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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/17 in Posts

  1. Remember they started out very punky and then evolved. Their last album was nothing like the first and in the scheme of things, they weren't around that long. The B side to walking on the moon 'Visions of the night' still punky. I always thought Ghosts in the machine was their weakest but since doing the Police tribute (10 years now) I don't believe it is. Each album has some real gems on it
    3 points
  2. Surely a Hohner or Steinberger paddle bass would be a better option?
    2 points
  3. @KotorTom A real pleasure to spend time with you today as part of doing our bass 'trade' (and checking out a couple of amps and cabs at the same time!). I hope the Yammy BB425 proves to be an excellent work-horse gigging bass for you - you seemed to take to it like a duck to water this afternoon(!) - and I'm looking forward to getting to grips with the Ibby 1206 I now have in my possession! Folks - Tom is a real gent and you should you deal with him in complete confidence. Bas
    1 point
  4. I had a go on a Shergold Marathon today. Black. Maple neck. Obeche body so nice and light. Not as punchy as a P but sounded individual and sat nicely in the mix. Was really rather nice, and I wasn't expecting that..
    1 point
  5. We employed a pretty famous guitarist to help us out at a big gig at Newcastle City Hall, last number was sadly Uptown, ,foerever now known as uptown flipped it up
    1 point
  6. Robert DeLeo - one of my all time favourite bass players. Kind of like a 90s alternative rock James Jamerson. Just check out the bass lines to 'Sour Girl' and 'Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart', you'll see what I mean. It's just a shame he seems to have had a rather odd looking Hollywood face-lift of some sort...
    1 point
  7. Like every else I don't really do all time favourites, but these are up there. Tower Of Power- Back To Oakland: This ones a playlist of the full album.
    1 point
  8. Well, yes. But, well, yes. And possibly no. But mostly yes. Mostly I was impressed by the noise floor, and just how much air it moved.
    1 point
  9. Did you replace the smell of weed and lines of coke with a Haze plugin and sherbet dibdab too? You have a lot to answer for young man.
    1 point
  10. That`s pretty much my introduction to playing live, though different wattages on each amp - 150 watt solid state amp v Marshall 100 watt 2x12 combo. It`s a cert that that`s what`s shaped my playing, as I now have more than enough power with my amps, but still set them so that I have to hit hard to get the volume. Well, I play punk, it`s what`s expected
    1 point
  11. You've killed rock and roll, you bastard!
    1 point
  12. It's very tempting, but...no.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I'm doing the lessons. Fair to say that the first few etudes are really quite easy. But also that the last ones (In the Beginner / Intermediate pack) are quite difficult. For me anyway. Comparing to my daughter's clarinet studies I would say the early ones easier than Grade 1 Trinity, at Lesson 24 (the last lesson in this pack) are about a Grade 5 level. The first pack really is aimed at learning to read music - every exercise is in C. Pack 2 introduces the sharps and flats and Pack 3 is Scales. Pack 4 is Chord Tones. It's quite odd with everything being in C, but my experience of reading is from Sax and so with that just about nothing is in C! I'm going to try and do 10 or 15 minutes per day just reading as recommended by my daughter's amazing clarinet teacher.
    1 point
  15. British hip hop and rap. Gunshot from 1990 Task Force from early 2000s and Roots Manuva of course
    1 point
  16. These are actually made in Brazil... so it'd be Brazilian garbage at best! Also, this is a 'signature bass' for some Brazilian session musician I've never heard of so perhaps it is a reasonable player? It is a gamble for sure, this model is based on the Yamaha TRB basses so could be ok... I'm betwixt! If I do end up with it, I'll let you know what I think of it.
    1 point
  17. Do 'best of' albums count? If so 'Steppin Out - the Best of Joe Jackson' would be in my top 3. Made In Japan, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath would be the other 2.
    1 point
  18. Cheers both - and Dood the reaction is for all three of your posts, thanks buddy!
    1 point
  19. D'addario certainly do! There's a wound 25 or you could go for either a plain 20 or a plain 18. I'd have to check abasing D'Addario's tension guide to choose the correct string for the job, or maybe @daddariouk will be along shortly to advise for your scale length!
    1 point
  20. Holy snit, he should come to one of our gigs, usually one, sometimes two broken strings on my guitarists telecaster. He doesn't even play lead, no massive bends or anything, he's just a heavy handed rhythm player! I bought Graphtech saddles for him years ago, made not a jot of difference.
    1 point
  21. I can’t see him doing it as it’s a whole rethink etc. and if he’s already poo poo’d it. Four pedals is hardly a bulk order ?
    1 point
  22. Maybe D'addario - they do a piccolo bass set. Perhaps they will sell them individually. Good strings too - I had them on my Hyperbass.
    1 point
  23. Really? You dropped the amp and it was the internal design that was at fault when it stopped working??
    1 point
  24. Despite my initial reservations I haven't found any issues with the performance of my Elf. I can understand Kev's concerns about overheating - after all it is a tiny little packaged and the internals probably are packed closely together - but this hasn't proved to be an issue so far. They are good little amps - for those after a true TE sound, you'll need a Compressor, possible from the Transit B system or maybe a Tech 21 Bass Fly rig. I've wasted £250 on worse bits of kit
    1 point
  25. There must be a whole raft of instruments aimed at those who are less financially buoyant, maybe try and hook something on line or the net?
    1 point
  26. Now that you mentioned it Stu, I recently lost my pre 2000 made Wal when I was in South of England. It is a fretted 4 stringer with a rosewood board. ?
    1 point
  27. You still can link to individual posts. Click on the symbol next to “report post” for the post you want to link to.
    1 point
  28. I put this together a few days ago. I'm pretty pleased even if it's not perfect. The finishing took ages, I think it was the rosewood that presented the trouble... but it's finished and it looks pretty cool/sounds pretty good. I had some trouble with the preamp buzzing, I ended up grounding it to the strings so now it's pretty much under control but I didn't think I'd have to do that with a piezo only...? Anyway on to the too many pics portion of the post!
    1 point
  29. You have to understand that guitarists are fickle, whimsical narcissists who live in a parallel universe in which nothing ever goes wrong and everyone loves them all the time and can't wait for the next 10-minute guitar solo. Whereas bass players are realistic, grounded, well-adjusted people who think ahead and make provision for gigs knowing that if something can go awry it probably will and know full well that it's best to be prepared. Some bass players carry two headstock tuners, for Christ's sake!
    1 point
  30. My full rig, complete with hat!
    1 point
  31. great news. I've lost count of the number of people that say they don't know any of their songs, then when I put their greatest hits CD on, they know most of them but didn't know it was STP. I was one of them hehe De Leo is an awesome melodic bassist,maybe the most under-rated? cheers for sharing this
    1 point
  32. Hehe. Your language. Wiktionay taught me that regatta (the regular one with 1 'g' ) not only means boat races, but also striped cotton fabric. BTW, back then people did say the album title was a loose playing with the words "reggae by whites", but I've never seen any confirmation by a Police bandmember. I'd guess people just invented a likely interpretation in their heads, and spread it. As to Sting, I've always been impressed with his choice of notes and rhythms in the bass parts, as well as with the combination of his playing and his singing. Also, The Police to me are a prime example of what you can get out of a trio with just one guitar and one bass. Highly impressed - for four decades now.
    1 point
  33. I never thought of them as anything other than a pop band, albeit one that I liked. At that time I was also listening to U-Roy, Burning Spear, Lee Scratch Perry, The Mighty Diamonds, King Tubby et al. Especially the dub mixes. So you can see why I didn't think of The Police as 'reggae'.
    1 point
  34. Can't disagree with any of that. The recordings were done before my time but, according to Michael G, the over-enthusiastic ad-lib that unfortunately took the edge off the Gillett presentation was genuine. A script would certainly have helped. (That razor pun was unintentional btw.)
    1 point
  35. The Police were a what. . . . ? They use a Reggae rhythm or two in some of their arrangements but that doesn't make them a Reggae band.
    1 point
  36. Really dig that later 60s burst with the yellow.?
    1 point
  37. Told ya! Glad you’re enjoying it man. Kinda crazy how good these amps sound considering how small & light they are!
    1 point
  38. The drummer in our Free tribute band was Jeff Rich ex Status Quo. Many years ago I played in a classic rock covers band, we used to play a pub in Somersham and on a couple of occasions Dave Greenfield (The Stranglers) came in to watch us play and chatted to us while we were packing away at the end of the gigs.
    1 point
    1 point
  40. This one dragged me out of lurking from across the pond. Beastie Boys should be on the top of this list for versatility. Could easily do a semester class at uni for them alone. Early 90s San Francisco / Oakland / Bay Area had a lot of really good stuff with the Hieroglyphics Crew: Casual, Del the Funky Homosapien, Souls of Mischief. East vs West Gangsta era is pretty much Tupac vs Biggie Smalls (both did some amazing work). Nas' Illmatic is probably one of the best hip hop albums of all time. From the dirty South, you have the likes of Outkast and Goodie Mobb (and by extension, Cee Lo Green) The Fugees are seminal (Wyclef Jean, Lauren Hill). Jay-Z, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, Black Sheep, Tribe Called Quest, Leaders of the New School, De La Soul, Wu Tang Clan Eminem's song Rap God is nothing short of lyrical fireworks. Lots more that I can't think of offhand.
    1 point
  41. I came to The Police and Sting through my dad who was a massive Sting fan. I had the 'very best of sting & the police' album when I was about 15 and his song writing and playing was a huge inspiration. As a young player I could grasp parts and play along to a lot of Police stuff fairly quickly, and it had plenty of energy. The more I listened to his solo songs and albums the more I appreciated his playing and song writing. I think he is hugely underrated as a player, he is a great example of playing for the song but when you listen carefully he has a great feel and note choice, and faced with the same song I doubt many of us would be as inventive and subtle as he is.
    1 point
  42. He needs to get that bass refinished, it's in a right state.
    1 point
  43. perhaps the #1 irritant for me on music fora is people who come out with the '(c)rap ' type of comment probably thinking they're so witty I'm a huge fan of 80s -early noughties hip hop and have around 100 CDs from that era ..Wu Tang, Public Enemy Tribe Called Quest,Run DMC, NWA, Dr Dre, Ice Cube, Ice T, EPMD, Ultramagnetic MCs, House of Pain, Snopp, Tupac, Naughty by Nature, The Roots, Boge Down Productions, Eric B & Rakim, Cypress Hill, Pharcyde,. Couple of faves here
    1 point
  44. Stu, in the main forum menu there is the gear porn section. In there, there are dedicated pages, one of which is a Wal only page. You may just want to move your unveiling there since thats where 'we' are easiest found.
    1 point
  45. The thing I love about this photo is the decision to mic up the stacks ...
    1 point
  46. Why would you stay away from all digital compressors? There are good and bad examples of analog and digital. The MXR is a good comp, but there's plenty of love for the Spectracomp on here and elsewhere. Sweeping generalisations don't really help.
    1 point
  47. I think you're on the wrong website... Ha, ha, ha! Oh God, I'm priceless. *Sticks tulip up bum and hides in wardrobe*
    1 point
  48. You are Michael Gove and I claim my five pounds!
    1 point
  49. [quote name='sixist' timestamp='1509539236' post='3399711'] Anyone had any issues with the Darkglass 900 head DI output? It seems to be hissy generally (I know most amps are quite noisy), but the output signal level is also quite low - so to get anything out of the PA, you have to crank the mixer gain and fader right up, resulting in vast amounts of hiss. To make it sound half way acceptable, I end up cutting the mixer mid eq almost to minimum. I expected some noise on the MT channels, but this is on the clean channel with flat eq. Contrasting with plugging the bass directly into the desk - strong and clear and hiss-free. It could be a faulty head, I guess, hence asking if anyone else has an issue. Ken [/quote] Hey, can you please send us an email to [email protected]? One of my engineers can check some settings with you to make sure all is working the way it's supposed to. Kind regards, Doug.
    1 point
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