronics Polytune Mini > Output Everything is cables with EBS gold flat patch cables, powered with a CIOKS DC7 + 8 Expander, and mounted to a PedalTrain Jr Max. The back row is all raised with PT Pedal Boosters and I added an OCD pedalboard input/output unit for ease of set up. I also use another two Moog EP-3's beside the board for recording purposes.
    9 points
  7. A very local gig for me last night, only 4 minutes drive (yes I timed it 🤣). Place was a WMC in the next village that’s only just started to have bands back on after a couple years hiatus. It was about 2/3rds full which was nice as it’s a big old place and even 50 people would have made the place look empty. Quite a few people were non regulars who’d seen us at other places in West and South Yorkshire so that was appreciated. One guy brought a small entourage and a selection of wigs and hats in line with our glam theme that he let the masses wear. All in all a decent night, paid more than agreed and promises of more gigs. Next week it’s the middle of Hull….
    8 points
  8. The plant needs a water, but here’s my wife-friendly living room entry - Peterson combo from the early 80’s.
    8 points
  9. Hey All, So I picked up first Sandberg this weekend. A 2008 California VS4 Heavy Aged.
    8 points
  10. For sale due to an older Jazz Bass having come in and usurped it, this is a lovely player's grade 69 Jazz. Obtained in a trade on Basschat a while ago, I then had a professional nitro refinish done, including some delightful checking on the paintwork. Before I owned it it's had a replacement ebony fretboard with new binding, very professional job. I believe the pots and pickups are original, and pretty sure the bridge is too. Tuners are definitely original and are a little stiff but perfectly functional, they may benefit from some WD40 but not critical. Scratchplate isn't original either. Weighs in at 4.5kg according to my bathroom scales. Comes in a very cool but very heavy 70s/80s semi flight case, and will be very heavy to post so pickup/meet up greatly preferred. Alternatively I can provide a decent old gigbag instead. Can't upload pics here due to hitting my limit, if I can sort it out I'll add one here in a sec. https://ibb.co/WKM8BxV https://ibb.co/gzfGmTw https://ibb.co/44PSKT7 https://ibb.co/8d872QG https://ibb.co/B6Pn3Hd https://ibb.co/qCtqv32 https://ibb.co/5s6h36C https://ibb.co/t8Rcvn9 https://ibb.co/k5bqBGf https://ibb.co/fr99jGk https://ibb.co/7r5Sfjj https://ibb.co/MsYWsNc https://ibb.co/bHdvpz5 https://ibb.co/mhc9MH5 https://ibb.co/vxLR8Hb https://ibb.co/hdcfyqk https://ibb.co/8rwWfkm https://ibb.co/44RMwt4 https://ibb.co/f1c0JwZ https://ibb.co/2vR49PX https://ibb.co/h2KkRgF https://ibb.co/6D5sMcP https://ibb.co/crv8CBG https://ibb.co/JQ3zZSQ https://ibb.co/nkR7XMP https://ibb.co/tzmgST8 https://ibb.co/jfxgxzQ https://ibb.co/rF4yYB0 https://ibb.co/k0LfY7L https://ibb.co/1nd1R75
    7 points
  11. My new tribute band's 2nd gig last night. A warm-up at The Garrison in Barnsley. We're announcing an Autumn UK tour tomorrow including some pretty bloody good venues for a tribute with only 2 gigs under our belt. Its taken us nearly a year to get everything to the standard we're happy to put out and its paying off. You can't really do a tribute to Post Malone unless you know you can pull it off. We had people last night who came up to us after and said they're Post Malone fans but came to see us thinking that we'd be shit and it'd be a laugh and that instead we blew them away. I take that as a win! The Garrison is a brilliant venue, the only tough part is it's a Sports Bar first and a music venue second, so we had to sound check/load in to a packed building. Other than that, its ace.
    7 points
  12. Spotted this Retrovibe on FB marketplace and even better, it turned out to be for sale by a BC'er I'd dealt with before. Its a short scale with the stinger pre amp and obviously jazz pickups. I put Labella Mustang flats on it ( as its through body stringing) and its just a dream to play. The quality for the money is phenomenal and I'm seriously tempted to get another and string it piccolo.David has even agreed to do me an edstraker123 truss rod cover. Definitely one of my better buys.
    7 points
  13. Barefaced 110 cab and MarkBass Nano 300 head with bag, kettle lead, speakon lead and non-slip mat. The bag is a Protection Racket deluxe cajon bag. Very thick padding and 'Propile' fleece on the inside. It's a great little rig, it's lots louder than you think it'll be - I've used it at a few rehearsals and never had the volume past about 2! Sounds fantastic. I bought these in a GAS-addled frenzy but I've realised my current setup is fine, and I could do with the cash. I paid £200 for the MarkBass, £340 for the BF110 and £45 for the cajon bag, so I'm after most of my money back. Includes original box for the MarkBass head (not pictured). I'd rather not split these but I'll probably change my tune if they're still here in a week or so. Not interested in trades - I own more stuff than I need and could do with the money. Collection from Brum B13 - happy to drive a bit to meet up. I work in Worcester so could meet up somewhere round there if that helps. Any questions, please ask.
    6 points
  14. I bought this lovely MIM Tele Bass as my original ‘72 is very heavy. Unfortunately because of problems with my fretting hand I’ve gone back to playing short scale instruments. All my long scale basses are to be sold and only my oldest basses with sentimental value will stay. It took me a while to find one of these that was light enough to justify the purchase. They are certainly not as heavy as the originals but most of these are around the 4.4/5kgs. This one is 3.9kgs and is incredibly comfortable to play. The construction is superb - better than the originals I would say and the pickup is a little more controllable with more mids than the full fat 70’s version. That’s my opinion anyway. It does look and sound great, the colour is stunning and it’s near spotless (rehearsed a couple of times but not gigged), even the clear plastic is on the three bolt neck plate. Strings are Roto roundwounds and it comes with the Fender gig bag. The ‘tug bar’ has been removed but it is included. I don’t want any trades on this and it’s UK only. Pickup preferred but I have a decent box so I could post it if you are at the other end of the country. The cheapest I’ve seen these is just over the thousand mark and there was an ex demo one for just under that. You will be getting a near new (light weight😄) bass at a bargain price. Postage would be around £25. Fender specs below - Alder Body 7.25" Radius Maple Fingerboard with Vintage Tall Frets Mid-'70s "C"-Shape Neck Vintage-Style Wide-Range Bass Humbucker Vintage-Style 2-Saddle Bridge Vintage-Style "Fender" Stamped Tuning Machines Specs: General: - Series: Vintera® II - Orientation: Right-Hand - Colour: Surf Green - Country of Origin: MX Neck: - Headstock: Telecaster® - Neck Material: Maple - Neck Finish: Gloss Urethane - Neck Shape: Mid '70s "C" - Neck Construction: 3-Bolt - Fingerboard Radius: 7.25" (184.1 mm) - Fingerboard Material: Maple - Position Inlays: Black Dot - Side Dots: Black - Number of Frets: 20 - Truss Rod: Bullet Style - Truss Rod Nut: Bullet Style - String Nut: Synthetic Bone - Nut Width: 1.625" (41.3 mm) - Nut Material: Synthetic Bone Body: - Body: Alder - Body Finish: Gloss Polyester - Body Shape: Telecaster® Bass - Body Material: Alder Hardware: - Bridge: 2-Saddle Vintage-Style Adjustable with Steel Barrel Saddles - Bridge Mounting: 3-Screw Vintage-Style Hard-Tail - Pickguard: 3-Ply Parchment - Pickup Covers: Chrome - Control Knobs: Knurled Flat-Top - Hardware Finish: Nickel/Chrome - Tuning Machines: Fender® '70s Vintage-Style Stamped Open-Gear - String Trees: Vintage-Style Disc - Strings: Fender® USA 7250M Nickel Plated Steel (.045-.105 Gauges), PN 0737250406 - Neck Plate: 3-Bolt "F" Stamped with Micro-Tilt™ - Strap Buttons: Vintage-Style Electronics: - Neck Pickup: Fender® "Wide Range" Humbucking Bass - Pickup Configuration: H - Controls: Master Volume, Master Tone Last pic shows it with its elder brother.
    5 points
  15. I'm off to my album launch this afternoon so shared a pic of me outside the pub we're playing - my favourite comment so far "The venue looks very small". 🙈 I'm pretty sure I am not releasing "Dark Side of the Moon"! Over the years I have had some lovely well intentioned fails from friends, including; "I'm surprised you have time for a day job" - yes, thank you, I am friends with two of my bosses! "Dan & I would love to come but Harry is back from Uni" - family first but this also works well as a private message! I'm sure Mick Jagger doesn't get this! "I played there six months ago" (with accompanying picture of them on stage at the venue) - Great, post it on your page! "I must check out your band sometime" - I've mostly posted the playing videos over the last 15yrs just for myself, I appreciate people lead busy lives but perhaps just once over that decade and a half time frame, you could have clicked on one! "It's a shame you are not playing (inserts name of town) / on a different day" - Again, works great as a PM. The whole band is travelling half way across the UK but you can't travel 20 minutes. Oh and constantly liking the posts of friend's bands and getting nothing back. What do you enjoy the least when sharing band stuff on social media?
    5 points
  16. All Jazz basses can get in the bin. Zero exceptions.
    5 points
  17. Getting ready to go on. Sitting in with Stevie, Daniel, and the wranglers at the lattice house in Kings Lynn. 24 fret jazz bass with my trace rig.
    5 points
  18. This is sort of a bass and sort of a guitar... absolutely as new, immaculate and beautiful to play and hear. 27.5 inch scale length, currently has baritone acoustic strings but would be just as happy with baritone electric ones, piezo pickup and sounds immense. Weighs only 3.2 kg according to my bathroom scales. £1750 plus shipping, or can be collected from High Wycombe or Marylebone station. They're about £4k new... https://ibb.co/N7b0Tbf https://ibb.co/Cs7QqHb https://ibb.co/LQRk6Q9 https://ibb.co/yV9KHKL https://ibb.co/yPkmvSB https://ibb.co/5kgxryC https://ibb.co/FsmCyxM https://ibb.co/MhGvxNq https://ibb.co/99gVb0k https://ibb.co/gSJ9Tv3 https://ibb.co/6vM0mJt https://ibb.co/dt2QRBB https://ibb.co/12YBLJ0 https://ibb.co/Jn9QDxN https://ibb.co/NF9H2QF
    4 points
  19. My Funk, Soul, & Motown covers band played our first wedding reception last night at The Saxon Mill in Warwick. We all played well, Bride and Groom very happy, lots of singing, dancing, applause etc, we got a further gig from it so on that front the gig was fantastic and we were paid an hour after getting home. However... It was the first time I'd mustered the courage to head out with my Ken Smith, It's a bass I like to have in the home to practice more complicated stuff on, but I fancied playing it at this nice venue and at a wedding, however during sound check I just couldn't hear myself, we could feel the bass but It was impossible to hear the notes in the mix, thinking it could just be the fact the ceilings where low, I was tucked in a corner and the room had a carpet floor I switched out to my trusty Squier P (The wife) and soundchecked with that, and... there it was, louder, clearer, present and cutting right through the mix. So I was obviously very put out by that, I want to play the Smith, but it obviously needs a different band / setup to work well. Bum! Next gig this friday at our usual haunt in Leamington Spa where the Squier will do the hard work again.
    4 points
  20. It's a strange world where one can get passionate about such things.
    4 points
  21. NooooooooOOoo.. Jazz basses are so cool looking.. but you might not find my wife attractive. Thats how much this thread means.
    4 points
  22. This is where here and Talkbass differ - on TB this thread would descend into a flame war - an interminable bitchfest until it reaches about thirty pages long before some mod finally pulls the plug. Here we rebound gently between the sublime and the ridiculous, deftly and subtly extracting the Michael out of one another using extreme examples of the subject under discussion and obscure pop culture references, then everyone calms down and has a cup of tea. Guess where I prefer to do my bitchin' and moanin'
    4 points
  23. You tried turning the stool over, flat bit at the top?..
    4 points
  24. FINAL PRICE DROP: **NOW £1,000** - For 1 WEEK ONLY If it’s not sold by the end of Sunday 28th April I’ll take it down and keep it - this is an absolutely amazing price for this bass, however it’s a buyers market at the moment, but I’ll absolutely take it down at the end of next week if it isn’t sold Poss Trade or PX (either way - see below for trade options ) I have this absolutely lovely 2018 Sadowsky RV4E MetroExpress (the JAPANESE version) 4 string Jazz Bass in ‘59 Burst, weighing in at under 8.5lbs As most people reading will know, the short lived Japanese MetroExpress basses were made to the same spec as the 🇯🇵 Metroline basses but with less options (See: https://sadowsky.com/discontinued-instruments/japanese-metroexpress-basses/ for more info). This bass is every inch a Sadowsky, it looks, feels and sounds as fantastic as you’d expect. It’s really light, comes with the VTC preamp and it is in excellent condition. It’s not perfect - but it’s not far off, there is however a tiny chip out of the finish at the back of the bass by the electronics cavity, but it isn’t noticeable at all really, and not something that should concern anyone but it’d be wrong not to mention it - it’s got zero buckle rash or anything like that, and apart from the minute chip on the back it’s as good as new. There also a bit of discolouration under the pots, nothing major at all but it would be remiss of me not to mention it. I’ve literally just put a brand new set of Fender 7025’s on as well, so it’s ready to roll! This was my “dream bass” for a long time, but when II finally got it I realised I just do not get to play my 4 strings anymore, whenever I gig it is with a 5, and I can’t afford and don’t want to have my best & by some margin most expensive bass the one in my collection I play the least! I have priced this very cheap (for what it is) to sell. Bassbros have one exactly the same but black for £1599 and there’s one on eBay for about that price too, so I think I’ve put it up for a realistic selling price - I am always up for a deal, so give me a shout with what you have and see what we can sort Trades/PX: Definitely interested in potential trades & PX: 5 string Jazz or PJ (Similar standard - Xotic/Sei/Lakland/Fender etc) for a straight swap (or maybe with cash your way for the right thing), but also I’ll take PX with a cheaper bass plus cash I’m actively looking for a nice Lakland 55-01 at the mo (but I’d maybe take a 55-02, 55-60 or DJ5 as PX as well) or a Cort Elrick NJS5 I’d love a Yamaha BBP35, but would look at a BB735a or a TRB1005J. Happy to look at good cheaper basses - MIM Fender, 5 String RSD Ch-adowsky (PJ especially), Charvel San Dimas V, G&L Tribute L2500 - try me and see what can be worked out) I’m happy to do PX plus cash my way - drop me a message and the worst I can say is No thanks Also quite fancy a Jad Freer Capo and I’m after a HX Stomp again, so either/both of these would be acceptable as makeweights in a trade. I think I’m definitely making it fairly easy to do a deal and for someone to get their hands on an absolutely stone mint 🇯🇵 Sadowsky Jazz Bass! Shipping can be arranged if necessary but we can discuss it via PM
    3 points
  25. Lovely Sterling Musicman Ray35 in very good condition. Beautiful quilted top and roasted maple neck. Has been gigged and has minor signs of use - the worst of which are two minor dinks on the back (pictured). Comes with its original padded gig bag. Currently wearing a well worn in set of round wounds. Based in Chelmsford, and would prefer local pickup but do have a box so could send via Parcelforce at buyers cost/risk. Also I am working with a band on a small tour over the next month and will be in Southampton, Bristol, Norwich, Nottingham, Leeds, Machester and Glasgow, so potential for a handover if you can make it to the venue before the gig! Only for sale I am back to paying 4 string in my new band, and have plenty of 5's so am downsizing a bit to raise some cash. Not looking for any trades.
    3 points
  26. I've gone right off any serious promotion to friends/family on Facebook. Friends I haven't seen for 10 years and my 80 year old auntie aren't gonna go 100 miles to a pub to watch me play ska covers! I feel that hassling them is just a few steps away from selling tupperware to friends and neighbours. Still though, I do a bit of 'playing at the Red Lion of Friday, head along if you're out and about'. There is a band Facebook and Instagram page that people can choose to follow (and mute) which does the more pushy advertising.
    3 points
  27. The ensuing gentle hiss of rolling tumbleweed. 😆
    3 points
  28. And Emmett only needed one. Though the River Bottom Nightmare Band trounced them fair and square at the talent contest, so make of that what you will.
    3 points
  29. Songs don't care how many strings are on any musical instrument. Play what makes you happy and gets the job done. I'm happy that some players prefer 4's. I'm happy that I prefer 5's.
    3 points
  30. I've been using a Lekato WS-50 (5.8GHz) set for a while now. As I wasn't happy with the way the transmitter would twizzle in the output socket, I've now got a Levy's wireless holder on my strap - the Lekato transmitter sits folded in this, plugged in to the female end of a 75cm male jack to female socket extension cable from Designacable. Works well enough, though I do sometimes wish I'd asked if I could have a right-angle jack on the instrument end of the cable as this would have been even neater. https://www.designacable.com/un-balanced-guitar-extension-lead-van-damme-xke-cable.html
    3 points
  31. Strangely, I quite like it... And I like Prince Fatty's dub version even more!
    3 points
  32. Or this one off Leduc...
    3 points
  33. Always hook up the speaker before powering up the amp. Always power down before unhooking the cab. Having this as your routine is to prevent an occurence of amp on with no speaker attached = death to amp.
    3 points
  34. Quite possibly the worst looking finish any manufacturer has ever come up with. Absolutely the most hideous colour combo burst, and then replicating it on the pickguard is another level of foul. Like watching someone be sick, and then eat it again. It's not for me, if you were wondering. 😁
    3 points
  35. Deadlight Dance played The Beehive in Swindon on Thursday. A personal one for me as it is where I met my wife, whom I was previously as school with and hadn't seen for 22yrs. We were supporting a Texan songwriter called Tommy Hale and had a half hour set, mainly two mandocellos. Being hyer critical, I thought the volume was just slightly too loud, and not the greatest sound. We used it as an opportunity to test acoustic versions of 3 new songs we had written and played an originals heavy set of dark acoustic music. Incredibly we sold a couple of CDs. The downside was we're both having car trouble so I had to pick the other guy up (he's 45 minutes away and in the wrong direction. We have a similar problem tomorrow at the moment but what goes around comes around... and to double the cliches, the show must go on! We didn't get any pictures of the show but I took this quick snap before we went in.
    3 points
  36. REDUCED £250 Today something very rare and special. Maybe for collectors of vintage guitars although its fully playable. Czechoslovakia made 1963/64 Jolana Basso V vintage bass guitar in fully working order. If anyone interested I can send a couple of links about Jolana guitars history, here’s one: https://uniqueguitar.blogspot.com/2016/01/jolana-guitars-first-electric-guitars.html?m=1 I can provide a ton of pictures of cleaning/restoration process on demand. It is a short scale 1963/64 made bass, fully working order. Willing to trade for anything 4,5 strings, left handed.
    2 points
  37. Up for grabs is this beautiful Moollon P5, good weight at 8.98lbs/4.07kg. It sounds amazing - full and extremely even response across strings and entire fretboard. B string consistent with EADG. Very loud acoustically too. Comes with extra pickguard. The neck feels great. The nitro finish is thinnest I've ever seen - against the light you can see the actual wood texture underneath - and there are multiple checks on it as per photos. I think of it as part of the charm - cough next to it and it chips! Available to play and pickup in London. Shipping: I can do within UK or for decided EU buyer take it to EU and send from within EU (I travel regularly). This was my last try to force proper vintage taste on self, but I seem to not bond as much with vintage spec'd basses, no matter their price range. Happy to trade (cash adjusted both ways) for the right 5 string: F Bass VF PJ, MTD, LeFay, Serek MW2, possibly Stingray Special w/maple neck. No sunbursts though Below is the actual specimen played by previous owner. I can also record some samples/videos on request (although not nearly as well played as the other guy!) - just let me know.
    2 points
  38. After many years of recommending the Fender Rumble amps, based upon both the specs but very importantly having heard them in use I’ve finally got one myself. Needed due to back issues, at around 13kg it’s the same weight as one of my Ashdown cabs so in terms of carting stuff about I lose having to carry the my RM500 (only 3kg or so) but also lose having to lean over to plug in speaker leads etc. Additionally as the controls are on the top I’m assuming this makes adjustments when on stage easier. I can put the power lead in my Mono M80 as well so practically it’s winning already, less gear/no of items to carry. Sound - well only been able to use it at home volumes but it’s very easy to get the sound I want. The Drive is very good, with careful setting rather than being full on drive it can really add thickness to the sound which to me is a real benefit, the combo being a 210 being able to thicken the sound up is a real bonus. Overall I’m very pleased with it, some of our gigs will require me to provide a full bass rig, in fact our next one does, so this amp is going to make my life easier. I’d have put up with it irrespective as needs must but it really does sound great so I’m feeling rather chuffed.
    2 points
  39. How odd, especially when it's summat they basically offer from stock with a minor tweak. This is how the Lekato + cable looks anyway...
    2 points
  40. I've been waiting ages to use this. 😂 Mark
    2 points
  41. Short answer: No. Long answer: My school offered both music "theory" (how to read music, compulsory from 11-13) and classical instrumental lessons. I was encouraged to make use of these and wanted to, and although I was a bit bored by classical music I didn't hate it so I tried both violin and piano to start with, and, eventually, the highland bagpipe. It was not until I went to university that I found music I actually liked and also managed to save up for an electric guitar (anathema at school). I've not continued with violin or piano and gentlemanly conduct requires that I refrain from piping. Reading music was a useful skill to learn, but I had forgotten it all by the time I got that electric guitar. Frustratingly, I found out years later that the head of music was in fact an arranger for BBC Radio Leicester's big band and her husband was a jazz bassist. A shame she couldn't have brought any of that into the lessons. Edit as requested by @BigRedX - I am referring to the years 1982-89.
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. There's this one in France @ped and since you were a Pedulla fan, hence your pseudo, maybe you could afford it if you sell that BMW. 🤣 https://www.zikinf.com/annonces/annonce-1049141
    2 points
  44. Browsing through some backing tracks to play over and came across this one, good riddim
    2 points
  45. I am pretty sure there was a Steinberger Spirit twin neck headless in the early 2000's. Definitely a guitar but I think a bass too....
    2 points
  46. Got my production unit this morning:
    2 points
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