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Bros Doc

Frank Blank

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It seemed to me that the pair of them were a bag of nerves and were taking it out on each other. Once the gig was done things miraculously seemed ok.

And loved it when Viz wrote about them, Matt, Luke and Ken - for some reason they refused to call Craig by his real name. 

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22 hours ago, Frank Blank said:

Seriously, is anyone watching the Bros documentary on BBC4 at the moment. It is absolute hilarity gold, really, seriously, tune in.

Thought it was going to be an unjustly earnest look at their success. Now I know it's full of schadenfreude I'll watch it on Catch Up.

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There's a horrible moment, and tragically early in the film, where you realise that the Spinal Tap/Ricky Gervais/Bad News Tour stuff is for real. There was even a moment at which I thought Matt Goss was going to claim that he could play Stairway to Heaven when he was 19 :) 

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On 24/12/2018 at 13:48, Frank Blank said:

I thought it was a Christopher Guest film...

I've just watched it, comedy gold. Some unintentionally hilarious lines that Guest would kill for. Pseudo-intellectual twaddle from the hard-of-thinking twins. Ken was well out of it. Think my favourite part was the almost total absence of any Bros songs.

"Luckily, there were bubbles" 

"You can't play conkers in England". "I can live with that" 


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On 24/12/2018 at 12:25, Monkey Steve said:

I was at school with them - Craig was a great bloke, very bright and I'm not surprised to see that he's made a decent career in music after leaving the band.  The other two were never the smartest tools in the box

Can't quite bring myself to watch it...

You are near me then as I went to Tomlinscote and used to see them in Camberley all the time although they had their long hair back then. 

The other band from around our way at the same time were Breathe who were from Yateley and had a no.2 hit in the States with Hands to Heaven.

Edited by Linus27
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I watched this, quite content to follow the joke, although the 'spoof' seemed to lack a bit of  (well, a lot of ...) the Spinal Tap magic. This evening, I thought to check, and am amazed to find that it's not at all a joke; that they were, apparently, briefly famous (I've never heard of 'em, but what would I know..?), and that there really was a reunion gig..! The laugh's on me, I suppose. :$
As a 'real' film, I don't think it stacks up at all. Maybe for fans of 'em..? I'd have been better served by not checking and continuing to take it as a spoof..! :lol:

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It’s pure Tap hilarity - lots of great quotes. 

Two other things stood out  

- They were a real school band, not put together by a management company. Must be one of the last ever boy bands like this. 

- How absolutely ripped off they were. Sold out stadiums and global number ones - then 3 days after they announced their split, cars repossessed and having to sell wife’s rings to pay the rent.  

(the DVD, not ashamed to say I have - great extra with Ken, became a very successful music manager, probably the richest and happiest of the band now). 

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Made Mrs Mert watch this just now after reading this thread. It was brilliant, you get the impression Matt Goss hasn’t had anyone say “no, that’s a stinky poo idea” for a while. It was like David Brent does rockstar. Amazing.

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Me and the good lady just watched it.  I'll say from the outset that I never found This Is Spinal Tap remotely amusing and to describe the Bros: After the Screaming Stops as being comedy gold is a bit fallacious.  Sure there's some truly terrible dialogue, but this isn't the Troggs Tapes or a documentary peppered with observational Tufnelesques such as, 'These go to eleven.'

I found it very uncomfortable viewing to be honest; have no idea how much of it was scripted/staged, but some of the rehearsal footage reminded me of situations I'd been in in the past ('Is this what it was like in the Johnsons?' Asked my wife at one point.)  Matt Goss just comes over like a mousy-haired and less-astute version of Jamie Redknapp, whereas Luke seems to be a little more switched on.  Both of them seemed to be prone to turning on the waterworks at the mention of family/money.

Sadly, no mention of Camberley life or Ken Craig (hopefully the lad distanced himself from this, but he seems to have landed on his feet).

One viewing is enough!


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