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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/11/17 in Posts

  1. And now SSL is live, thanks for your patience everyone
    3 points
  2. ...and actually, I couldn't be happier. It was like working with a psycho, Rainman and a guy who couldn't get off the fence. Huge weight off my shoulders. The first thing they did was remove my admin rights from Facebook, to a band I set up and a page I set up. I'm still shaking my head at that one, but hey-ho. What was I going to do? Remove a couple of pictures? Amazingly, I've had two offers from other bands since I quit less than 90 minutes ago. Clearly doing something right, perhaps the old act were just too stupid to see that.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Awesome stuff from Lalah and Marcus with Poogie Bell on drums. Fantastic groove from Marcus and Poogie. The CD live album is epic.
    2 points
  5. For Sale ONLY - Price Drop £650 This is my Darkglass Microtubes 900. Purchased 30th June 2017 so its just over 4 months old. Cost me £850.00 image of receipt attached. The amp has been used in 6 rehearsals and not gigged. It has been kept in an ali flight case all of that time and is now sold back in its original card box. Footswitch never used. I'm selling because I have gone over to a Demeter which I prefer and I like having my distortion on my board. Priced for a quick sale.
    1 point
  6. Hi All My clear out continues Super 15 silvercloth, better pictures to follow (drum kit available on finance if you are interested). Specs below: http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/super-fifteen.htm Courier to anywhere at cost. Thanks TK
    1 point
  7. To get slim again, simply go to your profile, click on the icon on the left low side of your avatar on the left side too, upload your avatar picture again (or another), use the tool to "place" it, and then click the "save" button. You'll lose 10 kilos within seconds. Better than Waste Watcher's.
    1 point
  8. No-one has posted in the forum since the upgrade I'm guessing and it's confused
    1 point
  9. I'm thinking about doing a few versions of themes to help with things like this
    1 point
  10. We’ve set it like that for new members. For current members we’ll do it too but predict some will be angry about us changing it so we’ll do a postie and set a date.
    1 point
  11. My Eich Amp T-900 knocking it out of the park. Insanely loud and the dynamic response is great fun.
    1 point
  12. Absolutely beautiful cab with original cover. Very reluctant sale but a move to di and in ear forces sale. Yeovil based
    1 point
  13. I emailed Taylor at Iron Ether to ask about the Subterranea. Apparently he has plans to bring it back next year and it’ll be digital. It’s in beta testing at present and the testers prefer the tracking. @GisserD
    1 point
  14. Written on an old blues players gravestone...... " Didn't wake up this mornin' "
    1 point
  15. Ooh, i've not been aware of the Soap girls - like those a lot, thanks!!
    1 point
  16. goodness!! just buy these three and stick them on a Pedaltrain and your sorted for an amazing pedalboard! Wish I had the cash for the Cog and id never noticed the Mobius till now!! awesome multi effect
    1 point
  17. Hahaha. Paul will do for now. This weekend, we/they were due to mix six tracks that were recorded about two months ago. I have contacted the the studio and asked them to remove my bass off the recordings, which is what they're doing. That'll be a nice surprise for them when they turn up on Sunday.
    1 point
  18. Oh beautiful work, Char. You should get a job working with with software.
    1 point
  19. Define "large". You could buy a new, modern, Chinese Hofner for as little as £230: https://www.gak.co.uk/en/hofner-ignition-violin-bass-sunburst/83408?gclid=CjwKCAiA6K_QBRA8EiwASvtjZd1QJw2SdiyxSi4kL9Hf-Tb7sC7MfShpL5yvcCfGfgkX9i-Pv2X9ahoCmasQAvD_BwE That would NOT give you the 5lb lightness or the quality under the hands of a genuine German jobbie - the "sustain block" down the middle adds at least a pound to the weight, the cheap finish is just that, cheap - but at least you're not spending much. Far better IMHO is to buy a genuine vintage one from the late 60s or early 70s. Spend enough time looking and you'll find one for less than a grand, and you won't be spending that money ... you'll be investing it. If you want to try a genuine, all-original 1964 (worth somewhere North of £2000 in today's market) you're very welcome to come round and have a bash at mine.
    1 point
  20. Yeah someone requested it and I used to find it useful so I hit some buttons
    1 point
  21. Fair enough. It was simply that I'm constantly on email and I could see topic replies and decide whether I needed to go to Basschat right away or not. (If that makes sense?!). PM's - the only PM's I found in my email were from a fair few years ago. There was only the link back to BC, not the message itself. Maybe an earlier configuration? No matter - it was so long ago, I can't remember what they were about anyway.
    1 point
  22. The PM ones do, but we had some problems with the latter. As most people will visit to catch up on more than one reply, it's best to look here anyway rather than by email.
    1 point
  23. At the moment I’m trying to get enough money behind me to do a luthiers course because that’s what I really want to be doing but I thought I’d have a bit of fun with the kit builds Yeah this kits off eBay got it for a steal £40 it was listed under “Base guitar kit” so not many people looked at it the neck is straight I will need to sort the frets on it buts it’s all a learning experience but at the end of the day you get what you pay for and you can always upgrade the hardware over time I’ve got a Jazz bass kit that I got off eBay that I’m going to do next it only cost me £70 and the body is better (it’s really light) and the neck is nice a straight and surprisingly the frets are ok on it when I checked it with my rocker and it looks like only 2 need filing a bit If you want a top quality bass then kits aren’t for you but if you just want a bit of fun making your own bass then kits are great Once I’ve got my workshop back up and running then I will do a scratch build of my own design
    1 point
  24. Wow.... check mate! EXACTLY the same thing happened to me a few months back with a band I formed 27 years ago. Pretty much the same 3 character traits for my other 3 band members too....!! They removed me from my band admin rights on Facebook as well.....Freaky!! Sure we weren't both in the same band?!?!? lol! You're right though. A HUGE relief and bigger better things are often just around the corner! I'm now out on the theatre circuit in a much better band and collaborating elsewhere with higher profile and better musicians. The rest of them - same old egos, lies and the sticky-floor club circuit merry-go-round...
    1 point
  25. Thanks Rabbie Leroy Vinnegar sounds exactly what I need. I’m aware of Milt Hilton and Ray Brown but haven’t delved into their recordings yet. I will get on it thanks again.
    1 point
  26. Good effort getting an SSL certificate sorted so quickly!
    1 point
  27. Yeah I really like the SoundCloud embeds! Very useful.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, I had some password issues. Blue I find my Gibson 1991 Thunderbird relatively thin and light. Blue
    1 point
  29. Ooh, Breeders! Cool. good to see you back, btw.
    1 point
  30. My Thunderbird is a real tank so when I picked up my Ibanez fretless it just feels,like there is nothing there at all. The thunderbird will remain number 1 despite its weight and my neck and shoulder issues, I have found that it doesn’t matter as long as I have a wide we’ll padded strap. Even 2 1/2 gigs don’t cause any fatigue for me. I think I could go to sleep with the Ibanez on and not notice it.
    1 point
  31. Sunday night I was at the Alice Cooper show in Glasgow. Missed The Tubes and most of The Mission. The bass player Chuck Garric had a busy night, Halo of Flies was epic performance. About an hour in I spotted a thin dark haired fella in shades behind the curtain and was certain I'd glimpsed a spangly bass. Had no idea Dennis Dunaway,Neal Smith and Michael Bruce were doing the Reunion segment outside the US. What was already a brilliant gig just got better.
    1 point
  32. Hi, is this still available? I'm very interested, and have the cash ready, if you're still selling. Thanks
    1 point
  33. Oh no you used "ohms" instead of Hz, TimR will be all over you, lol.
    1 point
  34. Your head is stretched btw #constructive
    1 point
  35. Feedback is fine. The unconstructive whingeing isn't
    1 point
  36. Honestly, I don't mind the feedback. I know there are things to clean up and sort and I'll do all I can, if I still had hair I would be pulling it out. Thing is though, I saw this forum software before all the issues and once the performance cracks on it'll fly along and is a lovely smooth experience. Some stuff I didn't anticipate I'll try to add in as long as it doesn't clutter things up or slow it down too much. The nicest thing for everyone involved will be the fact that now we have supported software where we're in the driving seat, if there's a popular feature that people want then we can look into that! Ultimately, we love the forum and it's the members that make it up, it's nothing without our community after all.
    1 point
  37. Quite right, too. Providing a free community for thousands? How dare you!
    1 point
  38. For the first couple of days I did exactly that - however one sure way of posting something that gets missed is to pin a thread. People never read them. That's why i also made it into topics that I hoped people would reply to, keeping it 'current', even posting in Off Topic. But people don't tend to post/reply/get excited by site news threads. Like I said, I did literally everything I could. It would have been much easier for us to have migrated at the end of Oct but we held off specifically to give people time to back up. And again, sorry.
    1 point
  39. FWIW, I got the 'You'd better save any important PMs just in case' memo, and I hardly pay attention to anything.
    1 point
  40. The old software stopped being supported in 2014
    1 point
  41. I put together a comparison vid of the overdrives in my pedal drawer at the moment, thought it might be on interest. Absolutely use headphones or decent speakers please Recorded with my custom US Lakland 44-94 passive P/J (both pickups on, tone up full), slightly gigged 45-105 Lakland strings and a Dunlop 1.14mm pick. Riff played into a TC Electronics Ditto, looped and recorded into a Focusrite iTrack Pocket after the pedals. Pedal order is: -COG Mini 66 (custom 'Seaweed' enclosure painted by Claire Cousins) -Schalltechnik Guma Drive (Darkglass Vintage clone DIY kit) -Fuzzrocious Dark Driving (in 'Dark' mode) -Fuzzrocious Broke Dick Peanut Gallery (BDPG) -DHA VT1-Pro-Bass-Drive Preamp/DI (the only Tube pedal here. I just concentrated on the drive section and don't really explore the considerable EQ section) -Fuzzrocious Demon -COG Knightfall 66 (Prototype: Germanium diodes on channel 1, LEDs on channel 2) This isn't meant to be a definitive demo of each pedal, more of an overview and how they compare tonally to each other. Cheers Si
    1 point
  42. About 2 years ago I bought the wood to make a telecaster from scratch. Around about the same time I bought my lad a Squier strat. They cost the same. Two years later my telecaster is nearly finished. It has bought me a lot of enjoyment making it, and to be fair it's not your average telecaster either - bookmatched and carved flamed maple top, chambered ash back, birds eye maple neck, etc. It's been a labour of love. However I can fully understand that people don't have the time, patience or skill to make a guitar from scratch (and believe me I had very little skill when I started! ). A kit is an ideal way to make a guitar your own, to put your stamp on it. It's not always about the end result either - it's the journey and sense of achievement. I will post up some pictures of my guitar when I'm done. I know it's not a bass, but I thought I'd gain some skills on a lesser instrument first. I have my bass in my head and it will be made from scratch - but I can't say when I'll finally get to play it - when it's ready
    1 point
  43. And this is probably the final gloss coat on the top. It is dust buggy free but there are still very fine brush lines from a slightly 'draggy' varnish in spite of it being warmed a touch and using a very fine fan brush. Having said that, I'm pretty sure they will polish out once the coating is fully hard:
    1 point
  44. [quote name='RalphDWilson' timestamp='1510222832' post='3404685'] Outrageously cheap. GLWTS. Sorry I'm not in a buying position - as I don't play with a band any more, I can't justify the number of basses I have at the moment. I love my Finn 4. Could I suggest you change your car instead rather than sell your bass? :-) [/quote] Haha, the Mrs wants me to get a new car too! Thing is it’s a great car when it’s running, just this year has become very expensive for it. Hopefully next year will be completely the opposite I’ve had a few trade suggestions which are more along the lines of a straight swap, sadly with my financial position any trade I do would need to be cash plus the item in question, hence the suggestions have all been less than half the value i’m putting on the bass. Straight sale is preferable
    1 point
  45. Just picked up my Series 2 from Jon. Buckeye Burl top with matching headstock faced front and rear , swamp ash body, maple neck and Birdseye board. Electronics are Aguilar DCBs with the East-UK pre-amp. I didn't want a cluttered rear, so no battery compartment but an active/passive switch on the front. The tonal range is huge. I got this after getting a Shuker 2 years back from Cotswold Bass and knew immediately that I wanted to commission something. Oh, and the rear control panel cover is cut from the body wood rather like Elricks or FBass. All round a stunning piece of work from Jon ? David PS - my existing Burl Maple Horn is up for sale here.
    1 point
  46. Just catching up with this build. The top has a nice portrait of a spaniel behind the bridge. Nice work!
    1 point
  47. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1509264517' post='3397574'] can't read and have no motivation to learn but I've asked this question before and nobody answered, how accurate is sheet music? [/quote] As Jay has already said, it's largely down to the skills of the person writing it - the quality of the original recording also plays a huge part, especially if you're trying to decipher basslines. Although I spend a fair bit of time writing sheet music, I'm often appalled at the stupid mistakes that I find in my own charts - ears get fatigued like anything else and it's easy for them to start playing tricks on you. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1509285947' post='3397777'] thanks for that. I guess it depends whether the original composer could write music, otherwise it's down to what someone thinks it is [/quote] The fact is that there are lots of elements other than the rhythms and pitches that contribute to the overall sound of a piece of music, and these are often very difficult to capture on paper; the phrase 'the map is not the terrain' definitely applies to this. Even the most accurate transcriptions will lack some of the nuances of the original performance, because notation can't fully represent every sound that people produce from their instruments.
    1 point
  48. Looks great. Congrats!
    1 point
  49. You mean 'play a passage, loop it, play over the top and hope the drummer is paying attention'? I use a Ditto. Very small. I do find the loop cancel a bit annoying though and put it in an LS2 loop so I can disengage the Ditto, delay pedal and volume pedal with one tap. That's specific to my gig though.
    1 point
  50. The B natural is simply a chromatic approach note to the C. In order to analyse these things you need to have an understanding of the underlying harmony so I have posted the leadsheet for Cannonball below. The phrase the OP is querying occurs in bar 6, the chord here is an Ab major chord in 2nd inversion (i.e. the fifth of the chord, the Eb, is played as the lowest note). An Ab major chord consists of the notes Ab, C and Eb so we can see that Jaco plays a chromatic approach note ([i]B[/i]) to the major 3rd of the chord ([i]C[/i]), then the perfect 5th of the chord ([i]Eb[/i]), then another major 3rd ([i]C[/i]) an octave higher than the first. This major 3rd then becomes the major 13th of the following chord in the next bar: Chromatic approach notes embellish and/or 'smooth out' diatonic lines and you will find them in abundance in any bebop solo, walking bass lines - or James Jamerson line! They can approach the target note from below or above, and may even be 'double chromatic' (i.e. two chromatic notes in a row). I would strongly recommend adding them to your arpeggio practice routine to really get a handle on them.
    1 point
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