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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/12/20 in Posts

  1. Aww... I was interested in one of his pedals on Reverb, but he's just switched off his messages. Now I'll never know 😞
    27 points
  2. Title updated for max visibility. We’re putting together a post to pin at the start with all the key facts and names of those scammed.
    22 points
  3. I’ve been scammed by Mick Mason recently. Took 3 weeks to get my money back after a barrage of insults and threats from him. Throughout this, I only ever called him a liar, scammer and nut job after the threats, these are more details of the entire episode. -he told me his daughter posted it 2nd class then gave me a 48hour tracking number for a parcel he was receiving. -When i raised the subject of his holiday home scam, he told me he did it to cover for a friend with cancer. -when I provided proof of a recorded phone call with Royal Mail where I’d had it confirmed that the tracking number I’d be given was never scheduled to come to my address, he told me he’d had the parcel re-routed to him as he was scared I would “damage the pedal and try to claim refund”. Again, Royal Mail confirmed he never had it rerouted. -claimed “Andy Sneap from Judas Priest and Nathan from Inglorious would back him up for not being a liar” -told me he was starting a slander case against me for calling him a liar, gave me fake screen shots of texts from his solicitor claiming he was “going to clean me out” -told me he’d give me £50 extra back if I came to his door to collect my money instead. You know which tone that was said in -after lying to Pablo Rodriguez about when he would refund me, he told me I’d get my money “when he was ready”. -got called all the names under the sun and he demanded an apology from me for calling him a liar -threatened to turn up at my door for a “chat” and told me that “the music industry is a small world and I look forward to bumping in to you so we can have a little chat about what you’ve said about me”... lovely. I believe Pablo Rodriguez is on this forum and it was thanks to him that I eventually got my money back after I raised the subject with him and Mick was then banned from a lot of Facebook groups thanks to the efforts of a Pablo. I’ve kept a full screen recording of the entire Facebook conversation between him & myself so if anyone wants it for proof, they’re welcome to it. There’s an open crime reference number with Leicestershire police that I opened about him. When I mentioned his name I got “oh yeah him” from the officer. i haven’t read all 17 pages of replies on this thread so I do apologise if this has already been mentioned but again, Pablo deserves a lot of credit.
    22 points
  4. Yeah I am talking to him on Facebook. My claim is in with Action Fraud along with the bank. I am happy to put together a joint case/claim with anyone who has been ripped off by the 'man'. Seeing as he is a moderator on some FB groups ( unreal isn't it) and also has friends in others I suggest that people are wary about what they post on there, just make sure it is factually correct to cover your derrière. I have blocked him on Facebook as of this morning so it will all go through bank etc.now. I don't even care about the money, just getting this bloke out of the loop and make him realise that what he is doing is not cool.
    17 points
  5. Hi all, I'm sure you'll be shocked to know but I also recently fell victim to Mick Mason too. I "Bought" a Sansamp Bass pedal off of him on 20th Nov and didn't receive it. Long story short I got all of the usual excuses and delays everyone else did every time I mentioned a refund. However, much to my disbelief he actually sent me my money back after a month of excuses, more than likely because I made a public post calling him out and it started to get shared quite rapidly. I was amazed how many people (some of you on here) got in touch with me telling me that they experienced the same thing and the lies were pretty much identical to what he was feeding me. I'm gutted to find out that there are far more people that have been conned by this "man" than I originally thought and I hope you all get the same result I did in the end. However, if it's any help I do have full convo history/screenshots and will be more than happy to help anyone get this con man exposed and his "bands".
    12 points
  6. Hi all, I have recently had dealings with Mick Mason and, whilst I eventually got a refund, I was convinced it was a scam, particularly as I found details of his previous fraud case online! i am happy to share my story, including screen shots of the messages, and if anyone is going to the Police I am happy to assist. Regards. Jamie Snell
    8 points
  7. So, shocker of shockers! I’ve not been paid so I’ll be pursuing the legal approach I started the other day. I’ll keep you all in the loop of what I can. Cheers all.
    8 points
  8. So I'm letting go of the most stunning bass I've had. Tough decision but I'm downsizing... Catch it before I regret this, I could well withdraw it if it doesn't sell quickly. These don't come up often and there's a reason why - often wait times are around 6 months and £1425 - this is from late July 2020, so perfectly priced for 6 months light use. Totally as new, perfectly cared for, has left the house twice. Sounds amazing for that modern sound but incredibly versatile and easy to use with the pickup selection. Collection if covid sensible or postage at buyer's cost. Comes with Straplocks and original gigbag/case.
    7 points
  9. Just had a random message from someone on FB (will keep in anonymous): "Mick Mason is a Con Artist. I worked for him for 1 year. He owes a hell of a lot of people money. If you get a case going to bring him down, I have all the contact details youl need so get in touch and il do what I can to help you bring him down. He is a scumbag. Last count it was around 35/40 people he owed gig money to. Calculated at around 40k. Some are suing, some let it go. Hes on a 2 Yr suspended sentence." The more I hear bout him the worse it gets.........
    6 points
  10. ACG Finn fretted 5, DFM 5K A/P, Redwood Lace Burl top. Roll on 2021 😍
    5 points
  11. We’re climbing the rankings on Google for any terms related to Mick. Mick Mason scam - #1 Mick Mason Bass - #3 (but new thread name not indexed yet) Mick Mason Sansamp - #1 All good stuff
    5 points
  12. Once again please don’t post things about his hopefully imminent prison time. I don’t want to lock the thread.
    5 points
  13. I have walked out of gigs before because of a clip on tuner
    5 points
  14. Last one for this morning is a nearly complete PPJ5 body front. There's stock left on the outside profile for final profiling and the heel pocket geometry has not yet been put in. This is proprietary Bassworks intellectual property, so sadly I can't reveal that detail to the public domain in picture form. Suffice to say that it's innovative and confers better sonic transfer, joint rigidity, alignment accuracy and structural strength than a tradiational heel pocket.
    5 points
  15. 1992 fender HM bass bit of a fender oddball this one,they didn’t make them for long,I think about 1 years he serial number is N000072,this one is finished in black stone,triple jazz pups with a five way switch,so loads of tones on tap,the volume knob is missing the cap,strung with flats,would ideally like a trade for a precision with cash either way,can post for £20,any questions fire away,and merry Christmas to all!!
    4 points
  16. He's now using Reverb https://reverb.com/uk/shop/gear-garage-5891 I have reported him and provided the link to here and the guy at Reverb seemed semi interested but not really - as long as he's paying, right? 🤷‍♂️
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. Had to nip in quick to get this last weekend............Ibanez Axstar...........
    4 points
  19. Yeah I wasn't going to put it on FB groups but I have today. There are a lot of musicians who have been in touch about unpaid fees for gigs too. So as well as the gear he doesn't sent or refund, gigs aren't being paid for. This guy runs a fairly large organisation and needs to be stopped.
    4 points
  20. Wow.. he’s blocked me and my only connection to him is that I’ve posted about him on FB (without tagging him). He’s properly on the run.
    4 points
  21. Thank God it's a four string, I hate to start a new year in debt! 🤣
    4 points
  22. 4 points
  23. I'd run dual mono. There's no advantage to running one side only.
    4 points
  24. Serious question - anyone who’s been scammed contacted the journalist see if there’s another story about a load of bass players being ripped off now ...
    3 points
  25. I've updated the first post with some info - @prowla has kindly agreed to sum up the scam and add relevant links etc in the next few days, so new members and people who look for info on him online can see everything in one place.
    3 points
  26. 5 minutes of anti-hunt sentiment from our recent Punk 4 The Homeless online benefit for Compass Children's Charity:
    3 points
  27. I'm awaiting some nut slot files and I'll be doing a little bit of fine tuning to my BBPH. It's not unusual for mass produced basses but the nut slots are slightly shallow, particularly on the E and A strings. I need much more pressure to fret the first fret than I should. Just a wee bit of filing and I'll take it VERY slowly. I said in my initial review that the fret ends weren't sharp and they aren't as in cut your fingers sharp but they do feel rough edged to the extent that I notice when playing. So I'll do that at the same time. I've already got a file for this. I've been playing my BBPH exclusively since I bought it and a couple of days back I picked up my modified 2008 MIM Jazz. I love this bass which, after owning well over 100 basses is why I have it. I used it with the same amp settings and it sounded lacklustre and lo-fi. That's with identical strings. The notes seems damped, quickly fading. I then went back to the BBPH and hi-fi and sustain was restored. I did a double check, it was in passive with the tone rolled half off. Such is the nature of the BBPH. Peter
    3 points
  28. In my head, I’m thinking that adding another Mustang split pickup at the bridge would be awesome - mini P/P. Once I get mine, I might have to make this happen.
    3 points
  29. Haven’t you heard, he’s too busy gigging, unlike us keyboard warriors!
    3 points
  30. Please do use it all you want. I can provide screen shots and screen recordings of the entire conversation for you.
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. 3 points
  33. I now have a Midwestern (with flats and single coil p/u for old school thumpy) to add to my "The Grand" (rounds, humbucker, 3 tone settings including fuzz circuit). Both short scale. Yum
    3 points
  34. If it's not already been suggested, surely Facebook should be alerted that a convicted fraudster is involved in using their service to run an equipment buying/selling page and that he's using that position to cover up complaints about his criminal activities from the people he's ripped off.
    3 points
  35. An act of benign lunacy All 12 charts are up there now 1. The Eve Of The War - 1. The Eve Of The War – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 2. Horsell Common and The Heat Ray - 2. Horsell Common and The Heat Ray – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 3. The Artillery Man and the Fighting Machine - 3. The Artillery Man and The Fighting Machine – Bilbo's Bass Bites 4. Forever Autumn - 4. Forever Autumn – Justin Hayward – Bilbo's Bass Bites 5. Thunderchild - 5. Thunderchild – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 6. The Red Weed Pt. 1 - 6. The Red Weed Pt.1 – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 7. Parson Nathaniel/The Spirit Of Man - 7. The Spirit Of Man – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 8. The Red Weed Pt. 2 - 8. The Red Weed Pt. 2 – Herbie Flowers – Bilbo's Bass Bites 9. Brave New World - 9. Brave New World – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 10. Dead London - 10. Dead London – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 11. Epilogue Pt. 1 - 11. Epilogue Pt. 1 – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites 12. Epilogue Pt. 2 - 12. Epilogue Pt. 2 – Jeff Wayne – Bilbo's Bass Bites
    3 points
  36. An update needed on this one. It has been a joy to play over the last month or two, but I have come to a few realisations and decisions. 1. Untreated Wenge as a fretless board is not something I would consider doing again. It is too soft given the marks even my Cobalt Flats have left. 2. The neck is almost perfect, but I’d like it to be a little slimmer 3. I am very used to lined fretless, to a point that I wish I had stuck with my original plan and had gone for a lined neck So what to do? Well.... next week I am going to redo/mod my neck and end up with a lined fretless, Gabon ebony fretboard, slightly slimmer neck. Shouldn’t take me too long, so watch this space...
    3 points
  37. I don't think that we should be too quick to contribute our money to cover off the scammer, unless/until it is apparent that he has got to the point where he absolutely cannot refund. However, should that point be reached, I would gladly chip in too; it passed the point of being about the money when he started insulting me, trying to intimidate me, saying he would come to my house, threatening me, posting sarky comments on my FB content, trying to control me, and all the other guff.
    3 points
  38. Santa came yesterday in Italy with a brand-new BBPH! ☺️
    3 points
  39. Final post for tonight folks. Stay tuned for more soon! This is the detail of my 3D headstock plate meeting with the fretboard. The Surf Green PPJ5 sports a Nitrocellulose Surf Green painted neck, satinised down to P3000 for a super-slick fast playing surface. Sort of inspired by Larry Graham's all white painted bass. Please feel free to ask any questions Bass chatters!...
    3 points
  40. That’s because you keep buying massive pedals!
    3 points
  41. Exactly. Went inside for obtaining property by deception, has ten prior convictions including counterfeiting and dishonesty offences, and has just been convicted of five charges of fraud and two of falsifying articles and was sentenced to 162 weeks, suspended for two years on 15th January this year. Yet this thread has tarnished his good name? There's not enough laughing smilies to try and express this clowns comedy genius.
    3 points
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