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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/02/24 in Posts

  1. After many years of owning precision basses and churning through them I think I’ve finally found one that might be a keeper…. Its a Fender American Vintage ii Precision Bass, it just hits the mark of what I’ve always been yearning for sound wise but struggled to obtain previously - to say I’m very pleased is an understatement 🙂
    21 points
  2. I've been trying to get the idea of a tribute to Cheap Trick off the ground for years (who?). Absolutely it is a niche market but Cheap Trick have been MY band for almost 46 years and I had to create this tribute as they were never going to call me! Long story short (it started 12 years ago LOL), I finalised the line up of CHEAT TRICK this year with 3 other guys who were massive CT fans... and it fell apart again within 2 months due to issues with the guitarist. In stepped the guitarist from my other covers band who is a technically brilliant player and he got us off the ground, mainly due to the fact he could write out and read the main song structures and was ready for a debut gig in 4 weeks. Sadly he wasn't a fan of the band we were trying to recreate and after a year of waiting for him to actually cop the style of Rick Nielsen, we had to let him go as he just couldn't understand that a tribute should at least be playing in a similar style (he's more Paul Gilbert/Steve Vai), a 1000 notes a minute isn't Cheap Trick! This week, we organised to audition a guy who we knew to be a Cheap Trick fan... BOOM! He walked into the studio and proceeded to run through 30 songs with us, emulating Rick Nielsen's style and chord/note choice to a 'T'. Not only that but songs we hadn't even asked him to look at, that he'd never tried to play, were handled like he wrote them. I have to say that I left the studio space with a grin a mile wide and buzzing to be chasing gigs this year to get out and about. Has anyone else had that Eureka moment or conversely that dread that someone in the band just wasn't the right person and you can't progress?
    15 points
  3. Fun gig in East Grinstead and a lovely outing for my glorious ACG Finn 5 which I keep mulling over selling then taking to a gig and going “fxxk me this is great”. Usual story with Matt starting off with good intentions following the set list only to get distracted and wander off playing songs either I or the guitarist didn’t know 😆 But we busked it and it seems no-one noticed or cared. Until the bar staff had to come and tell us to shut up at 11.30 because we should have stopped at 11…. Knackered 🤣 Edit for a pic:
    15 points
  4. Wixams retirement Village theatre
    10 points
  5. Very rare 1958 (first year of production) EB2 with original case (although case handle has come off). No breaks, no repairs. All original apart from the pickup, tuners and bridge which were replaced by Gibson in the 60s according to the previous owner. Sounds superb, very underrated basses and they really are a lot more versatile than a lot of people think - you can get a lot more than Jack Bruce out of these basses! Pickup greatly preferred but can post via UPS if necessary. More pics here: https://ibb.co/GJRxK7y https://ibb.co/QfCz2VJ https://ibb.co/VDbwF9h https://ibb.co/JtZ5fCG https://ibb.co/Gs4F6xw https://ibb.co/236RZvJ https://ibb.co/xHk987K https://ibb.co/J2P90GP https://ibb.co/XzMYvVJ https://ibb.co/s2XySJt https://ibb.co/pQ3LHXD https://ibb.co/ZYRwpmF https://ibb.co/3s9B9kJ https://ibb.co/n6rLxsy https://ibb.co/6Pd2K7b https://ibb.co/pv3KCkn https://ibb.co/HGH9M6Q https://ibb.co/yPKPy1s https://ibb.co/ww1S5rc https://ibb.co/2djjD8M https://ibb.co/hfdc6Lc https://ibb.co/CJsFXFB https://ibb.co/tK9x0Fz
    9 points
  6. An evening out in Chester with Fine Lines, playing at Telford's Warehouse. Almost had a major disaster, as I went on stage without my hat, fortunately our eagle-eyed sometime tour manager noticed it. Positioning himself at the side of the stage with said head-gear, I was able to wander over allowing him to return it to its rightful location. It makes using a wireless all the more worthwhile! I was really pleased with how we played and we didn't get bottled off, which is always nice. Had a very pleasant brief chat with @lurksalot of the parish, who kindly turned up to support us. Obligatory photo's below. *edit to add, my jeans aren't too long, my legs are too short!
    9 points
  7. Drove to limerick to play a show last night. 10 minutes before the first band started, the place was empty. I thought it was going to be a bust, but ince the first band started the room packed out. Smallest stage ive ever seen. Had to do a lot of Bill Wyman style playing. Great reception, great feedback.
    9 points
  8. I'm out. My oldest bestie came down to stay yesterday for his annual visit. I don't usually drink at all, but to mark the special occasion we went out for a swift Guinness. Several not so swift hours later we concocted a plan to get an online conga/bass thing happening (he has a studio). Checking my email this morning, Thomann confirms that last night I did indeed buy a Hofner violin bass (SE Ignition) and a set of pyramid flats. I'm sure it sounded like a great idea at the time, and you know what? It still does! 😂 Maybe next year...
    9 points
  9. Short notice acoustic gig and I'll take it. "Hi Mr.Daryl! Are you available next Sunday for an acoustic gig? 2-5, outside of kewaskum " I responded with a "yes" and a " thank you" within seconds of receiving the text. My point, I bet some of you guys that book gigs have to wait awhile before you get a response . Daryl
    8 points
  10. Yes I have. People say that about me all the time. It’s gets a bit dull TBH in a parallel universe somewhere
    7 points
  11. Until I wrote all that down, I hadn't realised just how bitter I still am about it, 36 years later.
    6 points
  12. we didn't start the fire ...
    6 points
  13. Beautiful classic bass in great condition. Bought from Jay-Syncro of this parish last year, superb instrument but my dream bass arrived shortly after so this is not getting much playtime and time to pass it on to someone who will give it the attention it deserves. Here's what Jay wrote: "A lovely 80's made in Japan Ibanez Musican bass complete with a Hiscox flight case. This bass is extremely well built and features neck through construction, 24 fret ebony board, lightweight hardware and active electronics. It plays wonderfully with a recent set of Ernie Ball flats and a med/low action. It sounds great! Bad points are it has some superficial lacquer checking/dings/missing finish etc but nothing out of the ordinary for an instrument that has been used for 40 years or so! Also the bridge pickup seems to have a lower output than the neck for some reason. With the pickup pan pot balanced or favouring the neck you'd never notice it, but mentioning for clarity. I have considered modernising the pickups/preamp but IMO it sounds great as it is. A wonderful instrument." The bass is as above, photos attached show the condition and some zooms on the dings. Weight on my bathroom scales is 4.25kg. Happy to arrange shipping at buyer's cost or arrange a meetup within reasonable range.
    5 points
  14. I bet he can only gig on a Tuesday lunchtime.
    5 points
  15. Subdecay Noise Theory https://www.instagram.com/p/C3lvKk9PS7n/?igsh=MW81b3JkZ3YyejFwcQ== https://soundcloud.com/tayste_2000/subdecay-noise-theory
    5 points
  16. I think your English teacher deserves an honourable mention too.
    5 points
  17. I replaced you as bassist last Wednesday. 😎
    5 points
  18. A pristine Yamaha Attitude Limited 3 Billy Sheehan which has spent its life in its case. Yes it has been played but only a couple of times and so has no marks on it. A lovely bass but I just am not good enough to appreciate it!
    4 points
  19. Next up, my absolutely lovely Newport… Such a pleasure to play and virtually untouched really, I just haven’t bonded with it, because it doesn’t fit in with my band. It’s basically new. Mods…. Gotoh GB707 tuners, beautiful hand cut brass nut, CTS pots are now Vol,Vol,Tone. It’s a beast. If you want sub dub low end, this is yer boy. Brand New Flats, oiled fretboard…. It just isn’t being played, and I’m saving up for a Thunderbird. Check that beautiful brass nut out, handmade by Steve Robinson in Manchester. A totally beautiful bass. I’ve spent too much on it….. so you don’t have to. Gator bag included 🤙🏻
    4 points
  20. Sky Arts showing parts 1 and 2 Led Zeppelin In the Light tonight at 10.00pm. Interviews and rare recordings of performances apparently.
    4 points
  21. I have. I was depping in a band that was on its last legs. Two of the band suggested a get together with a keyboard player one of them knew vaguely. Within the first bar of jamming we all hit it off, and it has never been anything less than that since. It was a remarkable moment that has continued. Probably the most fortunate experience of my musical life, I reckon.
    4 points
  22. My 4003 on tour yesterday. The tone through an Ampeg SVT is 🔥 🔥🔥
    4 points
  23. Yeah I think they are just getting going on the Bass front Oli so yeah a 5 would be cool... Ive owned 5 Sires now in between the higher end stuff and they are killer. the last one was a 1st gen V7 5 and the pickups sounded so good I only played it passive. But good lord it was heavy. Natural Ash Maple.. When we sell our house this year and are mortgage free and after a really tough 2/3 years, no man nor woman will have witnessed on Basschat the GAS and basses im going to acquire.. 😆
    4 points
  24. Recent convert to LaBella low tension flats (think they only do the one gauge). Love them on my long scales, but thought they might be a bit floppy on my short scale. Bought a set anyway… Thankfully they feel as great on the short scale as they do in a long scale! Thought I’d mention it just in case anyone else was wondering the same.
    4 points
  25. NASA. That rejection letter really stung. I wouldn't go into space with them now even if they begged me.
    4 points
  26. Great gig at 33 bar in Manchester. Despite feeling like death warmed up with a nasty bug, it was a lot of fun. The first outing for the TC rig…. Absolutely delighted with it, awesome sound, very loud (the sound guy made me turn it way down), very happy with it.
    4 points
  27. A couple of better photos from Friday's O2 Academy gig:
    4 points
  28. So I’ve committed the sin of splitting this baby up and returning the neck to its original owner. What we have is an Ash G&B body nice matt finish, Seymour Duncan Vintage P pup, bridge with spiral saddle threads. £250 posted. Thanks for looking.
    3 points
  29. Ha ha, it's a bit of a bass face Dave The extra money helps I call it " Giggy Cash" lol My goal is to take a long weekend vacation this summer and not have to worry about the cost. Daryl
    3 points
  30. The pedal is great I’m still a little torn between the GR2 and the Mu-Tron. I think the deciding factor will be if I can fit it on my board. I suppose I could always have two boards 👍😂
    3 points
  31. I played electric guitar a bit in high school. Never went any further as all the guys I jammed with (I'm a woman) were awful, terrible, we all sucked. But it was fun making really loud noise. But, I am a Cheap Trick fan, enough so that I wrote a book about my spiritual journey and awakening with them and their music. The synchronicities that have happened to me over the years are astounding. When you find the right person, things fall into place, but that usually comes after lots of visualization and setting an Intention. If you come to the Denver/Boulder area, let me know. I'll try to come see your tribute band!
    3 points
  32. You're a scholar and a gent, hope you have a great time in the band. Hopefully I'll be able to pop along to the odd local show and say hi 😀
    3 points
  33. Cheers @Bill Fitzmaurice & @Phil Starr. I've been doing onstage mixing for small/medium venues for 40 years and I know a lot of the nuances of a fair few venues (shared dimensions). I've rarely used bass bins in the past but then again I generally ran my bass through backline and in 50% of venues didn't use it through the PA; more frequently I'm going ampless and 100% through PA (to monitor or IEM), with a bass bin (or 2) being supplied by another band member. For the last year I've tried to convince the band that 2 bass bins directly under the tops (15" RCF) isn't the best place but I'm battling 3 other opinions with all of their ingrained habits and it isn't easy. The worst situations are the 300-400 seater 'clubs' where subs with poles and tops are placed 7-10m apart at the front of the stage area. I'm trying to show that placing them together off to one side near a wall will improve matters but I don't want to scupper my best informed ideas by making things worse, hence the question re. how close is too close!
    3 points
  34. Pretty much. A few dates I can’t do (like the one Matt forgot to tell me about tonight 🤣) but will be filling bass shoes for most of them. Shame you can’t commit at the mo; in my opinion if you ever want to come back it’s your gig first and foremost 😎
    3 points
  35. We practice an acoustically most Fridays so last night was good to get back in a live room with our drummer, prepping for recording our album.
    3 points
  36. I've just got home from two-and-a-bit weeks on tour, and judging by the way I found the kitchen on my return, I'll be considering myself a dishwasher for a fair portion of the evening 🤣
    3 points
  37. Thanks @LowB_FTW and @AndyTravis. Guitar building is a solitary sport, so company is always appreciated. Apologies that all this is coming in one go. Daily updates would obviously be better, but come cocoa time I'm shattered.... Anyway, up next is side bending. My experience of guitar building is that it's mostly one bum clenching task after another. Each one perfectly capable of taking your expensive 'tonewood' and turning it into kindling with frightening speed. Side bending is definitely one of those tasks. I'm doing it now because I bollocks it up and have to throw the sides away, it also means any work I do on the back is also wasted (since they have to match). So get the bending done now...... I use a bending iron and do it by hand. Ha! Man do take some sh_t photos. No wonder my Instagram followers all share the same surname as me. Some guitar makers take photos and videos that are so beautiful it makes me weep, grown man or not. Me on the other hand, bam! have a bending iron. Slightly out of focus, teetering on the edge of my table. Random other junk lying round. No context, no action, adding no value, other than using up a tiny amount of the planets finite resources...I blame my cheap android phone. Every time i pick it up it makes me long for my old Canon D40 (or even my Canon AV1).... Anyway, learning to bend sides by hand has been really satisfying. I take it slowly, going back to the guitar mold often to check the fit like this: That's what I call a nice fit And done. One side anyway, sleeping happily in the mold. If I get the chance I'll do the other one over the weekend or monday. The cutaway side. The difficult one......
    3 points
  38. First job is gluing the back together. To get an invisible glue line the joint has to be pretty perfect. The best way I’ve found is using a hand plane. For any plane nerds out there, up till now I’ve used a number 4. I’ve just bought a number 6 though which is joy to use, and nearly as long as the back itself. You can see it here with a single shaving it’s taken off from the entire length of the board Joining the two boards together I used the ‘tape method’, which is the easiest clamping technique ever - raise one edge of one board off the table and put tape across the join. Add glue, then put both pieces flat and the tape pulls the boards together. Here it is taped, already glued:
    3 points
  39. Who says FI doesn’t sound like a “proper synth”? Audio-819.mp3
    3 points
  40. Time for the vomit-inducing rig to have two nights out:
    3 points
  41. +1. Against the wall is the equivalent of doubling the sub count, in a corner the equivalent of quadrupling it, compared to well out. It also eliminates boundary cancellations that occur when not tight to a wall or corner. But 'adjacent to the drum kit' is a no go. Not only will you have low frequency feedback into the drum mics but you'll also have acoustical coupling of the sub and drums that creates another feedback loop.
    3 points
  42. Played a Studio 8 session for RTE 2fm today. Got t cplay in the legendary studio 8! Sounded unbelievable. Beautiful EBS Neogorm combo
    3 points
  43. I'm selling my Dyson, it's only gathering dust.
    2 points
  44. I don't think so. Mine works fine, ergo the post is bollox. Also, judging by the spelling, I think @itu has had a few shandies...
    2 points
  45. I would want to be sure there isn't an unidentified safety hazard, or damage that could cause an amp failure that could then damage your speakers. A qualified tech could do this, but if it was me, repairs of flooded gear just don't make sense as they tend to fail later on if it is able to be fixed at all. I don't repair flood damaged gear, there's no way I can ethically warranty such a unit because of all the hidden damage.
    2 points
  46. 2 points
  47. Thought I'd give the bass juice another try (been years) ... And it's bloody lovely 😍
    2 points
  48. A quick look at the back and side together. Nice.....
    2 points
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