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Status Updates posted by Dood

  1. Add me!


    All Basschatters welcome - this is my profile that'll only every be about bass, music, my video reviews and magazine columns. It's new and you're more likely to see posts verses my FB Musician page @DanVeallBassist (Which you can also follow!)

    1. DiMarco


      Hey Dan. Dood is the dutch word for dead. I hope you're alive chum. 😂


    2. Dood


      I did know that yeah! And yeah, I am more alive than I have been! Things must be looking up!

  2. MASSIVE Essential bass players and bass lines playlist: (It's collaborative so you can add your own classic bass lines too)

    Spotify Best Basslines Evaaar Playlist! You can add your favourite BASS tracks too! (Currently 374 tracks!!)



    Here's the link if you need to copy and paste it:


    1. Dood


      Can you bump statuses? Let’s find out.

  3. Anyone playing a Cort GB75JH (or JJ)? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dood


      Yeah, I'd go with a white guard on the red JH or black on the black. Or none at all for that matter. As I've a spare preamplifier here, it could be a good donor for some upgrades too.

      I don't have an MM bass in my artillery and listening to the reviews this one (JH) does a pretty good job of sounding alike.

    3. Mykesbass


      I had the earlier Korean model - GB75 JH which I liked a lot (so much that I got Jon Shuker to model the neck on my Shuker 5 to the same dimensions). Didn't get on with the active circuitry. Now have a GB55JJ as a backup, and to have a fretted, roundwound J to be completely different to my fretless flatwound Shuker P. Again, really nice playing bass. Very good B string on both.

    4. dub_junkie


      Had a pair of GB75JH models. Both in trans black and both sold on here earlier this year. Missed the general vibe of those basses after they went so picked up a trans red GB74JH last month. It’s the cheapest bass I own but I like it out of all proportion to its value. Great instruments (I also own a flame maple GB94 with binding and blocks which is another fave rave of mine)


  4. Seriously people, stop selling such nice instruments at a time when I can't get an appointment to sell a kidney!!!

    1. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      What have I missed? 😂

    2. andybassdoyle


      What scale length is the kidney?

  5. Please may I have seven more follows on my (new) YouTube page so I can finally get past 100 subscribers?


    This is my own page, which is rather empty as all of my gear reviews are hosted on the Guitar Interactive Magazine website and YouTube channel @GuitarInteractiveMag

    So, mine is a bit empty. I'm starting from the ground up and need your help :)❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Dood


      Yessssssssss! I’ve been composing music for my channel!

    3. Teebs


      Done :) 

    4. Dood


      Thank you Teebs :) Cheers!!

  6. I was just about to list a bass for sale. I looked at the pictures with a heavy heart. So, I didn’t press the “post” button. I’m going to bed instead.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bigwan


      Wish I had the reddies. Always fancied a Status 5... 

    3. Teebs


      Good luck with everything @Dood


    4. E sharp

      E sharp

      Didn't know you had one of those Dan

  7. CoronaVirus Gear Sale? - How many of you are considering or are already selling bass gear because of financial losses incurred by not being able to work?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mcnach


      Not yet, but it's a possibility. It's very likely that we'll struggle to gig with the frequency we used to, and I was already getting a little 'bored' with a lot of the gigs we used to do, so I'm rethinking my 'musical future', to spend more time writing and recording with others and less live stuff (certainly fewer projects), and switching my attention more to other activities that are more financially useful to me (computer based)... 

      I've already completely rearranged my 'home office' to be more work and a lot less music, as I'm working from home these days. I think I might sell a bass or two and cabs that I don't need and put a fridge and a nice espresso machine in the room instead... 

      I had a good run, but I think I want to spend more time visiting family and travelling when I have proper holidays, and work more from home.

    3. LukeFRC


      If you are thinking of selling off because of revaluation rather than financial need - consider waiting a year. 
      too many basses glutting the market will push prices down and there’s probably going to be some folk selling off basses because it will mean they can eat. 

    4. mcnach


      Yeah, not a good time to sell. I was about to sell my Audi A3 just before things got complicated... and looking at the market, there's a lot selling but I see the same things again and again, I don't think there's many people buying. 

  8. Nearly all of the back issues of Guitar Interactive Magazine are available for FREE to read covering over 300 HD Bass video reviews I have recorded.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dood


      Hey no problem @JapanAxe! I'm just trying to spread the bass love! Would be good to share as I am hoping these reviews offer a great resource. Just want people to know about them!! 

    3. SpondonBassed


      What a trooper!

    4. Dood


      I'm going to see what I can do about making it easier for everyone to access the reviews (and of course know about them) - I just haven't figured out how yet as my mind has been elsewhere for a while. Maybe a decent signature?

  9. So, the ever present question: Do I sell all these bits of kit that I don't actually use anymore, or keep them on the off chance that a band (job) might require them in the future. I could do with the cash frankly, but the value of the kit could mean that if I buy again in the future, I could end up paying more in the long run. Hmmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Owen


      I have come to the conclusion that the stuff we keep "in case" is 90% redundant. Whenever I do get called to do anything, as soon as I get jiggy with esoteric bits of kit I get a look from the producer or keys player that says "do what you do well and we will do all that fiddly stuff".

      But which 10% is not redundant?

    3. skej21


      Need money + have gear not in use + gear is worth more money now than when you bought it = Sell it

    4. Hellzero


      My father has a barn full of just in case things. Hope I'm going to die before him... Don't want to move, sort or sell all these things...

      I remember some years ago when I started buying all the good deals I was seeing. I ended up with my two cars garage full of boxes of high end hi-fi components, instruments and amps. Sold everything and made a lot of money as lots of these things were bought for peanuts.

      If you don't use them, sell them and use the money for what you really need.

  10. Right! Time to sell a couple of good solid non-D Class amps then! Expect an advert or two tomorrow!

    1. LukeFRC
    2. Mykesbass


      Good luck with that - hope they are more popular than the one I listed (now where's that tumbleweed emoji...)

    3. Dood


      I hope I have set the prices low enough to sell. They've been safely stowed in my cupboard not getting used, so they should really go for a bargain.

  11. The EABB - East Anglian Bass Bash.  Come give it some support!


    @jonunders tagged.

  12. You know that feeling where you contemplate selling everything you really don't need and keep the bare essentials? Yeah, something like that.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Daz39


      Noooo. You just need a bigger house, or an extension, or trade away a child. Any of those is acceptable surely!

    3. Dood


      Oh mate.. I DO need a bigger house WITH an extension. Tough one on the kids actually. I kind alike them both. Maybe I could get the older one to do some Saturday work on the oil rigs to bring in some extra cash. Possibly a bit on the little side to operate the cranes and the like though.

      Anyone know the lottery numbers coming up??? Or has won the lottery and not sure what to do with the odd 100 thousand? lol 

    4. mangotango


      It's worse than that for me.  Sometimes I end up in a bad place mood-wise, which results in feeling like I should sell all the gear I have and then start again from scratch.

      Inevitably, this happens in moments of deep, desperate, despairing dissatisfaction with my sound. Don't judge me - we've all chased tone dragons, I'm sure.

      Thankfully, most times I manage to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater and keep a vaguely sensible head on my shoulders. 

  13. Watch the Chernobyl TV mini-series. If you are 40 or over, you will probably recall seeing the news when you were young. You will want to see this series. It is very, very good. Moving and true to the events that shook the day and following years.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. GisserD
    3. dazza14


      Fantastic show, I'm currently on episode four of five and it's superb.

    4. GisserD


      Watching episode 2 now. Its spine chilling! 

  14. Review the EBS HD360 Anniversary Model Dan? Oh, well go on then!! 

    1. LukeFRC


      so many likes

    2. Dood


      I was quite excited when I had the message, rumour has it EBS only made 50 of them

  15. Wow! Helix LT is back with vengeance, I think my HX Effects will go up for sale with some other kit tomorrow!

    1. LukeFRC


      where was it?

    2. Kev


      Hit me up with a price if you do Dood...

    3. Dood


      PM'd you Kev


      Advertised in the marketplace!

  16. EAST ANGLIAN BASS BASH discussion here: 


    PLEASE get involved!!

    1. Daz39


      Does everyone who turns up have to play only Flat?

      *I'll get me coat*

  17. Excited about a new band that is finally tracking album songs! They sound so much better than the first demos, HAPPY!

    1. SpondonBassed


      One of your side projects D?

  18. The HX Effects delivered! No problems there. Now, about this Helix LT....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dood


      @Bridgehouse Interestingly, LT hasn't been used for anything other than gigging! - I have the Helix Native plug in for recording etc and I practice at my computer. So LT has just gone up for sale!

    3. Bridgehouse
    4. Dood


      I know! Lol

  19. I'll be trying out HX Effects at a gig this weekend. Stand by for updates! 

    1. chaypup
    2. Dood


      I did wonder if I was going to be able to get HX to deal with the complex chains in my LT, but I spent a lot fo time cutting them down, maybe doing away with some of the parallel loops. Through IEMs and FOH I don't think anyone else noticed the slightest difference between the two! Ok, so it took ages to sort out, but I am confident that for this current gig I won't need LT. I also managed to rock up to the gig with just two basses, my stands and one case! I'm really impressed, I think it's staying.

  20. Toying with selling Helix LT in favour of HX Effects.. hmmmm

    1. Dood


      I'll be trying out HX Effects at a gig this weekend. Stand by for updates! 

  21. I've just seen one of the most beautiful 6 string basses I've clapped my eyes on and it's going up on Facebook and Instagram tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      I love a good impulse buy...my bank account doesn't always.

      As HKH says.."pictures?"

    3. Hellzero


      I never put any ad on the social media. 🤣

    4. charic
  22. I'm used to playing my ER Basses with all sorts of effects and goodies and they sound ace. This afternoon however I have been playing my (new) old Precision bass with nothing but me and amp. It sounds insanely good. I even tried out some of the effects that I am used to using live... nope, P bass just sounds amazing without. Really good. It reminds me of a sound I had in my head when I was younger (my first REAL P bass when I was 18). Happiness. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dood


      I'm feeling excited at the prospect of turning up to a gig with a battered old P, but I've got a lot of work to do on some of the sounds that the band uses to fit it in. I do need that low B for a few songs though.

    3. lowregisterhead


      Ah, simplicity is a wonderful thing! Like you, lately I've had a hankering for a 4-string Stingray, which was all I played for years back in the 80's. Unfortunately I've been playing 5's for nearly three decades now, and all the 4's I've picked up over that period (for mainly nostalgic reasons - although I've never had another a Stingray 4, oddly enough) I've moved on again fairly quickly because I missed the low B, or 'the thumb rest' as I call it, too much. It's all in my head, I'm sure of it...

    4. Dood


      I'll be running through my gig sets hopefully next week if I have a chance. The worst case I thinks that I'll need to punch in an Octave pedal when I want those low notes. I could even try out a -5 semitones on a pedal to get the "low B string" (100% wet effect) - which won't sound the same but for the odd part of a song it might work.. but that P bass though... yum!

  23. Ok, so who pipped me to the post on eBay for the ToneHammer pedal? I was about to snaffle a bargain!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Paul S
    3. krispn


      I nabbed one locally and its a fine unit - lot's of old school bass tones lurk within!

    4. SpondonBassed


      Is that not a bit like rubbing Dood's nose in it?


      I really ought to stop stirring it up.

  24. I highly recommend @D'Addario UK's Merch line. I recently bought another D'Addario Polo Shirt and I am reminded that not only are the clothes great quality, but they are always a perfect fit too. They don't just do strings!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dood


      Interestingly one does have a pocket, the other doesn’t!

    3. andybassdoyle


      Is it just an easy one off purchase for their merch or are there any strings attached?


    4. Dood


      Ha ha ha ha! That's niiiiiiiiiiiice!!

  25. Fingers crossed UPS haven't lost something very special....

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. HazBeen


      Spill the beans @Dood, what have the incompetent fools lost? 

      Actually quite bizarre, if you are a doctor, sales rep, footballer you are required to have above average skills in your chosen “career”. Not so with couriers, it appears you need to have zero sense of direction, be nigh on blind, have no sense of responsibility nor any understanding of customer service

    3. Dood


      A vintage bass has mysteriously been ‘lost’. It went missing between being collected (not scanned) and being brought in to the depot (again not scanned) - draw your own conclusions but it has taken way longer than it should to ascertain it’s whereabouts.  The levels of incompetence displayed up to this moment in time are astounding. Indeed I even received a phone call asking if the parcel had arrived, even though said operative had spoken to both the source hub and the delivering centre and neither “had seen it”. 

      There are literally a mere handful of delivery drivers around here I trust. They are brilliant and I see them often. Those are definitely excluded from the torrential outburst I feel bubbling up inside when I think of courier services.

    4. Dood


      Last week:  "It's being dealt with urgently" they say! Chased them today. NOT A PEEP.

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