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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/11/23 in Posts

  1. My final gig of the week tonight with our acoustic duo at Beverley’s The Sun Inn. We last played there in July to a full pub and this time it was the same. Plenty of requests, so we played songs including ‘Autumn Leaves’ through to ‘Good riddance’! Last time we didn’t manage to do a request for a young lady wanting some Backstreet Boys and told her we’d do it next time. She was in again tonight so we stuck to our promise and did ‘I want it that way’! She seemed happy enough but I think it was maybe down to the wine. Loads of local musos in again tonight which is very flattering albeit a little unnerving, makes us raise our game though. Used my Ibanez shortie electro acoustic into the PA via my Rumble 100 combo’s DI. No gigs now till next Sunday in Scarborough, again with the duo.
    13 points
  2. Sandberg California TM 4
    12 points
  3. Back at Birchanger Sports & Social Club on Saturday for us. It's one of those venues where you never know what sort of audience you're going to get. Could be youngsters one week and a sea of grey the next. It's also one of these large buildings split into open plan sections, which luckily for us, one of which was hosting a 50th birthday party with around 80 guests, who were well up for a boogie. And there was plenty of buffet food left over at the end of the night... I was ravenous. It's quite a nice setup for bands, loads of lights and a fairly decent stage - although even though it's wide it's not quite deep enough and there's a metre-wide step cut out in the front just where the drums usually go, so we have to flip our usual positions. Not a big deal, but can feel a little odd at first. Once we got into our stride around 5 or 6 songs in, we had people dancing, including a couple of kids around 8 or 9 years old break dancing! We managed to keep the dancers up through the rest of the night. Oh and Shipyard on draught for only £3.60 a pint.
    12 points
  4. Forgot to mention…..driving back down the M1 from last Saturdays gig I was increasingly aware that my night vision was rubbish. I thought to myself, well the hearing is on the way out so why would I be surprised about the eyesight. It was only when I took a close look in the rear view mirror that I noticed I’d still got my ‘gigging sunglasses’ on. My normal specs were in the gig gear in the boot so had to suffer the affliction for the remainder of the motorway bit. Definitely losing it….
    10 points
  5. Psychodahlias played the Dublin Castle yesterday. Went well, although the stage isn’t really cut out for a 7 piece that like to move about 😂. How madness coped I don’t know.
    10 points
  6. Double bass and 60s Burns bass action yesterday in Bristol. Good fun, but played 3 x 50 minute sets and my hands are hurting!
    10 points
  7. Back home super early from an afternoon/early evening gig for a birthday party. One of the regular attendees at Nine Lives gigs booked us to play her 70th birthday. Proper, old school social club. We were on in the middle and the last band (Scottish Quo - guess which band's music they do?) were kind enough to let us use their backline to make for easy changeovers - much appreciated! We got in on time to catch the first act, a solo singer with backing tracks. We only had to do an hour and a half, then we stayed back to watch Scottish Quo - seemed only right after we borrowed their gear! They were proper good too - it wasn't wall to wall Quo, they threw in some other covers too. Bass player was playing 4 and 5 string Statuses (Statii?) and put on the light up fret markers near the end, bloody showoff Nah, it was sound and I enjoyed listening to them. Main thing was that the birthday girl (ha, she's 70) had a good time, and she certainly appeared to do so, plenty dancing going on. A very pleasant afternoon/evening. Because it was a special occasion, I hammed it up to the max - wore a stupid shirt and a hat, played the Epi Explorer... EDIT - someone actually remembered to take photos AND tag us!
    9 points
  8. For my birthday my brother got me a set of six excellent enamel badges in the shape of basses. All executed accurately: Ricken*****r Precision Jazz Yamaha BB Musicman Thunderbird The individual boxes are little flight cases! "Geepins"
    8 points
  9. Just been in and bought a new bass, was sound as anything and let me try out loads. So can't complain
    8 points
  10. Here we have a Squier Classic Vibe Precision in a beautiful shade of slightly pink - but full and rich - Fiesta Red. You know the one - it’s one of the lauded and much fabled first line of the Classic Vibe Series, known to punch well above their weight. I can certainly attest to that. The build quality far surpasses any Mexican model I’ve had and is more aligned with the build quality you see from Japanese instruments. The neck pocket is tight, frets are beautifully worked (no sharps edges or raised frets anywhere) and pickup is meaty and capable. Pickups and bridge are original and very good quality - these had the beefier bridge with grooves for the saddles as standard. Its in very good condition (still has the CE stickers on the neck and neck plate) with one small dink on the body, near the top curve above the pickup. It’s strung with years old Labella Deep Talkin’ flats, absolute perfection. All the Pino mojo you could want for 10% of the cost of the custom shop version, and with a more playable neck profile (I’ve spent a lot of time with a Fender Pino!). You could spend double on a Japanese Fender but I’d argue this is on par, and certainly a better finished product than every Mexi I’ve ever played. No trades I’m afraid - cash is king. Based in Trelewis, South Wales. Willing to travel for the right buyer, though postage is to be sorted by the buyer. Collection or meet up much preferred.
    7 points
  11. Warmoth PJ body Fender American neck and tuners Fender highmass bridge EMGx PJ set Dunlop straplox
    7 points
  12. A long time ago (Christmas 1966 to be precise) in a front-room far, far away (actually it was 4 miles East from where I'm sitting now) I got my first electric guitar - a bright red Futurama Duo. A school friend taught me how to play E, A, D and C chords, from there I picked it up as I went along. There were a couple of half-hearted School Band attempts between 1966 and 1968 which didn't get off the ground. I left school in 1968 and joined my first real band, (Powerhouse) in September 1968, playing rhythm guitar - we couldn't find a bass player so when the lead guitarist bought along a Hofner electric bass to a rehearsal I thought I'll have a go ..... That was my 'LightBulb Moment' , my Epiphany and I've played bass guitar ever since. Our first real (and paid !!) gig was early 1969 at a youth club at St Christopher's Church Hall, Jaywick Sands, Essex. Photo shows me at that gig playing a Framus Star Bass through an unknown amp and speaker. Songs included 'Flames' (Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera), 'Making Time' (Creation), 'Johnny B Goode (Chuck Berry), and She's Not There (Zombies). It's now 2023, I'm 71, still gigging and most importantly I'm still loving it. Chris.
    7 points
  13. Holiday Inn Cambodia — Dead Kennedys
    7 points
  14. This is mine at the mo. Really happy with it but still want to replace the Pork & Pickle with a Doom2 if I can ever manage to buy one! Signal chain for the nerds like me out there is: Wireless receiver > Tuner > Stomp with Cali76 on FX loop 1 & Pork & Pickle > VMT (for stacking dirt) on FX loop 2 > Noble Powered by a Cioks DC7 Also should note that the VMT is one of the Spencer Doren built ones.
    7 points
  15. I posted my updated practice board a while back but I thought I'd provide an updated picture showing the two outboard pedals, the Mission EQD-1 that controls the Life pedal and the JC Wah. The two outboard pedals just plug into the patchbay (including, in the case of the JC Wah, for power). It's an aggressive board with a lot of dirt and gain but that's perfect for what I typically enjoy playing. It's portable too (if you have several strong friends willing to do you a favour).
    7 points
  16. Great night with the Glam Band last night at the Old Masons Arms in Oulton. Second time we’ve played this boozer and again the crowd are second to none. Well looked after by the manager and staff too which is always a bonus. Hopefully they’ll be a return in the new year.
    7 points
  17. Just got and gigged my first wonky. I've named her 'Chicken'. I've had a few Ibanez basses before, but this is the first with Nordstrands, which I consider a definite improvement.
    6 points
  18. I bought an acoustic guitar when I was 14, picked up a lot of stuff by ear playing along to records. Jammed along with friends at school at lunchtimes/after school, also with another group of friends outside of school. We didn't ever become a 'band', just jammed to stuff we liked. Went to uni, jammed with another bunch of guys but, again, didn't really make it to being a band that performed. When I left uni, my interest and attention moved elsewhere and l stopped playing completely. That was late 1970s. 20-something years later the old mid-life crisis kicked in. I had no interest in sports cars or chasing women so I decided to pick up the threads of playing music again. I bought a bass, a Peavey Milestone, having started to listen to and appreciate music in a different sort of way. Played it every day for a week, every week for a month, then it stood gathering dust in the corner for a couple of years. Finally I decided to do or die, got back up to speed, started answering ads, joined a band. Then joined a better band. Had my first paying gig at 50, which was 16 years ago, and have been in a succession of bands ever since. Going back to playing music just felt so right, like a small part of me that had been missing all those years was back in place. Long may it continue.
    6 points
  19. Fun gig in Southend on Friday night. Goth club " Cult 13" right by the pier. First live outing of the '73 Rick
    6 points
  20. A bitter sweet gig. Beautiful room, stage monitors were great, comped drink and meals , we sounded good and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately the turn out was disappointing. Daryl
    6 points
  21. I was born at the tail-end of 1956, on a Saturday. The factory was closed for the weekend and for the New Year holiday, so not one Fender bass manufactured in 1956 was actually made while I was alive. Hmmmmmmmmm. I pondered and I puzzled why all this should be, I've got a sneaking suspicion someone's putting something over on me. So instead I went for the first bass manfactured with me actually, y'know, alive. Fender were still building basses in batches in 1957, and the first batch was in March. That's the batch that produced Bill Black's Precision. And mine.
    5 points
  22. I started learning the guitar on my 13th birthday, and joined/formed my first band about 18 months later. It was just 4 people with similar musical taste from the same class at school. One of us was pretty good on the guitar. I could string a chord sequence together and the other two could barely play, although one could sing and the other wrote lyrics. We spent the first hour of our first "rehearsal" wondering what to do now that we were all in the same room together. It never occurred to us that maybe we should start by trying to play covers, besides it was the mid 70s and the dominant musical force was prog rock which was way beyond our abilities. Finally I started playing some chords, and the decent musician improvised a "solo" over the top. The others joined in with weird noises and percussion and that was the beginning of my first band. Over the next 7 years we slowly developed our sound. As a band we didn't have a bass guitar until I bought one at the beginning of 1981. But we did make a record that got played on John Peel's radio show.
    5 points
  23. I've joined the club ! Incredibly comfortable, and sounds amazing...yes, a few fit and finish issues, but nothing insoluble. Very happy !
    5 points
  24. I’m a very recent Ibanez owner - not had one before. Got this during lockdown, case still has tags, bass utterly unmarked, with original strings, I suspect. An eBay bargain. I’ve used it on jam nights, it’s very versatile. Currently it’s still strung from A on the fretless side, but I’m considering EAD so it’s better for playing actual basslines on. Great sounding bass, the fretless on piezo sounds very upright-ish.
    5 points
  25. I thought some on here might enjoy this. It's a decent watch:
    4 points
  26. I did a related boo-boo once, when I'd just gone to uni. I was deep in my Goth phase (well, I still am, a bit...) and was walking through the town centre one night when I walked slap bang into someone I hadn't seen because I was wearing my sunglasses. Hastily I apologised, but got no response. I apologised again and removed my sunglasses, only to find out that I was apologising to a lamp-post.
    4 points
  27. 4 points
  28. Just slowly bend your knees and keep your back straight. You're welcome. 🙂
    4 points
  29. My story makes me laugh now - I'm a mechanic by trade and did some work on a mate's car prior to him going on holiday, when the job was done he asked me if he could pay me at the end of the following month as he was taking his Mrs and kids on holiday and wanted some spending money - me being all heart said of course. 12 months later I still hadn't been paid despite polite, monthly reminders from me to him, so I paid him a visit, asked for my money and was told he was a bit short that month, so asked if I 'd be happy taking goods to the value of (as long as it wasn't the telly or his stereo system!). So I walked away with a Peavey TNT150 and a Vox P type Bass (Vox Standard?), tuner and lead. All of the aforementioned kit stayed under the bed for a year or so, then I set about learning how to play. A guy at work heard that I was playing bass so pleaded with me to help his band out when their bass player did a disappearing act (they later learned he was banged up for 18 months!), so after about a year of learning to play along with some of my favourite songs, I played for 'Situations Vacant' at The Horse & Jockey pub in Stanford in the Vale - I was really nervous all gig, barely looked away from the fingerboard, but obviously got bitten by the gigging bug and have been gigging ever since.
    4 points
  30. I see the copper piping to get rid of any unwanted noise - nice touch. And the white will fade to a lovely cream after a few years. Maybe swap out the white control cover for tort?
    4 points
  31. 4k5..? I spent less than a quarter of that on an accumulateur water tank, 220l, with a heat-pump in its head. It runs off-peak, about 4 hours every other night, set to 50°C, and consumes 750W to do so. It has 2.5kW elements, but I've not connected them at all, it's just the heat-pump, s'all. It supplies showers, bath and washing-up for our household of three, for a daily running cost of less than 2p (so £7/year...)... Edit : Apologies; I didn't realise that this was for central heating, and not just for domestic hot water, so no comparison. No piped gas here, though, so I'll keep the wood-burning insert and a nice warm dressing gown.
    4 points
  32. Ok......I owe you a pint! 😆 All fixed! Thanks for all the help everyone! Basschat strikes again! Cheers Si
    4 points
  33. Yes I think they're excellent. Bit of a game changer really, after stepping on a cable for over 40 years! Suddenly feels liberating on stage 🙂 Should have done it earlier. I've got 2 transmitters - one for each bass. Just turn off the one not in use. Have had no interference issues (quite big festival stages over the summer) and super easy to set up so no complaints. Rechargeable AA's. Simples.
    4 points
  34. A original '51 please, nothing could be finer 😉 But I'll have to put up with my MIJ '51P reissue 😁
    4 points
  35. Lucky! A ceiling about that height makes an acoustic guitar bloom on every C chord. They will look right at the bass player to blame.
    4 points
  36. Played a gig on Friday at The Edinburgh Art Fair. It was held at a local conference/gig venue and the organisers thought that people having the chance to see some bands, after a long day of wandering around looking at art, would be a good idea. Unfortunately they didn't sell very many tickets and by the time we got to the stage there wasn't much of an audience left. The picture below shows the majority of them.
    4 points
  37. Lovely gig on Friday in Debenham, Suffolk, at the Community centre. After a horrible 11/2 hour journey cross country we were really well looked after with BLTs and tea by the team there. Nice stage and excellent sound, courtesy of pro sound engineer Peter and his wife running the house rig plus some of his monitors. It’s a big room with a high ceiling but Peter really did a top notch job. A decent sized crowd, packed dance floor and overall a very friendly place to play. It’s only the third music gig that they’ve put on and they deserve to do very well. Lots of nice comments afterwards from the audience and on social media. https://www.facebook.com/thegrayprojectband.
    4 points
  38. Price dropped to £350. Selling because I just don't use it! With three gigs a week I'm using a lighter head. Absolutely awesome Laney Nexus FET bass head. If you like the Ashdown ABM series then you're gonna love this! Blendable valve and solid state preamp, FET power section, compressor, sub bass switch, graphic and parametric EQ. Comes with the original 4 button foot switch (never used). Brutally powerful and very heavy. I rackmounted it for protection and ease of transport, but still have the original wooden case. I'd prefer collection, however will look into courier costs. It's a heavy beast though so can't promise it'll be cheap!
    3 points
  39. Shush, playing bass . .
    3 points
  40. Does it play like butter get the butter warm enough to spread easily?
    3 points
  41. Absolutely of course!! A ROUND FOR EVERYONE!! Si
    3 points
  42. I got a message from the fella I sold my BB615 to, @Edmund_Gomes thanking me for selling it to him and extolling its virtues. He's in India so they're not as readily available as they are here. Nice to hear from a happy buyer.
    3 points
  43. 3 points
  44. 1986 Kubicki Factor Bass, in my favourite colour, Coral Red. Dear lord, why am I too poor.
    3 points
  45. I used to get that a lot in certain venues. I called it "one loud note syndrome". I used to carry a Gramma pad for hollow stages too in an effort to alleviate the problem to an extent, but I also realised it was often the room causing the issue. Funnily enough, since we've abandoned the backline and gone straight to FOH and IEMs the problem has disappeared. There's one particular pub we play at that has the stage is what is effectively a huge bay window. This area is on a hollow floor with a low ceiling. But the rest of the pub has a much higher ceiling. I always used to struggle with getting a decent sound in this place - including "one loud note syndrome", and the backline would cause all sorts of problems, sending rumbles up the mic stands and getting feedback. The PA, however, sits just in front of the stage in the open. Since ditching the backline we no longer get any of these issues.
    3 points
  46. Sadly the bass guitar hadn't been invented in 1946.
    3 points
  47. Ha ha, occasionally Mick! My mate points out that I’m contractually obliged not to play any of their tunes though ( a complete lie but gets us out of it). 😆
    3 points
  48. 3 points
  49. Having done all the sums we are left with an overall profit of £690. This has been donated to Cancer Research for breast cancer, and Cancer Research for prostate cancer. I have also donated a smaller amout to the school for hosting us. The couple of raffle prizes that were not claimed have been donated to the school's music department, which they are very grateful for. Huge thanks to Guy Pratt, Laurence Cottle and Barry Moorhouse for their support!! Thanks also to my girlfriends Gary (@Cetera) and Darren (@Bassforradio) for their early arrival and help with setting up, with Darren also doubling up in his professional role as ace interviewer! Also special thanks to: Mick (@Thegreek) for reaching out to several businesses and getting some prizes from D'Addario Trevor (@TrevorR) for securing the services of Laurence Cottle and Barry Moorhouse from the Bass Centre. Oh yes, I'd better mention the wife, Mrs Hamster for sorting the refreshments!! Thank you all for making the day another enjoyable sucess! Colin
    3 points
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