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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/07/21 in Posts

  1. I’d start off with a Precision rather than trying to get a Precision sound from so many other types of basses, I wasted so much time doing that it’s laughable.
    5 points
  2. Maiden fan since '83 here, I mean for years around that time they were pretty much my go to albums on a daily basis. Personally I really like the new single, it's a little more 'proggy' than their early stuff, but as I've aged I prefer that side of the band, I'm about the only person on planet Earth who prefers Final Frontier album to Book of Souls ( which I found to be a real slog). This new one reminds me of when Wasted Years was released as first single from Somewhere in Time, ooooh it's different. True, but I'm finding the new one to be a real grower, as was WY. Just my tuppence worth. Up the Irons 🤘🤘👍👍
    5 points
  3. So I've done quite a bit since my last update so I'll hopefully remember it all! First up cavities have been painted with shielding paint, I love the look but it was a bit of a hassle to get nice and the bloody graphite gets everywhere, so next time maybe just copper shielding tape. The exciting news is I've lacquered the bass, I've been wanting to do this for ages, the weather has been absolutely perfect for it so perfect chance to get this done. The white spots all over the shielding paint is resin polish, it'll wipe off later. Love the look of the bass with this lacquer, grain has come alive. This bit could have gone either way, instead of a transfer or sticker I decided to spray paint my surname on the bass... could have been awful...
    5 points
  4. SOLD : my 1982 Aria Pro-II SB-1000 'Super Bass' - fretless In the late 70s / early 80s, the Japanese Matsumoku factory had progressed from picture-perfect copies to their own immaculately engineered and very creative original designs, and king of the basses was the Aria SB 'Super Bass' range, headlined by the top of the pile SB-1000. Matsumoku / Aria had clearly been contemplating the pathway laid down by Alembic, and countered with their own 'boutique' offering, the SB-1000. With a double octave 34" scale 5-ply maple / walnut neck, all-brass hardware and a Canadian Ash body, the SB-1000 certainly looked the part, but backed this up with its double coil MB-1 pickup feeding the proprietary 18V 'BB' active, noise - defeating circuitry, including a 6 - way filter enabling a surprisingly wide range of 80s tones, from deep reggae through to burbling & popping mids and snappy tops. All to the liking of John Taylor, Jack Bruce and Cliff Burton, to name 3 celebrity users. To this confection, this vanishingly rare fretless version adds a warm, menacing growl. This bass, which is a second generation 'bookend headstock' model, is in extremely good, all-original condition. The electronics all work, the 6-way filter provides the requisite 6 different tones, and the natty front face LED featured in these bookend versions blinks away in classic 80s sci-fi style once the bass is plugged in. With its railroad - straight, C-section neck, it is simple to set a very low, super-speedy action & wallow in all the 'mwaah' that results. There are a few minor dings around the body sides and a couple of contusions in the lacquer on the neck (see photos), but these barely dint the majestically thick and luscious clearcoat that Aria saw fit to lavish on these 1000 series models. In the day, the SB-1000s were renowned for the dense and vibrant wood grain finishes that Aria coaxed from its timber, all different. I'm biased, but if you find a more attractive one than this, please let me know ! Non OEM quality hardcase included (see pix) - price is exclusive of shipping costs. Happy to answer any questions, not happy to sell this beauty, but I need the space...
    4 points
  5. Now look what you've gone and made me do! Popped into the local store and see the exact bass I have been looking for! Needed (wanted!) something with a bit of clank and zing to compliment the Ibanez with flats on. Not too horendous a price, and got a bit knocked off for a dodgy G tuning peg. that was rattling. it's been bent so a bit of blue tack on it til I find a replacement Anyone know where to get one if BTN are out of stock?
    4 points
  6. Here's some pre-punk that, had it come out a few years after punk would have been firmly post-punk, then again if it came out today it would still be as fresh as a daisy...
    4 points
  7. Pickups installed in the pickup cover... Foam blocks placed under the pickups to help raise and lower the cover when compressed with the bolts This is the bridge, the best saddle I could make for this bass actually turned out to be small sections of fret wire and a grub screw, I've strung the bass up to ensure things fit as they're supposed to and once It's getting it's setup I'll notch the saddles You can see them a little better here
    4 points
  8. Up for sale my trouser flapping, bone shaker of a rig and much raved about on this and other forums. You may have heard my playing it at home in Northumberland 😂 The pairing just works and it sounds amazing! However I am still stupid enough to want to carry my all valve behemoth rigs around so as this is 3rd choice behind both of those I’ve decided to part with it. Id rather not split but could be persuaded and delivery is on top and I’m sure you’ve heard of my man with a van dude, well you’ll get to meet him when he drops it off for a moderate fee. The amp head is as you see it but the Barefaced has a spanking new, still in the packet Barefaced cover that goes with it. ABM 600 - £450 Big Twin and cover - £1000 Im out gigging again now, hurrah, so always have space in my van if you’d rather meet up with me. Cheers all 🤘
    3 points
  9. Another one here who kind of stopped listening after SSOASS, there's quite a few of us it seems, we should start a band I think Maiden have always been a live band, which is backed up by their relentless touring schedule in their 'heyday' years. (YMMV) I've never been one for listening to recorded live music albums, there's one exception though and that's 'Live After Death', which is quite frankly an awesome album, and an excellent chronicle of a band who are on top of their live game.
    3 points
  10. To my ( and my friends) ears there was a level of maturity and adventure in Wasted Years that Maiden had only shown glimpses of before, to be fair we were all male, all aged 16/17 when Wasted Years came out, so we were all fairly immature guys who loved their metal, but metal, generally, meant 'anger', power, lyrics about ancient figures, or warriors, or drinking, and riffs generally were hard, fast and powerful. WY came along with its carefully picked intro, it's'futuristic' guitar sound, melancholy reflective lyrics and to us, a new side of Maiden emerged. I'm sure other people felt quite differently and this is all tosh but it's a time I remember fondly. Loved that album too.
    3 points
  11. Well my pickups turned up a month earlier than estimated so thats a result! Still havent managed to do a lot to it as I've been really struggling with my back at the moment after suffering with chronic back for the last 15years its now at the point that my back is spasming and more often than not my legs give way from underneath me and its making working very difficult so mrs Jimothey is going to go back to work full time and I'll stay at home looking after the kids so tgis build is probably going to stall for a while whilst I sort out a workshop But here's a quick mockup I thought maybe add a pickguard it will be made out of ply and stained black to keep the rugged/rustic look? I didn't fancy a standard Tbird shape one? The pickup is part of a pair that I'm going to use the other one on a 5 string 51p build in the future.... 👍🏻
    3 points
  12. Cleaned up the shape of the top with the bobbin sander - it's definitely a keeper. Does jobs like this so well and cleanly, don't know how long I'd have been at it if I was hand sanding.
    3 points
  13. I gig very, very infrequently, the last one i did was a while ago for a mate’s 40th. He put together a 14 piece samba band and hired a decent venue in Southampton. I got my Ampeg SVT serviced, hooked up the 8 x 10 cab and used my ‘75 P bass with flat wounds. Sounded absolutely bloody gorgeous, even the sound guy was smiling in the sound check and the brass players were enjoying it too. I kept expecting someone to tell me to turn it down but it never happened. Went to bed on a high that night after a mate of mine, whose opinion I value, said afterwards the bass sounded superb. Woke up the next morning in a cold sweat thinking, “he never actually complimented my playing though…”
    3 points
  14. The best song title in the history of music Fat Lad Exam Failure...
    3 points
  15. Interestingly, as used by a certain Mr Illsley on the first ever gig by Dire Straits (Deptford Crossfields festival, the whole shebang being powered by an extension cable out of somebody's apartment window)., Mind you, John may just have borrowed it for the day. Apologies for the quality of the photo, they didn't have cameras back then - this is someone's memory directly printed onto a Kraft cheese slice.
    3 points
  16. Well I was trying to find a venue for the Dudes to play near here, but some bugger went and bit the head off a bat in Wuhan and messed up the world BLOODY OZZY OSBORNE FANS!!!
    3 points
  17. It does look lovely when on the bass, I just hope to god it works out ok!
    3 points
  18. But came out lovely, thankfully...
    3 points
  19. I've recently came into possession one of the oldest and rarest bass I've ever played. Yamaha SB-75. This was a precursor to the Super Bass Range and was made between 1973-75 Back in the 1970s this was the most expensive bass Yamaha made, and cost 75,000 Yen, which at the time was around $700. The styling, build quality and materials are incredible, and it sounds like a dark blend of a jazz and p bass, very good for harmonics, deep lows, mids and very clear treble tones. Any love for this old Japanese girl?
    2 points
  20. What a voice it was
    2 points
  21. Rewind - Martin Herrick. He's a member here but I can't remember his username. https://www.herrickpickups.com/ He made the hidden front pick up in my Psilos bass.
    2 points
  22. The 1528 is a 2 x 15 cab which is surprisingly easy to move as it has wheels on the base and recessed handles on the top... Please contact me for anymore pix/info Pick up only... 20221030_133720.heic 20221030_133656.heic 20221030_133842.heic 20221030_133802.heic 20221030_133756.heic
    2 points
  23. I had a fretless RA Mouse and was convinced I'd found the perfect short scale fretless, until I played @wrinkleygit's SS fretless built by our own @Jabba_the_gut. So convinced by that bass was I that I've sold the Rob Allen and if you pop over here... ..you can see the fretless (and fretted) basses he is working on for me. Never in life did I think I'd find a bass better than the RA but the Jabba built fretless beat it, only just, but it was discernibly better. Keep an eye on the thread and see what you think.
    2 points
  24. So i decide to Go with macassar ebony and in the end decide to use regular single coils Pickups
    2 points
  25. Icelandic contemporaries of KUKL - PURRKUR PILLNIKK - 'googooplex'
    2 points
  26. Just for completeness I thought I would post a picture of mine finished ... ish. I have never actually been able to play out loud since I started learning in February and have always used headphones and my audio interface, I completed most of the build a while ago but wasn't able to try it out until my amplifier arrived a few days ago (I ordered a Warwick head unit which took 4 weeks to arrive). The build quality / finish of my cabinet is not that fantastic as I am not really a 'detail' guy but its certainly sturdy, e.g. I just bought a can of black paint and went mental on it and there's a few sharp bits. Obviously I don't have any reference for comparison but for my small room it is very loud and I had to turn everything down a lot (I think I am on the lowest volume the amp will turn down to) , my left ear is still recovering from the test, lol. Its also interesting, playing through a speaker seems a lot more forgiving, I sound better out loud than I do through headphones! Overall I am pretty happy, I don't know how it would compare with an off-the-shelf unit but I enjoyed the build process and learnt some stuff. Thank you to the peeps in this thread who provided the design and the guidance, much appreciated. 😎 J
    2 points
  27. Administrator? Schmadministrator more like!
    2 points
  28. Castration doesn’t just prevent procreation… it calms them down a bit… … it’s a win/win.
    2 points
  29. Certainly; glad to help. Criteria is the plural of criterion; a standard or principle for judging, evaluating, or selecting something. Criteria are the ideals or requirements on which a judgment, evaluation, or selection is based. The plural of criterion can also be criterions, but this is rarely used. Criteria are often the particular requirements that someone or something must meet in order to be considered or qualify for something. An applicant for a job may be evaluated based on several criteria, including their education, experience, and references; each one of these standards is a criterion. Your grade in a class may be based on certain criteria, such as your test scores, your grades on homework and other assignments, and your participation in class. Similarly, a gymnast’s score is based on several criteria involving how well they performed certain moves. The word 'criteria' is often used with the word 'meet', as in : Your entry meets all of our criteria for inclusion in the exhibit. Sometimes, people try to use criteria as a singular noun (in similar fashion as 'data' is sometimes used...), but this is generally considered not the right way to use it. Example: We assess the candidates based on several criteria, and one criterion is that they must have at least five years of experience in a similar position. The first records of the words criterion and criteria come from the 1600s. Criterion comes from the Greek kritḗrion, meaning 'a standard', from kritēs, 'judge', from krinein, to decide'. The word 'critic' and related words like 'critical' and 'criticism' are based on the same root. The word 'criteria' is always used in the context of some kind of decision, judgment, or evaluation. But it’s not only used in official or formal situations. For example, when shopping for a new TV, you may have several criteria for selecting one that include things such as how big it is and how much it costs. Hope this helps.
    2 points
  30. I can't tell you what a special place Cardiacs hold for me. Everything of theirs I have heard is just superb. When I was 16, I had Rude Bootleg on original cassette 😮 and the other album I had was On Land and In the Sea. Sing to God is also awesome. I think my cool factor peaked in 1989!
    2 points
  31. That would be very much appreciated 😁
    2 points
  32. Tannocks P Bass Wafer... with a single layer of cream... 😉
    2 points
  33. It's as if he's going to take a bite out of an enormous chocolate and caramel biscuit! Dang! Munchies now.
    2 points
  34. Levinson Blade have had them since the 80's. I think EBMM started using them late 80's/early 90's, too.
    2 points
  35. I’d say BTN first. Or [email protected] Also - @lee650 is after a template for a 425/1025 pickguard if you could trace yours? Theyre not as templated/available as the 4 string version xxx
    2 points
  36. We had a couple of gigs recently during restrictions that went well. Our next gigs are later in August. Despite the lifting of restrictions I'm concerned about future pub gigs. Loads of people mixing in a crowded poorly ventilated space shouting and singing whilst infection rates soar. Let's see how it pans out over the coming weeks.
    2 points
  37. He did, then he got slaughtered by skeletor Eddie...
    2 points
  38. That is a perfectly good point. The counter to that is infections are rising exponentially and no one knows how that will play out in terms of the death rate in a few weeks time and whether this will help to create a variant that is resistant to the vaccines. I suppose that my point is why are we lifting all restrictions in one go and that (for example) surely allowing more than 67,000 people to attend a football match was criminally reckless.
    2 points
  39. I kept expecting He-man to pop up in the video.
    2 points
  40. because we are talking about the same disease? and possibly the most similar to the UK culturally? The vaccination numbers aren't massively different either. Netherlands vaccine uptake for 18+ (one dose) 82.4% (full 52.7%) United Kingdom vaccine uptake for 18+ (one dose) 87.8%, (full 67.8%) Why wouldn't we want to learn from our neighbours going through similar situations to us? BTW I'm not arguing that the Government did the right things in terms of vaccine procurement, and the NHS has again been brilliant with rollout. I work with people around the world and hear quite a lot of my colleagues experience, it's quite telling to get an email from someone, say in Australia grumbling about their lockdown and compare the mortality rate per 100,000 between countries. We're doing well with vaccines, but we've lost so many I don't feel the need to start beating my chest in some kinda nationalistic fervour over that. It's kinda not the point, but the Netherlands have just short of half the mortality rate accounting for population size the UK has (differing measuring methods excepted)
    2 points
  41. British exceptionalism at its finest… We're all in the same boat mate, it's not a great time...
    2 points
  42. It's called 'Basschat', not 'Bassguitarchat'. Jus' sayin'. 😉 Personally I'm just here for the Kargyraa style of Tuvan throat singing posts.
    2 points
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