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Status Updates posted by TheGreek








    £2.80 😐

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. itsmedunc


      We won £2.80 too!

    3. Sharkfinger


      Don't forget where you came from now you're a high-roller.

    4. gjones


      £5.50 for me. 1st downpayment on the Ferrari..

  2. I really can't believe it's 1st September tomorrow...

  3. I'd forgotten how good an album this is...ordered from Amazon


  4. I've been a member here for 10 years today!!!

    Made some good friends and bought and sold some amazing gear.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Welcome to Basschat, newbie!

    3. Sibob


      Jeez, I've just looked.....13 years for me 😂

    4. OliverBlackman


      you must be really sad to spend 10 years on here (checks time on basschat, 10 years as well 😆)

  5. I've been out of work with stress for a couple of years.

    Had a job interview earlier today - just had a message to say they were very impressed and asked if I can start next Monday.

    Now what can I spend that money on???

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Burns-bass


      Some for today and some for tomorrow - best advice I was ever given about money.

    3. Jack


      Sweet! And what are you going to be doing in your new job?

    4. SpondonBassed


      Best of luck Mick!

      I've heard of longer commutes but I sympathise anyway.  Before you realise, it'll become routine.

  6. If you die from the Coronavirus can I have your gear???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      You wouldn't want it ... there's no antique heavyweight Trace Elliot units at all.

    3. lownote


      I'm being buried with mine

    4. prowla


      My Fender Strat is genuine Corona!

    1. Deedee


      Oooh that's rather nice. 


      EDIT - Apologies, no need for me to comment on the price. I'll be in the corner reserved for self-flagellation 😞

  7. International Shipping - no change on the tracking info for a couple of days - is this normal once it leaves the UK??

    1. Clarky


      My old Alembic Spoiler (sold to @arker) has been in Brussels customs since 9th February .... sorry to report for all

    2. TheGreek


      Parcel sent on 23rd Feb still stuck in Coventry - "prepared for export" - (according to the Tracking info). Email sent to the courier for an update.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deepbass


      Don't think it sold though ... so not sure where £800 comes from?

      I think I tried it in the shop over a year ago ... its passive too as I recall...so the circuit has likely been removed...


    3. TheGreek


      Seller appears to be a shop - has a number of other high priced pieces of equipment.

    4. Chiliwailer


      German? If so he’s a proper chancer! 

  8. Just been reading my feedback page.

    TBH I don't remember half of the gear I sold or the details of the sale.

    There's a medical condition for this but I can't remember what it's called.

  9. Just been watching a bass lesson video on YT at half speed - feels like a drunken tutor. 

  10. Just bought a Lakland 55-01. Guaranteed a 44-02 will come up for sale in the next few days.

    1. ped


      or even a 33-03

    2. geoham


      The 55-01 is a great bass, sure you'll have plenty of fun with it!

    3. TheGreek


      ...when it eventually arrives...blooody couriers

  11. Just bought my first ever black bass...I know, amazing.

    Edit: realised that I had a black Jaydee for a (very short) while - think I only played it a couple of times though.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Grangur


      This should be a thread

    3. prowla


      The black bass porn thread?

    4. Soledad


      here already, started 2010 I believe, needs re-activating 👍


  12. Just found out my aunt has died from the Corona virus...

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Clarky


      Very sorry Mick 😞

    3. Marvin


      So sorry to hear this. Take care and stay safe.

    4. Rich


      I fear many, many of us are going to have been touched by this dreadful thing by the time it's over (if it ever is...).

      Heartfelt condolences on your loss Mick.

  13. Just noticed that on 26th August, I will have been a member here for 8 years....

    Thanks for having me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alyctes


      Time flies when you're having fun :)

    3. discreet


      Eight years! It seems much longer...

    4. Sharkfinger


      @fleabag I joined bassworld too, so about the same.  

  14. Just received a call from an agency trying to sell me loft insulation....

    I live in a ground floor flat!!

    1. Balcro


      I'm up the road from you. Well 12 miles anyway. I've had 2 calls from a so called Environment or Energy company trying to pass themselves off as a "national" organisation. "Hello, I'm "#aZVD" , your energy advisor." When I brusquely said "What's that about then",  he rang off. Pass the word on.    

    2. Gareth Hughes

      Gareth Hughes

      I had a great call from O2 trying to re-new my contract. Hard sell fell flat when the guy said - 'you live in Rathfriland, ah, you must know George there, he knows half the town'. I said 'I guess I'm in the other half' and you could hear the air go out of his balloon.

    3. Dood


      Reminds me of the time many years ago now that I kept getting sales calls to my desk 'phone trying to sell me windows. Eventually I gave in and went with their pitch. I can only imagine the looks of glee the sales person must have had before the penny dropped when I told him that the place I spend my time in requires about 40 windows. Per floor.. and there were ten floors....

      I must have quoted the Aviva advert ten times in our conversation and called myself the CEO of said company and..still.. nothing... 


  15. Just received a message about floods in Germany...

    Hope that all our members in that part of Europe are OK.

    1. Aero71


      Not just Germany, also Belgium and the Netherlands...

    2. TheGreek


      Hope that you and yours are all OK...

  16. Just started a new course of antidepressants...

    I couldn't function with the previous ones - these supposedly have fewer side effects but the list is far from short...including a deterioration for the first 5 days!! Minimum course is 6 months.

    The thought of this is making me depressed.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. prowla


      I've been waking up after less sleep of late; I think it's probably down to inaction during lockdown.

      Hope the new pills work!

    3. Soledad


      Hi Mick, just seen this post. Sorry to hear of your troubles - I reckon the general state of the world at this time is getting everyone down to varying degrees. Hope the meds work, but take some small comfort in knowing you're not entirely alone - as Captain Tom says "Tomorrow will be a better day."

    4. Jus Lukin

      Jus Lukin

      It seems to be quite an inexact science, always an element of 'suck it and see' involved. I have noticed improvements in a change of meds, but never felt fully sorted. In fact I need to call the Dr. today- I had to stop therapy because my home situation was so bad for a couple of years that they couldn't tell what was what. The dust hadn't settled on that mess before the world got so weird no-one can tell what's what! Still, one must to do whatever one can.

  17. Looks like interest in the Midlands Bash is picking up...

    Would there be enough interest for another SE Bash? (assuming Colin is well enough to set it up)

    1. Stingray5


      Count me in if there is one, Mick. 👍

    2. TheGreek


      I know that @Hamster hasn't been well so we'd be dependant on his health. I'm sure that we'd all hope for a thorough recovery for him...

    3. Stingray5



  18. Mods....are we any closer to getting the "Signature" feature reinstated? Not having to search for people's feedback was such a benefit.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rick's Fine '52

      Rick's Fine '52

      Trying to update my sig, but cant find my feedback, as the search function doesn't work, and I don't fancy scrolling through hundreds of pages to try and find it, can the search function be set up to search for names under the different pages, like it used to? (It used to give option of searching on the subject you were on, or on the wider forum)

      Thanks in advance.

    3. charic


      It still does but a status probably isn't the best place to discuss

    4. charic
  19. Mr Cameron??? Good of you to join the forum..

    I know you're looking for one...There are a few short scales in the Marketplace but lots of other gear too...be careful.

    Don't forget to introduce yourself in the "Introductions" thread.

  20. My thanks to everybody for not posting anything that I might want to buy...making my downsizing much easier

    1. LukeFRC


      consider it our pleasure

    2. alyctes


      We're just waiting till we're sure you've got lots of space :)

  21. My Royal Mail 48hour Tracked Return arrived at it's destination yesterday - after 19 days...during that time I was unable to track it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. prowla


      I've had a load of stuff arrive in good time.

      Except for some pickup screws from Black Dog, which were purchased on 12th April and still just show a tracking number but nothing else.

    3. Quent


      Hi Guys,

      I sent a bass 10 days ago using Eurosender pickup and delivery.

      They ( DPD) picked up the next day at 2pm in Suffolk and it was delivered 10am in Ascot. Not far I know but still quick and all in one piece. Used BASSCHAT10 discount code at checkout. 

      £24.46 which included insurance up to €1000 . Same price up to 10kg ( 9kg my box ) and up to 170cm long box.

      I’ve been ripped off by UPS recently £55 within UK insured and £66 to Germany. So it’s Eurosender from now on for me , if they keep this up.

      Cheers, Quent

    4. Chienmortbb


      You have to remember that Royal Mail handle much more than just parcels. To some extent they are hampered as there workers must self isolate if they show any symptoms, The so called "self employed" delivery drivers  working for many of the couriers, almost have to work whether they are ill or not.

  22. NAD!!!!

    Trace Elliot AH300 SMC - sent straight to my amp tech for a service. 

    Another one rescued and rehomed in a loving environment.

    1. Deedee


      Congrats. I'm just eyeing up a couple at the moment 😆

    2. stewblack


      You do such great work. Have you considered opening your place to the public? I'm sure folk would pay to see these rehomed Trace Elliots in their natural environment, lovingly saved and cared for. Maybe a series on TV like Monkey World did. I bet Chris Serle would jump at that.

    3. TheGreek


      Great idea Stew...one slight flaw...visitors would expect to see them "in the wild"...my neighbours might not be so accommodating when they hear TE being pumped out at maximum volume...

      Maybe if I win tonight's Euro lottery £169m I'll get myself a little place in the country where nobody lives close enough to complain...

    1. prowla


      With an SD J- pickup and an Aria active pre, that's not a bad buy!

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