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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/18 in all areas

  1. Sold My WARWICK Streamer Jazzman CS 5 strings Only one option for Custom Shop the fretboard is Ebony Actually pickups are Delano but the MEC originally are sold too Elec 3 eq Color Ocean blue Sold with certificate Shipped in Hard Case Rockbass 880£ /1000€
    4 points
  2. I hope all of you guys can get here in time! I read that Sander de Gier’s flight got cancelled and he’s on a boat, and more people from Holland are in trouble. I’m in a pub with a beer. Come say hi at the Eich stand tomorrow!
    4 points
  3. I've just received an email confirming that the show is going ahead. Most importantly for out-of-town visitors, they add: " If you hold a Saturday ticket and wish to use it for Sunday instead (or vice versa), you are welcome to do so."
    4 points
  4. I think a lot, but not all, comes down to how staff are treated. If people are well paid and feel valued they will respond in kind. If people are treated like dirt and paid peanuts they will have very little loyalty to that employer. Why so many companies fail to see this is quite beyond me.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. About 22 years ago, at the age of 41, I was walking my beat in Plymouth along College Avenue, past Manson’s Music and I peered into the window. That re-triggered my desire to learn to play a musical instrument. I’d been keen at school, but my parents decided that as they weren’t musical neither was I and that the fiver deposit on the school trombone wasn’t going to happen despite the music teacher pushing for it. I’d been a marching band snare drummer and I’d had a bit of bandsman trombone practice time in my previous 20 odd years in the RN but that was it. Why bass? To be honest it was because I thought it would be easier, oh and different. I bought a headless Hohner Jack from Manson’s and my bass journey commenced. Bands, who’d have them eh? I got involved with some work colleagues and friends in Plymouth and we struck up a regular practice in Saltash Rugby Club. It was pretty dire, I was pretty dire too to be honest and we sort of collapsed after a while. I learnt a lot though and the taste for gigging was firmly instilled in my brain. I also started listening to bass and becoming sort of ‘bass centric’ in my interests and music tastes. In 2004 I moved North to Kendal for a change of career. I had by now acquired a superior case of GAS that would see over 100 basses pass through my hands to date. I think that’s quite an achievement although I’m not sure if it’s one to be proud of. I actually had 27 at one point (yes I was single at the time). I saw an ad in Mad Monks in Kendal for a bassist and headed North to Penrith for an audition. My first ‘proper’ band? Well sort of. Regular practice with 3 local guys who were all older than myself and generally a well-heeled bunch. The band’s music was supposedly a democratic choice but the singer/lead guitarist had a habit of going down the pub, referring to us as ‘his band’ and stating that he wasn’t going to play any of that crap that the bassist suggested. The Rolling Stones were the best band in the world and ‘Dead Flowers’ was their best number….. So, the writing was always on the wall really. The other guys were great, and we actually gigged three times. We opened at a local ‘mini-festival’, did one gig in the local for our supper and one charity gig. I loved it and put up with a lot of aggro in the hope of becoming a regular gigging band, but it wasn’t to be. A shame really. It got bitter and twisted at the end, mainly between the said lead guitard and the rest of us. I then had the experience of getting into a punk band that folded and then re-formed with a new bassist. The lengths some people will go to to avoid telling someone that they have another bassist who’s their mate etc. and fits the band image better. Finally, a really long stretch with a group of guys in Kendal who were actually good, particularly the lead guitarist, but we never made a gig. At the best we sounded really good. All classic rock which became very tiring after a while. I think that some of the guys didn’t really want to or have the bottle to gig but wouldn’t admit it. This all went on with the odd change of personnel for years. Recently I thought, enough is enough. I was completely dis-heartened. I sold my rig, sold some basses and thought I’d retire to a bit of noodling in the bass cupboard. It hasn’t really happened. The basses and practice combo have just sat there gathering dust. And then I bought my wife a ukulele. That’s it, I’m a bit smitten! I’ve succumbed to the Uke syndrome. All that life of bass, buying, selling and swapping at clandestine meeting in motorway services has stopped. A whole era seems to be winding down and coming to an end. I still have 5 basses and my TC 250 Combo. I’ve 2 custom ACGs that I don’t intend parting with, a full Uber top spec bubinga and wenge Finn 5 and my special holly topped headless Salace. I also have Rita, a Musicman Sterling with a Nordstrand that used to be well known in these parts. I’ve owned her twice and she stays. That leaves my pearlescent white Nanyo Bass Collection 5 that I’ve just bought from Mick and fettled with a Glockenkland pre. Finally I’m a umming and ahhing about whether to keep my soft aged Fiesta Red Sandberg 5 string P bass. It’s beautiful. I was never one for relic finished instruments but this just works. It sounds wonderful and weighs 7.5 lbs. But however much I love it I’m not playing it so what’s the point? Hmmm… So a long journey and life always changes. I've met some great people and made life long friends. I just thought I’d share. If anyone is local to me I have a load of bass books and odds and ends sat around. I don’t really want to advertise and post etc. So, statistically not good. 22 years, more than 100 basses and 3 gigs! Well life isn't always as you'd want it to be and if you don't have the right ingredients around you you'll never bake a cake I'm, off to play my Uke Peter
    3 points
  7. These adds from Promark drumsticks are pretty cool and the bass playing is real smooth, but that drummer is killing it;
    3 points
  8. What can I say, Self built bass, self built cabs and a heavy rack-----------Loud and proud
    3 points
  9. Bet this guy works for ESP 🤫
    3 points
  10. Surely the best response would have been "Howdy, partner!"
    3 points
  11. Plectrums, plectra - take your pick.
    3 points
  12. My Jake 5 arrived today. Just unwrapped it, plugged it in briefly, kissed it a couple of times. An exceptionally trim 3.6kg - 8lbs - for a 5 string Precision!! Neck dimensions I spec'd are perfect. Delano pup has the extra bite over the Aguilar that I hoped for. Figured maple neck/fingerboard and headstock are to die for. My expectations were very high but this has just blown me away - how is it possible to make such a good bass for £1600? Actually, £1500 - £100 was for the SKB case. And Adrian chucked a gorgeous leather strap in the case, too. I am now going to be mega impatient to use it at rehearsals and gigs. Swoon. I'll take some nice pics when the weather cheers up.
    3 points
  13. MET OFFICE ALERT - SEVERE WEATHER HITS GILLETT STAND A0!! So, what am I doing at home posting this when I should be on the M4 heading for London Olympia? No prizes for answering that one! Having enjoyed the best winter weather of just about anywhere in the country, we've been bitten on the bum by the heavy snow that's hit Somerset over the last 24 hours. The van with our stand is snowed in - as am I, Michael G and our Product Engineer Simon Austen at our respective homes. So, this morning has been an exercise in damage limitation The good news is that the show management have been able to build us a plain shell-scheme stand to replace our own wonderful (and expensive) creation and we're planning/hoping to travel tomorrow morning and be on the stand before lunch-time. In the meantime, we have to get close enough to the stranded van by car to enable the driver to load the stuff we need for the show (e.g. some basses!) on to his kids' sledges and meet us - I kid you not!! Luckily our friendly bass pro Freddie Draper (he lives in London) will be on our stand around opening time with his own bass and hopefully the couple of combos we're borrowing from Ashdown. He'll be holding the fort until we arrive so, if you're passing, be sure to say hi to him - and give him a pat on the back! Scrumpymike
    3 points
  14. London is much better this morning. Little if any snow overnight and a couple of degrees 'warmer'. All main roads clear, with limited ice on side roads. I'm guessing tomorrow will be better still. Heavy bass showers with occasional funky patches!
    3 points
  15. @Deedee The Sandberg "P" is called the VS. I have one that gets a lot of use at gigs with my US Std P (I have one tuned to Eb and the other to E). There used to be a passive VS in the original California series, this is a California II so slightly smaller body and thinner headstock. It makes them very light, this one in particular is rather less than 8lbs. I've changed the pickup to a Nordy NP4 and it passive mode it sounds great. Active good too, fairly subtle but effective EQ. Quick pic for you, note that this is a custom colour:
    3 points
  16. I'd certainly steer clear of linseed oil if you're going to apply any other finish. The wood will be fine without being "nourished". Black grain filler can work nicely but is messy and requires a bit more preparation than you'd think. I've posted this before, but here's the back of my telecaster guitar that I built. It's ash, so needed grain filling anyway, using thixotropic filler that I think came from Rothcoe and Frost. The order of application was: grain filler > dye > sanding sealer > clear gloss nitrocellulouse. If you are aware of the hazards AND have suitable facilities, check out the range of nitrocellulouse rattle cans on Manchester Guitar Tech. IIRC they do a translucent white
    3 points
  17. My playing time has dwindled of late - and when I do get the chance, I’m enjoying it. but I’m not really playing anything in particular, just twatting about. Maybe that’s why I’m enjoying it.
    3 points
  18. What I do is come up with a spurious reason why the song should be dropped.
    3 points
  19. (walks into sports shop run by former music shop staff) "I'd like to try those boots, please" (Assistant gets a pair from the storeroom, puts them on, performs 'street skillz' juggles with the ball for 2 minutes, then takes them off and hands them to me) "And that relates to a match situation how exactly...?"
    3 points
  20. Up for sale is a Kiesel Vader Headless Bass 6 String. I bought this as a touring bass and back up to my Leduc 6 String Headless, but the difference in string Spacing and Scale length (19mm 35inch on the Leduc, 16.5mm 34inch on the Kiesel) is a bit too much for me to get used to. The Kiesel VB sounds really great, I was pleasantly surprised by the sound and quality of construction. Super low action and no deadspots on this one. It has an ebony fingerboard, three piece maple neck (gloss black finish), alder body, kiesel radiused humbuckers, black/white finish, diamond pearl inlays, vol, pan, tone. I am sure the looks are not for everyone, but the ergonomics of a headless bass are second to none (no neck dive, no shoulder pain etc). Its still in dead mint condition, like new, including a nice Kiesel Gigbag. Only thing I changed were the strings (it now has Fodera Nickels .120 - .028, i think its a great match). I am located in Germany but can ship throughout Europe. 950 Pounds or about 1050 Euros for this one. If you have any questions, just pm me.
    2 points
  21. For those who cant make the show , I will be doing some Facebook Live Stream from the show over the weekend, as well as the usual photos and video. Trev/
    2 points
  22. I say good on barefaced - they gave everyone a real fair crack at getting them at the cheaper prices. A lot of others just out prices up out of the blue.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Earlier in the year I contacted a load of new (to us) venues with our details and availability. As expected I didn't hear back from most of them - that's generally the form for getting gigs. I know the score and try to chase up and personally visit as many places as I can but can't make it everywhere. Today I've had messages from 3 of them saying that their band has pulled out and are we available?
    2 points
  25. Lubrication?
    2 points
  26. I was even wearin me Geordie jeans !
    2 points
  27. It’s actually narrower rather than thinner so Scott’s right with his description.
    2 points
  28. I must admit the LB100 does seem to have everything I'm looking for but I just can't get my head around it's head, i.e. that wee bit of an edge that sticks out of the lower middle of the head! All about personal taste I suppose...
    2 points
  29. I think that most people have had an ex bass of mine . Yes I can readily identify with the cyclic thing.
    2 points
  30. Unregulated capitalism demands dirt and peanuts, unfortunately. Supposedly we're a service economy, but this country's inherent 'f*ck you' attitude doesn't really sit too well with it...
    2 points
  31. My view is that if after however many years people still argue about it, then the difference -if it exists- cannot be of huge importance, and it probably comes down to personal preference. So I file these threads under 'purely entertainment', conveniently... since my scientific background would go crazy if I tried to take these comparisons seriously.
    2 points
  32. See this is what bassists do, crack-the-F-on !! Well done all Si
    2 points
  33. You should either treat or pay people well, preferably both. If someone does neither, I try not to go there.
    2 points
  34. Letting your bass playing naturally wind down is fine. It has the opportunity to come back and flourish and flow freely. So that’s ok. It’s when you are being forced to stop doing something you love by others is when there is a problem.
    2 points
  35. I have to disagree there. If people accept bad service it legitimises it. It's then more and more acceptable for other poor practices to creep in, such as hanging onto deposits, repairs being late etc etc. I agree that wages are too low, but you shouldn't have to put a price on good manners and consideration..I let people have mine for free.
    2 points
  36. Better than 0 gigs mate. Keep playing and enjoying the music.
    2 points
  37. They make bass ukuleles you know Nice to hear from you Peter, I know exactly what you mean but perhaps an extended break will help. You'll always be a 'bass player' and that'll help you with your uke playing, too. I haven't been in a band for years now, and often don't pick up a bass for weeks on end, but I still feel like a 'bassist' and enjoy keeping up to date with the gear and social aspect. Stick around, and enjoy the uke. I've always been interested to play one but almost constant appearances on adverts, along with whistling, has put me off!
    2 points
  38. I had that in my late 20s - early 30s when my normal clothes were jeans, leather jackets and a few studs here and there. At the time I wasn't a musician, just the girlfriend of an equally metalled-up guitarist, but the attitude in those music stores that saw themselves as 'upmarket' was exactly as described above. (Slightly OT, when I bought my first home in this country, 20-odd years ago, we had to scrub up and look 'smart' to go to the estate agent, even after paying the deposit: they otherwise simply didn't believe a word I said and couldn't take me seriously - and I was a cash buyer!). After getting into playing an instrument, my main problem used to be sexism in music stores. 'Middle aged female looking at basses' almost always triggered either the dreaded 'Is it for your son? Can I recommend this/that?' or 'That's a *bass* guitar, are you looking for one of those with 6 strings instead?'. Thankfully, I haven't experienced that anywhere in the last few years, and I was never patronised at Wunjos in Denmark Street, for instance.
    2 points
  39. I've recently taken up playing a geeetar, just for a change. I know that when I pick up a bass again it will be with renewed vigour and interest. I read lots of posts by disgruntled/disillusioned players - unfortunately fewer from returning players - what I've learned is that you shouldn't close the door on your love of playing, even if you're not gigging as often as you'd like. You're allowed to take a break....but at the back of your mind you should have Arnold telling you.."I'll be back.."
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I always played 4 string basses and fitted a detuner for the rare occasions I needed a low D. Then around 18 months ago (+/-) one of my bands decided to morph into a Bon Jovi tribute and a lot of their material is played with lots of low notes - Hugh Macdonald uses every bit of his 5 string basses! So I found myself having to get used to using one - I decided the best way was to use the 5er for everything and not just the songs I needed to, which I carried over into my other band. So I now find myself using 5 string basses exclusively and, actually, I quite like it. Not just for the extra low notes at my disposal but for the ease of getting around the neck and extra choices for playing certain notes - do i want the E to be open or fretted, do I want the bassier timbre of playing some notes on the B string - whatever. Makes me wonder what I would do if I came to a point when I no longer needed to use a 5er - would I keep to them anyway? And what of those wonderful 4 string basses I haven't touched for over a year?
    2 points
  42. Might as well sell crumhornchat.co.uk then ffs
    2 points
  43. I rarely use the G on my 5, so when I bought a 4-string back-up bass I tuned it BEAD. I find it much easier to swap between basses when the strings I use most are where I expect them to be. David
    1 point
  44. Makes you wonder why the rest of it is so heavy then......
    1 point
  45. If you want a more traditional P bass, you would just go for a California VS. Completely different pickup combo top your TM. Also, if you were to order a new one to order you can specify whatever pickups you like, their black label pickups used on the nighthawk models are supposed to be excellent, less modern and more mid rangy (I've requested these on my new one). A lot of people who want a more traditional sound go for Haussel pickups, but you could choose pretty much whatever. Similarly if you were to buy a used VS, obviously you could switch the stock pickups.
    1 point
  46. Well yes, I’ve actually got four of them and my original L2, which I’ve owned from new for over 33 years is still my “go to” bass for any situation where I need a bass that will easily fit into any musical setting. The Steinberger got the reputation as an 80s fashion icon just because it looked so distinctive but for me it was always about function over form and for utter functionality, the Steinberger has never been beaten. The reason no one makes them is that Ned Steinberger sold the rights to the design to Gibson, who unfortunately shut up shop on Steinberger in around 1998. Also, although the design addressed many of the drawbacks of traditional instruments, it was never optimised for mass production, so the manufacture cost of each instrument was high and production could not be scaled up to reduce costs. These were always going to be expensive instruments. I don’t think Ned and his partners realised that the appearance of a guitar was of such importance to the guitarists and bassists who would be buying them- “One day all guitars will be made like this” was one of their ad slogans- but it turned out that the market was so enfatuated with vintage designs, no amount of improved functionality would ultimately outweigh the lack of a headstock or traditional body for the mass market. So we are where we are. There will never be any new Steinbergers built again but they are durable and long lasting so if you want one, there are usually a few available for sale at any given time as long as you aren’t looking for a rare configuration. One thing is certain- nothing that came before or since sounds or feels like a Steinberger- they are truly unique.
    1 point
  47. So I phoned Rich Tone today to check on my pre-ordered Rumble Stage 800 as their website was showing them in stock and it's on it's way to me - hopefully arriving tomorrow! 🤘🏻
    1 point
  48. If the amp doesn't go to 2.6 ohms wouldn't it be reasonably likely? 8 ohm and 4 ohm cabs creating undue stress on the amplifier. Still, Ashdown are giving a very curious response to this. One that there is no way I'd be taking.
    1 point
  49. It's sad so few people realise just how good the Yamaha Attitudes are. These are a top quality instrument, which, IMO, are on a par with the likes of Fender Custom shop, in terms of quality, build & in particular components. These things can low end rumble for God, or be more aggressive than a whizzed off Rottweiler. Superb to set up with necks that will never move, Very clever use of electrics. Any interested parties, think how superb the cheap Yamahas are. Then have a think about how good the expensive ones might be, GLWTS
    1 point
  50. Although in the space of 6 days both the Limelight and Tokai have now gone!
    1 point
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