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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/04/23 in all areas

  1. Years ago I foolishly sold my Warwick Alien 6 to @therealting and regretted it fairly swiftly. I've been on the hunt more or less ever since for another one, and have failed to find one for years... ...Until last week! One popped up within Richtone Music's second hand listings on Reverb. I called them up, agreed a price and paid a deposit. Today being payday saw me pay the rest off, so it should be getting sent out today! With some extreme luck I may even see it tomorrow... Never seen one for sale since I bought the one I sold, so I'm pretty chuffed to finally have one on the way!
    12 points
  2. ****Relisted 16th June due to a payment issue from an overseas buyer. £1750 - no trades please. Gutted to sell this, but the slab body exacerbates nerve issues I have. I’ve been holding onto it for ages regardless as the tone is stunning, but it now feels like the right time to look into selling. Unique StingRay, 10 pole pickup (not usual 8) and special Old Smoothie epoxy coated preamp work so well with the alder body, literally a smoother Ray tone yet still punchy. The video below tells the story of this 1976 prototype made for Sterling Ball and named by Leo Fender. It’s a 40th Anniversary Ltd Ed. I’ve always had flats on it, but it will be sold with rounds on. The back of the neck was glossy, I’ve rubbed off the top gloss which in my opinion now makes it much smoother and comfier to play. The case has some marks and a small crack, all pictured for full disclosure
    10 points
  3. Just to push this over the line, £300, or £325 delivered to mainland UK or I will keep it, because it is a lovely thing to have around! (Looks on Amazon for another wall hanger!) I got this recently in a trade, and it is spectacular, if you want the James Jamerson thing, this is it. The neck is superb. The colour sublime. My problem is, is that it doesn't fit in with the music I am currently playing live. It is in excellent condition, wearing Detroit flats (I have also got a brand new set of Detroit flats I will throw in). It comes with it's original gig bag in good condition, also has it's original strap, which has some wear, but very little. https://www.basscentre.com/bass-collection-detroit-bass/bass-collection-detroit-bass-purple-haze.html#:~:text="Lightweight%2C resonant and extremely versatile,super-affordable price point." I was surprised by how nice these are, the fit and finish is really good, the playability is fantastic.
    9 points
  4. Since I’ve ran out of excuses, space, outputs and money to buy more pedals, I have decided to treat my board (more like treat myself!) to Barefoot buttons. I have chosen those Tallboys and different sizes/heights, which helps a lot to stomp on the upper row, now it’s a breeze and I don’t have to stomp with the tip of my foot. Different heights also help with narrow spacing between footswitches like my Mastro Valvola pedals. Also, they have transparent buttons if which I used where the LED is too close to the footswitch so that I can see thru the colour… bought them from thorpyfx if anyone’s interested (zero affiliation) since there’s no other distributors that I know of in the UK.
    9 points
  5. Perfect condition, sunburst Yamaha BBP35. Only selling as I have 2. Comes with hard case
    8 points
  6. We took our Bandeoke show to the Blue Lagoon in Bristol last night. First time there, and sadly a very quiet night. However those who were there couldn't have been more enthusiastic, one young woman even came up and gave us a 20 quid tip! The dearth of punters meant we basically played a two hour request show. I used my new HB 25th anniversary bass, Bugera Veyron into Barefaced Compact and jolly good it all was too. Just after we had finished the pack down a rugby team walked in. If only they'd been an hour earlier....
    5 points
  7. Update. The neck pocket was cut to a taper being 63.5 mm at the widest part. The Honer neck was also cut to a taper at about .6 mm wider than that. I didn't want to plane down the neck so after some considerable time in thought gently planed and scrapped the short side of the pocket with a nice sharp chisel. About 10 mins work. These come without bolt holes so not wanting to fill the existing holes in the neck I opted to resort to the art of cheating. This involves a tightish fitting sawn of screw being put into the holes in the neck and being used as a dot marker. The holes can then be pilot drilled from inside the neck pocket and finnished from the other side. Warning. It has to be a pilot hole from the inside as the lacquer will crack around the holes as the drill bit comes through. Masking tape on it first may help. Using a drill press is a good idea if you are not sure how straight you can drill. One of the reasons for this palava was because the existing holes in the neck were not quite right from the start. I could have used a wooden chop stick etc and made dowels/plugs but didn't want to take more material out of the heel of the neck so opted to go with the existing holes. The supervisor was watchingT
    5 points
  8. You'll need to keep that plate nice and clean...You don't want the letter 'B' covered in mud and sh*te.
    5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. The latest iteration of my basic bi-amp board. Some pedals seem to have found a 'permanent' home, others keep changing still but I'm definitely getting closer. The Ampero has three switchable effects and a tuner on the extension switch and is doing a lot of preamp, signal splitting, compression, noise gate type stuff in the background.
    4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. I received mine at the end of Feb and wanted to wait until I'd done a few gigs with it before posting a review to try and avoid that 'new toy' bias. I've now done 7 or 8 gigs with both it and an incredible jazz bass that Dan @d_g built for me and I've just been blown away by the tone from this combination, it's easily the best sound I've ever had. I'm going straight to the desk via the Capo and using in ears with RCF935s as FoH and it sounds equally amazing to me through both. I have the A side set to have just a bit of saturation with the B side then giving a bit of a boost to both volume and hair when needed. Below is some raw audio straight from the desk from a gig last night, majority are just Capo A side but the 5th clip (Somebody Told Me) I think I kicked in B Side about halfway through the clip. The last one (TIRO) starts with Capo A side plus C4, then goes into Capo A side plus Aftershock, then Capo B side plus Aftershock. In short, I absolutely love it! Capo.mp3
    4 points
  13. Photos don’t do the colour justice, I would say a light metallic purple is a better description, and so much more manly!
    4 points
  14. Some nice tones here from Naoto who I follow, there’s a bit of slap in there, using fender flats which I didn’t get on with as they were a bit high tension for me
    4 points
  15. Beautiful instrument. Wonderful sound, played like a dream. I love it.
    4 points
  16. Took me a long time to get into flats, and even longer into flats on a Jazz, in part because many years ago a guy in a music shop told me "flatwound string sound dead". OK, they're kinda definitive on a Precision and accepted as such, in so many respects they're even more so on a Jazz. Wanna hit some retro heaven? Flats, back PUP on full, front PUP rolled off a little bit, and a pic through an all-tube head. Sorted 👍
    4 points
  17. Just adding these pics to keep the story going. Just playing ahead of us now
    3 points
  18. There's a couple actually: a headless Status S2 (5 or 6 string). I've absolutely loved the shape since I first saw them in the '80s, way before I ever took up bass (which was about 18 months ago). Just intrigued. And this one from the classifieds right here. I can't afford it. I have no reason to believe I can play fretless bass (never tried). But ... just look at it! https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/469484-marleaux-diva-6-bass-signature-redwood-burl-top/
    3 points
  19. Flat-Bottomed Girls ~ Quëën
    3 points
  20. I suspect that he would sound as good whether he's playing a '62 Fender or an Encore, he is great proof of the 'all in the fingers' model 👍
    3 points
  21. "I bought as I thought you'd like the colour," You're welcome.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. I got this a while ago for an acoustic project that never got off the ground. I looked for a long while to find an acoustic 5 string that had the right tone and feel. This comes with its super quality gig bag, original branded leather strap. It is equipped with a Fishman pre-amp and sounds great acoustically or amped. You can get a great DB sound out of this. It is in pretty much new condition as barely used and has been living in its case for a while. Realised that I won’t be using it any time soon so would rather it got some use with somebody that would appreciate it.
    3 points
  24. I can honestly say I had it hung round my neck for over two hours straight last night and I did not notice the weight. I do use a wide Gruvgear strap, but I believe it is the perfect balance of the bass makes it work.
    3 points
  25. My band 'Shreds.' hits our home base of Sheffield soon, playing at 'The Lughole' in just over two weeks! Come check us out! Saturday May 13th: https://facebook.com/events/s/sheffield-hunt-saboteurs-benef/736172934798939/
    3 points
  26. In Arduinoland, ezButton is pretty handy. https://arduinogetstarted.com/tutorials/arduino-button-library - the button array is good for multiple buttons. Setting the pressed time when isPressed is true and then comparing it when isReleased is true and seeing what the delay was. I did a similar ESP32 page turner using bluetooth - made it to send page up/down, line up/down, or next/prev window with a display to say which it was doing. That was before I encountered ezButton so it debounced by spotting the button press, hanging on briefly, then checking if the button was still pressed. Subsequently I saw another method which I thought was very clever - there's a variant on it at https://www.e-tinkers.com/2021/05/the-simplest-button-debounce-solution/ (go down to "The simplest debounce function").
    3 points
  27. Sterling by Musicman short scale Stingray - White with rosewood fingerboard. These are great fun and a breeze to play. There is plenty of information about them on the 'net and a 150 or so page thread on Talkbass if you have a few days to spare! This one is pretty much immaculate and weighs in at under 8lbs. I have two new sets of Ernie Ball short scale strings that I am including and the gig bag that the bass came with. There are three pickup configurations - Parallel, series and single coil. All very usable and no hum. p&p is included to mainland UK or I'll meet up within 30 miles of M5 J23. Asking £500 no trades
    2 points
  28. Darkglass e500 and PhilJones C2 !
    2 points
  29. Probably. I used a Roland bass synth as my main gigging bass for a few years in the 80's. (Bought it from Jack Bruce as well!) Here's the proof back in the day.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. I’ve got Fender flats on my jazz which sound good but they’re like cables and don’t quite have the smooth feel of LaBellas or Chromes so I’ll most likely swap them out soon. For tone and feel it’s flatwounds all the way for me, on any bass. Neck pickup + flats is my favourite sound on a jazz.
    2 points
  32. Bigmouth Strikes Again ~ The Smurfs This page has me using too many TLRTs today 🤔. Some fine choices 😍. Best weekend wishes to all.
    2 points
  33. I like my subtle, and not quite as subtle, vibratos, thank you. Adds to the organic expression. This is stupid and one step closer to make your bass sound like a programed midi bass rather than a real played one. But I am sure it'll appeal to people who are more perfectionists than is for their own good, or are of the misconception that all music should ideally sound as if a machine was playing it, looking at you modern metal people, I mean what's the point of playing it even then, if you are going to quantize everything anyway why not just program it to start with (applies to modern pop music as well where everything is pitch corrected)? Should have been named Analtune.
    2 points
  34. Same here, i was looking forward to it but i had a gig in North Devon. Maybe next time.
    2 points
  35. I liked most of it - not so keen on the first verse. But then I also like Coldplay, Nickelback, and U2, and dislike most Prince, so the Basschat thought police will be coming for me.
    2 points
  36. Just adding this as a place marker for old links to my previous reviews as I need to see which are still live and of those that aren't can be recovered: (A server crash was blamed for many losses)
    2 points
  37. Favourite shirt - haircut 100
    2 points
  38. Fodera NYC. No signs of use at all. - 34" scale length - 19mm string spacing - ca. 4.3Kg - Ash Body, Maple Neck - Fodera JJ Single Coil PU’s; NYC 2 band PreAmp 2’400 £ + Shipping costs
    2 points
  39. I always have respect for artists who use their own signature guitars….. and I don’t mean just on one song in order to promote sales, I mean actually use it during most of a gig. I think it validates the instrument. Of course, they could just be skint and have no choice!
    2 points
  40. Very interesting, I played a goodfellow bass years ago, it was amazing.
    2 points
  41. First time out with the new HB. Bandeoke in Bristol. Sounded glorious in the soundcheck.
    2 points
  42. Hi Folks, I've recently acquired this rather well put together '51 style P bass bitsa. Now, apart from the pick up (which is a Roswell single coil), I have no idea what any of the parts are! What I can say is that someone has clearly spent a lot of time putting this together. It has a lovely chunky neck (with decal) and Fender neck plate, solid body (with string through holes) and as far as I can see, period correct hardware. The pickup itself is great and delivers a pretty hot signal to your amp, giving this bass a warm fat tone. It plays really well and the pick up cavity is shielded. I haven't had a look under the control plate, but I would suspect that it's shielded too, making this bass super quiet with no buzz at all to speak of. It's finished in what I guess you'd call 'baby blue'(?) and is currently strung with brand new Rotosound 40 - 100 gauge strings. As you can also see, there are some relic marks too. Happy to consider trades, particularly basses or a cash sale. Let me know if you have any questions etc.... Based in Leeds and can post at buyers expense. £295 ono. Thanks for looking. AB
    2 points
  43. So as I recently shared my fusion board,I've a gig this Saturday with my rock/Soul covers band. Unfortunately at this time I have to cannibalise the big board. But with incoming gig funds, I'll be looking at starting a small board separately (ive started with the MXR octave 🤣) For this Band I'm using 4 and 5 string Spector Euro LX. EBS Microbass 2 - effects are in the loop Sadowsky BP2 Pre FEA Optifet JPTR Jive MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - I use it for 1 song, a rocked up version of Superstition, will be used with Drive. It has a clean tone and tracks well with the active Spectors. Will be looking into a reasonably cheap A/B box/headphone pre, however the EBS covers everything well.
    2 points
  44. I've thrown some Elixir rounds on this thing and it absolutely works. Here's a small clip to demo the sounds (80% neck, both, bridge, neck again, then I turned the Mutron on for a laugh). The tone is about halfway for most of the video - it has a really useful range and mixed with the different pickup flavours it means I have loads of options. It has such a tight and full bottom end, even being short scale and in drop D!
    2 points
  45. My starting point for any wiring task is always the Seymour Duncan website HERE, they have clear easy to follow diagrams for most arrangements. as you are rewiring and replacing one of the pots i would suggest replacing all of them with good quality ones (CTS would be my top pick, with Alpha second choice) while you're in there, I will often make most of the harness out of the bass and then make the last connections before fitting it back into the bass, i generally get a bit of thick card and mount the pots into that while i'm soldering everything together if the pickup wires are long enough you should be able to do all the work out of the bass except the output jack connections. another thing to check/replace is the output jack, that style are notorious for failing, fitting a switchcraft version should give you the longest life. Matt
    2 points
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