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  1. Past hour
  2. Slightly weird and brilliant hardcore punk from Morgantown, West Virginia. Year 1986. They could play.
  3. An old favourite I'll always come back to. Italian anarcho punk from '92. The best two best female hardcore/punk vocals I've heard. (I only listen to the first two songs though. Not that the other two aren't any good, I'd just rather listen to the first two again.) Play it loud!
  4. Yesterday
  5. It is done, the Siredowsky (as it shall henceforth be known) lives! I haven't managed to give it a proper test yet, just a quick play through my little Vox amPlug to confirm everything was working, so I look forward to that tomorrow!



  6. I like to tinker, and I wouldn’t get that pleasure from a high end bass, not to mention being terrified to gig with it because of the inevitable punishment it would take. I like low/mid range basses that I’m not afraid to upgrade and play around with. Just ordered a Seymour Duncan pup for my HB five-string and I’ll take great pleasure from gigging with it.
  7. I will trade this for decent envelope filter with a downsweep.
  8. 60th birthday bash for a pal of our drummer at a posh cricket club in Edinburgh. We started at 9pm, so the guests were nicely lubricated and started dancing almost right away. We played a trick on birthday boy - while everyone was singing Happy Birthday at the interval, we went back on stage and when they'd finished we launched straight into the Altered Images song. It went down very well. I gave this wee Eden rig an outing as the venue was quite small. It was nice and loud, but I think another 112 cab or my 210 would have cut through a bit better. Something to try next time.
  9. How did it go? Well, there was dancing and whooping and clapping, but what it sounded like is a mystery. The venue has its own PA and the management set the levels via a tablet (except the bass, which no one told me to turn up or down) and the PA was too loud for me, painful at times, even with earplugs and I had to strain to hear my rig, which was right behind me (very small performance area). Turning on the VTDI added some top end that helped but I didn’t want a driven signal for all the tunes. Once we stopped playing, the place emptied, so it’s nice to think they stayed for us. Usual incomprehensible conversations with well oiled punters before the last set, I nodded and smiled.
  10. Interested to see the weight of this!
  11. I am aware. But I do not believe that SBMM would autonomously go ahead and do this without EBMM telling them to do so, hence my props going to EBMM.
  12. Saying "Ohms and Watts" is just lazy. Please use the full version , i.e. "Holmes and Watson".
  13. Rather handily the trim pots for the pickups (and also the three jog wheels for the bass/treble frequencies) are accessible when the pre is installed so should be realtively pain free. Should just need a screwdriver to adjust them. I've just put an East Uni in my backup bass, it's pretty transformative but unfortunately I want one in every bass now.
  14. EBMM don’t make the Sterling by Musicman instruments - it’s a completely different company and the SBMM instruments are made in the far East - that’s why the price is that much lower than an EBMM, California built instrument - those are on a par with (but actually cheaper than) Fender Custom Shop (team built) instruments 😉
  15. I once tried to park outside Tesco on the high street but Mick Jagger pointed out it was a clearway between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday through Saturday and, as it was 2:45pm on a Thursday, I was not allowed to park there.
  16. Hiya On my shuker it seems the washer and a nut have decided to go on holiday...no idea how , they are probably in the office /man cave ,hiding under some unexpected object but I can't locate them. I am so struggling to find a nut and washer without buying a new toggle switch which is wasteful https://photos.app.goo.gl/eSfyDThUBwZv5x6A7 Here are the pictures, it's an S2 with a Shuker circuit hooked up to EMG soapbars. Most of the ones I have seen now use a round locking nut rather than usual hexagon nut I might be being a bit dim Help !! Many thanks Ben
  17. Cheers lemmy - will have a look in the morning. No rehearsals till next friday, so i have time.
  18. Check the trim pots for the pickups aren't all the way down
  19. Fantastic box - I have an EC1 and 4x Camden 500 preamps. It’s an absolutely wonderful bass preamp ond top of being a top quality mic pre, studio processor, headphone amp, etc etc etc… If I ever start gigging double bass again it will definitely be my rig, be it with a mic or a pickup (though you can’t blend between the two to send to FOH)
  20. They might be the ones that belonged to the chap earlier in this thread who was selling 4 of them at once. I'd love to try a Longhorn but I'm 6'3" and can't help but think it'd look a bit silly on me. I'm fortunate to already own 2 late 90's Danos. A "Commie Red" DC59 and a Hodad in blue sparkle. Both have flats and sound superb.
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