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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1459971211' post='3021447'] I like the sound of the pick, good attack and clarity of notes, but struggling to get the fluency I had with fingers. [/quote] Its just practice. I'm quite a good pick player but dreadful at fingerstyle. Stick with it
  2. Cool. Mr Black seem to be making some great pedals. Personally I prefer Phasers with fewer stages so I bought a DOD 201 recently.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1457709703' post='3001207'] Just noticed the prices... What on earth makes the Bigsby version be worth two and a half times the cost of the entry level model? [/quote] Its hard to see exactly, but it seems the Bigsby one is made from different wood, has fancier pickups, locking tuners, different inlays, and has a fancy flamed maple top. And the Bigsby, obviously. Whether that's worth the extra money or not I don't know.
  4. I have some Superlux 681 Evos and they're great.
  5. The £40 zoom is basically a cheaper version of the highly rated B3. Good work.
  6. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1459684615' post='3018584'] The helix for me though is the most exciting multifx board I've seen. Really need to get one for an afternoon. However I would feel a bit uneasy having a 1500 quid bit of kit on the floor. [/quote] There's a rack version, but it costs more. Fretmeister has bought one, don't know if he's got his mitts on it yet though.
  7. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1459421076' post='3016327'] NBD!!!!!! Details to follow. Something to whet you appetite. [url="http://s308.photobucket.com/user/ezbass/media/P1100441_zpsvyo33ci3.jpg.html"][/url] NBD thread here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/282168-nbd-maruszczyk-content/page__pid__3016426#entry3016426"]http://basschat.co.u...26#entry3016426[/url] [/quote] If you'd described that to me I'd have not been impressed. When you see it, though...
  8. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1459240754' post='3014600'] I still think you should have a word with the guitarist, because if he hadn't given them his work email they couldn't send a "cancellation" there. [/quote] I agree with this too. Bands shouldn't be giving out any contact details that won't be reachable on the day of a gig. It's guaranteed to go wrong.
  9. f*** them. I'd be all over their Facebook page with the truth. Screenshots of emails, etc. Cancelling a gig is one thing, lying about it to people who came to see you is another entirely. I also agree with the folk saying "keep an eye on major events" in the future. You may not care about football but if you're in the entertainment business then it's your business to know what else is happening, and when.
  10. Thanks. Didn't varnish or lacquer but only because I don't have any. My pedals don't really get abused so it should be ok as-is but I'm going to keep an eye on it and varnish it if it begins to get damaged.
  11. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1458905831' post='3011998'] It's probably worth stopping this now, simply because you're going to get a bujillion different opinions. Firstly, you don't 'need' pedals, they should be introduced for a particular reason. So, what exactly are you trying to achieve tonally? What bands are you in? Any recordings we can listen to etc? Si [/quote] This. You don't "need" pedals. Is there a sound that you want to make that you are currently not able to?
  12. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1458253474' post='3006133'] Nice, neat job that - poodle parts stuff is really very good. [/quote] Thanks. The kits are really good and the daughter board is a godsend. That said, the instructions could be clearer in parts.
  13. Built this recently, Fuzzrite kit from Poodle Pedal Parts. Sounds great, really pleased with how the case came out.
  14. You need to be more specific as to what you need. The latest Zoom units are really good but they're in a completely different bracket to things like the Fractal Audio stuff or the Line6 Helix.
  15. New Order. Their latest lp is possibly their greatest ever.
  16. Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. Enforced jollity at its worst. The absolute gold standard in "I must be completely OTT about just HOW MUCH FUN I'm having". Absolutely detest it.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. Put the others in a cupboard or under the bed or whatever. Somewhere out of the way. If they're still there in six months sell them (although if you gig I'd keep one as a spare).
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1457126610' post='2995734'] As you lot haven't bought one, I'll have to take one for the team. The rack units won't land for another 4 or 5 weeks, but one has my name on it. [/quote] Good stuff. Although I must admit it worries me slightly that there are enough dodgy lawyers out there to keep you in quality gear ;-)
  20. A lot of weight "issues" can be solved with a good strap. I used to find a three hour practice tough, then I bought a well padded neoprene strap and have no issues at all now.
  21. When you say the xciter has a "dodgy" pot, what exactly do you mean?
  22. Going to hazard a guess that maybe a few little fluffs here and there could maybe be down to the fact that these guys were playing a tribute gig to their mate. Their (very recently) dead mate. Their dead mate whose songs they were playing. Their dead mate whose songs they were playing for the first time without him. But that's probably crazy talk, musicians are robots after all.
  23. I really agree with Stylon Pilson. Particularly about the "childish", "zany" drummer. As a 30-something professional this just screams "avoid, avoid, avoid".
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