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About velvetkevorkian

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  1. Not really my thing but I guess if you can get MIA attention to detail at MIM prices it could be worthwhile.
  2. Very nice, I had it in my head that these were all short scale.
  3. Are the bodies/necks actually different or is it just an option to get higher spec parts?
  4. Love the body shapes but I wish they'd update their 90s-ass logo.
  5. Nice! What is the scale, 28-26.5 or something?
  6. Price raised to £3.50 for postage and one (1) picture of his face when he opens it 😜
  7. Haha, yes, I think this was probably at least a full semester of undergrad level theory. Happy to send it in if you'd like to try, or if you have a door that needs propped open.
  8. Niche, but if anyone is doing a music theory degree it may be useful! Left by a friend of my wife's who returned to their home country after university, some minor water damage and a few pencil annotations but still in excellent condition. Free to collect from Glasgow G51 or post should be about £3.50.
  9. I did this and it made barely any difference, to my ear. Eliminated a tiny bit of single coil hum but not much else. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
  10. But you get that with the basic preamp, all the vtc brings is a separate treble cut, right?
  11. Dad of the year
  12. aaaaarghhhh why would you do that
  13. Super cool, thanks for posting. That OW does sounds incredible (although you get the feeling he could probably play some rubber bands nailed to a 2x4 and still sound great)
  14. Most likely it's Safari misidentifying legit BC cookies as trackers and blocking them. edit: I can't replicate on my work Mac though so could be wrong, or an iOS specific "feature".
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