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Status Updates posted by Pow_22

  1. Played through the rehearsal spaces ancient Peavey TKO 1x15 combo last night.  With my flats loaded P bass and a DHA Bass Drive pre-amp it sounded bloody wonderful!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. discreet
    3. bassbiscuits


      I had one of these as my first serious amp beyond my bedroom practise thing.

      They're great - they are massively heavy, but even the old thrashed Peavey stuff i've come across in rehearsal rooms usually are capable of sounding half decent!

    4. kodiakblair



      Hellfire !! Those weigh nothing. My recently lightened toolbelt weighs 16Kg :biggrin:

  2. Do old schol thumpy type flats (i.e not Fender/D'Addario bright types) without a completely dead E string exist????

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kevsy71


      @discreet seriously funky playing Sir! What was the HB PB-50 mod...?

    3. discreet


      @Kevsy71 Thanks... that one (v2.0) was just a headstock reshape and a Herrick Alnico Tele 51 pickup upgrade. My most recent one (v3.0) has a Herrick Neo pup, a two-saddle through-body bridge, Wilkinson tuners and a refin in shoreline gold  https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/319730-hb-pb-50-modded-version-30/  and is also strung with 9050M.


    4. EssentialTension


      GHS Precision Flats, DR Legend Flats

  3. Massive Ampeg B15 bargain spotted.....all the way down in newbury tho :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JapanAxe


      Well that's one of the things that weighs on the negative side!

    3. SpondonBassed


      I'll stick with my B3 flip top sim ta.

    4. JapanAxe


      I have aa Ampeg PF50T which sounds great for both gigs and recording, is easy to move about, runs off UK mains without an extra transformer, and doesn't need a re-cap! Also there's not much in the piggy bank at the moment...

  4. That moment you see some gear you want but have to shift old gear first and it just doesn't seem to sell.  Keep checking on the gear I want to make sure its still available aaaarrrrgggghhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheGreek


      Pow....that's been my life story, mate...you forgot to mention how when you have the cash, nobody wants to sell...

    3. discreet


      'When you have the cash'... nope, don't understand that at all. :D

    4. lowregisterhead


      Buy it. Then the lack of cash will focus the mind beautifully on rooting out and selling everything you haven't used for years....

  5. Never bought from Andy Baxter Bass but the 1973 P bass on his site coupled with their Divido monthly payment scheme is sorely tempting me!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pow_22


      the burst/maple right handed one.  replaced pickguard, wiring and knobs but other than that its supposedly original.  I also like the jazz bass on there, again burst/maple/white block

    3. Chewie


      Ooh yeah........ nice.  Really lightweight.  I like the black jazz with the black blocks.......

    4. LewisK1975


      Andy Baxter is one of my daily/weekly visits on the web, always something to make you drool if it's vintage Fenders you're after! In fact, I'm having a look right now....

  6. Finally caved. MIM classic 50’s P bass purchased on reverb last night. The mrs is gonna go absolutely ape! 😬

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pow_22


      good points gents.  I have been after one of these for a while.  Ive always had a lovely p bass in my 78 tokai and as a back up I keep messing with weird and wondeful basses rather than (being a p bass man) just getting a nice back up P!.  The tokai always wears flats and this new one will get grounds

    3. Lozz196


      Which colour, do tell!

    4. Pow_22


      Burst. Always had a thing for the 50s burst/gold/maple

  7. Hmmm, an Ashdown CTM 30 through an Ampeg 410he, giggable for small/medium pub gigs with no PA support?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roger2611


      I used a 30 watt rated Ashdown Little Bastard with my Markbass 2x10 and 1x15 cabs for a single gig, I found it was nowhere near loud enough and switched back to the Markbass head at half time, I have to say I was disappointed as we were much liked by pub landlords as a decent covers band who didn't play too loud! So the fact it couldn't even manage a pretty restrained covers band gig in an estate pub meant it was not going to be any good at all for bigger gigs

      The amp went back the following day!

    3. TJ Spicer

      TJ Spicer

      If you don't mind it being gritty it may do the job. You probably want more like a 50w amp to not sweat about it though. T

    4. goonerjoe


      Like Roger2611, I tried using my LB30 on a few gigs but it was nowhere near loud enough. I have a CTM100 (for sale on this very forum) that does the job admirably though.


  8. Who says flats cant go on a jazz!?!  They go on EVERYTHING for me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phill


      Got my Optima flats on my old Jazz, Smooth :)

    3. jacko


      "Who says flats cant go on a jazz!?!"  no-one. it's an urban legend - just like saying a swan will break your arm. No documented evidence anywhere (swans or flats)

    4. EssentialTension


      From the inception of the Jazz Bass in 1960 until the mid 1970s, Fender fitted flatwound strings as standard.

      Jazz Bass with flatwounds and a plectrum, was a very common sound throughout the 1960s and 70s.

      If someone doesn't like it then that's their business, but to say it can't be done is stupid.

  9. Stuck picking a cab to go with my Orange Bass Terror - Orange OBC115, Orange OBC410 or Ameg 410HE??????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pow_22


      not a BF fan im afraid, tho have never tried their 2x10

    3. Bigwan


      Totally, TOTALLY different from the 12" cabs. Sounds like a miniature Ampeg fridge. Haven't played a Terror with mine, but knowing the Terror as I do (I've had 3 of them!), and knowing how the Two10 sounds with the other amps I've had (Ashdown ABM, CTM15 & 30, Mesa Walkabout, Ampeg PF-50t) I'd say it'd be a match made in heaven! Certainly worth trying if you get the chance.

    4. grimbeaver


      I have an orange 115 doing nothing, its in black and has never been gigged mint condition, am only in blackburn if you want to try it out

  10. Mani selling off a load of gear at Hanks on Denmark street.  Love that Ric 4005 but over £3k for an Epi Jack Casady just as it was his?!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duroc17


      I guess he doesn't need it now Roses have finished again - unless Ian Brown has another messy divorce! 

    3. GazWills


      haha - i imagine he's already spunked the £2 million advance for the reunion gigs and needs to sell them for petty cash...

    4. Duroc17


      yes apparently he didnt know the advance was going in and went for some milk, went to an ATM, saw the cash and then went on a 3 day party!

  11. Kept it simple last night.  My 1974 Precision straight into a 1966 Ampeg SB-12.  Beautiful beautiful tone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. discreet


      There you go, that's all you need. But according to Basschat wisdom, a Harley Benton P Bass and a Peavey TNT combo would have done just as well. xD

    3. Kevsy71


      Sweet! Flats, perchance?

    4. Pow_22


      Flatwounds. Absolutely, its the law isnt it? :)

  12. Desperately trying to find a drive pedal to get me that tone in The Fratellis song Halloween Blues! What a tone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pow_22


      Ive studied his gear in a bit of a geeky way.  Obviously I don't know studio wise but generally he uses a flats loaded P bass through an Ampeg valve rig.  I would guess there is a few thousand pound worth of studio gear that is certainly helping :)

    3. discreet


      Let's forget the studio gear! I reckon some time spent with a VT Bass would be well spent. In my opinion it does that SVT thing really well. And it doesn't even have any valves in it. ;)

    4. Lozz196


      Yep, VT Bass is the daddy for replicating trusty Ampeg tones.

  13. Anyone used the Maruszcsyk own brand flats at all?  Looking for thump (not modern Chromes type twang) but NO dead E

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      I've not used Maruszcsyk.  I can however second the recommendation for Picato flats.  I have a DBE set of them on my Steinberger Spirit.

      Whump diddy bump diddy bump olé!

    3. Pow_22


      I do like picatos but I always find its a compromise - for thumpy old school I always struggle with a dead E, a lively E usually means using the brighter flats like Fender or Chromes :(

    4. SpondonBassed


      Mixed set then?

  14. Todays amp gas - Mesa 400 Bass (not the + version mind)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      My advice?? Try one and get over it - every Mesa I've tried has disappointed me...

    3. mart3442


      400+ is a great amp, used mine for years.

    4. nugget


      i've just 'picked up' a mesa buster 15" combo and it's incredible! i do love the mesa tone, currently got a walkabout and had a M2000 but finally i've got the real deal. Real tone comes at the cost of weight!

  15. NBD - 1978 Tokai Hardpuncher (burst/black/maple) THE best P bass ive ever played.  Just stuck my usual flats on and WOW!  Pics and thread to follow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jono Bolton

      Jono Bolton

      Pics, immediately

    3. Pow_22


      Only one pic of her at the mo, seen here with my 66 fliptop. Usual flats are Elites, lovely strings


    4. Paddy515


      WOT - no covers!!!

  16. Really digging some Blondie basslines in this lockdown. Nigel Harrisons tone in Dreaming in particular is lovely. Definitely flatwounds right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Born 2B Mild

      Born 2B Mild

      I have not had the pleasure of seeing Blondie live and in person, but I have seen Nigel play a few times in his previous band ...Silverhead.

    3. SpondonBassed


      "I have seen Nigel play a few times in his previous band ...Silverhead. "

      Oh yeah:

      Thanks for the tip.  I learned something from that.

    4. Phil Starr

      Phil Starr

      Blondie set list, that's not a bad idea, love Clem Burke as well, rhythm section rules.

  17. Hmmm, do I sell my Ampeg V4B to fund a Mesa BB 750? o.O

    1. discreet


      No! You'll regret it. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life...

    2. charic


      That's a difficult one, sounds like you would need to A/B them first!

    3. discreet


      Probably best. Haven't heard the Mesa, but it's going to have to go some to sound better than a V4B. In my humble opinion, of course. :)

  18. Took my Orange Terror Bass MK1 to rehearsal last night to be met with the studios in house Ampeg fridge.  Excitedly plugged in.......pure mud :(  Ordered some rounds to help (this band doesnt suit my usual flats) and may look at valve changes in the OBT.  Very disappointed 

    1. markbunney


      I had the original MK1 amp for around 12 years, then all of a sudden I stopped liking the sound of it. It also sounded very muddy, even with new strings, treble turned up etc etc. Not sure if the amp had changed, or just my ears/tastes changed but I ended up selling it.


      I then ordered one of the new MK2 amps, and I didn't like that either so it went back.


      I still have the SP212 cab, but bought an Alpha Omega 500 head to go with it

    2. gjones


      Those amps are not flat with the knobs all at mid point. Try putting the bass at zero and the mid at max, then add bass and treble until it sounds decent.


      I use one of these at a venue I play at regularly and I have to boost the mids and take the bass down to zero to get a usable sound onstage.

    3. gjones
  19. The last rehearsal with my Ampeg V4BH before it goes up for sale to fund my latest bout of GAS :( 

    1. discreet


      Eeek! You're going to miss that, for sure. Bad time of year for me to be buying stuff otherwise I'd have that particular goodie. How about I take it as a gift in the spirit of the season..? :D

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Oh no. GAS strikes again! What have you got GAS for now Pow_22?

    3. Kevsy71


      Ooh I love mine. Perfect with a P and a Greenboy Dually :)

  20. Just watched the Made Of Stone DVD and currently obsessing over Mani's live tone both with the Casady basses and the more recent 70's Jazz basses.  Lurrrrrvely tone

    1. bassbiscuits


      What amp is he running them through?


    2. Pow_22


      Mesa Big Block 750 and an 8x10 (x 2)

    3. bassbiscuits
  21. Might be needing a gigging head again soon and the Laney Digbeth 500 is tickling my pickle

    1. TheGreek


      If you're happy with that I'd advise you to stop looking before the whole jar is tickled pink...far too much nice gear available - so hard to choose!

    2. Rich


      Ah, it might be tickling your pickle but is it floating your boat and toasting your crumpet?

  22. Last night I FINALLY got THAT sound that ive been chasing:-

    '78 Tokai P Bass > Flatwounds > Peavey Alphabass > Ashdown 1510hx with a signal being sent FOH via an Ampeg SVT Tube DI box.  Amazing!

    1. boroman


      If you like you stage sound, why use DI? Proper mic will do A LOT better job than a DI, always!

    2. kodiakblair


      Old Tokai P-bass is hard to beat 🙂

  23. So obsessed with Leigh Foxx's live tone on the T In The Park vids from 2011 im starting to GAS for a Sepctor!!! But im a dyed in the wool P bass man!!!!!

    1. lowregisterhead


      It does sound very good though. Big and fat. Give it a try. You might like it!

    2. BruceBass3901


      Good lord that tone is thick

  24. Major GAS for the Squier 70's P Bass.  Black/black/maple with black block inlays mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  25. Unexpected NAD.  Im my quest to downsize from my current ampeg rig - an Ashdown Touring 550 2x10 Combo

    1. SpondonBassed


      I had to check just in case you had woken up with three this morning after a visit from the goolie fairy.

      Now I realise my mistake.

      I like Ashdown.  I hope you get a blast out of yours too.

    2. discreet


      I like combos. I'm a big fan of making things as simple as possible at gigs. Bass, strap, lead, lightweight combo. Set up in less than a minute. Everything flat, turn it up, bingo. Play set. Pack away in less than a minute and gone. :)

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