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Who pays for rehearsal room if 1 person drops out?


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My initial response is , yes, he should pay. Why should the rest of the band be out of pocket, because he can't make it ? Granted, emergencies can happen at any time, but again, that's not the fault of the band.

Having said the above, I suppose it would depend on a few things :
1. Does this guy make a habit of pulling out of practice at the last minute.
2. The type of "emergency".
3. The general attitude of the band members.

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Other than during cash-flow emergencies we just cover the cost of the room between the people that are actually there so in this case the guitarist wouldn't need to pay. Though sometimes we do just cancel the rehearsal - depends who can't come really & if we desperately need to practice something.

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We split the fee too. If one pulls out, then if we give a day's notice, there's nothing to pay. Like Monday just passed, the drummer texted to say that he is unwell. I texted the other guys to see if they wanted to still go, but then texted the rooms to cancel.
Sometimes just the 3 of us will go & use it to write stuff & make a noise. If it's non refundable & we don't go, then we all pay.

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In my latest project the singer / songwriter won't let me get anywhere near contributing towards rehearsal despite my best efforts... He also seems to feel the need to provide a buffet of sandwiches and snacks, alongside beer and a selection of soft drinks... :blink:

Edited by CamdenRob
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I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times:

Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present.
Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1
Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2
Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs

At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth.

Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly
Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself.
Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time.
Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs.

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[quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471438428' post='3113042']
No band rehearsal tonight because guitarist has just messaged everybody to say he can't make it. He's offered to pay for the rehearsal room. Does that seem fair? Or should everybody pay their usual share - collective responsibility, and all that?

I'd say that's very nice of your guitarist - he realises that people have arranged their time around the rehearsal and he's put them out. What a nice chap.

I'd say decline his offer and split the costs as usual - it's nice to be nice...and things do just crop up sometimes.

If it becomes a 'thing' then have a talk about it, like a bunch of nice people should

TL;DR Be nice, split the costs...um...be nice.

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I think he should pay. He agreed to the rehearsal slot. We don't know why he can't make it but he has done the right thing and offered to pay. I'd take him up on the offer. Like some of the posters, I've had experience of last minute cancellations due to all sorts of cataclysmic reasons and, unless people are going to pay, there's nothing stopping them from just deciding not to do it. I suspected that in many cases it was more likely that they couldn't be bothered, didn't want to pay, got a better offer OR had not learned their parts.

Genuinely not suggesting that's the case with your guy of course. Take the money and run baby

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[quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471446378' post='3113118']
I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times:

Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present.
Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1
Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2
Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs

At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth.

Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly
Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself.
Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time.
Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs.

Guitarists wife sick sounds a bit like dog ate my homework in that context.

I'd be thinking about cutting and running as this is not a very healthy bunch of people to be near 😉

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[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1471439427' post='3113047']
My initial response is , yes, he should pay. Why should the rest of the band be out of pocket, because he can't make it ? Granted, emergencies can happen at any time, but again, that's not the fault of the band.

Having said the above, I suppose it would depend on a few things :
1. Does this guy make a habit of pulling out of practice at the last minute.
2. The type of "emergency".
3. The general attitude of the band members.

good response.

I've been in bands where the 'culprit' would pay for it. In my present and longest-serving band, we just absorb it on the next one and we all pay. That's because it's a rare occurrence and nobody just blows off practice without a reason in a way we need to cancel.
More often what we'd get is that a member cannot make it... but provided it's not the drummer (or myself sometimes too), we still go ahead. We have 3 guitarists, one of which is the main singer but another also sings, a trumpet and a sax player... we still get lots done if one is missing. Our 'practices' comprise both rehearsing new songs and jamming/coming up with new ideas and developing them... so not everybody needs to be present.

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[quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471446378' post='3113118']
I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times:

Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present.
Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1
Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2
Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs

At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth.

Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly
Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself.
Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time.
Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs.

That's quite a run! :mellow:

Unless I really really really liked that band, I'd be looking elsewhere... sounds like it could be fun people to hang with but I'm not sure it's looking very promising regarding getting gigs, and I am not sure I'd trust them not to have to cancel gigs too often.

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Im with mcnach i wouldnt be putting up with a lot of that myself especially when pulling out on the day with no prior notice
also unless the guitarist wife is seriously ill and needs nursing then why does he have to cancel and 3 times ! ..
it doesnt bode well for the future ..
my mrs would want me out of the way if she was ill !

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Always split.

It's like a subscription fee of being part of a band.

For example if I was to not make this practice then I would settle the missed practice at the next practice. Which means the others don't need to pay more next practice as I would be fronting for current practice and the missed practice.

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It depends - if the rehearsal still goes ahead, then whoever is there splits it. If it's cancelled, then I'd expect the person that had to cause the cancellation (and I assume hire fee because of notice period) to at least make the offer. I guess we'd decide from there. However we do have a small kitty for the band that may cover it, if there's enough spare in it at that time.

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[quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471446378' post='3113118']
I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times:

Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present.
Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1
Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2
Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs

At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth.

Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly
Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself.
Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time.
Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs.

I would kick that lot into touch and find another band, those types will always be unreliable.

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It depends on the band and the circumstances. Normally split equally but if someone cancels for good reason we cover it. Also band members who travel further sometimes pay less (1 band I play in lives 2hrs plus apart). If someone is just late off work then they'd be expected to cover it.

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[quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471446378' post='3113118']
I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times:

Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present.
Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1
Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2
Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs
Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs

At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth.

Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly
Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself.
Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time.
Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs.
Get out of there Dude! they might be people you like, but it doesn't look like there's much mileage in the band with this sort of rehearsal history.

We've always split the cost between the members who turned up and not asked the missing person to pay his share the following rehearsal, mainly because it doesn't happen very often, so when it does, we tend to believe that it is genuine.

But eight week's ago, we took on a second guitarist who was a friend of the drummer and because we had gigs lined up, we decided to leave the set as it is for a while to give him a chance to get up to speed, anyway, said guitarist failed to turn up for his audition (wife working so he had to look after the kids), he didn't bother telling us, we had to call him to see where he is.

He turned up the next two weeks, then missed the following rehearsal, again, not telling us in advance, turned up the following week an hour late for a TWO hour rehearsal making out he thought it was 7-9pm instead of 6-8pm which was agreed by all of us the week before, next two rehearsals he just did not show, again, no call to let us know.

In eight weeks with us, he attended just three and a half rehearsals but actually played FOUR gigs with us and getting an equal share of the fee, not once did he pay his share for the rehearsal room when he didn't show, to make matters worse, the rest of us didn't really need to rehearse because we already know the set well, we were only rehearsing for his benefit.

During the gigs, he just winged it as he didn't know the songs properly, volume turned down, watching our other guitarist and myself to see what came next etc..

I guess we should have got rid of him long ago, but after this weekend's gig, we decided enough is enough, and sacked him.

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Pretty much every time we had to cancel whoever caused the cancellation will offer to pay. I cant remember a single time when the offer was accepted, and the float payed the bill. We are a 5 piece, and the room costs £35 quid, we each put a tenner in every time we practice.

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[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1471439427' post='3113047']

3. The general attitude of the band members.


[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1471441083' post='3113069']
In my latest project the singer / songwriter won't let me get anywhere near contributing towards rehearsal despite my best efforts... He also seems to feel the need to provide a buffet of sandwiches and snacks, alongside beer and a selection of soft drinks... :blink:

can I join? ;)

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