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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/02/18 in Posts

  1. If you would like some constructive feedback on your website:- The one filter that I want to see is "Availability" - I don't want to wade through dozens of pictures on the off-chance that what I am interested in will be in stock. For example, I am interested in a 33", 32" or a short scale Fender, or maybe an Alembic - there are lots of pictures - all sold..... If I was interested in a 4-string fretless Fender (I am not) then I don't want to see the 10 you have sold - at least not in that section of the website. It would be better if you put them somewhere else., or allowed Sold items to be filtered out first.
    9 points
  2. Your wife has installed a special browser plugin that marks everything 'Sold'
    7 points
  3. For those BCers that have never listened and voted in the Composition Challenge, please have a listen and take part. Voting finishes tonight. This month's tracks are all great pieces of music in their own right. Having entered previously, I know that a lot of effort goes into writing these pieces and for 7 people to write and perform music just for 9 people to cast votes is a little disheartening! Come on, support your fellow BCers.
    4 points
  4. You can't have one Dave , he tells you how to handle that in chapter 2
    3 points
  5. This was my last experience of the the Bass Gallery. Just after Boogie brought out the Subway series of cabs, I ordered two (15s) from the shop. The first one arrived and the second took a little longer (from the Boogie end). Once I had the pair, I ran them up and there was a clear rattle coming from one of them. I did everything I could to check things over (made sure all the screws were tight etc) to no avail. Eventually, I contacted Boogie (luckily, a good mate is an endorsee) and Boogie conceded that the speaker must be faulty. Through the Bass Gallery they agreed to send over a replacement speaker. As someone who has a 'real' job to keep a roof over the family's head, I couldn't easily get time off to head up to London but the guy who was going to do the swap (I apologise for not remembering the name) actually delayed leaving for his holiday (that day) to meet me at the shop. he didn't rush around but took his time to open up the box and remove the speaker ready to swap out the rattling one. After getting it out the trouble was evident. The guy stapling in the wadding had obviously reloaded his staple gun and a block of 4 staples had dropped in and stuck to the magnet, near the cone. With those gone, the speaker behaved as it should. Having opted to keep the original speaker, I was offered the replacement one free of charge - on the proviso that I would return it if Boogie wanted it back. They never did and so I have a spare speaker in case I ever need it. I doubt I will becaue my diesel 2x15 has lasted for 30 years without fault. Before then, I had only bought a wreck of a Precision from the shop so I was not any kind of regular. I was hugely impressed by the level of service and customer care shown. For that, they will always be my number 1 store.
    3 points
  6. I know there's been confusion over the buzzer system we have so let me explain that. All three of us work down in the basement so the upstairs part of the shop is often unmanned and due to being in a busy part of London with a high crime rate we have keep the door shut! However we'll ALWAYS answer the door if you ring the buzzer! Or if you can't find the buzzer just knock and we'll rise from the bass dungeon to let you in
    3 points
  7. Money shots - oi , stop dribbling at the back Some side action Some rear action , matron. Yes i stuck another badge on the rear. Had some perspex i didnt know what to do with Some front action And a close up ( sounding like a porn movie ? ) of the flash SS cups under the grill screws. Oh yes. Come to daddy
    3 points
  8. Available now for pre-rder via Amazon for £20 !!! (Amazon USA are quoting $49, so this UK listing is a steal!!) Check this out at Amazon.co.uk Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book of Bass https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0062747835/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_NHALAbCB5FHA4
    2 points
  9. I've also visited the website and seen those multitude of SOLD basses. It would be much more user friendly to have all SOLD basses in their own section
    2 points
  10. +1 The overall volume of a band is surely down to how loud the drummer is. My current band has a great drummer who can play very quietly and it's a blessed relief, to be honest. I don't care what happens, I'm sticking with this guy! A quiet-playing band also makes it much easier to rehearse, compose and get a good overall sound in general. Makes a huge difference when you're not pushing earplugs in, dealing with nosebleeds and gritting your teeth. A very loud band is just unnecessary, unprofessional and is also very tiring, both for players and listeners. *Awaits backlash from those who must be loud 'to get my sound' and so on... yawn.*
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Pop to The London Bass Show this week. There will be no shortage of folk showing you they are better than the next person at slap bass lol. #ProudToBeASlapFreeZoneAtLBGS
    2 points
  13. Excellent point and one we hear quite often. We do like to keep our sold stock on the website as it can give you an idea of the kind of stock we've had in the past (some people also just like the bass porn), however I do agree that it can clutter the website. Behind the scenes we're currently working on some tweaks to our website which will hopefully solve this problem!
    2 points
  14. I could downgrade it to a spank
    2 points
  15. I owe you one punch, redeemable on Sat or Sun
    2 points
  16. +1 about premium strings. I put a used set of D’Addario Chromes on my pb50 and it sounds really great. Lots of vintage, fat sounding goodness.
    2 points
  17. "Lawsuit era" is a rather meaningless phrase. It doesn't imply that Fernandes or anyone else was subject to a suit, merely that an instrument was made around the same time that Gibson sued. .
    2 points
  18. This is a great example of studio bass mixing with that big deep bottom likely high passed on the DI signal, then a low passed signal on the clacky top end signal with a drive (SansAmp?), maybe a Distressor or Fatso Jr. working it's magic too - you can hear loads of compression on it keeping it all tight and even and sitting just right in the mix. You can still hear the clank on top with the whole mix but it sits really well and just add that definition to the bass in the track. I think it's a good bass tone and it's certainly a good fit for this song but it's been crafted for that song to be fair. It's more pleasing than that last video of Cici but then it sounds like her signal is a direct D.I. signal rather than the amp. There's certainly no mic on the cab and I'd say it's a clean signal that the sound man is using for FOH mix. It's pretty terrible which is more a reflection on the sound man to be honest but yeah maybe that's what they wanted the bass to sound like.
    2 points
  19. HB PB-50 Modded! - *Version 3.0* *Audio Clip* This is my third modification of a Harley-Benton PB-50 Precision Bass. If you want to see what the stock donor bass looks like, Thomann have it for sale here - with more and better pictures than I can be bothered to take: https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pb_50_sb_vintage_series.htm As usual I reshaped the headstock to a 50s-style Telebass and painted the pickguard, but this time I went to town and converted the stock four-saddle top-loading bridge to a through-body two-saddle bridge with ferrules, more in keeping with the 50s vibe. Yes, I had a spare pair of pants on hand when I drilled through the body. And being a bit fed up with sunburst, I did a full refinish in Shoreline Gold. Yes, I know Shoreline Gold wasn't available until after the 57 Precision redesign, but what the hell, I really like it. The pickup is another Herrick Tele '51' - this time the Neo magnet version as opposed to the AlNiCo 5 variant fitted to v2.0. It's a bit stronger in the high mids and top end, throws out a bit more signal and sounds great. https://www.herrickpickups.com/products/tele-51-bass-single-coil/ I really liked the look and texture of the Shoreline nitro, so didn't clear coat it. I'm hoping it will age naturally in all the right places. The only stock components remaining on this assembly are the body and neck (obviously), the neck plate, the control plate, the string tree and the strap buttons. Everything else has been upgraded or replaced. As you can see, the Fender flats are getting a bit elderly and I want to get some of those La Bella flats that are specifically made for through-body bridges. Nevertheless, the bass sounds great and plays like a premium instrument costing many times more than the donor bass. Result. Body refin in Shoreline Gold nitro Pickguard in Ivory Cream Squier Vintage Modified through-body two-saddle bridge with ferrules Herrick Neodymium Telebass '51' pickup CTS solid-shaft pots, Chiclet cap .047uF, Switchcraft jack in cats-eye side plate Fender flat-top knurled control knobs with grub screws Wilkinson WJBL 200 tuners Fender 9050M steel flatwounds 55-70-90-105 Thanks for looking!
    1 point
  20. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/27/fender_smart_guitar_amp_dumb_security/
    1 point
  21. Exactly. The idea is to simulate the back and forward movement of the cone. As Spondon says, you need to apply even pressure to the cone to make it move in and out at a perfect right angle. The voice coil behind the cone is moving in a very narrow gap, and will scrape against metal if you apply uneven pressure - even on a good driver. I think Phil Starr once suggested using a cup to carry out this test.
    1 point
  22. Having the same bass with the same Hipshot bridge, I agree.
    1 point
  23. That's cool. Never seen that before and quite a few surprises. Thanks for sharing. Dave
    1 point
  24. I have another Cobia that i don't need to sell so should be ok haha
    1 point
  25. Typo caused by trying to do more than one thing at once. I usually struggle to do one thing at once, to be fair.
    1 point
  26. all too true too many kids trying to slap their thumbs too bvggery while totally forgetting about working on getting a slinking groove going.
    1 point
  27. I've been a (fairly) regular customer since 1996. Have had 2 custom Seis and 2 used Seis off them, plus numerous odds and sods, and they have done pretty much all my repairs and setups (well, those beyond my skills) in that time. I love the place. Don't know Charlie so well (yet) as I've only met him a couple of times or so, but know Martin and John pretty well and they're both great, genuine guys and know their stuff (they build Seis basses......nuff said!). Have to say I'm surprised people have had apparently unresolved negative experiences as they're by far the most customer-focussed music shop that I've ever been to, but I guess YMMV and all that. As I've said elsewhere, I'd live there if I could.
    1 point
  28. Any chance of a BCers discount?
    1 point
  29. It's the waste of time that hurts most. And what's more, you knew it. But as usual when negative thoughts arose, it was time for another drink. When I finally gave up it wasn't the physical addiction I found hard to deal with - that's just a habit like any other - it was the forty years' worth of questionable behaviour and terrible choices that came flying out of the booze-locked box where I'd been keeping them, into the cold light of day. So now it's a case of not wasting what time I have left and avoid things like... spending too long online, for example... D'OH!!
    1 point
  30. This would have been laughed at in the 70s. Everyone left the building for an hour for lunch. Quite normal when unions were strong. We have lost much and today's workers don't even know it. Current propaganda tells us the 70s were a socialist nightmare, but they most certainly were not. Proper pay and working conditions - now gone.
    1 point
  31. A typically helpful response
    1 point
  32. Well as a result of this thread I`ve decided to have slightly lighter strings, and a lighter pick, and to add in more bass & volume from the amp. Whether or not it will work who knows but it was only when reading this that I realised that often I do tend to set the amp so I have to hit hard to hear myself, and that on gigs where I get a lot of bass through the monitors, I do back off a bit and the performance hasn`t suffered as a result. So I`m gonna give it a go, never too old to learn, and it might just make things easier as I do find at the end of an hour-long set that my pick-hand aches somewhat.
    1 point
  33. I remember a distinct change in attitudes towards me as a male. It was in my early thirties and it meant that a smile was no longer all I needed to charm the ladies. If I had kept up the band in my early twenties I might have got more, so to speak, in my thirties and possibly forties but in my fifties, I'm stuffed. I've taken up bass again but it's a bit too late. It's a good thing I've never wanted to settle and bring up children. When, finally, the only admiring looks I would get were from weirdos with dad fads, I grew out my beard and it effectively took me off the market completely. Life is much more peaceful now.
    1 point
  34. I know it’s childish but roksak sounds like a great name for a brand of underpants.
    1 point
  35. Hi! Maybe interested in a Pedulla Hexabuzz 10/10? Thanks!
    1 point
  36. That looks very much like a Stingray tribute? Never seen one before. This argument about lines or not is very curious as far I can see. The argument put forward that it takes longer to learn to play an unlined Fretless is certainly not my experience - I bought mine off EBay about 10 yrs ago - I was astounded when I first played it how awful my intonation was - however it took me about two weeks of regular use to get my accuracy to an acceptable level - the dots on the top of the board are essential as location indicators - but beyond that it doesn't take long to get your ear attuned and to be accurate. I find the area about 12th fret can be tricky when standing up (owing to the angle you're viewing the neck, and also the fact the notes are so much closer together). To me the real difference is the aesthetics - I prefer a blank board. I also fully appreciate some people don't - not entirely sure why anyone thinks their choice is more correct than anyone else's.....
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Will be there on the Saturday. Be good to catch up with people over some mildly over-priced coffee.
    1 point
  39. Outstanding cab, outstanding seller. I use one of these - unbelievably good - ultra-solid but nuanced tone with remarkable presence. Not neo but not heavy - one-hand lift. Very tempted for a stereo rig
    1 point
  40. mexican stuff is pretty good these days - I'm honestly not sure the US models are worth the huge premium for a handful of extra toys @andy67
    1 point
  41. Maybe they are better instruments? Not sure about the 50s Classics, but the Roadworns retail at well over a grand now...
    1 point
  42. The handles were the right way up - it's the cabinet that was upside down.
    1 point
  43. Gawd, havn't heard this for ever. Mmm....one and three, simplicity itself.
    1 point
  44. Its' amazing how good a rig you can get for so little money. And importantly how great it sounds. Most know about the Sire V7. This one weighs 9.4 pounds. The Genz I could have got cheaper, but this one is literally brand new with a Genz bag. I prefer this little monster to my old Aguilar. cab is incoming.
    1 point
  45. Wind back five years and you’ll hopefully understand why this bass is as special to me as it is.... In Feb 2013 I was diagnosed with a massive tumour on my right kidney. It was at Stage 3 due to the size (an unbelievable 9.5kgs!) and I was told by the surgeon that it they didn’t operate soon it would kill me one way or another. On Thursday last week, I was given the good news that I had no signs of recurrence and that they were leaving it to me whether I wanted to continue under observation; in short they were happy for me to be discharged. To get to the 5 year milestone was something I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to, so to say I’m relieved is an understatement! After a few tears (something in my eye) my wife told me to treat myself and knew I’d been hankering after one of these: who was I to refuse! After an early morning start I picked this up from Bass Direct on Saturday. The guys kindly restrung it with TI Flats and it really is the best Fretless I have owned. It is more special to me than words can adequately convey. Here it is:
    1 point
  46. I’m female! Are there any more of us on here? I’ve had a few comments at gigs before about how big my bass is but I’m sure it’s that I’m small compared to most male players 😂
    1 point
  47. That's the important thing. If it sounds good, is comfortable to play and importantly - you like it, then that's your bass.
    1 point
  48. Still my favourite looking bass. A super rare Hamer Impact neck through, from the 90's..
    1 point
  49. I have had a non US Hamer Cruise Bass (from Korea I think). It looks similar to the USA wvith Gotoh bridge (though it' s not a gotoh bridge). And it was different in every aspect. I would not say it was too bad but really nothing to do with the USA versions that are totally different beasts Here are some photos (note the 2tek second version=small plate)
    1 point
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