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Status Updates posted by Rich

  1. When you’re stuck in an airport on the other side of Europe, completely stranded because your connecting airport is shut, the last thing you want to hear from the airline agent is “good luck”… o.O

    1. gary mac

      gary mac

      Are you still there Rich?

    2. Rich


      Got home at 2am today. See my post here:


  2. Ska band's xmas gig this coming Saturday. Been sold out for ages.

    Rhythm guitarist has just tested +ve.

    BoIIocks. :(

    1. TheGreek


      Get him a mask and a bottle of oxygen and play wirelessly from the car park. 🎸🎸

    2. acidbass


      Could have been worse, could have been the bass player!

  3. Happy Rush Day (21/12)!

    1. Daz39


      And at precisely 21:12 it will be the Rush Equinox! 

    2. TheGreek


      Bit of a wait for Happy Rush Year though.

  4. On BBC4 right now: Classic Albums, Tears For Fears 'Songs From The Big Chair'. Ohhhh YES.

    1. gary mac

      gary mac

      I recently dug this album out from the depths of our CD collection and gave it a play. I had forgotten just how good it is.

    2. ProfJames


      Watched that it was excellent.  Their ex manager ran off with money, he used to live near me.  Eventually got locked up for fraud and died about two years ago!  Just thought I would give an update! 

  5. Rancid's 'Time Bomb' is now in the ska band set. I'm a happy camper :-D

    1. bartelby


      Nice! Now try and get some Slapstick, The Broadways or Voodoo Glow Skulls in there.

    2. Raggy


       A firm favourite

  6. Cheap'n'cheerful Thunderbird copy project incoming :)

  7. TOP TIP:

    If you're going to jump off the front of the stage to dance with the audience during your last song, make sure you don't misjudge the height of the stage and end up flat on your àrse. It's not a good look and is quite embarrassing. Errm, so I'm told.

    1. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      At least you didn’t do a Grohl and end up in plaster. Or damage your bass (I hope).

    2. Clarky


      Back in 2006, when I was in a death metal band, our drummer stage dived ... and noone caught him. We spent the rest of the night in A&E

  8. Great gig on Saturday night, only tempered by the fact that by the time I got home my favourite kebab emporium was closed. Gutted, I really fancied one of their large chicken/doner combos. Went to bed with a rumbly tumbly and thoughts of what might have been. Cue the nano-violins.

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Tsk tsk, there seem to be more and more threads and status updates about kebabs on here these days!
      I think it's all Les's fault ;)

    2. LewisK1975


      Brutal, that's happened to me before.  You did the right thing though, straight to bed rather than whatever's in the fridge and some flat coke! 

  9. Further to the 'community?' thread, do any of the Bristol BC massive fancy getting together for a pint and a yak? Maybe even a ruby?

    1. SpondonBassed


      If it's a yak curry I'm in!




      Oh... and near Derby because beer.

    2. Happy Jack
  10. Just been told by HMRC that I paid too little tax in the last tax year. Great. As if money wasn't tight enough already, now I've got to find an extra 30p a month to give them. :( 

    1. martthebass


      I've been hit with that for the last couple of years.....never makes sense to me as I only worked for a single company and they did the figures.  Robbing barstewards....

    2. StuartB


      Do you have a way to double check the figures with a professional? The HMRC are not always right.

  11. Wee bit of fret buzz on the Spector earlier. A tiny nth of a turn on the truss road and it's buzzless & singing like a canary again. God I love this bass.

    1. TheGreek


      Do I need to quote Hannibal Smith?

    2. Rich


      I pity the foo that quotes Hannibal Smith. :lol:

  12. Like an absolute idiot, I sold my Novation K Station a while back because I wasn't using it. Now, of course, I could really really do with it. Twerp. *slaps self*

    And predictably, they're now selling for twice what I let mine go for. 

    *slaps self again*

    1. jezzaboy


      Isn`t that always the way? But it`s what we do on here, buy, sell, repeat! :D

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      @jezzaboyhas it spot on.

      Just how predictable are we? :) 

  13. Ok, which lucky bugger got the Tanglewood Bassmaster Funk on ebay for 97 quid?

    1. Bigwan


      Well if you want one... I know where there's one doing nothing... :ph34r:

    2. BassApprentice


      I picked one up for the princely sum of £50 a couple of years ago. Excellent value for money.

  14. Just resurrected my old mic stand (and when I say 'old', it still bears the name of a band I was in that split in 1988). Very rusty and creaky, but after disassembly an overnight soak in white vinegar and a clean-up with wire wool soon got rid of the rust on the adjusting bits, and with a bit of silicon WD spray here and there it's as good as... well, not good as new, but it's got a new lease of life.

    1. martthebass


      Just retired my old mic stand to the bin.  Can't complain, it probably did 400 gigs plus with me....what surprised me is it's replacement weighed about half as much.

  15. Just scored a Genz Benz Neo-Pak on fleabay. :D

    1. Witters


      Awesome!  Nice one.

  16. A bandmate and I are going to a friend's surprise birthday party tomorrow, and I thought I'd look into taking the train... the train journey takes 2.5 hours (there are changes) and will cost 60 quid return for the two of us... it's a 90 minute drive and will cost approx 20 quid in fuel for the return trip. This, right here, is why nobody travels by train.

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      Neither my wife or I drive, so we use public transport a fair amount. Train fares are an absolute rip off to get around the country. We got a "two together" rail card a while ago that helps bring the cost down, but it's still expensive.  That said, the amount of time we use the train, it probably still works out cheaper than owning a car.

  17. Having almost exclusively used my Sire V7 fiver for soul band gigs for the last few years, last night I took the Shuker out for a spin instead. Oh my god, I'd forgotten how lovely it is. I think the Sire will be gathering dust for a while. 

    1. TheGreek


      I often find that I've forgotten how good some of the great basses I have locked away in cases are. 

      Best surprise ever - a "new" bass for free.

  18. NSD... shiny new Elixir nickels on the ska bass :sun_bespectacled:

  19. The latest Coke TV ad uses a new version of Willie Dixon's "I Just Want To Make Love To You" recorded by Joséphine de la Baume. It is so bad, it makes me wish I hadn't bothered cleaning my ears out. It's straight in at #2 with a bullet on my 'Things That Make Me Scramble For The TV Mute Button' list (the #1 spot is permanently occupied by the Marc Jacobs 'Daisydaisydaisydaisy' advert).

    1. lowregisterhead


      I don't know why they do it. I suppose it could be a negative reinforcement thing - I would rant at the telly whenever that Tui ad came on with the feckless, insipid, breathy cod-swing version of Chaka Khan's glorious "Ain't Nobody", but the upshot of my ire is that I will never book a holiday with Tui. Ever. But then it was fairly unlikely I would have done before they pushed my blood pressure up several notches...

  20. A chance look at a frankenfender bass farcebook group now has me toying with the idea of making a 30" scale bass from a short scale neck and a Tele guitar body...


  21. Just fitted some shiny new Gotoh GB707 tuners to the Spector, replacing the cheapy no-names that were on there... oh my word, they are lovely. 


    1. Dood


      YUMMYYY!!!!! I MUCH prefer the look versus the smaller, weedy looking posts.  I recently dropped a set of res-o-lites I found cheap online on a Peavey Cirrus and they have similarly made a huge improvement. Gotoh definitely make my favourite tuning keys! 

  22. I drink a lot of coffee during the day. A lot. But none of it ever tastes as good as the first cup of the day.

    1. acidbass


      How much is a lot?

  23. 41 years ago today, the crews of the MV Union Star and the RNLI Penlee lifeboat Solomon Browne all perished in a force 12 storm off the Cornish coast. The actions of the Penlee boat crew were later described by the rescue helicopter pilot as "The greatest act of courage that I have ever seen, and am ever likely to see".


    1. TheGreek


      The ultimate in unappreciated jobs.


      Unpaid, being thrown about in the pissing down rain....you wouldn't get me out there.


      We should all be glad that somebody else is prepared to though.

  24. Been doing some troubleshooting on my mute switch/tuner output thingy that wasn't behaving as I was hoping. Turns out there was one hair-like strand of a wire that was sticking out from a soldered joint causing an intermittent short to ground. I obviously need to brush up on my wire tinning skills. *slaps self*

  25. This just popped up on my feed. I'm not a golfer, but even if I was, I don't think I'd be in a rush to play this course... image.png.6efac375b762a74cd35a1c186b2454af.png

    1. SpondonBassed


      He:  "Just popping out for a few holes dear!"


      She:  "Okay darling, I'll have your doughnut cushion nice and warm for you when you pop back in."


      Golfers:  Our balls are dimpled for extra pleasure.

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