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Love that Trace Elliot sound.


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Just bought ([i]TBH it was a steal!![/i]) a Trace Elliot head from the Amps For Sale section - it's been a few years since I last owned/played through a TE and I'd forgotten how much I loved the tone. Smooth, rich and yet still gives a kick in the ribs to anybody who dares to walk past. Absolute gem of a piece of kit - I'd previously owned a 715 combo which weighed the same as 3 elephants - fortunately this isn't the case with the head which, though a substantial piece of kit, is not so heavy that it's inconvenient to move.

As far as I know TE aren't planning on bringing out a lightweight, class D head for a while. I had been corresponding with Paul Stevens before he moved away - he'd been developing the Class D head but felt that Peavey (the owners of TE) weren't committed to the brand so Paul took his services to where they would be more appreciated.

TE are seen to be a bit "dated" - "[i]80s equipment"[/i] - so as a result are fetching ridiculously low prices considering what you get for your money - I dare you to try one without falling in love with one again.

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TE is just how bass sounds for me. With a return to gigging on the cards I've been trawling round trying to sort a new combo and nothing sounded right. In a flash of inspiration I booked my old Series 6 in for a service, and bingo!

OK, it's heavy, but I'll worry about that when I get old and feeble.

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I want another GP12 SMX at some point. Crystal clear and full of shove, fantastic bass head. As always in these threads I advise people to stay away from the pre-shapes. Some people swear by them, it just turned my tone into an indistinct, mushy, overcooked crapfest. I think this is where the perception of the tone being poor stems from. The EQ is your friend! Using that, I could get any type of bass tone I wanted.

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On the basis of receiving the head this morning I've just gone and bought a 7215 combo - [i]now[/i] I remember how heavy they are!!

[size=1](need to steal the wheels from a shopping trolley later)[/size]

Edited by TheGreek
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Im undecided still on te gear. I find it difficult to get a sound which I like. It's very cutting or very woolly to my ears. I can get a great growl out of it. When I get it right it's great when I don't it's just not right.

My 7215 smc combo sure is loud though, really is louder than much higher rated amps especially so with an extra cab, I guess it's a combination of how there eq' and the conservative rated wattage. I would like to test this theory against other gear a direct a/b, the comments over the years would seem to indicate there is such a thing as "Trace watts"
Seemingly very reliable too even after 20-30 years of use. Although I do also have a old commando too that's got issues! Still very loud though.

The combos are too heavy really due to the awkward size, the separate heads and cabs are more manageable. If you have a light weight cab a te head is still a very good buy.

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Yep, it's '80s-vintage TEs for me too - I've got 2 identical 300W heads, and that pre-set with a hint of compression never fails to put a smile on my face :) (see, there it goes again!). I run mine thru a re-speakered TE compact 1 x15" cab and an Ashdown 2 x 10" with identical dimensions.

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I've owned a Trace combo and currently use a AH350smx head and trace 4x10 at rehearsal room. Very punchy, very loud, but unfortunately has an issue somewhere with either a cone or the amp in that it sounds distorted very easily.

I can get the punch and volume with my gigging orange bass terror but there is something about that richness...

Wouldn't Ashdown doing Class D stuff be the natural Trace successor?

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I`ve never been that keen on the Trace sound, but the amps themselves are phenomenal, so powerful and full-sounding, the combos especially. It`s amazing just how much sound comes out of those tiny little boxes. But then, that`s cos I think they`re like Dr Whos Tardis, they are far too heavy for items that size, I think they must be bigger on the inside.

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