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Status Updates posted by Kev

  1. Mooer 'shroom footswitch toppers - does anyone have a spare one they would bequeath to me?  I need 11 so the 10 pack didn't cut it! 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tony_m


      Is it one of these you're after? If so, ping me your address and I'll pop it in the post as soon as I get chance. 👍



    3. Kev


      Really appreciate the offer mate, but I've managed to sort one now! 👍🏻👍🏻

    4. tony_m


      Cool, no worries. Back in the spares bag it goes then! 😀

  2. Is it me, or is the Classfieds slower than ever at the moment?  Noticing a LOT of stuff hanging around for ages that would have been snapped up not so long ago...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Clarky


      I have taken to putting stuff up on eBay as well. That's pretty dead too. Loads of watchers, no actual offers (apart from the occasional absurd lowball chancer, eg £600 for my vgc black/black/maple US Jazz)

    3. martthebass


      Haven't used EBay in a while, whenever I was buying I always thought pricing was optimistic...agree with Clarky on the 'chancers' though.  Currently selling my JMJ and FB market place is a joke....full of the 'I send handler to collect these item' crowd.

    4. Clarky


      I have given up for now and withdrawn the two basses I was trying to sell on both BC and eBay. Reason being I spend too much time checking in and bumping and - on eBay - answering idiots!  A kind of relief to not keep wasting time ... and I am sure the market will return to something like normality at some point

  3. Well done to those who reported the "too cheap" sales threads tonight, hopefully saved a few people from scams!

  4. Does anyone have a Mono Tick case they aren't using?  DM me!!

  5. Check out my bands new single if you have a minute? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ead


      Enjoyed that.  Right up there with your last album and imho getting better and better.

    3. Kev


      Thanks very much chaps!

    4. BillyBass


      Very good indeed.

  6. In a weird situation where I have £1k-£1.2k to spend on a new bass and I just can't find anything I want in that range 🙃


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eude


      Two options:

      1. Just put the money aside until something appears

      2. Find a luthier who'll build something that you do want, pop the £1200 down as a deposit and save up the balance while you wait for the build to complete...


      Option 1 makes most sense, option 2 is best though, of course.

    3. Chaddy


      I travelled around 300/400 miles to various locations in Scotland/York/Leeds/NE to try out gear that was either in stock else where, or unique to locations. 

      Took me 2 years to spend the money and I'm still not happy as the shielding/ground is still an issue (fking Charvel is doing my head in).  So I feel your pain. 

      I did think about making a Custom bass. - Lambo Orange Jazz, Roasted maple 12' Radius Neck with black hardware and Delano pickups + John East Pre-amp.  (I still do...)

      My list after a long time came down to: 

      And now I'm quite enjoying a Musicman SUB I picked up for £200 quid.... Swings and roundabouts!


    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Firstly, @Ruarlbeat me to my suggestion ;) 
      Secondly, I'm with @eude- if there's nothing grabbing your attention currently, then hang on to the dosh until something crops up.
      Otherwise you may end up getting something you don't gel with.... and sod's law - something you really fancy then turns up!
      option 3 though, is that I'm sure I should sell something ha ha 

    1. ead


      Acquired, looking fwd to a full listen.

    2. Kev


      Thank you mate!  Hope you enjoy!

  7. My band's new single launches today!  Anyone who likes a bit of metal, please jump on the premiere and check it out :) 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ead


      Great stuff.  Thanks for letting me know.  I'm sure a copy will be winging my way soon.

    3. CJPJ


      Love it. Epic.

    4. Machines


      Superb ambience, and good chonk. 10/10 would recommend.


  8. Anyone know of anywhere that has 3 x Cioks 8800 adapters in stock??

    1. RhysP


      GAK have them listed as "In Stock", doesn't say how many they've got though.

    2. Kev


      Two, sadly.  Which would be fine, but I don’t fancy paying a £5 odd delivery charge more than once!

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbuwTUKihE

    New Single release!  Would really appreciate it if anyone wants to check it out! 

    1. alyctes


      Had a listen.  Not my thing.  But good luck with it anyway :)

  10. Since when were musicman bongo basses hard to find?? GAS killing me and I can only see a couple available in the wrong colour 😂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev


      I know, there always seems to be some knocking about, but there's hardly any and they're all wickedly overpriced.  Typical!

    3. martthebass


      Stop whining Kev, they only made 1 bass in fluorescent lavender pink large flake sparkle with competition stripe in 1996 and that went to a dealership in Alaska, you'll have to be less picky lol.

    4. TheGreek
  11. One more sub and we hit 100! If someone could oblige 😂🏻


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev
    3. Grav


      Definitely getting my band mates to check it out too. Love the bit where the singer goes beast mode at 1.10

    4. TheGreek


      Now just need 99 new subs for 200..😄😃

  12. Tomorrow! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3m6vci3sAM (please consider setting a reminder and sub'ing the the channel!)


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DiMarco


      I took the liberty of reposting it on TesseracT's Discord server.


    3. Kev


      Cheers buddy!

    4. Rich


      This is a proper grower. Listened to it again and it's damned fine I have to say. Awaiting more with keen interest.

  13. My band are releasing music on Friday and I would REALLY appreciate basschatter support! Thread here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/453821-awaken-eternity-progressive-metal-new-single/



  14. Looking for an Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe, DM me if you have one to sell!


    Bananana Effects MATRYOSHKA anyone?  Fancy one...


    1. SpondonBassed


      Is that the pedal that adds a syllable to every sound your bass banana makes?

    2. Lee77


      Have one to sell if you want some fun? 

  16. Sometimes dealing with people is truly, truly painful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raslee


      Try being a social worker...i have to deal with people and families.....and animals sometimes!😱

    3. Bigwan


      Hell is other people...

      ...actually hell is other people's children...

    4. martthebass


      I find alcohol or tinnitus is your friend on these occasions...

  17. Sorry, are there really THREE Warwick Dolphin Pro1's for sale on  here?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. prowla


      I'd been wondering if a school of them had swum up the river by mistake...

    3. LukeFRC


      which one are you getting? 

    4. Kev


      None, only dolphin of interest to me is a regular spaced 5 NT. 4s too wide, broadneck is crazy wide! 

  18. GAS for a bass I can't have is fecking ANNOYING 😂

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HazBeen


      Knew it.... 

    3. Dood


      Yeah I'm working through this too.. though I feel I may suffer the consequences through future bread and water sustenance! 

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      GAS is indeed annoying - but it keeps my salivary glands in good working order :)

  19. Fancy some new music? 


  20. First gig with the new band tonight, wish me luck!!!

  21. Trying out for a new band tomorrow...wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hellzero


      Break a leg, as they say in the business. 

    3. Grassie


      Hope it went well. :)


    4. EBS_freak


      Hope you nailed it

  22. PMT are USELESS! 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kev


      I must have missed where I said or even remotely suggested that every member of staff of an organisation was at fault for a summary of 'useless' to be made. FWIW,  a variety of staff on the support pages, email enquiries, telephone enquiries, unspecified bham shop staff and the warehouse manager have let me down, hence my conclusion. 

    3. Kev


      As my signature says, or at least used to say before the upgrade (can't check easily on my phone) , when my font is black it is my own opinion, only in red do I act on behalf of or represent the intent of the forum.  My own view is that PMT have, on this occasion, behaved in a manner I deem 'useless' and I am entitled to that opinion.  Clearly, PMT is useful to other people, just not on this occasion to me. 

      To say I am attacking the organisation is, well, absurd. Feel free to discuss with me by Pm if wish to discuss this further. 

    4. ped


      Bought my first bass from PMT in Oxford. No gig bag included so they put it in a plastic carrier bag lol

  23. Anyone else currently enjoying a bout of amp GAS? Bit of a gear roundabout going on here at the mo, next gig in 4 weeks so decisions to be made!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Chewie


      There could be a stipulation that we don't gig with them, or take them out of the house but use them as a very cheap trial and really enjoy every product out there.   What would that do to the market I wonder?

    3. Chewie


      I just bought a TH350 and I'm over the moon about it.........:biggrin:

    4. JapanAxe


      I have my top drawer amp (Demeter) and my spare (Nano Mark) but I keep mildly GASing over all-valve heads and conventional solid-state heads. No idea why!

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